--- - debug: msg: "Executing tests with backend {{ select_crypto_backend }}" - name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get key 1 info openssl_privatekey_info: path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey_1.pem' select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}' register: result - name: Check that RSA key info is ok assert: that: - "'public_key' in result" - "'public_key_fingerprints' in result" - "'type' in result" - "result.type == 'RSA'" - "'public_data' in result" - "2 ** (result.public_data.size - 1) < result.public_data.modulus < 2 ** result.public_data.size" - "result.public_data.exponent > 5" - "'private_data' not in result" - name: Update result list set_fact: info_results: "{{ info_results | combine({'key1': result}) }}" - name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get key 2 info openssl_privatekey_info: path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey_2.pem' return_private_key_data: yes select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}' register: result - name: Check that RSA key info is ok assert: that: - "'public_key' in result" - "'public_key_fingerprints' in result" - "'type' in result" - "result.type == 'RSA'" - "'public_data' in result" - "result.public_data.size == 2048" - "2 ** (result.public_data.size - 1) < result.public_data.modulus < 2 ** result.public_data.size" - "result.public_data.exponent > 5" - "'private_data' in result" - "result.public_data.modulus == result.private_data.p * result.private_data.q" - "result.private_data.exponent > 5" - name: Update result list set_fact: info_results: "{{ info_results | combine({'key2': result}) }}" - name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get key 3 info (without passphrase) openssl_privatekey_info: path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey_3.pem' return_private_key_data: yes select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}' ignore_errors: yes register: result - name: Check that loading passphrase protected key without passphrase failed assert: that: - result is failed # Check that return values are there - result.can_load_key is defined - result.can_parse_key is defined # Check that return values are correct - result.can_load_key - not result.can_parse_key # Check that additional data isn't there - "'pulic_key' not in result" - "'pulic_key_fingerprints' not in result" - "'type' not in result" - "'public_data' not in result" - "'private_data' not in result" - name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get key 3 info (with passphrase) openssl_privatekey_info: path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey_3.pem' passphrase: hunter2 return_private_key_data: yes select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}' register: result - name: Check that RSA key info is ok assert: that: - "'public_key' in result" - "'public_key_fingerprints' in result" - "'type' in result" - "result.type == 'RSA'" - "'public_data' in result" - "2 ** (result.public_data.size - 1) < result.public_data.modulus < 2 ** result.public_data.size" - "result.public_data.exponent > 5" - "'private_data' in result" - "result.public_data.modulus == result.private_data.p * result.private_data.q" - "result.private_data.exponent > 5" - name: Update result list set_fact: info_results: "{{ info_results | combine({'key3': result}) }}" - name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get key 4 info openssl_privatekey_info: path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey_4.pem' return_private_key_data: yes select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}' register: result - block: - name: Check that ECC key info is ok assert: that: - "'public_key' in result" - "'public_key_fingerprints' in result" - "'type' in result" - "result.type == 'ECC'" - "'public_data' in result" - "result.public_data.curve is string" - "result.public_data.x != 0" - "result.public_data.y != 0" - "result.public_data.exponent_size == (521 if (ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '6') else 256)" - "'private_data' in result" - "result.private_data.multiplier > 1024" - name: Update result list set_fact: info_results: "{{ info_results | combine({'key4': result}) }}" when: select_crypto_backend != 'pyopenssl' or (pyopenssl_version.stdout is version('16.1.0', '>=') and cryptography_version.stdout is version('0.0', '>')) - name: Check that ECC key info is ok assert: that: - "'public_key' in result" - "'public_key_fingerprints' in result" - "'type' in result" - "result.type.startswith('unknown ')" - "'public_data' in result" - "'private_data' in result" when: select_crypto_backend == 'pyopenssl' and not (pyopenssl_version.stdout is version('16.1.0', '>=') and cryptography_version.stdout is version('0.0', '>')) - name: ({{select_crypto_backend}}) Get key 5 info openssl_privatekey_info: path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey_5.pem' return_private_key_data: yes select_crypto_backend: '{{ select_crypto_backend }}' register: result - name: Check that DSA key info is ok assert: that: - "'public_key' in result" - "'public_key_fingerprints' in result" - "'type' in result" - "result.type == 'DSA'" - "'public_data' in result" - "result.public_data.p > 2" - "result.public_data.q > 2" - "result.public_data.g >= 2" - "result.public_data.y > 2" - "'private_data' in result" - "result.private_data.x > 2" - name: Update result list set_fact: info_results: "{{ info_results | combine({'key5': result}) }}"