"""Classify changes in Ansible code.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import collections import os import re import time from lib.target import ( walk_module_targets, walk_integration_targets, walk_units_targets, walk_compile_targets, walk_sanity_targets, load_integration_prefixes, analyze_integration_target_dependencies, ) from lib.util import ( display, ) from lib.import_analysis import ( get_python_module_utils_imports, ) from lib.csharp_import_analysis import ( get_csharp_module_utils_imports, ) from lib.powershell_import_analysis import ( get_powershell_module_utils_imports, ) from lib.config import ( TestConfig, IntegrationConfig, ) from lib.metadata import ( ChangeDescription, ) FOCUSED_TARGET = '__focused__' def categorize_changes(args, paths, verbose_command=None): """ :type args: TestConfig :type paths: list[str] :type verbose_command: str :rtype: ChangeDescription """ mapper = PathMapper(args) commands = { 'sanity': set(), 'units': set(), 'integration': set(), 'windows-integration': set(), 'network-integration': set(), } focused_commands = collections.defaultdict(set) deleted_paths = set() original_paths = set() additional_paths = set() no_integration_paths = set() for path in paths: if not os.path.exists(path): deleted_paths.add(path) continue original_paths.add(path) dependent_paths = mapper.get_dependent_paths(path) if not dependent_paths: continue display.info('Expanded "%s" to %d dependent file(s):' % (path, len(dependent_paths)), verbosity=1) for dependent_path in dependent_paths: display.info(dependent_path, verbosity=1) additional_paths.add(dependent_path) additional_paths -= set(paths) # don't count changed paths as additional paths if additional_paths: display.info('Expanded %d changed file(s) into %d additional dependent file(s).' % (len(paths), len(additional_paths))) paths = sorted(set(paths) | additional_paths) display.info('Mapping %d changed file(s) to tests.' % len(paths)) for path in paths: tests = mapper.classify(path) if tests is None: focused_target = False display.info('%s -> all' % path, verbosity=1) tests = all_tests(args) # not categorized, run all tests display.warning('Path not categorized: %s' % path) else: focused_target = tests.pop(FOCUSED_TARGET, False) and path in original_paths tests = dict((key, value) for key, value in tests.items() if value) if focused_target and not any('integration' in command for command in tests): no_integration_paths.add(path) # path triggers no integration tests if verbose_command: result = '%s: %s' % (verbose_command, tests.get(verbose_command) or 'none') # identify targeted integration tests (those which only target a single integration command) if 'integration' in verbose_command and tests.get(verbose_command): if not any('integration' in command for command in tests if command != verbose_command): if focused_target: result += ' (focused)' result += ' (targeted)' else: result = '%s' % tests display.info('%s -> %s' % (path, result), verbosity=1) for command, target in tests.items(): commands[command].add(target) if focused_target: focused_commands[command].add(target) for command in commands: commands[command].discard('none') if any(t == 'all' for t in commands[command]): commands[command] = set(['all']) commands = dict((c, sorted(commands[c])) for c in commands if commands[c]) focused_commands = dict((c, sorted(focused_commands[c])) for c in focused_commands) for command in commands: if commands[command] == ['all']: commands[command] = [] # changes require testing all targets, do not filter targets changes = ChangeDescription() changes.command = verbose_command changes.changed_paths = sorted(original_paths) changes.deleted_paths = sorted(deleted_paths) changes.regular_command_targets = commands changes.focused_command_targets = focused_commands changes.no_integration_paths = sorted(no_integration_paths) return changes class PathMapper(object): """Map file paths to test commands and targets.""" def __init__(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ self.args = args self.integration_all_target = get_integration_all_target(self.args) self.integration_targets = list(walk_integration_targets()) self.module_targets = list(walk_module_targets()) self.compile_targets = list(walk_compile_targets()) self.units_targets = list(walk_units_targets()) self.sanity_targets = list(walk_sanity_targets()) self.powershell_targets = [t for t in self.sanity_targets if os.path.splitext(t.path)[1] == '.ps1'] self.csharp_targets = [t for t in self.sanity_targets if os.path.splitext(t.path)[1] == '.cs'] self.units_modules = set(t.module for t in self.units_targets if t.module) self.units_paths = set(a for t in self.units_targets for a in t.aliases) self.sanity_paths = set(t.path for t in self.sanity_targets) self.module_names_by_path = dict((t.path, t.module) for t in self.module_targets) self.integration_targets_by_name = dict((t.name, t) for t in self.integration_targets) self.integration_targets_by_alias = dict((a, t) for t in self.integration_targets for a in t.aliases) self.posix_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets if 'posix/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules) self.windows_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets if 'windows/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules) self.network_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets if 'network/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules) self.prefixes = load_integration_prefixes() self.integration_dependencies = analyze_integration_target_dependencies(self.integration_targets) self.python_module_utils_imports = {} # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed self.powershell_module_utils_imports = {} # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed self.csharp_module_utils_imports = {} # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed def get_dependent_paths(self, path): """ :type path: str :rtype: list[str] """ ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(path)[1])[1] if path.startswith('lib/ansible/module_utils/'): if ext == '.py': return self.get_python_module_utils_usage(path) if ext == '.psm1': return self.get_powershell_module_utils_usage(path) if ext == '.cs': return self.get_csharp_module_utils_usage(path) if path.startswith('test/integration/targets/'): return self.get_integration_target_usage(path) return [] def get_python_module_utils_usage(self, path): """ :type path: str :rtype: list[str] """ if path == 'lib/ansible/module_utils/__init__.py': return [] if not self.python_module_utils_imports: display.info('Analyzing python module_utils imports...') before = time.time() self.python_module_utils_imports = get_python_module_utils_imports(self.compile_targets) after = time.time() display.info('Processed %d python module_utils in %d second(s).' % (len(self.python_module_utils_imports), after - before)) name = os.path.splitext(path)[0].replace('/', '.')[4:] if name.endswith('.__init__'): name = name[:-9] return sorted(self.python_module_utils_imports[name]) def get_powershell_module_utils_usage(self, path): """ :type path: str :rtype: list[str] """ if not self.powershell_module_utils_imports: display.info('Analyzing powershell module_utils imports...') before = time.time() self.powershell_module_utils_imports = get_powershell_module_utils_imports(self.powershell_targets) after = time.time() display.info('Processed %d powershell module_utils in %d second(s).' % (len(self.powershell_module_utils_imports), after - before)) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] return sorted(self.powershell_module_utils_imports[name]) def get_csharp_module_utils_usage(self, path): """ :type path: str :rtype: list[str] """ if not self.csharp_module_utils_imports: display.info('Analyzing C# module_utils imports...') before = time.time() self.csharp_module_utils_imports = get_csharp_module_utils_imports(self.powershell_targets, self.csharp_targets) after = time.time() display.info('Processed %d C# module_utils in %d second(s).' % (len(self.csharp_module_utils_imports), after - before)) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] return sorted(self.csharp_module_utils_imports[name]) def get_integration_target_usage(self, path): """ :type path: str :rtype: list[str] """ target_name = path.split('/')[3] dependents = [os.path.join('test/integration/targets/%s/' % target) for target in sorted(self.integration_dependencies.get(target_name, set()))] return dependents def classify(self, path): """ :type path: str :rtype: dict[str, str] | None """ result = self._classify(path) # run all tests when no result given if result is None: return None # run sanity on path unless result specified otherwise if path in self.sanity_paths and 'sanity' not in result: result['sanity'] = path return result def _classify(self, path): """ :type path: str :rtype: dict[str, str] | None """ dirname = os.path.dirname(path) filename = os.path.basename(path) name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) minimal = {} if path.startswith('.github/'): return minimal if path.startswith('bin/'): return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests if path.startswith('contrib/'): return { 'units': 'test/units/contrib/' } if path.startswith('changelogs/'): return minimal if path.startswith('docs/'): return minimal if path.startswith('examples/'): if path == 'examples/scripts/ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1': return { 'windows-integration': 'connection_winrm', } return minimal if path.startswith('hacking/'): return minimal if path.startswith('lib/ansible/modules/'): module_name = self.module_names_by_path.get(path) if module_name: return { 'units': module_name if module_name in self.units_modules else None, 'integration': self.posix_integration_by_module.get(module_name) if ext == '.py' else None, 'windows-integration': self.windows_integration_by_module.get(module_name) if ext in ['.cs', '.ps1'] else None, 'network-integration': self.network_integration_by_module.get(module_name), FOCUSED_TARGET: True, } return minimal if path.startswith('lib/ansible/module_utils/'): if ext == '.cs': return minimal # already expanded using get_dependent_paths if ext == '.psm1': return minimal # already expanded using get_dependent_paths if ext == '.py': return minimal # already expanded using get_dependent_paths if path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/action/'): if ext == '.py': if name.startswith('net_'): network_target = 'network/.*_%s' % name[4:] if any(re.search(r'^%s$' % network_target, alias) for alias in self.integration_targets_by_alias): return { 'network-integration': network_target, 'units': 'all', } return { 'network-integration': self.integration_all_target, 'units': 'all', } if self.prefixes.get(name) == 'network': network_platform = name elif name.endswith('_config') and self.prefixes.get(name[:-7]) == 'network': network_platform = name[:-7] elif name.endswith('_template') and self.prefixes.get(name[:-9]) == 'network': network_platform = name[:-9] else: network_platform = None if network_platform: network_target = 'network/%s/' % network_platform if network_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias: return { 'network-integration': network_target, 'units': 'all', } display.warning('Integration tests for "%s" not found.' % network_target, unique=True) return { 'units': 'all', } if path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/connection/'): if name == '__init__': return { 'integration': self.integration_all_target, 'windows-integration': self.integration_all_target, 'network-integration': self.integration_all_target, 'units': 'test/units/plugins/connection/', } units_path = 'test/units/plugins/connection/test_%s.py' % name if units_path not in self.units_paths: units_path = None integration_name = 'connection_%s' % name if integration_name not in self.integration_targets_by_name: integration_name = None # entire integration test commands depend on these connection plugins if name in ['winrm', 'psrp']: return { 'windows-integration': self.integration_all_target, 'units': units_path, } if name == 'local': return { 'integration': self.integration_all_target, 'network-integration': self.integration_all_target, 'units': units_path, } if name == 'network_cli': return { 'network-integration': self.integration_all_target, 'units': units_path, } # other connection plugins have isolated integration and unit tests return { 'integration': integration_name, 'units': units_path, } if path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/inventory/'): if name == '__init__': return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests # These inventory plugins are enabled by default (see INVENTORY_ENABLED). # Without dedicated integration tests for these we must rely on the incidental coverage from other tests. test_all = [ 'host_list', 'script', 'yaml', 'ini', 'auto', ] if name in test_all: posix_integration_fallback = get_integration_all_target(self.args) else: posix_integration_fallback = None target = self.integration_targets_by_name.get('inventory_%s' % name) units_path = 'test/units/plugins/inventory/test_%s.py' % name if units_path not in self.units_paths: units_path = None return { 'integration': target.name if target and 'posix/' in target.aliases else posix_integration_fallback, 'windows-integration': target.name if target and 'windows/' in target.aliases else None, 'network-integration': target.name if target and 'network/' in target.aliases else None, 'units': units_path, FOCUSED_TARGET: target is not None, } if (path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/terminal/') or path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/cliconf/') or path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/netconf/')): if ext == '.py': if name in self.prefixes and self.prefixes[name] == 'network': network_target = 'network/%s/' % name if network_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias: return { 'network-integration': network_target, 'units': 'all', } display.warning('Integration tests for "%s" not found.' % network_target, unique=True) return { 'units': 'all', } return { 'network-integration': self.integration_all_target, 'units': 'all', } if path.startswith('lib/ansible/utils/module_docs_fragments/'): return { 'sanity': 'all', } if path.startswith('lib/ansible/'): return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests if path.startswith('packaging/'): if path.startswith('packaging/requirements/'): if name.startswith('requirements-') and ext == '.txt': component = name.split('-', 1)[1] candidates = ( 'cloud/%s/' % component, ) for candidate in candidates: if candidate in self.integration_targets_by_alias: return { 'integration': candidate, } return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests return minimal if path.startswith('test/cache/'): return minimal if path.startswith('test/results/'): return minimal if path.startswith('test/legacy/'): return minimal if path.startswith('test/integration/roles/'): return minimal if path.startswith('test/integration/targets/'): if not os.path.exists(path): return minimal target = self.integration_targets_by_name[path.split('/')[3]] if 'hidden/' in target.aliases: if target.type == 'role': return minimal # already expanded using get_dependent_paths return { 'integration': self.integration_all_target, 'windows-integration': self.integration_all_target, 'network-integration': self.integration_all_target, } return { 'integration': target.name if 'posix/' in target.aliases else None, 'windows-integration': target.name if 'windows/' in target.aliases else None, 'network-integration': target.name if 'network/' in target.aliases else None, FOCUSED_TARGET: True, } if path.startswith('test/integration/'): if dirname == 'test/integration': if self.prefixes.get(name) == 'network' and ext == '.yaml': return minimal # network integration test playbooks are not used by ansible-test if filename == 'network-all.yaml': return minimal # network integration test playbook not used by ansible-test if filename == 'platform_agnostic.yaml': return minimal # network integration test playbook not used by ansible-test for command in ( 'integration', 'windows-integration', 'network-integration', ): if name == command and ext == '.cfg': return { command: self.integration_all_target, } if name.startswith('cloud-config-'): cloud_target = 'cloud/%s/' % name.split('-')[2].split('.')[0] if cloud_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias: return { 'integration': cloud_target, } return { 'integration': self.integration_all_target, 'windows-integration': self.integration_all_target, 'network-integration': self.integration_all_target, } if path.startswith('test/sanity/'): return { 'sanity': 'all', # test infrastructure, run all sanity checks } if path.startswith('test/units/'): if path in self.units_paths: return { 'units': path, } # changes to files which are not unit tests should trigger tests from the nearest parent directory test_path = os.path.dirname(path) while test_path: if test_path + '/' in self.units_paths: return { 'units': test_path + '/', } test_path = os.path.dirname(test_path) if path.startswith('test/runner/completion/'): if path == 'test/runner/completion/docker.txt': return all_tests(self.args, force=True) # force all tests due to risk of breaking changes in new test environment if path.startswith('test/runner/lib/cloud/'): cloud_target = 'cloud/%s/' % name if cloud_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias: return { 'integration': cloud_target, } return all_tests(self.args) # test infrastructure, run all tests if path.startswith('test/runner/lib/sanity/'): return { 'sanity': 'all', # test infrastructure, run all sanity checks } if path.startswith('test/runner/requirements/'): if name in ( 'integration', 'network-integration', 'windows-integration', ): return { name: self.integration_all_target, } if name in ( 'sanity', 'units', ): return { name: 'all', } if name.startswith('integration.cloud.'): cloud_target = 'cloud/%s/' % name.split('.')[2] if cloud_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias: return { 'integration': cloud_target, } if path.startswith('test/runner/'): return all_tests(self.args) # test infrastructure, run all tests if path.startswith('test/utils/shippable/tools/'): return minimal # not used by tests if path.startswith('test/utils/shippable/'): if dirname == 'test/utils/shippable': test_map = { 'cloud.sh': 'integration:cloud/', 'freebsd.sh': 'integration:all', 'linux.sh': 'integration:all', 'network.sh': 'network-integration:all', 'osx.sh': 'integration:all', 'rhel.sh': 'integration:all', 'sanity.sh': 'sanity:all', 'units.sh': 'units:all', 'windows.sh': 'windows-integration:all', } test_match = test_map.get(filename) if test_match: test_command, test_target = test_match.split(':') return { test_command: test_target, } cloud_target = 'cloud/%s/' % name if cloud_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias: return { 'integration': cloud_target, } return all_tests(self.args) # test infrastructure, run all tests if path.startswith('test/utils/'): return minimal if path == 'test/README.md': return minimal if path.startswith('ticket_stubs/'): return minimal if '/' not in path: if path in ( '.gitattributes', '.gitignore', '.gitmodules', '.mailmap', 'tox.ini', # obsolete 'COPYING', 'VERSION', 'Makefile', ): return minimal if path in ( 'shippable.yml', '.coveragerc', ): return all_tests(self.args) # test infrastructure, run all tests if path == 'setup.py': return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests if path == '.yamllint': return { 'sanity': 'all', } if ext in ('.md', '.rst', '.txt', '.xml', '.in'): return minimal return None # unknown, will result in fall-back to run all tests def all_tests(args, force=False): """ :type args: TestConfig :type force: bool :rtype: dict[str, str] """ if force: integration_all_target = 'all' else: integration_all_target = get_integration_all_target(args) return { 'sanity': 'all', 'units': 'all', 'integration': integration_all_target, 'windows-integration': integration_all_target, 'network-integration': integration_all_target, } def get_integration_all_target(args): """ :type args: TestConfig :rtype: str """ if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig): return args.changed_all_target return 'all'