Version: VyOS 1.1.7 Description: VyOS 1.1.7 (helium) Copyright: 2016 VyOS maintainers and contributors Built by: Built on: Wed Feb 17 09:57:31 UTC 2016 Build ID: 1602170957-4459750 System type: x86 64-bit Boot via: image Hypervisor: VMware HW model: VMware Virtual Platform HW S/N: VMware-42 3c 26 25 44 c5 0a 91-cf 2c 97 2b fe 9b 25 be HW UUID: 423C2625-44C5-0A91-CF2C-972BFE9B25BE Uptime: 01:08:20 up 52 days, 2:13, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05