.. _colllections_contributions: ************************************* Ansible Collections Contributor Guide ************************************* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 collection_development_process reporting_collections documentation_contributions maintainers contributing_maintained_collections other_tools_and_programs If you have a specific Ansible interest or expertise (for example, VMware, Linode, and so on, consider joining a :ref:`working group `. Working with the Ansible collection repositories ================================================= * How can I find :ref:`editors, linters, and other tools ` that will support my Ansible development efforts? * Where can I find guidance on :ref:`coding in Ansible `? * How do I :ref:`create a collection `? * How do I :ref:`rebase my PR `? * How do I learn about Ansible's :ref:`testing (CI) process `? * How do I :ref:`deprecate a module `?