--- - debug: msg: "START junos_vlans overridden integration tests on connection={{ ansible_connection }}" - include_tasks: _remove_config.yaml - include_tasks: _base_config.yaml - set_fact: expected_overridden_output: - name: vlan1 vlan_id: 100 - block: - name: Override the provided configuration with the exisiting running configuration junos_vlans: &overridden config: - name: vlan1 vlan_id: 100 state: overridden register: result - name: Assert the configuration is reflected on host assert: that: - "{{ expected_overridden_output | symmetric_difference(result['after']) |length == 0 }}" - name: Override the provided configuration with the existing running configuration (IDEMPOTENT) junos_vlans: *overridden register: result - name: Assert that the previous task was idempotent assert: that: - "result['changed'] == false" always: - include_tasks: _remove_config.yaml - debug: msg: "END junos_vlans overridden integration tests on connection={{ ansible_connection }}"