--- - name: Generate privatekey openssl_privatekey: path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem' - name: Generate privatekey with password openssl_privatekey: path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekeypw.pem' passphrase: hunter2 cipher: auto select_crypto_backend: cryptography - name: Generate CSR 1 openssl_csr: path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_1.csr' privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem' subject: commonName: www.example.com C: de L: Somewhere ST: Zurich streetAddress: Welcome Street O: Ansible organizationalUnitName: - Crypto Department - ACME Department serialNumber: "1234" SN: Last Name GN: First Name title: Chief pseudonym: test UID: asdf emailAddress: test@example.com postalAddress: 1234 Somewhere postalCode: "1234" useCommonNameForSAN: no key_usage: - digitalSignature - keyAgreement - Non Repudiation - Key Encipherment - dataEncipherment - Certificate Sign - cRLSign - Encipher Only - decipherOnly key_usage_critical: yes extended_key_usage: - serverAuth # the same as "TLS Web Server Authentication" - TLS Web Server Authentication - TLS Web Client Authentication - Code Signing - E-mail Protection - timeStamping - OCSPSigning - Any Extended Key Usage - qcStatements - DVCS - IPSec User - biometricInfo subject_alt_name: - "DNS:www.ansible.com" - "IP:" - "IP:::1" - "email:test@example.org" - "URI:https://example.org/test/index.html" basic_constraints: - "CA:TRUE" - "pathlen:23" basic_constraints_critical: yes ocsp_must_staple: yes - name: Generate CSR 2 openssl_csr: path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_2.csr' privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekeypw.pem' privatekey_passphrase: hunter2 useCommonNameForSAN: no basic_constraints: - "CA:TRUE" - name: Generate CSR 3 openssl_csr: path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_3.csr' privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem' useCommonNameForSAN: no subject_alt_name: - "DNS:*.ansible.com" - "DNS:*.example.org" - "IP:DEAD:BEEF::1" basic_constraints: - "CA:FALSE" - name: Generate CSR 4 openssl_csr: path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_4.csr' privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem' useCommonNameForSAN: no - name: Generate selfsigned certificates openssl_certificate: path: '{{ output_dir }}/cert_{{ item }}.pem' csr_path: '{{ output_dir }}/csr_{{ item }}.csr' privatekey_path: '{{ output_dir }}/privatekey.pem' provider: selfsigned selfsigned_digest: sha256 selfsigned_not_after: "+10d" selfsigned_not_before: "-3d" loop: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - name: Prepare result list set_fact: info_results: [] - name: Running tests with pyOpenSSL backend include_tasks: impl.yml vars: select_crypto_backend: pyopenssl when: pyopenssl_version.stdout is version('0.15', '>=') - name: Prepare result list set_fact: pyopenssl_info_results: "{{ info_results }}" info_results: [] - name: Running tests with cryptography backend include_tasks: impl.yml vars: select_crypto_backend: cryptography when: cryptography_version.stdout is version('1.6', '>=') - name: Prepare result list set_fact: cryptography_info_results: "{{ info_results }}" - block: - name: Dump pyOpenSSL results debug: var: pyopenssl_info_results - name: Dump cryptography results debug: var: cryptography_info_results - name: Compare results assert: that: - item.0 == item.1 quiet: yes loop: "{{ pyopenssl_info_results | zip(cryptography_info_results) | list }}" when: pyopenssl_version.stdout is version('0.15', '>=') and cryptography_version.stdout is version('1.6', '>=')