By default, ``ansible-galaxy`` uses as the Galaxy server (as listed in the :file:`ansible.cfg` file under :ref:`galaxy_server`). You can use either option below to configure ``ansible-galaxy collection`` to use other servers (such as Red Hat Automation Hub or a custom Galaxy server): * Set the server list in the :ref:`galaxy_server_list` configuration option in :ref:`ansible_configuration_settings_locations`. * Use the ``--server`` command line argument to limit to an individual server. To configure a Galaxy server list in ``ansible.cfg``: #. Add the ``server_list`` option under the ``[galaxy]`` section to one or more server names. #. Create a new section for each server name. #. Set the ``url`` option for each server name. #. Optionally, set the API token for each server name. Go to and click :guilabel:`Show API key`. .. note:: The ``url`` option for each server name must end with a forward slash ``/``. If you do not set the API token in your Galaxy server list, use the ``--api-key`` argument to pass in the token to the ``ansible-galaxy collection publish`` command. For Automation Hub, you additionally need to: #. Set the ``auth_url`` option for each server name. #. Set the API token for each server name. Go to and click ::guilabel:`Get API token` from the version dropdown to copy your API token. The following example shows how to configure multiple servers: .. code-block:: ini [galaxy] server_list = automation_hub, my_org_hub, release_galaxy, test_galaxy, my_galaxy_ng [galaxy_server.automation_hub] url= auth_url= token=my_ah_token [galaxy_server.my_org_hub] url=https://automation.my_org/ username=my_user password=my_pass [galaxy_server.release_galaxy] url= token=my_token [galaxy_server.test_galaxy] url= token=my_test_token [galaxy_server.my_galaxy_ng] url=http://my_galaxy_ng:8000/api/automation-hub/ auth_url=http://my_keycloak:8080/auth/realms/myco/protocol/openid-connect/token client_id=galaxy-ng token=my_keycloak_access_token .. note:: You can use the ``--server`` command line argument to select an explicit Galaxy server in the ``server_list`` and the value of this argument should match the name of the server. To use a server not in the server list, set the value to the URL to access that server (all servers in the server list will be ignored). Also you cannot use the ``--api-key`` argument for any of the predefined servers. You can only use the ``api_key`` argument if you did not define a server list or if you specify a URL in the ``--server`` argument. **Galaxy server list configuration options** The :ref:`galaxy_server_list` option is a list of server identifiers in a prioritized order. When searching for a collection, the install process will search in that order, for example, ``automation_hub`` first, then ``my_org_hub``, ``release_galaxy``, and finally ``test_galaxy`` until the collection is found. The actual Galaxy instance is then defined under the section ``[galaxy_server.{{ id }}]`` where ``{{ id }}`` is the server identifier defined in the list. This section can then define the following keys: * ``url``: The URL of the Galaxy instance to connect to. Required. * ``token``: An API token key to use for authentication against the Galaxy instance. Mutually exclusive with ``username``. * ``username``: The username to use for basic authentication against the Galaxy instance. Mutually exclusive with ``token``. * ``password``: The password to use, in conjunction with ``username``, for basic authentication. * ``auth_url``: The URL of a Keycloak server 'token_endpoint' if using SSO authentication (for example, Automation Hub). Mutually exclusive with ``username``. Requires ``token``. * ``validate_certs``: Whether or not to verify TLS certificates for the Galaxy server. This defaults to True unless the ``--ignore-certs`` option is provided or ``GALAXY_IGNORE_CERTS`` is configured to True. * ``client_id``: The Keycloak token's client_id to use for authentication. Requires ``auth_url`` and ``token``. The default ``client_id`` is cloud-services to work with Red Hat SSO. As well as defining these server options in the ``ansible.cfg`` file, you can also define them as environment variables. The environment variable is in the form ``ANSIBLE_GALAXY_SERVER_{{ id }}_{{ key }}`` where ``{{ id }}`` is the upper case form of the server identifier and ``{{ key }}`` is the key to define. For example I can define ``token`` for ``release_galaxy`` by setting ``ANSIBLE_GALAXY_SERVER_RELEASE_GALAXY_TOKEN=secret_token``. For operations that use only one Galaxy server (for example, the ``publish``, ``info``, or ``install`` commands). the ``ansible-galaxy collection`` command uses the first entry in the ``server_list``, unless you pass in an explicit server with the ``--server`` argument. .. note:: Once a collection is found, any of its requirements are only searched within the same Galaxy instance as the parent collection. The install process will not search for a collection requirement in a different Galaxy instance.