.. _@{ module }@: {% if short_description %} {% set title = module + ' - ' + short_description|convert_symbols_to_format %} {% else %} {% set title = module %} {% endif %} {% set title_len = title|length %} @{ title }@ @{ '+' * title_len }@ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 {# ------------------------------------------ # # Please note: this looks like a core dump # but it isn't one. # --------------------------------------------#} Synopsis -------- {% if version_added is defined -%} .. versionadded:: @{ version_added }@ {% endif %} {% for desc in description -%} @{ desc | convert_symbols_to_format }@ {% endfor %} {% if options -%} Options ------- .. raw:: html {% for k in option_keys %} {% set v = options[k] %} {% if v.get('type', 'not_bool') == 'bool' %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
parameter required default choices comments
@{ k }@ {% if v.get('required', False) %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %} {% if v['default'] %}@{ v['default'] }@{% endif %}
  • yes
  • no
    {% for choice in v.get('choices',[]) -%}
  • @{ choice }@
  • {% endfor -%}
{% for desc in v.description -%}@{ desc | html_ify }@{% endfor -%}{% if v['version_added'] %} (added in Ansible @{v['version_added']}@){% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if requirements %} {% for req in requirements %} .. note:: Requires @{ req | convert_symbols_to_format }@ {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if examples or plainexamples %} Examples -------- .. raw:: html {% for example in examples %} {% if example['description'] %}

@{ example['description'] | html_ify }@

{% endif %}

@{ example['code'] | escape | indent(4, True) }@

{% endfor %}
{% if plainexamples %} :: @{ plainexamples | indent(4, True) }@ {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if notes %} {% for note in notes %} .. note:: @{ note | convert_symbols_to_format }@ {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if core %} This is a Core Module --------------------- This source of this module is hosted on GitHub in the `ansible-modules-core `_ repo. If you believe you have found a bug in this module, and are already running the latest stable or development version of Ansible, first look in the `issue tracker at github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core `_ to see if a bug has already been filed. If not, we would be greatful if you would file one. Should you have a question rather than a bug report, inquries are welcome on the `ansible-project google group `_ or on Ansible's "#ansible" channel, located on irc.freenode.net. Development oriented topics should instead use the similar `ansible-devel google group `_. Documentation updates for this module can also be edited directly by submitting a pull request to the module source code, just look for the "DOCUMENTATION" block in the source tree. This is a "core" ansible module, which means it will recieve slightly higher priority for all requests than those in the "extras" repos. {% else %} This is an Extras Module ------------------------ This source of this module is hosted on GitHub in the `ansible-modules-extras `_ repo. If you believe you have found a bug in this module, and are already running the latest stable or development version of Ansible, first look in the `issue tracker at github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras `_ to see if a bug has already been filed. If not, we would be greatful if you would file one. Should you have a question rather than a bug report, inquries are welcome on the `ansible-project google group ` or on Ansible's "#ansible" channel, located on irc.freenode.net. Development oriented topics should instead use the similar `ansible-devel google group `_. Documentation updates for this module can also be edited directly by submitting a pull request to the module source code, just look for the "DOCUMENTATION" block in the source tree. Note that this module is designated a "extras" module. Non-core modules are still fully usuable, but may recieve slightly lower response rates for issues and pull requests. Popular "extras" modules may be promoted to core modules over time. {% endif %} For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read :doc:`community`, :doc:`developing_test_pr` and :doc:`developing_modules`.