#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Ansible module to manage A10 Networks slb service-group objects (c) 2014, Mischa Peters This file is part of Ansible Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Ansible. If not, see . """ DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: a10_service_group version_added: 1.0 short_description: Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices description: - Manage slb service-group objects on A10 Networks devices via aXAPI author: Mischa Peters notes: - Requires A10 Networks aXAPI 2.1 - When a server doesn't exist and is added to the service-group the server will be created requirements: - urllib2 - re options: host: description: - hostname or ip of your A10 Networks device required: true default: null aliases: [] choices: [] username: description: - admin account of your A10 Networks device required: true default: null aliases: ['user', 'admin'] choices: [] password: description: - admin password of your A10 Networks device required: true default: null aliases: ['pass', 'pwd'] choices: [] service_group: description: - slb service-group name required: true default: null aliases: ['service', 'pool', 'group'] choices: [] service_group_protocol: description: - slb service-group protocol required: false default: tcp aliases: ['proto', 'protocol'] choices: ['tcp', 'udp'] service_group_method: description: - slb service-group loadbalancing method required: false default: round-robin aliases: ['method'] choices: ['round-robin', 'weighted-rr', 'least-connection', 'weighted-least-connection', 'service-least-connection', 'service-weighted-least-connection', 'fastest-response', 'least-request', 'round-robin-strict', 'src-ip-only-hash', 'src-ip-hash'] server_name: description: - slb server name required: false default: null aliases: ['server', 'member'] choices: [] server_port: description: - slb server port required: false default: null aliases: ['port'] choices: [] server_status: description: - slb server status required: false default: enabled aliases: ['status'] choices: ['enable', 'disable'] state: description: - create, remove or update slb service-group required: false default: present aliases: [] choices: ['present', 'absent'] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Create a new service-group ansible host -m a10_service_group -a "host=a10adc.example.com username=axapiuser password=axapipass service_group=sg-80-tcp" # Add a server ansible host -m a10_service_group -a "host=a10adc.example.com username=axapiuser password=axapipass service_group=sg-80-tcp server_name=realserver1 server_port=80" # Disable a server ansible host -m a10_service_group -a "host=a10adc.example.com username=axapiuser password=axapipass service_group=sg-80-tcp server_name=realserver1 server_port=80 status=disable" ''' import urllib2 def axapi_call(url, post=None): result = urllib2.urlopen(url, post).read() return result def axapi_authenticate(base_url, user, pwd): url = base_url + '&method=authenticate&username=' + user + \ '&password=' + pwd result = json.loads(axapi_call(url)) if 'response' in result: return module.fail_json(msg=result['response']['err']['msg']) sessid = result['session_id'] return base_url + '&session_id=' + sessid def main(): global module module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( host=dict(type='str', required=True), username=dict(type='str', aliases=['user', 'admin'], required=True), password=dict(type='str', aliases=['pass', 'pwd'], required=True), service_group=dict(type='str', aliases=['service', 'pool', 'group'], required=True), service_group_protocol=dict(type='str', default='tcp', aliases=['proto', 'protocol'], choices=['tcp', 'udp']), service_group_method=dict(type='str', default='round-robin', aliases=['method'], choices=['round-robin', 'weighted-rr', 'least-connection', 'weighted-least-connection', 'service-least-connection', 'service-weighted-least-connection', 'fastest-response', 'least-request', 'round-robin-strict', 'src-ip-only-hash', 'src-ip-hash']), server_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['server', 'member']), server_port=dict(type='int', aliases=['port']), server_status=dict(type='str', default='enable', aliases=['status'], choices=['enable', 'disable']), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), ), supports_check_mode=False ) host = module.params['host'] user = module.params['username'] pwd = module.params['password'] slb_service_group = module.params['service_group'] slb_service_group_proto = module.params['service_group_protocol'] slb_service_group_method = module.params['service_group_method'] slb_server = module.params['server_name'] slb_server_port = module.params['server_port'] slb_server_status = module.params['server_status'] state = module.params['state'] axapi_base_url = 'https://' + host + '/services/rest/V2.1/?format=json' load_balancing_methods = {'round-robin': 0, 'weighted-rr': 1, 'least-connection': 2, 'weighted-least-connection': 3, 'service-least-connection': 4, 'service-weighted-least-connection': 5, 'fastest-response': 6, 'least-request': 7, 'round-robin-strict': 8, 'src-ip-only-hash': 14, 'src-ip-hash': 15} if slb_service_group_proto == 'tcp' or slb_service_group_proto == 'TCP': protocol = '2' else: protocol = '3' if slb_server_status == 'enable': status = '1' else: status = '0' if slb_service_group is None: module.fail_json(msg='service_group is required') if slb_server is None and slb_server_port is None: json_post = {'service_group': {'name': slb_service_group, 'protocol': protocol, 'lb_method': load_balancing_methods[slb_service_group_method]}} elif slb_server is not None and slb_server_port is not None: json_post = {'service_group': {'name': slb_service_group, 'protocol': protocol, 'lb_method': load_balancing_methods[slb_service_group_method], 'member_list': [{'server': slb_server, 'port': slb_server_port, 'status': status}]}} else: module.fail_json(msg='server_name and server_name_port are \ required to add to the service-group') try: session_url = axapi_authenticate(axapi_base_url, user, pwd) if state == 'present': response = axapi_call(session_url + '&method=slb.service_group.search', json.dumps({'name': slb_service_group})) slb_service_group_exist = re.search(slb_service_group, response, re.I) if slb_service_group_exist is None: response = axapi_call(session_url + '&method=slb.service_group.create', json.dumps(json_post)) else: response = axapi_call(session_url + '&method=slb.service_group.update', json.dumps(json_post)) if state == 'absent': response = axapi_call(session_url + '&method=slb.service_group.delete', json.dumps({'name': slb_service_group})) result = json.loads(response) axapi_call(session_url + '&method=session.close') except Exception, e: return module.fail_json(msg='received exception: %s' % e) if 'respone' in result and 'err' in result['response']: return module.fail_json(msg=result['response']['err']['msg']) module.exit_json(changed=True, content=result) from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()