"""Virtual environment management.""" from __future__ import annotations import collections.abc as c import json import os import pathlib import sys import typing as t from .config import ( EnvironmentConfig, ) from .util import ( find_python, SubprocessError, ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_TOOLS_ROOT, display, remove_tree, ApplicationError, str_to_version, raw_command, ) from .util_common import ( run_command, ResultType, ) from .host_configs import ( VirtualPythonConfig, PythonConfig, ) from .python_requirements import ( collect_bootstrap, run_pip, ) def get_virtual_python( args: EnvironmentConfig, python: VirtualPythonConfig, ) -> VirtualPythonConfig: """Create a virtual environment for the given Python and return the path to its root.""" if python.system_site_packages: suffix = '-ssp' else: suffix = '' virtual_environment_path = os.path.join(ResultType.TMP.path, 'delegation', f'python{python.version}{suffix}') virtual_environment_marker = os.path.join(virtual_environment_path, 'marker.txt') virtual_environment_python = VirtualPythonConfig( version=python.version, path=os.path.join(virtual_environment_path, 'bin', 'python'), system_site_packages=python.system_site_packages, ) if os.path.exists(virtual_environment_marker): display.info('Using existing Python %s virtual environment: %s' % (python.version, virtual_environment_path), verbosity=1) else: # a virtualenv without a marker is assumed to have been partially created remove_tree(virtual_environment_path) if not create_virtual_environment(args, python, virtual_environment_path, python.system_site_packages): raise ApplicationError(f'Python {python.version} does not provide virtual environment support.') commands = collect_bootstrap(virtual_environment_python) run_pip(args, virtual_environment_python, commands, None) # get_virtual_python() # touch the marker to keep track of when the virtualenv was last used pathlib.Path(virtual_environment_marker).touch() return virtual_environment_python def create_virtual_environment( args: EnvironmentConfig, python: PythonConfig, path: str, system_site_packages: bool = False, pip: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Create a virtual environment using venv for the requested Python version.""" if not os.path.exists(python.path): # the requested python version could not be found return False # creating a virtual environment using 'venv' when running in a virtual environment created by 'virtualenv' results # in a copy of the original virtual environment instead of creation of a new one # avoid this issue by only using "real" python interpreters to invoke 'venv' for real_python in iterate_real_pythons(python.version): if run_venv(args, real_python, system_site_packages, pip, path): display.info('Created Python %s virtual environment using "venv": %s' % (python.version, path), verbosity=1) return True # something went wrong, most likely the package maintainer for the Python installation removed ensurepip # which will prevent creation of a virtual environment without installation of other OS packages return False def iterate_real_pythons(version: str) -> c.Iterable[str]: """ Iterate through available real python interpreters of the requested version. The current interpreter will be checked and then the path will be searched. """ version_info = str_to_version(version) current_python = None if version_info == sys.version_info[:len(version_info)]: current_python = sys.executable real_prefix = get_python_real_prefix(current_python) if real_prefix: current_python = find_python(version, os.path.join(real_prefix, 'bin')) if current_python: yield current_python path = os.environ.get('PATH', os.path.defpath) if not path: return found_python = find_python(version, path) if not found_python: return if found_python == current_python: return real_prefix = get_python_real_prefix(found_python) if real_prefix: found_python = find_python(version, os.path.join(real_prefix, 'bin')) if found_python: yield found_python def get_python_real_prefix(python_path: str) -> t.Optional[str]: """ Return the real prefix of the specified interpreter or None if the interpreter is not a virtual environment created by 'virtualenv'. """ cmd = [python_path, os.path.join(os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_TOOLS_ROOT, 'virtualenvcheck.py'))] check_result = json.loads(raw_command(cmd, capture=True)[0]) real_prefix = check_result['real_prefix'] return real_prefix def run_venv( args: EnvironmentConfig, run_python: str, system_site_packages: bool, pip: bool, path: str, ) -> bool: """Create a virtual environment using the 'venv' module.""" cmd = [run_python, '-m', 'venv'] if system_site_packages: cmd.append('--system-site-packages') if not pip: cmd.append('--without-pip') cmd.append(path) try: run_command(args, cmd, capture=True) except SubprocessError as ex: remove_tree(path) if args.verbosity > 1: display.error(ex.message) return False return True