--- - debug: msg="START connection={{ ansible_connection }} nxos_telemetry merged sanity test" - set_fact: source_interface="Loopback55" when: imagetag and (major_version is version_compare('9.1', 'ge')) - set_fact: command_list_length=30 - set_fact: command_list_length=31 when: imagetag and (major_version is version_compare('9.1', 'ge')) - name: Setup nxos_feature: &setup_teardown feature: telemetry state: disabled ignore_errors: yes - block: - name: Gather Telemetry Facts Before Changes nxos_facts: &facts gather_subset: - '!all' - '!min' gather_network_resources: - telemetry - name: Telemetry - merged nxos_telemetry: &merged state: 'merged' config: certificate: key: /bootflash/server.key hostname: localhost compression: gzip source_interface: "{{source_interface|default(omit)}}" vrf: management destination_groups: - id: 2 destination: ip: port: 50001 protocol: grpc encoding: gpb - { id: 2, destination: {ip:, port: 60001, protocol: gRPC, encoding: GPB}} - { id: 10, destination: {ip:, port: 50001, protocol: Grpc, encoding: gPB}} - { id: 10, destination: {ip:, port: 60001, protocol: gRPC, encoding: gpb}} sensor_groups: - { id: 8, data_source: NX-API, path: {name: sys/bgp, depth: 0, query_condition: foo, filter_condition: foo}} - { id: 2, data_source: NX-API, path: {name: sys/bgp/inst, depth: unbounded, query_condition: foo, filter_condition: foo}} - { id: 55, data_source: DME, path: {name: 'sys/bgp/inst/dom-default/peer-[]/ent-[]', depth: 0, query_condition: foo, filter_condition: foo}} - { id: 55, data_source: DME, path: {name: sys/ospf, depth: 0, query_condition: foo, filter_condition: 'or(eq(ethpmPhysIf.operSt,"down"),eq(ethpmPhysIf.operSt,"up"))'}} subscriptions: - { id: 44, destination_group: 10, sensor_group: {id: 8, sample_interval: 2000}} - { id: 44, destination_group: 2, sensor_group: {id: 2, sample_interval: 2000}} - { id: 55, destination_group: 10, sensor_group: {id: 55, sample_interval: 2000}} register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == true" - "result.before|length == 0" - "'feature telemetry' in result.commands" - "'telemetry' in result.commands" - "'certificate /bootflash/server.key localhost' in result.commands" - "'destination-profile' in result.commands" - "'use-compression gzip' in result.commands" - "'use-vrf management' in result.commands" - "'destination-group 2' in result.commands" - "'ip address port 50001 protocol grpc encoding gpb' in result.commands" - "'ip address port 60001 protocol grpc encoding gpb' in result.commands" - "'destination-group 10' in result.commands" - "'ip address port 50001 protocol grpc encoding gpb' in result.commands" - "'ip address port 60001 protocol grpc encoding gpb' in result.commands" - "'sensor-group 8' in result.commands" - "'data-source NX-API' in result.commands" - "'path sys/bgp depth 0 query-condition foo filter-condition foo' in result.commands" - "'sensor-group 2' in result.commands" - "'data-source NX-API' in result.commands" - "'path sys/bgp/inst depth unbounded query-condition foo filter-condition foo' in result.commands" - "'sensor-group 55' in result.commands" - "'data-source DME' in result.commands" - "'path sys/bgp/inst/dom-default/peer-[]/ent-[] depth 0 query-condition foo filter-condition foo' in result.commands" - "'path sys/ospf depth 0 query-condition foo filter-condition or(eq(ethpmPhysIf.operSt,\"down\"),eq(ethpmPhysIf.operSt,\"up\"))' in result.commands" - "'subscription 44' in result.commands" - "'dst-grp 10' in result.commands" - "'dst-grp 2' in result.commands" - "'snsr-grp 8 sample-interval 2000' in result.commands" - "'snsr-grp 2 sample-interval 2000' in result.commands" - "'subscription 55' in result.commands" - "'dst-grp 10' in result.commands" - "'snsr-grp 55 sample-interval 2000' in result.commands" - "result.commands|length == {{ command_list_length }}" # Source interface may or may not be included based on the image version. - assert: that: - "'source-interface loopback55' in result.commands" when: imagetag and (major_version is version_compare('9.1', 'ge')) - assert: that: - "(ansible_facts.network_resources.telemetry|dict2items)|symmetric_difference(result.before|dict2items)|length == 0" - name: Gather Telemetry Facts After Changes nxos_facts: *facts - assert: that: - "(ansible_facts.network_resources.telemetry|dict2items)|symmetric_difference(result.after|dict2items)|length == 0" - name: Telemetry - merged - idempotence nxos_telemetry: *merged register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "result.commands|length == 0" - name: Telemetry - change values nxos_telemetry: &merged_change state: 'merged' config: certificate: key: /bootflash/local_server.key hostname: localhost compression: gzip source_interface: "{{source_interface|default(omit)}}" vrf: management destination_groups: - id: 2 destination: ip: port: 50001 protocol: grpc encoding: gpb - { id: 2, destination: {ip:, port: 60001, protocol: gRPC, encoding: GPB}} - { id: 10, destination: {ip:, port: 50001, protocol: Grpc, encoding: gPB}} - { id: 10, destination: {ip:, port: 60001, protocol: gRPC, encoding: gpb}} sensor_groups: - { id: 8, data_source: NX-API, path: {name: sys/bgp, depth: 0, query_condition: foo, filter_condition: foo}} - { id: 2, data_source: NX-API, path: {name: sys/bgp/inst, depth: unbounded, query_condition: foo, filter_condition: foo}} - { id: 55, data_source: DME, path: {name: 'sys/bgp/inst/dom-default/peer-[]/ent-[]', depth: 0, query_condition: foo, filter_condition: foo}} - { id: 55, data_source: DME, path: {name: sys/ospf, depth: 0, query_condition: foo, filter_condition: 'or(eq(ethpmPhysIf.operSt,"down"),eq(ethpmPhysIf.operSt,"up"))'}} subscriptions: - { id: 44, destination_group: 10, sensor_group: {id: 8, sample_interval: 1000}} - { id: 44, destination_group: 2, sensor_group: {id: 2, sample_interval: 2000}} - { id: 55, destination_group: 10, sensor_group: {id: 55, sample_interval: 2000}} register: result # The step above should result in only the following changes: # "commands": [ # "telemetry", # "certificate /bootflash/local_server.key localhost", # "subscription 44", # "snsr-grp 8 sample-interval 1000" # ], - set_fact: test_list: - "telemetry" - "certificate /bootflash/local_server.key localhost" - "subscription 44" - "snsr-grp 8 sample-interval 1000" - assert: that: - "result.changed == true" - "test_list|symmetric_difference(result.commands)|length == 0" - name: Telemetry - change values - idempotent nxos_telemetry: *merged_change register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "result.commands|length == 0" always: - name: Teardown nxos_feature: *setup_teardown ignore_errors: yes - debug: msg="END connection={{ ansible_connection }} nxos_telemetry merged sanity test"