--- - debug: msg="START netconf/facts.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}" - name: Collect default facts from device junos_facts: provider: "{{ netconf }}" register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "'ansible_net_hostname' in result['ansible_facts']" - "'ansible_net_interfaces' in result['ansible_facts']" - "'ansible_net_memfree_mb' in result['ansible_facts']" - name: Collect config facts from device junos_facts: gather_subset: config provider: "{{ netconf }}" register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "'ansible_net_config' in result['ansible_facts']" - "'ansible_net_interfaces' not in result['ansible_facts']" - "'ansible_net_memfree_mb' not in result['ansible_facts']" - name: Collect all facts from device except hardware junos_facts: gather_subset: "!hardware" provider: "{{ netconf }}" register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "'ansible_net_config' in result['ansible_facts']" - "'ansible_net_interfaces' in result['ansible_facts']" - "'ansible_net_memfree_mb' not in result['ansible_facts']" - name: Invalid facts subset value junos_facts: gather_subset: test provider: "{{ netconf }}" ignore_errors: yes register: result - assert: that: - "result.failed == true" - "result.msg == 'Subset must be one of [hardware, default, ofacts, config, interfaces], got test'" - name: Collect config facts from device in set format junos_facts: gather_subset: config config_format: set provider: "{{ netconf }}" register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "'set system services netconf ssh' in result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_config']" - name: Collect config facts from device in xml format junos_facts: gather_subset: config config_format: xml provider: "{{ netconf }}" register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "'' in result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_config']" - name: Collect config facts from device in json format junos_facts: gather_subset: config config_format: json provider: "{{ netconf }}" register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "'{{ result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_config']['configuration'][0]['system'][0]['service'][0]['netconf'] }}' is defined" when: ansible_net_version == "15.1X49-D15.4" - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "'ssh' in result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_config']['configuration']['system']['services']['netconf']" when: ansible_net_version == "17.3R1.10" - name: Collect config facts from device in text format junos_facts: gather_subset: config config_format: text provider: "{{ netconf }}" register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "'netconf {' in result['ansible_facts']['ansible_net_config']" - debug: msg="END netconf/facts.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}"