# NOTE: Set to a known starting value, store original - name: Change starting timezone to GMT win_timezone: timezone: GMT Standard Time register: original # NOTE: We don't know if it changed, we don't care - name: Test GMT timezone assert: that: - original.timezone == 'GMT Standard Time' - name: Change timezone to GMT+1 win_timezone: timezone: Romance Standard Time register: romance - name: Test GMT+1 timezone assert: that: - romance|changed - romance.previous_timezone == 'GMT Standard Time' - romance.timezone == 'Romance Standard Time' when: not in_check_mode - name: Test GMT+1 timezone assert: that: - romance|changed - romance.previous_timezone == original.timezone - romance.timezone == 'Romance Standard Time' when: in_check_mode - name: Change timezone to GMT+1 again win_timezone: timezone: Romance Standard Time register: romance - name: Test GMT+1 timezone assert: that: - not romance|changed - romance.previous_timezone == 'Romance Standard Time' - romance.timezone == 'Romance Standard Time' when: not in_check_mode - name: Test GMT+1 timezone assert: that: - romance|changed - romance.previous_timezone == original.timezone - romance.timezone == 'Romance Standard Time' when: in_check_mode - name: Change timezone to GMT+6 win_timezone: timezone: Central Standard Time register: central - name: Test GMT-6 timezone assert: that: - central|changed - central.previous_timezone == 'Romance Standard Time' - central.timezone == 'Central Standard Time' when: not in_check_mode - name: Test GMT+1 timezone assert: that: - central|changed - central.previous_timezone == original.timezone - central.timezone == 'Central Standard Time' when: in_check_mode - name: Change timezone to GMT+666 win_timezone: timezone: Dag's Standard Time register: dag ignore_errors: yes - name: Test GMT+666 timezone assert: that: - dag|failed - name: Restore original timezone win_timezone: timezone: '{{ original.timezone }}'