#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2015, Maciej Delmanowski # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: virt_net author: "Maciej Delmanowski (@drybjed)" version_added: "2.0" short_description: Manage libvirt network configuration description: - Manage I(libvirt) networks. options: name: required: true aliases: ['network'] description: - name of the network being managed. Note that network must be previously defined with xml. state: required: false choices: [ "active", "inactive", "present", "absent" ] description: - specify which state you want a network to be in. If 'active', network will be started. If 'present', ensure that network is present but do not change its state; if it's missing, you need to specify xml argument. If 'inactive', network will be stopped. If 'undefined' or 'absent', network will be removed from I(libvirt) configuration. command: required: false choices: [ "define", "create", "start", "stop", "destroy", "undefine", "get_xml", "list_nets", "facts", "info", "status"] description: - in addition to state management, various non-idempotent commands are available. See examples. autostart: required: false choices: ["yes", "no"] description: - Specify if a given storage pool should be started automatically on system boot. uri: required: false default: "qemu:///system" description: - libvirt connection uri. xml: required: false description: - XML document used with the define command. requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - "python-libvirt" - "python-lxml" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Define a new network - virt_net: command=define name=br_nat xml='{{ lookup("template", "network/bridge.xml.j2") }}' # Start a network - virt_net: command=create name=br_nat # List available networks - virt_net: command=list_nets # Get XML data of a specified network - virt_net: command=get_xml name=br_nat # Stop a network - virt_net: command=destroy name=br_nat # Undefine a network - virt_net: command=undefine name=br_nat # Gather facts about networks # Facts will be available as 'ansible_libvirt_networks' - virt_net: command=facts # Gather information about network managed by 'libvirt' remotely using uri - virt_net: command=info uri='{{ item }}' with_items: libvirt_uris register: networks # Ensure that a network is active (needs to be defined and built first) - virt_net: state=active name=br_nat # Ensure that a network is inactive - virt_net: state=inactive name=br_nat # Ensure that a given network will be started at boot - virt_net: autostart=yes name=br_nat # Disable autostart for a given network - virt_net: autostart=no name=br_nat ''' VIRT_FAILED = 1 VIRT_SUCCESS = 0 VIRT_UNAVAILABLE=2 import sys try: import libvirt except ImportError: HAS_VIRT = False else: HAS_VIRT = True try: from lxml import etree except ImportError: HAS_XML = False else: HAS_XML = True ALL_COMMANDS = [] ENTRY_COMMANDS = ['create', 'status', 'start', 'stop', 'undefine', 'destroy', 'get_xml', 'define'] HOST_COMMANDS = [ 'list_nets', 'facts', 'info' ] ALL_COMMANDS.extend(ENTRY_COMMANDS) ALL_COMMANDS.extend(HOST_COMMANDS) ENTRY_STATE_ACTIVE_MAP = { 0 : "inactive", 1 : "active" } ENTRY_STATE_AUTOSTART_MAP = { 0 : "no", 1 : "yes" } ENTRY_STATE_PERSISTENT_MAP = { 0 : "no", 1 : "yes" } class EntryNotFound(Exception): pass class LibvirtConnection(object): def __init__(self, uri, module): self.module = module conn = libvirt.open(uri) if not conn: raise Exception("hypervisor connection failure") self.conn = conn def find_entry(self, entryid): # entryid = -1 returns a list of everything results = [] # Get active entries for name in self.conn.listNetworks(): entry = self.conn.networkLookupByName(name) results.append(entry) # Get inactive entries for name in self.conn.listDefinedNetworks(): entry = self.conn.networkLookupByName(name) results.append(entry) if entryid == -1: return results for entry in results: if entry.name() == entryid: return entry raise EntryNotFound("network %s not found" % entryid) def create(self, entryid): if not self.module.check_mode: return self.find_entry(entryid).create() else: try: state = self.find_entry(entryid).isActive() except: return self.module.exit_json(changed=True) if not state: return self.module.exit_json(changed=True) def destroy(self, entryid): if not self.module.check_mode: return self.find_entry(entryid).destroy() else: if self.find_entry(entryid).isActive(): return self.module.exit_json(changed=True) def undefine(self, entryid): if not self.module.check_mode: return self.find_entry(entryid).undefine() else: if not self.find_entry(entryid): return self.module.exit_json(changed=True) def get_status2(self, entry): state = entry.isActive() return ENTRY_STATE_ACTIVE_MAP.get(state,"unknown") def get_status(self, entryid): if not self.module.check_mode: state = self.find_entry(entryid).isActive() return ENTRY_STATE_ACTIVE_MAP.get(state,"unknown") else: try: state = self.find_entry(entryid).isActive() return ENTRY_STATE_ACTIVE_MAP.get(state,"unknown") except: return ENTRY_STATE_ACTIVE_MAP.get("inactive","unknown") def get_uuid(self, entryid): return self.find_entry(entryid).UUIDString() def get_xml(self, entryid): return self.find_entry(entryid).XMLDesc(0) def get_forward(self, entryid): xml = etree.fromstring(self.find_entry(entryid).XMLDesc(0)) try: result = xml.xpath('/network/forward')[0].get('mode') except: raise ValueError('Forward mode not specified') return result def get_domain(self, entryid): xml = etree.fromstring(self.find_entry(entryid).XMLDesc(0)) try: result = xml.xpath('/network/domain')[0].get('name') except: raise ValueError('Domain not specified') return result def get_macaddress(self, entryid): xml = etree.fromstring(self.find_entry(entryid).XMLDesc(0)) try: result = xml.xpath('/network/mac')[0].get('address') except: raise ValueError('MAC address not specified') return result def get_autostart(self, entryid): state = self.find_entry(entryid).autostart() return ENTRY_STATE_AUTOSTART_MAP.get(state,"unknown") def get_autostart2(self, entryid): if not self.module.check_mode: return self.find_entry(entryid).autostart() else: try: return self.find_entry(entryid).autostart() except: return self.module.exit_json(changed=True) def set_autostart(self, entryid, val): if not self.module.check_mode: return self.find_entry(entryid).setAutostart(val) else: try: state = self.find_entry(entryid).autostart() except: return self.module.exit_json(changed=True) if bool(state) != val: return self.module.exit_json(changed=True) def get_bridge(self, entryid): return self.find_entry(entryid).bridgeName() def get_persistent(self, entryid): state = self.find_entry(entryid).isPersistent() return ENTRY_STATE_PERSISTENT_MAP.get(state,"unknown") def define_from_xml(self, entryid, xml): if not self.module.check_mode: return self.conn.networkDefineXML(xml) else: try: state = self.find_entry(entryid) except: return self.module.exit_json(changed=True) class VirtNetwork(object): def __init__(self, uri, module): self.module = module self.uri = uri self.conn = LibvirtConnection(self.uri, self.module) def get_net(self, entryid): return self.conn.find_entry(entryid) def list_nets(self, state=None): results = [] for entry in self.conn.find_entry(-1): if state: if state == self.conn.get_status2(entry): results.append(entry.name()) else: results.append(entry.name()) return results def state(self): results = [] for entry in self.list_nets(): state_blurb = self.conn.get_status(entry) results.append("%s %s" % (entry,state_blurb)) return results def autostart(self, entryid): return self.conn.set_autostart(entryid, True) def get_autostart(self, entryid): return self.conn.get_autostart2(entryid) def set_autostart(self, entryid, state): return self.conn.set_autostart(entryid, state) def create(self, entryid): return self.conn.create(entryid) def start(self, entryid): return self.conn.create(entryid) def stop(self, entryid): return self.conn.destroy(entryid) def destroy(self, entryid): return self.conn.destroy(entryid) def undefine(self, entryid): return self.conn.undefine(entryid) def status(self, entryid): return self.conn.get_status(entryid) def get_xml(self, entryid): return self.conn.get_xml(entryid) def define(self, entryid, xml): return self.conn.define_from_xml(entryid, xml) def info(self): return self.facts(facts_mode='info') def facts(self, facts_mode='facts'): results = dict() for entry in self.list_nets(): results[entry] = dict() results[entry]["autostart"] = self.conn.get_autostart(entry) results[entry]["persistent"] = self.conn.get_persistent(entry) results[entry]["state"] = self.conn.get_status(entry) results[entry]["bridge"] = self.conn.get_bridge(entry) results[entry]["uuid"] = self.conn.get_uuid(entry) try: results[entry]["forward_mode"] = self.conn.get_forward(entry) except ValueError as e: pass try: results[entry]["domain"] = self.conn.get_domain(entry) except ValueError as e: pass try: results[entry]["macaddress"] = self.conn.get_macaddress(entry) except ValueError as e: pass facts = dict() if facts_mode == 'facts': facts["ansible_facts"] = dict() facts["ansible_facts"]["ansible_libvirt_networks"] = results elif facts_mode == 'info': facts['networks'] = results return facts def core(module): state = module.params.get('state', None) name = module.params.get('name', None) command = module.params.get('command', None) uri = module.params.get('uri', None) xml = module.params.get('xml', None) autostart = module.params.get('autostart', None) v = VirtNetwork(uri, module) res = {} if state and command == 'list_nets': res = v.list_nets(state=state) if type(res) != dict: res = { command: res } return VIRT_SUCCESS, res if state: if not name: module.fail_json(msg = "state change requires a specified name") res['changed'] = False if state in [ 'active' ]: if v.status(name) is not 'active': res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.start(name) elif state in [ 'present' ]: try: v.get_net(name) except EntryNotFound: if not xml: module.fail_json(msg = "network '" + name + "' not present, but xml not specified") v.define(name, xml) res = {'changed': True, 'created': name} elif state in [ 'inactive' ]: entries = v.list_nets() if name in entries: if v.status(name) is not 'inactive': res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.destroy(name) elif state in [ 'undefined', 'absent' ]: entries = v.list_nets() if name in entries: if v.status(name) is not 'inactive': v.destroy(name) res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.undefine(name) else: module.fail_json(msg="unexpected state") return VIRT_SUCCESS, res if command: if command in ENTRY_COMMANDS: if not name: module.fail_json(msg = "%s requires 1 argument: name" % command) if command == 'define': if not xml: module.fail_json(msg = "define requires xml argument") try: v.get_net(name) except EntryNotFound: v.define(name, xml) res = {'changed': True, 'created': name} return VIRT_SUCCESS, res res = getattr(v, command)(name) if type(res) != dict: res = { command: res } return VIRT_SUCCESS, res elif hasattr(v, command): res = getattr(v, command)() if type(res) != dict: res = { command: res } return VIRT_SUCCESS, res else: module.fail_json(msg="Command %s not recognized" % basecmd) if autostart: if not name: module.fail_json(msg = "state change requires a specified name") res['changed'] = False if autostart == 'yes': if not v.get_autostart(name): res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.set_autostart(name, True) elif autostart == 'no': if v.get_autostart(name): res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.set_autostart(name, False) return VIRT_SUCCESS, res module.fail_json(msg="expected state or command parameter to be specified") def main(): module = AnsibleModule ( argument_spec = dict( name = dict(aliases=['network']), state = dict(choices=['active', 'inactive', 'present', 'absent']), command = dict(choices=ALL_COMMANDS), uri = dict(default='qemu:///system'), xml = dict(), autostart = dict(choices=['yes', 'no']) ), supports_check_mode = True ) if not HAS_VIRT: module.fail_json( msg='The `libvirt` module is not importable. Check the requirements.' ) if not HAS_XML: module.fail_json( msg='The `lxml` module is not importable. Check the requirements.' ) rc = VIRT_SUCCESS try: rc, result = core(module) except Exception, e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) if rc != 0: # something went wrong emit the msg module.fail_json(rc=rc, msg=result) else: module.exit_json(**result) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()