--- - debug: msg="START junos netconf/net_lldp.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}" # Add minimal testcase to check args are passed correctly to # implementation module and module run is successful. - name: get supported protocols junos_command: commands: show lldp register: result ignore_errors: yes - name: lldp supported set_fact: lldp_supported: True when: not result.failed - name: lldp not supported set_fact: lldp_supported: False when: result.failed - block: - name: setup - Disable lldp - setup net_lldp: state: absent provider: "{{ netconf }}" - name: Enable lldp using platform agnostic module net_lldp: state: present provider: "{{ netconf }}" register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == true" - name: setup - Disable lldp - teardown net_lldp: state: absent provider: "{{ netconf }}" when: lldp_supported - debug: msg="START junos netconf/net_lldp.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}"