#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux # test no dupes when dependencies in b and c point to a in roles: [ "$(ansible-playbook no_dupes.yml -i ../../inventory --tags inroles "$@" | grep -c '"msg": "A"')" = "1" ] [ "$(ansible-playbook no_dupes.yml -i ../../inventory --tags acrossroles "$@" | grep -c '"msg": "A"')" = "1" ] [ "$(ansible-playbook no_dupes.yml -i ../../inventory --tags intasks "$@" | grep -c '"msg": "A"')" = "1" ] # but still dupe across plays [ "$(ansible-playbook no_dupes.yml -i ../../inventory "$@" | grep -c '"msg": "A"')" = "3" ] # include/import can execute another instance of role [ "$(ansible-playbook allowed_dupes.yml -i ../../inventory --tags importrole "$@" | grep -c '"msg": "A"')" = "2" ] [ "$(ansible-playbook allowed_dupes.yml -i ../../inventory --tags includerole "$@" | grep -c '"msg": "A"')" = "2" ] # ensure role data is merged correctly ansible-playbook data_integrity.yml -i ../../inventory "$@"