--- - name: test listen with named handlers hosts: localhost gather_facts: false connection: local tasks: - name: test notify handlers listen command: uptime notify: - notify_listen - meta: flush_handlers - name: verify test notify handlers listen assert: that: - "notify_listen_ran_1_1 is defined" - "notify_listen_ran_1_2 is defined" handlers: - name: notify_handler_ran_1_1 set_fact: notify_listen_ran_1_1: True listen: notify_listen - name: notify_handler_ran_1_2 set_fact: notify_listen_ran_1_2: True listen: notify_listen - name: test listen unnamed handlers hosts: localhost gather_facts: false connection: local pre_tasks: - name: notify some handlers command: echo foo notify: - notify_listen tasks: - meta: flush_handlers - name: assert all defined handlers ran without error assert: that: - "notify_listen_ran_1 is defined" - "notify_listen_ran_2 is defined" handlers: - set_fact: notify_listen_ran_1: True listen: notify_listen - set_fact: notify_listen_ran_2: True listen: notify_listen - name: test with mixed notify by name and listen hosts: localhost gather_facts: false connection: local tasks: - name: test notify handlers names and identical listen command: uptime notify: - notify_listen - meta: flush_handlers - name: verify test notify handlers names and identical listen assert: that: - "notify_handler_name_ran_3 is defined" - "notify_handler_name_ran_3_1 is not defined" - "notify_listen_ran_3_2 is defined" - "notify_listen_ran_3_3 is defined" - "not_notify_listen_3_4 is not defined" handlers: - name: notify_listen set_fact: notify_handler_name_ran_3: True # this will not run as we have a handler with a identical name notified first - name: notify_listen set_fact: notify_handler_name_ran_3_1: True - name: notify_handler_ran_3_2 set_fact: notify_listen_ran_3_2: True listen: notify_listen - name: notify_handler_ran_3_3 set_fact: notify_listen_ran_3_3: True listen: notify_listen # this one is not notified - name: not_notify_listen_3_4 set_fact: not_notify_listen_3_4: True listen: not_notified - name: test listen in roles hosts: localhost gather_facts: false connection: local roles: - role: test_handlers_listen tasks: - name: test notify handlers listen in roles command: uptime notify: - notify_listen - meta: flush_handlers - name: verify test notify handlers listen in roles assert: that: - "notify_listen_ran_4_1 is defined" - "notify_listen_ran_4_2 is defined" - "notify_listen_ran_4_3 is defined" - "notify_listen_in_role_4 is defined" - "notify_listen_from_role_4 is defined" handlers: - name: notify_listen_ran_4_1 set_fact: notify_listen_ran_4_1: True listen: notify_listen - name: notify_listen_ran_4_2 set_fact: notify_listen_ran_4_2: True listen: notify_listen - name: notify_listen_from_role_4 set_fact: notify_listen_from_role_4: True listen: notify_listen_from_role