#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) 2017, René Moser # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: cs_service_offering description: - Create and delete service offerings for guest and system VMs. - Update display_text of existing service offering. short_description: Manages service offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds. version_added: '2.5' author: René Moser (@resmo) options: disk_bytes_read_rate: description: - Bytes read rate of the disk offering. type: int aliases: [ bytes_read_rate ] disk_bytes_write_rate: description: - Bytes write rate of the disk offering. type: int aliases: [ bytes_write_rate ] cpu_number: description: - The number of CPUs of the service offering. type: int cpu_speed: description: - The CPU speed of the service offering in MHz. type: int limit_cpu_usage: description: - Restrict the CPU usage to committed service offering. type: bool deployment_planner: description: - The deployment planner heuristics used to deploy a VM of this offering. - If not set, the value of global config I(vm.deployment.planner) is used. type: str display_text: description: - Display text of the service offering. - If not set, I(name) will be used as I(display_text) while creating. type: str domain: description: - Domain the service offering is related to. - Public for all domains and subdomains if not set. type: str host_tags: description: - The host tags for this service offering. type: list aliases: - host_tag hypervisor_snapshot_reserve: description: - Hypervisor snapshot reserve space as a percent of a volume. - Only for managed storage using Xen or VMware. type: int is_iops_customized: description: - Whether compute offering iops is custom or not. type: bool aliases: [ disk_iops_customized ] disk_iops_read_rate: description: - IO requests read rate of the disk offering. type: int disk_iops_write_rate: description: - IO requests write rate of the disk offering. type: int disk_iops_max: description: - Max. iops of the compute offering. type: int disk_iops_min: description: - Min. iops of the compute offering. type: int is_system: description: - Whether it is a system VM offering or not. type: bool default: no is_volatile: description: - Whether the virtual machine needs to be volatile or not. - Every reboot of VM the root disk is detached then destroyed and a fresh root disk is created and attached to VM. type: bool memory: description: - The total memory of the service offering in MB. type: int name: description: - Name of the service offering. type: str required: true network_rate: description: - Data transfer rate in Mb/s allowed. - Supported only for non-system offering and system offerings having I(system_vm_type=domainrouter). type: int offer_ha: description: - Whether HA is set for the service offering. type: bool default: no provisioning_type: description: - Provisioning type used to create volumes. type: str choices: - thin - sparse - fat service_offering_details: description: - Details for planner, used to store specific parameters. - A list of dictionaries having keys C(key) and C(value). type: list state: description: - State of the service offering. type: str choices: - present - absent default: present storage_type: description: - The storage type of the service offering. type: str choices: - local - shared system_vm_type: description: - The system VM type. - Required if I(is_system=yes). type: str choices: - domainrouter - consoleproxy - secondarystoragevm storage_tags: description: - The storage tags for this service offering. type: list aliases: - storage_tag is_customized: description: - Whether the offering is customizable or not. type: bool version_added: '2.8' extends_documentation_fragment: cloudstack ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create a non-volatile compute service offering with local storage cs_service_offering: name: Micro display_text: Micro 512mb 1cpu cpu_number: 1 cpu_speed: 2198 memory: 512 host_tags: eco storage_type: local delegate_to: localhost - name: Create a volatile compute service offering with shared storage cs_service_offering: name: Tiny display_text: Tiny 1gb 1cpu cpu_number: 1 cpu_speed: 2198 memory: 1024 storage_type: shared is_volatile: yes host_tags: eco storage_tags: eco delegate_to: localhost - name: Create or update a volatile compute service offering with shared storage cs_service_offering: name: Tiny display_text: Tiny 1gb 1cpu cpu_number: 1 cpu_speed: 2198 memory: 1024 storage_type: shared is_volatile: yes host_tags: eco storage_tags: eco delegate_to: localhost - name: Create or update a custom compute service offering cs_service_offering: name: custom display_text: custom compute offer is_customized: yes storage_type: shared host_tags: eco storage_tags: eco delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove a compute service offering cs_service_offering: name: Tiny state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: Create or update a system offering for the console proxy cs_service_offering: name: System Offering for Console Proxy 2GB display_text: System Offering for Console Proxy 2GB RAM is_system: yes system_vm_type: consoleproxy cpu_number: 1 cpu_speed: 2198 memory: 2048 storage_type: shared storage_tags: perf delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove a system offering cs_service_offering: name: System Offering for Console Proxy 2GB is_system: yes state: absent delegate_to: localhost ''' RETURN = ''' --- id: description: UUID of the service offering returned: success type: str sample: a6f7a5fc-43f8-11e5-a151-feff819cdc9f cpu_number: description: Number of CPUs in the service offering returned: success type: int sample: 4 cpu_speed: description: Speed of CPUs in MHz in the service offering returned: success type: int sample: 2198 disk_iops_max: description: Max iops of the disk offering returned: success type: int sample: 1000 disk_iops_min: description: Min iops of the disk offering returned: success type: int sample: 500 disk_bytes_read_rate: description: Bytes read rate of the service offering returned: success type: int sample: 1000 disk_bytes_write_rate: description: Bytes write rate of the service offering returned: success type: int sample: 1000 disk_iops_read_rate: description: IO requests per second read rate of the service offering returned: success type: int sample: 1000 disk_iops_write_rate: description: IO requests per second write rate of the service offering returned: success type: int sample: 1000 created: description: Date the offering was created returned: success type: str sample: 2017-11-19T10:48:59+0000 display_text: description: Display text of the offering returned: success type: str sample: Micro 512mb 1cpu domain: description: Domain the offering is into returned: success type: str sample: ROOT host_tags: description: List of host tags returned: success type: list sample: [ 'eco' ] storage_tags: description: List of storage tags returned: success type: list sample: [ 'eco' ] is_system: description: Whether the offering is for system VMs or not returned: success type: bool sample: false is_iops_customized: description: Whether the offering uses custom IOPS or not returned: success type: bool sample: false is_volatile: description: Whether the offering is volatile or not returned: success type: bool sample: false limit_cpu_usage: description: Whether the CPU usage is restricted to committed service offering returned: success type: bool sample: false memory: description: Memory of the system offering returned: success type: int sample: 512 name: description: Name of the system offering returned: success type: str sample: Micro offer_ha: description: Whether HA support is enabled in the offering or not returned: success type: bool sample: false provisioning_type: description: Provisioning type used to create volumes returned: success type: str sample: thin storage_type: description: Storage type used to create volumes returned: success type: str sample: shared system_vm_type: description: System VM type of this offering returned: success type: str sample: consoleproxy service_offering_details: description: Additioanl service offering details returned: success type: dict sample: "{'vgpuType': 'GRID K180Q','pciDevice':'Group of NVIDIA Corporation GK107GL [GRID K1] GPUs'}" network_rate: description: Data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed returned: success type: int sample: 1000 is_customized: description: Whether the offering is customizable or not returned: success type: bool sample: false version_added: '2.8' ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.cloudstack import ( AnsibleCloudStack, cs_argument_spec, cs_required_together, ) class AnsibleCloudStackServiceOffering(AnsibleCloudStack): def __init__(self, module): super(AnsibleCloudStackServiceOffering, self).__init__(module) self.returns = { 'cpunumber': 'cpu_number', 'cpuspeed': 'cpu_speed', 'deploymentplanner': 'deployment_planner', 'diskBytesReadRate': 'disk_bytes_read_rate', 'diskBytesWriteRate': 'disk_bytes_write_rate', 'diskIopsReadRate': 'disk_iops_read_rate', 'diskIopsWriteRate': 'disk_iops_write_rate', 'maxiops': 'disk_iops_max', 'miniops': 'disk_iops_min', 'hypervisorsnapshotreserve': 'hypervisor_snapshot_reserve', 'iscustomized': 'is_customized', 'iscustomizediops': 'is_iops_customized', 'issystem': 'is_system', 'isvolatile': 'is_volatile', 'limitcpuuse': 'limit_cpu_usage', 'memory': 'memory', 'networkrate': 'network_rate', 'offerha': 'offer_ha', 'provisioningtype': 'provisioning_type', 'serviceofferingdetails': 'service_offering_details', 'storagetype': 'storage_type', 'systemvmtype': 'system_vm_type', 'tags': 'storage_tags', } def get_service_offering(self): args = { 'name': self.module.params.get('name'), 'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'), 'issystem': self.module.params.get('is_system'), 'systemvmtype': self.module.params.get('system_vm_type'), } service_offerings = self.query_api('listServiceOfferings', **args) if service_offerings: return service_offerings['serviceoffering'][0] def present_service_offering(self): service_offering = self.get_service_offering() if not service_offering: service_offering = self._create_offering(service_offering) else: service_offering = self._update_offering(service_offering) return service_offering def absent_service_offering(self): service_offering = self.get_service_offering() if service_offering: self.result['changed'] = True if not self.module.check_mode: args = { 'id': service_offering['id'], } self.query_api('deleteServiceOffering', **args) return service_offering def _create_offering(self, service_offering): self.result['changed'] = True system_vm_type = self.module.params.get('system_vm_type') is_system = self.module.params.get('is_system') required_params = [] if is_system and not system_vm_type: required_params.append('system_vm_type') self.module.fail_on_missing_params(required_params=required_params) args = { 'name': self.module.params.get('name'), 'displaytext': self.get_or_fallback('display_text', 'name'), 'bytesreadrate': self.module.params.get('disk_bytes_read_rate'), 'byteswriterate': self.module.params.get('disk_bytes_write_rate'), 'cpunumber': self.module.params.get('cpu_number'), 'cpuspeed': self.module.params.get('cpu_speed'), 'customizediops': self.module.params.get('is_iops_customized'), 'deploymentplanner': self.module.params.get('deployment_planner'), 'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'), 'hosttags': self.module.params.get('host_tags'), 'hypervisorsnapshotreserve': self.module.params.get('hypervisor_snapshot_reserve'), 'iopsreadrate': self.module.params.get('disk_iops_read_rate'), 'iopswriterate': self.module.params.get('disk_iops_write_rate'), 'maxiops': self.module.params.get('disk_iops_max'), 'miniops': self.module.params.get('disk_iops_min'), 'issystem': is_system, 'isvolatile': self.module.params.get('is_volatile'), 'memory': self.module.params.get('memory'), 'networkrate': self.module.params.get('network_rate'), 'offerha': self.module.params.get('offer_ha'), 'provisioningtype': self.module.params.get('provisioning_type'), 'serviceofferingdetails': self.module.params.get('service_offering_details'), 'storagetype': self.module.params.get('storage_type'), 'systemvmtype': system_vm_type, 'tags': self.module.params.get('storage_tags'), 'limitcpuuse': self.module.params.get('limit_cpu_usage'), 'customized': self.module.params.get('is_customized') } if not self.module.check_mode: res = self.query_api('createServiceOffering', **args) service_offering = res['serviceoffering'] return service_offering def _update_offering(self, service_offering): args = { 'id': service_offering['id'], 'name': self.module.params.get('name'), 'displaytext': self.get_or_fallback('display_text', 'name'), } if self.has_changed(args, service_offering): self.result['changed'] = True if not self.module.check_mode: res = self.query_api('updateServiceOffering', **args) service_offering = res['serviceoffering'] return service_offering def get_result(self, service_offering): super(AnsibleCloudStackServiceOffering, self).get_result(service_offering) if service_offering: if 'hosttags' in service_offering: self.result['host_tags'] = service_offering['hosttags'].split(',') or [service_offering['hosttags']] # Prevent confusion, the api returns a tags key for storage tags. if 'tags' in service_offering: self.result['storage_tags'] = service_offering['tags'].split(',') or [service_offering['tags']] if 'tags' in self.result: del self.result['tags'] return self.result def main(): argument_spec = cs_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( name=dict(required=True), display_text=dict(), cpu_number=dict(type='int'), cpu_speed=dict(type='int'), limit_cpu_usage=dict(type='bool'), deployment_planner=dict(), domain=dict(), host_tags=dict(type='list', aliases=['host_tag']), hypervisor_snapshot_reserve=dict(type='int'), disk_bytes_read_rate=dict(type='int', aliases=['bytes_read_rate']), disk_bytes_write_rate=dict(type='int', aliases=['bytes_write_rate']), disk_iops_read_rate=dict(type='int'), disk_iops_write_rate=dict(type='int'), disk_iops_max=dict(type='int'), disk_iops_min=dict(type='int'), is_system=dict(type='bool', default=False), is_volatile=dict(type='bool'), is_iops_customized=dict(type='bool', aliases=['disk_iops_customized']), memory=dict(type='int'), network_rate=dict(type='int'), offer_ha=dict(type='bool'), provisioning_type=dict(choices=['thin', 'sparse', 'fat']), service_offering_details=dict(type='list'), storage_type=dict(choices=['local', 'shared']), system_vm_type=dict(choices=['domainrouter', 'consoleproxy', 'secondarystoragevm']), storage_tags=dict(type='list', aliases=['storage_tag']), state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present'), is_customized=dict(type='bool'), )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_together=cs_required_together(), supports_check_mode=True ) acs_so = AnsibleCloudStackServiceOffering(module) state = module.params.get('state') if state == "absent": service_offering = acs_so.absent_service_offering() else: service_offering = acs_so.present_service_offering() result = acs_so.get_result(service_offering) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()