.. _communication: ************* Communicating ************* .. contents:: Topics Code of Conduct =============== Please read and understand the :ref:`code_of_conduct`. Mailing List Information ======================== Ansible has several mailing lists. Your first post to the mailing list will be moderated (to reduce spam), so please allow up to a day or so for your first post to appear. `Ansible Project List `_ is for sharing Ansible tips, answering questions, and general user discussion. `Ansible Development List `_ is for learning how to develop on Ansible, asking about prospective feature design, or discussions about extending ansible or features in progress. `Ansible Announce list `_ is a read-only list that shares information about new releases of Ansible, and also rare infrequent event information, such as announcements about an upcoming AnsibleFest, which is our official conference series. `Ansible Container List `_ is for users and developers of the Ansible Container project. `Ansible Lockdown List `_ is for all things related to Ansible Lockdown projects, including DISA STIG automation and CIS Benchmarks. To subscribe to a group from a non-Google account, you can send an email to the subscription address requesting the subscription. For example: `ansible-devel+subscribe@googlegroups.com` IRC Channel =========== Ansible has several IRC channels on Freenode (irc.freenode.net). General Channels ---------------- - ``#ansible`` - For general use questions and support. - ``#ansible-devel`` - For discussions on developer topics and code related to features/bugs. - ``#ansible-meeting`` - For public community meetings. We will generally announce these on one or more of the above mailing lists. See the `meeting schedule and agenda page `_ - ``#ansible-notices`` - Mostly bot output from things like GitHub, etc. Working Group ------------- - ``#ansible-aws`` - For discussions on Amazon Web Services. - ``#ansible-community`` - Channel for discussing Ansible Community related things. - ``#ansible-container`` - For discussions on Ansible Container. - ``#ansible-jboss`` - Channel for discussing JBoss and Ansible related things. - ``#ansible-network`` - Channel for discussing Network and Ansible related things. - ``#ansible-news`` - Channel for discussing Ansible Communication & News related things. - ``#ansible-vmware`` - For discussions on Ansible & VMware. - ``#ansible-windows`` - For discussions on Ansible & Windows. Language specific channels -------------------------- - ``#ansible-es`` - Channel for Spanish speaking Ansible community. - ``#ansible-fr`` - Channel for French speaking Ansible community. IRC Meetings ------------ The Ansible community holds regular IRC meetings on various topics, and anyone who is interested is invited to participate. For more information about Ansible meetings, consult the `meeting schedule and agenda page `_. Tower Support Questions ======================== Ansible `Tower `_ is a UI, Server, and REST endpoint for Ansible. If you have a question about Ansible Tower, visit `Red Hat support `_ rather than using the IRC channel or the general project mailing list.