#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: (c) 2020, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import annotations DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: reset_pulp short_description: Resets pulp back to the initial state description: - See short_description options: pulp_api: description: - The Pulp API endpoint. required: yes type: str galaxy_ng_server: description: - The Galaxy NG API endpoint. required: yes type: str url_username: description: - The username to use when authenticating against Pulp. required: yes type: str url_password: description: - The password to use when authenticating against Pulp. required: yes type: str repositories: description: - A list of pulp repositories to create. - Galaxy NG expects a repository that matches C(GALAXY_API_DEFAULT_DISTRIBUTION_BASE_PATH) in C(/etc/pulp/settings.py) or the default of C(published). required: yes type: list elements: str namespaces: description: - A list of namespaces to create for Galaxy NG. required: yes type: list elements: str author: - Jordan Borean (@jborean93) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: reset pulp content reset_pulp: pulp_api: http://galaxy:24817 galaxy_ng_server: http://galaxy/api/galaxy/ url_username: username url_password: password repository: published namespaces: - namespace1 - namespace2 ''' RETURN = ''' # ''' import json from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text def invoke_api(module, url, method='GET', data=None, status_codes=None): status_codes = status_codes or [200] headers = {} if data: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' data = json.dumps(data) resp, info = fetch_url(module, url, method=method, data=data, headers=headers) if info['status'] not in status_codes: info['url'] = url module.fail_json(**info) data = to_text(resp.read()) if data: return json.loads(data) def delete_galaxy_namespace(namespace, module): """ Deletes the galaxy ng namespace specified. """ ns_uri = '%sv3/namespaces/%s/' % (module.params['galaxy_ng_server'], namespace) invoke_api(module, ns_uri, method='DELETE', status_codes=[204]) def delete_pulp_distribution(distribution, module): """ Deletes the pulp distribution at the URI specified. """ task_info = invoke_api(module, distribution, method='DELETE', status_codes=[202]) wait_pulp_task(task_info['task'], module) def delete_pulp_orphans(module): """ Deletes any orphaned pulp objects. """ orphan_uri = module.params['galaxy_ng_server'] + 'pulp/api/v3/orphans/' task_info = invoke_api(module, orphan_uri, method='DELETE', status_codes=[202]) wait_pulp_task(task_info['task'], module) def delete_pulp_repository(repository, module): """ Deletes the pulp repository at the URI specified. """ task_info = invoke_api(module, repository, method='DELETE', status_codes=[202]) wait_pulp_task(task_info['task'], module) def get_galaxy_namespaces(module): """ Gets a list of galaxy namespaces. """ # No pagination has been implemented, shouldn't need unless we ever exceed 100 namespaces. namespace_uri = module.params['galaxy_ng_server'] + 'v3/namespaces/?limit=100&offset=0' ns_info = invoke_api(module, namespace_uri) return [n['name'] for n in ns_info['data']] def get_pulp_distributions(module, distribution): """ Gets a list of all the pulp distributions. """ distro_uri = module.params['galaxy_ng_server'] + 'pulp/api/v3/distributions/ansible/ansible/' distro_info = invoke_api(module, distro_uri + '?name=' + distribution) return [module.params['pulp_api'] + r['pulp_href'] for r in distro_info['results']] def get_pulp_repositories(module, repository): """ Gets a list of all the pulp repositories. """ repo_uri = module.params['galaxy_ng_server'] + 'pulp/api/v3/repositories/ansible/ansible/' repo_info = invoke_api(module, repo_uri + '?name=' + repository) return [module.params['pulp_api'] + r['pulp_href'] for r in repo_info['results']] def get_repo_collections(repository, module): collections_uri = module.params['galaxy_ng_server'] + 'v3/plugin/ansible/content/' + repository + '/collections/index/' # status code 500 isn't really expected, an unhandled exception is causing this instead of a 404 # See https://issues.redhat.com/browse/AAH-2329 info = invoke_api(module, collections_uri + '?limit=100&offset=0', status_codes=[200, 500]) if not info: return [] return [module.params['pulp_api'] + c['href'] for c in info['data']] def delete_repo_collection(collection, module): task_info = invoke_api(module, collection, method='DELETE', status_codes=[202]) wait_pulp_task(task_info['task'], module) def new_galaxy_namespace(name, module): """ Creates a new namespace in Galaxy NG. """ ns_uri = module.params['galaxy_ng_server'] + 'v3/namespaces/ ' data = {'name': name, 'groups': []} ns_info = invoke_api(module, ns_uri, method='POST', data=data, status_codes=[201]) return ns_info['id'] def new_pulp_repository(name, module): """ Creates a new pulp repository. """ repo_uri = module.params['galaxy_ng_server'] + 'pulp/api/v3/repositories/ansible/ansible/' # retain_repo_versions to work around https://issues.redhat.com/browse/AAH-2332 data = {'name': name, 'retain_repo_versions': '1024'} repo_info = invoke_api(module, repo_uri, method='POST', data=data, status_codes=[201]) return repo_info['pulp_href'] def new_pulp_distribution(name, base_path, repository, module): """ Creates a new pulp distribution for a repository. """ distro_uri = module.params['galaxy_ng_server'] + 'pulp/api/v3/distributions/ansible/ansible/' data = {'name': name, 'base_path': base_path, 'repository': repository} task_info = invoke_api(module, distro_uri, method='POST', data=data, status_codes=[202]) task_info = wait_pulp_task(task_info['task'], module) return module.params['pulp_api'] + task_info['created_resources'][0] def wait_pulp_task(task, module): """ Waits for a pulp import task to finish. """ while True: task_info = invoke_api(module, module.params['pulp_api'] + task) if task_info['finished_at'] is not None: break return task_info def main(): module_args = dict( pulp_api=dict(type='str', required=True), galaxy_ng_server=dict(type='str', required=True), url_username=dict(type='str', required=True), url_password=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True), repositories=dict(type='list', elements='str', required=True), namespaces=dict(type='list', elements='str', required=True), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=module_args, supports_check_mode=False ) module.params['force_basic_auth'] = True # It may be due to the process of cleaning up orphans, but we cannot delete the namespace # while a collection still exists, so this is just a new safety to nuke all collections # first for repository in module.params['repositories']: [delete_repo_collection(c, module) for c in get_repo_collections(repository, module)] for repository in module.params['repositories']: [delete_pulp_distribution(d, module) for d in get_pulp_distributions(module, repository)] [delete_pulp_repository(r, module) for r in get_pulp_repositories(module, repository)] delete_pulp_orphans(module) [delete_galaxy_namespace(n, module) for n in get_galaxy_namespaces(module)] for repository in module.params['repositories']: repo_href = new_pulp_repository(repository, module) new_pulp_distribution(repository, repository, repo_href, module) [new_galaxy_namespace(n, module) for n in module.params['namespaces']] module.exit_json(changed=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()