#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2014, Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright: (c) 2014, Tim Bielawa # Copyright: (c) 2014, Magnus Hedemark # Copyright: (c) 2017, Dag Wieers # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: xml short_description: Manage bits and pieces of XML files or strings description: - A CRUD-like interface to managing bits of XML files. version_added: '2.4' options: path: description: - Path to the file to operate on. - This file must exist ahead of time. - This parameter is required, unless C(xmlstring) is given. type: path required: yes aliases: [ dest, file ] xmlstring: description: - A string containing XML on which to operate. - This parameter is required, unless C(path) is given. type: str required: yes xpath: description: - A valid XPath expression describing the item(s) you want to manipulate. - Operates on the document root, C(/), by default. type: str namespaces: description: - The namespace C(prefix:uri) mapping for the XPath expression. - Needs to be a C(dict), not a C(list) of items. type: dict state: description: - Set or remove an xpath selection (node(s), attribute(s)). type: str choices: [ absent, present ] default: present aliases: [ ensure ] attribute: description: - The attribute to select when using parameter C(value). - This is a string, not prepended with C(@). type: raw value: description: - Desired state of the selected attribute. - Either a string, or to unset a value, the Python C(None) keyword (YAML Equivalent, C(null)). - Elements default to no value (but present). - Attributes default to an empty string. type: raw add_children: description: - Add additional child-element(s) to a selected element for a given C(xpath). - Child elements must be given in a list and each item may be either a string (eg. C(children=ansible) to add an empty C() child element), or a hash where the key is an element name and the value is the element value. - This parameter requires C(xpath) to be set. type: list set_children: description: - Set the child-element(s) of a selected element for a given C(xpath). - Removes any existing children. - Child elements must be specified as in C(add_children). - This parameter requires C(xpath) to be set. type: list count: description: - Search for a given C(xpath) and provide the count of any matches. - This parameter requires C(xpath) to be set. type: bool default: no print_match: description: - Search for a given C(xpath) and print out any matches. - This parameter requires C(xpath) to be set. type: bool default: no pretty_print: description: - Pretty print XML output. type: bool default: no content: description: - Search for a given C(xpath) and get content. - This parameter requires C(xpath) to be set. type: str choices: [ attribute, text ] input_type: description: - Type of input for C(add_children) and C(set_children). type: str choices: [ xml, yaml ] default: yaml backup: description: - Create a backup file including the timestamp information so you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly. type: bool default: no strip_cdata_tags: description: - Remove CDATA tags surrounding text values. - Note that this might break your XML file if text values contain characters that could be interpreted as XML. type: bool default: no version_added: '2.7' insertbefore: description: - Add additional child-element(s) before the first selected element for a given C(xpath). - Child elements must be given in a list and each item may be either a string (eg. C(children=ansible) to add an empty C() child element), or a hash where the key is an element name and the value is the element value. - This parameter requires C(xpath) to be set. type: bool default: no version_added: '2.8' insertafter: description: - Add additional child-element(s) after the last selected element for a given C(xpath). - Child elements must be given in a list and each item may be either a string (eg. C(children=ansible) to add an empty C() child element), or a hash where the key is an element name and the value is the element value. - This parameter requires C(xpath) to be set. type: bool default: no version_added: '2.8' requirements: - lxml >= 2.3.0 notes: - Use the C(--check) and C(--diff) options when testing your expressions. - The diff output is automatically pretty-printed, so may not reflect the actual file content, only the file structure. - This module does not handle complicated xpath expressions, so limit xpath selectors to simple expressions. - Beware that in case your XML elements are namespaced, you need to use the C(namespaces) parameter, see the examples. - Namespaces prefix should be used for all children of an element where namespace is defined, unless another namespace is defined for them. seealso: - name: Xml module development community wiki description: More information related to the development of this xml module. link: https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Module:-xml - name: Introduction to XPath description: A brief tutorial on XPath (w3schools.com). link: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.asp - name: XPath Reference document description: The reference documentation on XSLT/XPath (developer.mozilla.org). link: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/XPath author: - Tim Bielawa (@tbielawa) - Magnus Hedemark (@magnus919) - Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' # Consider the following XML file: # # # Tasty Beverage Co. # # Rochefort 10 # St. Bernardus Abbot 12 # Schlitz # # 10 # # #
- name: Remove the 'subjective' attribute of the 'rating' element xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/rating/@subjective state: absent - name: Set the rating to '11' xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/rating value: 11 # Retrieve and display the number of nodes - name: Get count of 'beers' nodes xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/beers/beer count: yes register: hits - debug: var: hits.count # Example where parent XML nodes are created automatically - name: Add a 'phonenumber' element to the 'business' element xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/phonenumber value: 555-555-1234 - name: Add several more beers to the 'beers' element xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/beers add_children: - beer: Old Rasputin - beer: Old Motor Oil - beer: Old Curmudgeon - name: Add several more beers to the 'beers' element and add them before the 'Rochefort 10' element xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: '/business/beers/beer[text()="Rochefort 10"]' insertbefore: yes add_children: - beer: Old Rasputin - beer: Old Motor Oil - beer: Old Curmudgeon # NOTE: The 'state' defaults to 'present' and 'value' defaults to 'null' for elements - name: Add a 'validxhtml' element to the 'website' element xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/website/validxhtml - name: Add an empty 'validatedon' attribute to the 'validxhtml' element xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/website/validxhtml/@validatedon - name: Add or modify an attribute, add element if needed xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/website/validxhtml attribute: validatedon value: 1976-08-05 # How to read an attribute value and access it in Ansible - name: Read an element's attribute values xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/website/validxhtml content: attribute register: xmlresp - name: Show an attribute value debug: var: xmlresp.matches[0].validxhtml.validatedon - name: Remove all children from the 'website' element (option 1) xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/website/* state: absent - name: Remove all children from the 'website' element (option 2) xml: path: /foo/bar.xml xpath: /business/website children: [] # In case of namespaces, like in below XML, they have to be explicitly stated. # # # # # # # NOTE: There is the prefix 'x' in front of the 'bar' element, too. - name: Set namespaced '/x:foo/x:bar/y:baz/@z:my_namespaced_attribute' to 'false' xml: path: foo.xml xpath: /x:foo/x:bar/y:baz namespaces: x: http://x.test y: http://y.test z: http://z.test attribute: z:my_namespaced_attribute value: 'false' ''' RETURN = r''' actions: description: A dictionary with the original xpath, namespaces and state. type: dict returned: success sample: {xpath: xpath, namespaces: [namespace1, namespace2], state=present} backup_file: description: The name of the backup file that was created type: str returned: when backup=yes sample: /path/to/file.xml.1942.2017-08-24@14:16:01~ count: description: The count of xpath matches. type: int returned: when parameter 'count' is set sample: 2 matches: description: The xpath matches found. type: list returned: when parameter 'print_match' is set msg: description: A message related to the performed action(s). type: str returned: always xmlstring: description: An XML string of the resulting output. type: str returned: when parameter 'xmlstring' is set ''' import copy import json import os import re import traceback from distutils.version import LooseVersion from io import BytesIO LXML_IMP_ERR = None try: from lxml import etree, objectify HAS_LXML = True except ImportError: LXML_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAS_LXML = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, json_dict_bytes_to_unicode, missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, string_types from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import MutableMapping _IDENT = r"[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*" _NSIDENT = _IDENT + "|" + _IDENT + ":" + _IDENT # Note: we can't reasonably support the 'if you need to put both ' and " in a string, concatenate # strings wrapped by the other delimiter' XPath trick, especially as simple XPath. _XPSTR = "('(?:.*)'|\"(?:.*)\")" _RE_SPLITSIMPLELAST = re.compile("^(.*)/(" + _NSIDENT + ")$") _RE_SPLITSIMPLELASTEQVALUE = re.compile("^(.*)/(" + _NSIDENT + ")/text\\(\\)=" + _XPSTR + "$") _RE_SPLITSIMPLEATTRLAST = re.compile("^(.*)/(@(?:" + _NSIDENT + "))$") _RE_SPLITSIMPLEATTRLASTEQVALUE = re.compile("^(.*)/(@(?:" + _NSIDENT + "))=" + _XPSTR + "$") _RE_SPLITSUBLAST = re.compile("^(.*)/(" + _NSIDENT + ")\\[(.*)\\]$") _RE_SPLITONLYEQVALUE = re.compile("^(.*)/text\\(\\)=" + _XPSTR + "$") def has_changed(doc): orig_obj = etree.tostring(objectify.fromstring(etree.tostring(orig_doc))) obj = etree.tostring(objectify.fromstring(etree.tostring(doc))) return (orig_obj != obj) def do_print_match(module, tree, xpath, namespaces): match = tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces) match_xpaths = [] for m in match: match_xpaths.append(tree.getpath(m)) match_str = json.dumps(match_xpaths) msg = "selector '%s' match: %s" % (xpath, match_str) finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed=False, msg=msg) def count_nodes(module, tree, xpath, namespaces): """ Return the count of nodes matching the xpath """ hits = tree.xpath("count(/%s)" % xpath, namespaces=namespaces) msg = "found %d nodes" % hits finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed=False, msg=msg, hitcount=int(hits)) def is_node(tree, xpath, namespaces): """ Test if a given xpath matches anything and if that match is a node. For now we just assume you're only searching for one specific thing.""" if xpath_matches(tree, xpath, namespaces): # OK, it found something match = tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces) if isinstance(match[0], etree._Element): return True return False def is_attribute(tree, xpath, namespaces): """ Test if a given xpath matches and that match is an attribute An xpath attribute search will only match one item""" if xpath_matches(tree, xpath, namespaces): match = tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces) if isinstance(match[0], etree._ElementStringResult): return True elif isinstance(match[0], etree._ElementUnicodeResult): return True return False def xpath_matches(tree, xpath, namespaces): """ Test if a node exists """ if tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces): return True return False def delete_xpath_target(module, tree, xpath, namespaces): """ Delete an attribute or element from a tree """ try: for result in tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces): # Get the xpath for this result if is_attribute(tree, xpath, namespaces): # Delete an attribute parent = result.getparent() # Pop this attribute match out of the parent # node's 'attrib' dict by using this match's # 'attrname' attribute for the key parent.attrib.pop(result.attrname) elif is_node(tree, xpath, namespaces): # Delete an element result.getparent().remove(result) else: raise Exception("Impossible error") except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="Couldn't delete xpath target: %s (%s)" % (xpath, e)) else: finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed=True) def replace_children_of(children, match): for element in list(match): match.remove(element) match.extend(children) def set_target_children_inner(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, children, in_type): matches = tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces) # Create a list of our new children children = children_to_nodes(module, children, in_type) children_as_string = [etree.tostring(c) for c in children] changed = False # xpaths always return matches as a list, so.... for match in matches: # Check if elements differ if len(list(match)) == len(children): for idx, element in enumerate(list(match)): if etree.tostring(element) != children_as_string[idx]: replace_children_of(children, match) changed = True break else: replace_children_of(children, match) changed = True return changed def set_target_children(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, children, in_type): changed = set_target_children_inner(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, children, in_type) # Write it out finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed=changed) def add_target_children(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, children, in_type, insertbefore, insertafter): if is_node(tree, xpath, namespaces): new_kids = children_to_nodes(module, children, in_type) if insertbefore or insertafter: insert_target_children(tree, xpath, namespaces, new_kids, insertbefore, insertafter) else: for node in tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces): node.extend(new_kids) finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed=True) else: finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces) def insert_target_children(tree, xpath, namespaces, children, insertbefore, insertafter): """ Insert the given children before or after the given xpath. If insertbefore is True, it is inserted before the first xpath hit, with insertafter, it is inserted after the last xpath hit. """ insert_target = tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces) loc_index = 0 if insertbefore else -1 index_in_parent = insert_target[loc_index].getparent().index(insert_target[loc_index]) parent = insert_target[0].getparent() if insertafter: index_in_parent += 1 for child in children: parent.insert(index_in_parent, child) index_in_parent += 1 def _extract_xpstr(g): return g[1:-1] def split_xpath_last(xpath): """split an XPath of the form /foo/bar/baz into /foo/bar and baz""" xpath = xpath.strip() m = _RE_SPLITSIMPLELAST.match(xpath) if m: # requesting an element to exist return (m.group(1), [(m.group(2), None)]) m = _RE_SPLITSIMPLELASTEQVALUE.match(xpath) if m: # requesting an element to exist with an inner text return (m.group(1), [(m.group(2), _extract_xpstr(m.group(3)))]) m = _RE_SPLITSIMPLEATTRLAST.match(xpath) if m: # requesting an attribute to exist return (m.group(1), [(m.group(2), None)]) m = _RE_SPLITSIMPLEATTRLASTEQVALUE.match(xpath) if m: # requesting an attribute to exist with a value return (m.group(1), [(m.group(2), _extract_xpstr(m.group(3)))]) m = _RE_SPLITSUBLAST.match(xpath) if m: content = [x.strip() for x in m.group(3).split(" and ")] return (m.group(1), [('/' + m.group(2), content)]) m = _RE_SPLITONLYEQVALUE.match(xpath) if m: # requesting a change of inner text return (m.group(1), [("", _extract_xpstr(m.group(2)))]) return (xpath, []) def nsnameToClark(name, namespaces): if ":" in name: (nsname, rawname) = name.split(":") # return "{{%s}}%s" % (namespaces[nsname], rawname) return "{{{0}}}{1}".format(namespaces[nsname], rawname) # no namespace name here return name def check_or_make_target(module, tree, xpath, namespaces): (inner_xpath, changes) = split_xpath_last(xpath) if (inner_xpath == xpath) or (changes is None): module.fail_json(msg="Can't process Xpath %s in order to spawn nodes! tree is %s" % (xpath, etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True))) return False changed = False if not is_node(tree, inner_xpath, namespaces): changed = check_or_make_target(module, tree, inner_xpath, namespaces) # we test again after calling check_or_make_target if is_node(tree, inner_xpath, namespaces) and changes: for (eoa, eoa_value) in changes: if eoa and eoa[0] != '@' and eoa[0] != '/': # implicitly creating an element new_kids = children_to_nodes(module, [nsnameToClark(eoa, namespaces)], "yaml") if eoa_value: for nk in new_kids: nk.text = eoa_value for node in tree.xpath(inner_xpath, namespaces=namespaces): node.extend(new_kids) changed = True # module.fail_json(msg="now tree=%s" % etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)) elif eoa and eoa[0] == '/': element = eoa[1:] new_kids = children_to_nodes(module, [nsnameToClark(element, namespaces)], "yaml") for node in tree.xpath(inner_xpath, namespaces=namespaces): node.extend(new_kids) for nk in new_kids: for subexpr in eoa_value: # module.fail_json(msg="element=%s subexpr=%s node=%s now tree=%s" % # (element, subexpr, etree.tostring(node, pretty_print=True), etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)) check_or_make_target(module, nk, "./" + subexpr, namespaces) changed = True # module.fail_json(msg="now tree=%s" % etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)) elif eoa == "": for node in tree.xpath(inner_xpath, namespaces=namespaces): if (node.text != eoa_value): node.text = eoa_value changed = True elif eoa and eoa[0] == '@': attribute = nsnameToClark(eoa[1:], namespaces) for element in tree.xpath(inner_xpath, namespaces=namespaces): changing = (attribute not in element.attrib or element.attrib[attribute] != eoa_value) if changing: changed = changed or changing if eoa_value is None: value = "" else: value = eoa_value element.attrib[attribute] = value # module.fail_json(msg="arf %s changing=%s as curval=%s changed tree=%s" % # (xpath, changing, etree.tostring(tree, changing, element[attribute], pretty_print=True))) else: module.fail_json(msg="unknown tree transformation=%s" % etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)) return changed def ensure_xpath_exists(module, tree, xpath, namespaces): changed = False if not is_node(tree, xpath, namespaces): changed = check_or_make_target(module, tree, xpath, namespaces) finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed) def set_target_inner(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, attribute, value): changed = False try: if not is_node(tree, xpath, namespaces): changed = check_or_make_target(module, tree, xpath, namespaces) except Exception as e: missing_namespace = "" # NOTE: This checks only the namespaces defined in root element! # TODO: Implement a more robust check to check for child namespaces' existence if tree.getroot().nsmap and ":" not in xpath: missing_namespace = "XML document has namespace(s) defined, but no namespace prefix(es) used in xpath!\n" module.fail_json(msg="%sXpath %s causes a failure: %s\n -- tree is %s" % (missing_namespace, xpath, e, etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if not is_node(tree, xpath, namespaces): module.fail_json(msg="Xpath %s does not reference a node! tree is %s" % (xpath, etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True))) for element in tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces): if not attribute: changed = changed or (element.text != value) if element.text != value: element.text = value else: changed = changed or (element.get(attribute) != value) if ":" in attribute: attr_ns, attr_name = attribute.split(":") # attribute = "{{%s}}%s" % (namespaces[attr_ns], attr_name) attribute = "{{{0}}}{1}".format(namespaces[attr_ns], attr_name) if element.get(attribute) != value: element.set(attribute, value) return changed def set_target(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, attribute, value): changed = set_target_inner(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, attribute, value) finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed) def get_element_text(module, tree, xpath, namespaces): if not is_node(tree, xpath, namespaces): module.fail_json(msg="Xpath %s does not reference a node!" % xpath) elements = [] for element in tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces): elements.append({element.tag: element.text}) finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed=False, msg=len(elements), hitcount=len(elements), matches=elements) def get_element_attr(module, tree, xpath, namespaces): if not is_node(tree, xpath, namespaces): module.fail_json(msg="Xpath %s does not reference a node!" % xpath) elements = [] for element in tree.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces): child = {} for key in element.keys(): value = element.get(key) child.update({key: value}) elements.append({element.tag: child}) finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed=False, msg=len(elements), hitcount=len(elements), matches=elements) def child_to_element(module, child, in_type): if in_type == 'xml': infile = BytesIO(to_bytes(child, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) try: parser = etree.XMLParser() node = etree.parse(infile, parser) return node.getroot() except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: module.fail_json(msg="Error while parsing child element: %s" % e) elif in_type == 'yaml': if isinstance(child, string_types): return etree.Element(child) elif isinstance(child, MutableMapping): if len(child) > 1: module.fail_json(msg="Can only create children from hashes with one key") (key, value) = next(iteritems(child)) if isinstance(value, MutableMapping): children = value.pop('_', None) node = etree.Element(key, value) if children is not None: if not isinstance(children, list): module.fail_json(msg="Invalid children type: %s, must be list." % type(children)) subnodes = children_to_nodes(module, children) node.extend(subnodes) else: node = etree.Element(key) node.text = value return node else: module.fail_json(msg="Invalid child type: %s. Children must be either strings or hashes." % type(child)) else: module.fail_json(msg="Invalid child input type: %s. Type must be either xml or yaml." % in_type) def children_to_nodes(module=None, children=None, type='yaml'): """turn a str/hash/list of str&hash into a list of elements""" children = [] if children is None else children return [child_to_element(module, child, type) for child in children] def make_pretty(module, tree): xml_string = etree.tostring(tree, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=module.params['pretty_print']) result = dict( changed=False, ) if module.params['path']: xml_file = module.params['path'] with open(xml_file, 'rb') as xml_content: if xml_string != xml_content.read(): result['changed'] = True if not module.check_mode: if module.params['backup']: result['backup_file'] = module.backup_local(module.params['path']) tree.write(xml_file, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=module.params['pretty_print']) elif module.params['xmlstring']: result['xmlstring'] = xml_string # NOTE: Modifying a string is not considered a change ! if xml_string != module.params['xmlstring']: result['changed'] = True module.exit_json(**result) def finish(module, tree, xpath, namespaces, changed=False, msg='', hitcount=0, matches=tuple()): result = dict( actions=dict( xpath=xpath, namespaces=namespaces, state=module.params['state'] ), changed=has_changed(tree), ) if module.params['count'] or hitcount: result['count'] = hitcount if module.params['print_match'] or matches: result['matches'] = matches if msg: result['msg'] = msg if result['changed']: if module._diff: result['diff'] = dict( before=etree.tostring(orig_doc, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True), after=etree.tostring(tree, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True), ) if module.params['path'] and not module.check_mode: if module.params['backup']: result['backup_file'] = module.backup_local(module.params['path']) tree.write(module.params['path'], xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=module.params['pretty_print']) if module.params['xmlstring']: result['xmlstring'] = etree.tostring(tree, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=module.params['pretty_print']) module.exit_json(**result) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( path=dict(type='path', aliases=['dest', 'file']), xmlstring=dict(type='str'), xpath=dict(type='str'), namespaces=dict(type='dict', default={}), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present'], aliases=['ensure']), value=dict(type='raw'), attribute=dict(type='raw'), add_children=dict(type='list'), set_children=dict(type='list'), count=dict(type='bool', default=False), print_match=dict(type='bool', default=False), pretty_print=dict(type='bool', default=False), content=dict(type='str', choices=['attribute', 'text']), input_type=dict(type='str', default='yaml', choices=['xml', 'yaml']), backup=dict(type='bool', default=False), strip_cdata_tags=dict(type='bool', default=False), insertbefore=dict(type='bool', default=False), insertafter=dict(type='bool', default=False), ), supports_check_mode=True, required_by=dict( add_children=['xpath'], # TODO: Reinstate this in Ansible v2.12 when we have deprecated the incorrect use below # attribute=['value'], content=['xpath'], set_children=['xpath'], value=['xpath'], ), required_if=[ ['count', True, ['xpath']], ['print_match', True, ['xpath']], ['insertbefore', True, ['xpath']], ['insertafter', True, ['xpath']], ], required_one_of=[ ['path', 'xmlstring'], ['add_children', 'content', 'count', 'pretty_print', 'print_match', 'set_children', 'value'], ], mutually_exclusive=[ ['add_children', 'content', 'count', 'print_match', 'set_children', 'value'], ['path', 'xmlstring'], ['insertbefore', 'insertafter'], ], ) xml_file = module.params['path'] xml_string = module.params['xmlstring'] xpath = module.params['xpath'] namespaces = module.params['namespaces'] state = module.params['state'] value = json_dict_bytes_to_unicode(module.params['value']) attribute = module.params['attribute'] set_children = json_dict_bytes_to_unicode(module.params['set_children']) add_children = json_dict_bytes_to_unicode(module.params['add_children']) pretty_print = module.params['pretty_print'] content = module.params['content'] input_type = module.params['input_type'] print_match = module.params['print_match'] count = module.params['count'] backup = module.params['backup'] strip_cdata_tags = module.params['strip_cdata_tags'] insertbefore = module.params['insertbefore'] insertafter = module.params['insertafter'] # Check if we have lxml 2.3.0 or newer installed if not HAS_LXML: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib("lxml"), exception=LXML_IMP_ERR) elif LooseVersion('.'.join(to_native(f) for f in etree.LXML_VERSION)) < LooseVersion('2.3.0'): module.fail_json(msg='The xml ansible module requires lxml 2.3.0 or newer installed on the managed machine') elif LooseVersion('.'.join(to_native(f) for f in etree.LXML_VERSION)) < LooseVersion('3.0.0'): module.warn('Using lxml version lower than 3.0.0 does not guarantee predictable element attribute order.') # Report wrongly used attribute parameter when using content=attribute # TODO: Remove this in Ansible v2.12 (and reinstate strict parameter test above) and remove the integration test example if content == 'attribute' and attribute is not None: module.deprecate("Parameter 'attribute=%s' is ignored when using 'content=attribute' only 'xpath' is used. Please remove entry." % attribute, '2.12', collection_name='ansible.builtin') # Check if the file exists if xml_string: infile = BytesIO(to_bytes(xml_string, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) elif os.path.isfile(xml_file): infile = open(xml_file, 'rb') else: module.fail_json(msg="The target XML source '%s' does not exist." % xml_file) # Parse and evaluate xpath expression if xpath is not None: try: etree.XPath(xpath) except etree.XPathSyntaxError as e: module.fail_json(msg="Syntax error in xpath expression: %s (%s)" % (xpath, e)) except etree.XPathEvalError as e: module.fail_json(msg="Evaluation error in xpath expression: %s (%s)" % (xpath, e)) # Try to parse in the target XML file try: parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=pretty_print, strip_cdata=strip_cdata_tags) doc = etree.parse(infile, parser) except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: module.fail_json(msg="Error while parsing document: %s (%s)" % (xml_file or 'xml_string', e)) # Ensure we have the original copy to compare global orig_doc orig_doc = copy.deepcopy(doc) if print_match: do_print_match(module, doc, xpath, namespaces) if count: count_nodes(module, doc, xpath, namespaces) if content == 'attribute': get_element_attr(module, doc, xpath, namespaces) elif content == 'text': get_element_text(module, doc, xpath, namespaces) # File exists: if state == 'absent': # - absent: delete xpath target delete_xpath_target(module, doc, xpath, namespaces) # - present: carry on # children && value both set?: should have already aborted by now # add_children && set_children both set?: should have already aborted by now # set_children set? if set_children: set_target_children(module, doc, xpath, namespaces, set_children, input_type) # add_children set? if add_children: add_target_children(module, doc, xpath, namespaces, add_children, input_type, insertbefore, insertafter) # No?: Carry on # Is the xpath target an attribute selector? if value is not None: set_target(module, doc, xpath, namespaces, attribute, value) # If an xpath was provided, we need to do something with the data if xpath is not None: ensure_xpath_exists(module, doc, xpath, namespaces) # Otherwise only reformat the xml data? if pretty_print: make_pretty(module, doc) module.fail_json(msg="Don't know what to do") if __name__ == '__main__': main()