- name: test with_first_found #shell: echo {{ item }} set_fact: "first_found={{ item }}" with_first_found: - "{{ role_path + '/files/does_not_exist' }}" - "{{ role_path + '/files/foo1' }}" - "{{ role_path + '/files/bar1' }}" - name: set expected set_fact: first_expected="{{ role_path + '/files/foo1' }}" - name: set unexpected set_fact: first_unexpected="{{ role_path + '/files/bar1' }}" - name: verify with_first_found results assert: that: - "first_found == first_expected" - "first_found != first_unexpected" - name: test q(first_found) with no files produces empty list set_fact: first_found_var: "{{ q('first_found', params, errors='ignore') }}" vars: params: files: "not_a_file.yaml" - name: verify q(first_found) result assert: that: - "first_found_var == []" - name: test lookup(first_found) with no files produces empty string set_fact: first_found_var: "{{ lookup('first_found', params, errors='ignore') }}" vars: params: files: "not_a_file.yaml" - name: verify lookup(first_found) result assert: that: - "first_found_var == ''" # NOTE: skip: True deprecated e17a2b502d6601be53c60d7ba1c627df419460c9, remove 2.12 - name: test first_found with no matches and skip=True does nothing set_fact: "this_not_set={{ item }}" vars: params: files: - not/a/file.yaml - another/non/file.yaml skip: True loop: "{{ q('first_found', params) }}" - name: verify skip assert: that: - "this_not_set is not defined" - name: test first_found with no matches and errors='ignore' skips in a loop set_fact: "this_not_set={{ item }}" vars: params: files: - not/a/file.yaml - another/non/file.yaml loop: "{{ query('first_found', params, errors='ignore') }}" - name: verify errors=ignore assert: that: - "this_not_set is not defined"