--- - name: verify that the default value is indeed 1 assert: that: - "testing == 1" - "base_dir == 'defaults'" - name: include the vars/environments/development/all.yml include_vars: file: environments/development/all.yml - name: verify that the default value is indeed 789 assert: that: - "testing == 789" - "base_dir == 'environments/development'" - name: include the vars/environments/development/all.yml and save results in all include_vars: file: environments/development/all.yml name: all - name: verify that the values are stored in the all variable assert: that: - "all['testing'] == 789" - "all['base_dir'] == 'environments/development'" - name: include the all directory in vars include_vars: dir: all depth: 1 - name: verify that the default value is indeed 123 assert: that: - "testing == 123" - "base_dir == 'all'" - name: include every directory in vars include_vars: dir: vars - name: verify that the variable overwrite based on alphabetical order assert: that: - "testing == 456" - "base_dir == 'services'" - "webapp_containers == 10" - name: include every directory in vars except files matching webapp.yml include_vars: dir: vars ignore_files: - webapp.yml - name: verify that the webapp.yml file was not included assert: that: - "testing == 789" - "base_dir == 'environments/development'" - name: include only files matching webapp.yml include_vars: dir: environments files_matching: webapp.yml - name: verify that only files matching webapp.yml and in the environments directory get loaded. assert: that: - "testing == 101112" - "base_dir == 'development/services'" - "webapp_containers == 20" - name: include only files matching webapp.yml and store results in webapp include_vars: dir: environments files_matching: webapp.yml name: webapp - name: verify that only files matching webapp.yml and in the environments directory get loaded into stored variable webapp. assert: that: - "webapp['testing'] == 101112" - "webapp['base_dir'] == 'development/services'" - "webapp['webapp_containers'] == 20"