# ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with no args rax_clb: ignore_errors: true register: rax_clb - name: Validate results of rax_clb with no args assert: that: - rax_clb is failed - 'rax_clb.msg == "missing required arguments: name"' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with name rax_clb: name: fail ignore_errors: true register: rax_clb - name: Validate results of rax_clb with only creds assert: that: - rax_clb is failed - rax_clb.msg == 'No credentials supplied!' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with name and credentials rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" name: fail ignore_errors: true register: rax_clb - name: Validate results of rax_clb with only creds assert: that: - rax_clb is failed - rax_clb.msg.startswith('None is not a valid region') # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with creds and region rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" ignore_errors: true register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb creds and region assert: that: - rax_clb is failed - 'rax_clb.msg == "missing required arguments: name"' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with creds, region and name rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-1" wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with creds, region and name assert: that: - rax_clb is successful - rax_clb.balancer.port == 80 - rax_clb.balancer.protocol == 'HTTP' - rax_clb.balancer.timeout == 30 - rax_clb.balancer.virtual_ips.0.type == 'PUBLIC' - rax_clb.balancer.metadata is not defined - rax_clb.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - rax_clb.balancer.algorithm == 'LEAST_CONNECTIONS' - name: "Delete integration 1" rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-1" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 1" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb.balancer.name == "{{ resource_prefix }}-1" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with creds, region, name and protocol rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-2" protocol: TCP wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with creds, region, name and protocol assert: that: - rax_clb is successful - rax_clb.balancer.port == 80 - rax_clb.balancer.protocol == 'TCP' - rax_clb.balancer.timeout == 30 - rax_clb.balancer.virtual_ips.0.type == 'PUBLIC' - rax_clb.balancer.metadata is not defined - rax_clb.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: "Delete integration 2" rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-2" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 2" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb.balancer.name == "{{ resource_prefix }}-2" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol and port rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-3" protocol: TCP port: 8080 wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol and port assert: that: - rax_clb is successful - rax_clb.balancer.port == 8080 - rax_clb.balancer.protocol == 'TCP' - rax_clb.balancer.timeout == 30 - rax_clb.balancer.virtual_ips.0.type == 'PUBLIC' - rax_clb.balancer.metadata is not defined - rax_clb.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: "Delete integration 3" rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-3" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 3" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb.balancer.name == "{{ resource_prefix }}-3" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol, port and type rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-4" protocol: TCP port: 8080 type: SERVICENET wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol and type assert: that: - rax_clb is successful - rax_clb.balancer.port == 8080 - rax_clb.balancer.protocol == 'TCP' - rax_clb.balancer.timeout == 30 - rax_clb.balancer.virtual_ips.0.type == 'SERVICENET' - rax_clb.balancer.metadata is not defined - rax_clb.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: "Delete integration 4" rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-4" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 4" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb.balancer.name == "{{ resource_prefix }}-4" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with invalid timeout rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-fail" protocol: TCP port: 8080 type: SERVICENET timeout: 1 wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" ignore_errors: true register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with invalid timeout assert: that: - rax_clb is failed - rax_clb.msg == '"timeout" must be greater than or equal to 30' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol, port, type and timeout rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-5" protocol: TCP port: 8080 type: SERVICENET timeout: 60 wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol, type and timeout assert: that: - rax_clb is successful - rax_clb.balancer.port == 8080 - rax_clb.balancer.protocol == 'TCP' - rax_clb.balancer.timeout == 60 - rax_clb.balancer.virtual_ips.0.type == 'SERVICENET' - rax_clb.balancer.metadata is not defined - rax_clb.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: "Delete integration 5" rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-5" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 5" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb.balancer.name == "{{ resource_prefix }}-5" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol, port, type, timeout and algorithm rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-6" protocol: TCP port: 8080 type: SERVICENET timeout: 60 algorithm: RANDOM wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol, type, timeout and algorithm assert: that: - rax_clb is successful - rax_clb.balancer.port == 8080 - rax_clb.balancer.protocol == 'TCP' - rax_clb.balancer.timeout == 60 - rax_clb.balancer.virtual_ips.0.type == 'SERVICENET' - rax_clb.balancer.metadata is not defined - rax_clb.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - rax_clb.balancer.algorithm == 'RANDOM' - name: "Delete integration 6" rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-6" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 6" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb.balancer.name == "{{ resource_prefix }}-6" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with invalid type rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-fail" type: BAD timeout: 1 wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" ignore_errors: true register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with invalid timeout assert: that: - rax_clb is failed - 'rax_clb.msg == "value of type must be one of: PUBLIC,SERVICENET, got: BAD"' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with invalid protocol rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-fail" protocol: BAD timeout: 1 wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" ignore_errors: true register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with invalid timeout assert: that: - rax_clb is failed - 'rax_clb.msg == "value of protocol must be one of: DNS_TCP,DNS_UDP,FTP,HTTP,HTTPS,IMAPS,IMAPv4,LDAP,LDAPS,MYSQL,POP3,POP3S,SMTP,TCP,TCP_CLIENT_FIRST,UDP,UDP_STREAM,SFTP, got: BAD"' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with invalid algorithm rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-fail" algorithm: BAD timeout: 1 wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" ignore_errors: true register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with invalid timeout assert: that: - rax_clb is failed - 'rax_clb.msg == "value of algorithm must be one of: RANDOM,LEAST_CONNECTIONS,ROUND_ROBIN,WEIGHTED_LEAST_CONNECTIONS,WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN, got: BAD"' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol, port, type, timeout, algorithm and metadata rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-7" protocol: TCP port: 8080 type: SERVICENET timeout: 60 algorithm: RANDOM meta: foo: bar wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: Validate rax_clb with creds, region, name, protocol, type, timeout, algorithm and metadata assert: that: - rax_clb is successful - rax_clb.balancer.port == 8080 - rax_clb.balancer.protocol == 'TCP' - rax_clb.balancer.timeout == 60 - rax_clb.balancer.virtual_ips.0.type == 'SERVICENET' - rax_clb.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - rax_clb.balancer.algorithm == 'RANDOM' - rax_clb.balancer.metadata.0.key == 'foo' - rax_clb.balancer.metadata.0.value == 'bar' - name: "Delete integration 7" rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-7" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 7" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb.balancer.name == "{{ resource_prefix }}-7" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with shared VIP HTTP rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-8-HTTP" wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_http - name: Validate rax_clb with shared VIP HTTP assert: that: - rax_clb_http is successful - rax_clb_http.balancer.protocol == 'HTTP' - rax_clb_http.balancer.virtual_ips.0.type == 'PUBLIC' - rax_clb_http.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Test rax_clb with shared VIP HTTPS rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-8-HTTPS" protocol: HTTPS port: 443 wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" vip_id: "{{ (rax_clb_http.balancer.virtual_ips|first).id }}" register: rax_clb_https - name: Validate Test rax_clb with shared VIP assert: that: - rax_clb_https is successful - rax_clb_https.balancer.protocol == 'HTTPS' - rax_clb_https.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - rax_clb_http.balancer.virtual_ips == rax_clb_https.balancer.virtual_ips - name: "Delete integration 8 HTTP" rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-8-HTTP" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_http - name: "Delete integration 8 HTTPS" rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-8-HTTPS" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_http - name: "Validate delete integration 8" assert: that: - rax_clb_http is changed - rax_clb_https is changed # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with updated protocol 1 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-9" wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_p1 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated protocol 1 assert: that: - rax_clb_p1 is successful - rax_clb_p1.balancer.protocol == 'HTTP' - rax_clb_p1.balancer.virtual_ips.0.type == 'PUBLIC' - rax_clb_p1.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Test rax_clb with updated protocol 2 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-9" protocol: TCP wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_p2 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated protocol 2 assert: that: - rax_clb_p1.balancer.id == rax_clb_p2.balancer.id - rax_clb_p2 is successful - rax_clb_p2 is changed - rax_clb_p2.balancer.protocol == 'TCP' - rax_clb_p2.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Delete integration 9 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-9" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 9" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with updated algorithm 1 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-10" wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_a1 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated algorithm 1 assert: that: - rax_clb_a1 is successful - rax_clb_a1.balancer.algorithm == 'LEAST_CONNECTIONS' - rax_clb_a1.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Test rax_clb with updated algorithm 2 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-10" algorithm: RANDOM wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_a2 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated algorithm 2 assert: that: - rax_clb_a1.balancer.id == rax_clb_a2.balancer.id - rax_clb_a2 is successful - rax_clb_a2 is changed - rax_clb_a2.balancer.algorithm == 'RANDOM' - rax_clb_a2.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Delete integration 10 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-10" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 10" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb_a1.balancer.id == rax_clb.balancer.id # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with updated port 1 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-11" wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_1 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated port 1 assert: that: - rax_clb_1 is successful - rax_clb_1.balancer.port == 80 - rax_clb_1.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Test rax_clb with updated port 2 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-11" port: 8080 wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_2 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated port 2 assert: that: - rax_clb_1.balancer.id == rax_clb_2.balancer.id - rax_clb_2 is successful - rax_clb_2 is changed - rax_clb_2.balancer.port == 8080 - rax_clb_2.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Delete integration 11 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-11" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 11" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb_1.balancer.id == rax_clb.balancer.id # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with updated timeout 1 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-12" wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_1 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated timeout 1 assert: that: - rax_clb_1 is successful - rax_clb_1.balancer.timeout == 30 - rax_clb_1.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Test rax_clb with updated timeout 2 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-12" timeout: 60 wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_2 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated timeout 2 assert: that: - rax_clb_1.balancer.id == rax_clb_2.balancer.id - rax_clb_2 is successful - rax_clb_2 is changed - rax_clb_2.balancer.timeout == 60 - rax_clb_2.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Delete integration 12 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-12" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 12" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb_1.balancer.id == rax_clb.balancer.id # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with invalid updated type 1 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-13" wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_1 - name: Validate rax_clb with invalid updated type 1 assert: that: - rax_clb_1 is successful - rax_clb_1.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Test rax_clb with invalid updated type 2 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-13" type: SERVICENET wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_2 ignore_errors: true - name: Validate rax_clb with updated timeout 2 assert: that: - rax_clb_2 is failed - rax_clb_2.msg == 'Load balancer Virtual IP type cannot be changed' - name: Delete integration 13 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-13" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 13" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb_1.balancer.id == rax_clb.balancer.id # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_clb with updated meta 1 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-14" wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_1 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated meta 1 assert: that: - rax_clb_1 is successful - rax_clb_1.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - rax_clb_1.balancer.metadata is not defined - name: Test rax_clb with updated meta 2 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-14" meta: foo: bar wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb_2 - name: Validate rax_clb with updated meta 2 assert: that: - rax_clb_1.balancer.id == rax_clb_2.balancer.id - rax_clb_2 is successful - rax_clb_2 is changed - rax_clb_2.balancer.metadata.0.key == 'foo' - rax_clb_2.balancer.metadata.0.value == 'bar' - rax_clb_2.balancer.status == 'ACTIVE' - name: Delete integration 14 rax_clb: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-14" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax_clb - name: "Validate delete integration 14" assert: that: - rax_clb is changed - rax_clb_1.balancer.id == rax_clb.balancer.id # ============================================================