- name: install the test daemon script copy: src=ansible_test_service dest=/usr/sbin/ansible_test_service mode=755 register: install_result - name: assert that the daemon script was installed assert: that: - "install_result.dest == '/usr/sbin/ansible_test_service'" - "install_result.state == 'file'" - "install_result.mode == '0755'" # determine init system is in use - name: detect sysv init system set_fact: service_type=sysv when: ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS', 'ScientificLinux'] and ( ansible_distribution_version is version('6', '>=') and ansible_distribution_version is version('7', '<')) - name: detect systemd init system set_fact: service_type=systemd when: (ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS', 'ScientificLinux'] and ( ansible_distribution_version is version('7', '>=') and ansible_distribution_version is version('8', '<'))) or ansible_distribution == 'Fedora' or (ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version is version('15.04', '>=')) or (ansible_distribution == 'Debian' and ansible_distribution_version is version('8', '>=')) or ansible_os_family == 'Suse' - name: detect upstart init system set_fact: service_type=upstart when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version is version('15.04', '<') # setup test service script - include: 'sysv_setup.yml' when: service_type == "sysv" - include: 'systemd_setup.yml' when: service_type == "systemd" - include: 'upstart_setup.yml' when: service_type == "upstart" - name: disable the ansible test service service: name=ansible_test enabled=no - name: (check mode run) enable the ansible test service service: name=ansible_test enabled=yes register: enable_in_check_mode_result check_mode: yes - name: assert that changes reported for check mode run assert: that: - "enable_in_check_mode_result.changed == true" - name: enable the ansible test service service: name=ansible_test enabled=yes register: enable_result - name: assert that the service was enabled and changes reported assert: that: - "enable_result.enabled == true" - "enable_result.changed == true" - name: start the ansible test service service: name=ansible_test state=started register: start_result - name: assert that the service was started assert: that: - "start_result.state == 'started'" - name: find the service with a pattern service: name=ansible_test pattern="ansible_test_ser*" state=started register: start2_result # don't enable this check yet on systems with systemd because of https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/16694 when: service_type != "systemd" - name: assert that the service was started via the pattern assert: that: - "start2_result.name == 'ansible_test'" - "start2_result.state == 'started'" when: service_type != "systemd" - name: restart the ansible test service service: name=ansible_test state=restarted register: restart_result - name: assert that the service was restarted assert: that: - "restart_result.state == 'started'" - name: restart the ansible test service with a sleep service: name=ansible_test state=restarted sleep=2 register: restart_sleep_result # don't enable this check yet on systems with systemd because of https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/16694 when: service_type != "systemd" - name: assert that the service was restarted with a sleep assert: that: - "restart_sleep_result.state == 'started'" when: service_type != "systemd" - name: reload the ansible test service service: name=ansible_test state=reloaded register: reload_result # don't do this on systems with systemd because it triggers error: # Unable to reload service ansible_test: ansible_test.service is not active, cannot reload. when: service_type != "systemd" - name: assert that the service was reloaded assert: that: - "reload_result.state == 'started'" when: service_type != "systemd" - name: stop the ansible test service service: name=ansible_test state=stopped register: stop_result - name: assert that the service was stopped assert: that: - "stop_result.state == 'stopped'" - name: disable the ansible test service service: name=ansible_test enabled=no register: disable_result - name: assert that the service was disabled assert: that: - "disable_result.enabled == false" - name: try to enable a broken service service: name=ansible_broken_test enabled=yes register: broken_enable_result ignore_errors: True - name: assert that the broken test failed assert: that: - "broken_enable_result is failed" - name: remove the test daemon script file: path=/usr/sbin/ansible_test_service state=absent register: remove_result - name: assert that the test daemon script was removed assert: that: - "remove_result.path == '/usr/sbin/ansible_test_service'" - "remove_result.state == 'absent'" # cleaning up changes made by this playbook - include: 'sysv_cleanup.yml' when: service_type == "sysv" - include: 'systemd_cleanup.yml' when: service_type == "systemd" - include: 'upstart_cleanup.yml' when: service_type == "upstart"