#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2014-2015, Epic Games, Inc. import requests import time import json DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: circonus_annotation short_description: create an annotation in circonus description: - Create an annotation event with a given category, title and description. Optionally start, end or durations can be provided author: "Nick Harring (@NickatEpic)" version_added: 2.0 requirements: - urllib3 - requests - time options: api_key: description: - Circonus API key required: true category: description: - Annotation Category required: true description: description: - Description of annotation required: true title: description: - Title of annotation required: true start: description: - Unix timestamp of event start, defaults to now required: false stop: description: - Unix timestamp of event end, defaults to now + duration required: false duration: description: - Duration in seconds of annotation, defaults to 0 required: false ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Create a simple annotation event with a source, defaults to start and end time of now - circonus_annotation: api_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX title: 'App Config Change' description: 'This is a detailed description of the config change' category: 'This category groups like annotations' # Create an annotation with a duration of 5 minutes and a default start time of now - circonus_annotation: api_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX title: 'App Config Change' description: 'This is a detailed description of the config change' category: 'This category groups like annotations' duration: 300 # Create an annotation with a start_time and end_time - circonus_annotation: api_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX title: 'App Config Change' description: 'This is a detailed description of the config change' category: 'This category groups like annotations' start_time: 1395940006 end_time: 1395954407 ''' def post_annotation(annotation, api_key): ''' Takes annotation dict and api_key string''' base_url = 'https://api.circonus.com/v2' anootate_post_endpoint = '/annotation' resp = requests.post(base_url + anootate_post_endpoint, headers=build_headers(api_key), data=json.dumps(annotation)) resp.raise_for_status() return resp def create_annotation(module): ''' Takes ansible module object ''' annotation = {} if module.params['duration'] != None: duration = module.params['duration'] else: duration = 0 if module.params['start'] != None: start = module.params['start'] else: start = int(time.time()) if module.params['stop'] != None: stop = module.params['stop'] else: stop = int(time.time())+ duration annotation['start'] = int(start) annotation['stop'] = int(stop) annotation['category'] = module.params['category'] annotation['description'] = module.params['description'] annotation['title'] = module.params['title'] return annotation def build_headers(api_token): '''Takes api token, returns headers with it included.''' headers = {'X-Circonus-App-Name': 'ansible', 'Host': 'api.circonus.com', 'X-Circonus-Auth-Token': api_token, 'Accept': 'application/json'} return headers def main(): '''Main function, dispatches logic''' module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( start=dict(required=False, type='int'), stop=dict(required=False, type='int'), category=dict(required=True), title=dict(required=True), description=dict(required=True), duration=dict(required=False, type='int'), api_key=dict(required=True) ) ) annotation = create_annotation(module) try: resp = post_annotation(annotation, module.params['api_key']) except requests.exceptions.RequestException, err_str: module.fail_json(msg='Request Failed', reason=err_str) module.exit_json(changed=True, annotation=resp.json()) from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()