#!/usr/bin/env python # PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK """Manage upstream ansible-core releases.""" from __future__ import annotations import argparse import contextlib import dataclasses import datetime import enum import functools import gzip import hashlib import http.client import inspect import json import math import os import pathlib import re import secrets import shlex import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile import typing as t import urllib.error import urllib.parse import urllib.request import venv import webbrowser import zipfile import jinja2 from packaging.version import Version, InvalidVersion # region CLI Framework C = t.TypeVar("C", bound=t.Callable[[...], None]) def path_to_str(value: t.Any) -> str: """Return the given value converted to a string suitable for use as a command line argument.""" return f"{value}/" if isinstance(value, pathlib.Path) and value.is_dir() else str(value) def run( *args: t.Any, env: dict[str, t.Any] | None, cwd: pathlib.Path | str, capture_output: bool = False, ) -> CompletedProcess: """Run the specified command.""" args = [arg.relative_to(cwd) if isinstance(arg, pathlib.Path) else arg for arg in args] str_args = tuple(path_to_str(arg) for arg in args) str_env = {key: path_to_str(value) for key, value in env.items()} if env is not None else None display.show(f"--> {shlex.join(str_args)}", color=Display.CYAN) try: p = subprocess.run(str_args, check=True, text=True, env=str_env, cwd=cwd, capture_output=capture_output) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: # improve type hinting and include stdout/stderr (if any) in the message raise CalledProcessError( message=str(ex), cmd=str_args, status=ex.returncode, stdout=ex.stdout, stderr=ex.stderr, ) from None # improve type hinting return CompletedProcess( args=str_args, stdout=p.stdout, stderr=p.stderr, ) @contextlib.contextmanager def suppress_when(error_as_warning: bool) -> None: """Conditionally convert an ApplicationError in the provided context to a warning.""" if error_as_warning: try: yield except ApplicationError as ex: display.warning(ex) else: yield class ApplicationError(Exception): """A fatal application error which will be shown without a traceback.""" class CalledProcessError(Exception): """Results from a failed process.""" def __init__(self, message: str, cmd: tuple[str, ...], status: int, stdout: str | None, stderr: str | None) -> None: if stdout and (stdout := stdout.strip()): message += f"\n>>> Standard Output\n{stdout}" if stderr and (stderr := stderr.strip()): message += f"\n>>> Standard Error\n{stderr}" super().__init__(message) self.cmd = cmd self.status = status self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class CompletedProcess: """Results from a completed process.""" args: tuple[str, ...] stdout: str | None stderr: str | None class Display: """Display interface for sending output to the console.""" CLEAR = "\033[0m" RED = "\033[31m" BLUE = "\033[34m" PURPLE = "\033[35m" CYAN = "\033[36m" def fatal(self, message: t.Any) -> None: """Print a fatal message to the console.""" self.show(f"FATAL: {message}", color=self.RED) def warning(self, message: t.Any) -> None: """Print a warning message to the console.""" self.show(f"WARNING: {message}", color=self.PURPLE) def show(self, message: t.Any, color: str | None = None) -> None: """Print a message to the console.""" print(f"{color or self.CLEAR}{message}{self.CLEAR}", flush=True) class CommandFramework: """ Simple command line framework inspired by nox. Argument parsing is handled by argparse. Each function annotated with an instance of this class becomes a subcommand. Options are shared across all commands, and are defined by providing kwargs when creating an instance of this class. Options are only defined for commands which have a matching parameter. The name of each kwarg is the option name, which will be prefixed with `--` and with underscores converted to dashes. The value of each kwarg is passed as kwargs to ArgumentParser.add_argument. Passing None results in an internal only parameter. The following custom kwargs are recognized and are not passed to add_argument: name - Override the positional argument (option) passed to add_argument. exclusive - Put the argument in an exclusive group of the given name. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs: dict[str, t.Any] | None) -> None: self.commands: list[C] = [] self.arguments = kwargs self.parsed_arguments: argparse.Namespace | None = None def __call__(self, func: C) -> C: """Register the decorated function as a CLI command.""" self.commands.append(func) return func def run(self, *args: C, **kwargs) -> None: """Run the specified command(s), using any provided internal args.""" for arg in args: self._run(arg, **kwargs) def main(self) -> None: """Main program entry point.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(metavar="COMMAND", required=True) for func in self.commands: func_parser = subparsers.add_parser(self._format_command_name(func), description=func.__doc__, help=func.__doc__) func_parser.set_defaults(func=func) exclusive_groups = {} signature = inspect.signature(func) for name in signature.parameters: if name not in self.arguments: raise RuntimeError(f"The '{name}' argument, used by '{func.__name__}', has not been defined.") if (arguments := self.arguments.get(name)) is None: continue # internal use arguments = arguments.copy() exclusive = arguments.pop("exclusive", None) if exclusive: if exclusive not in exclusive_groups: exclusive_groups[exclusive] = func_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() command_parser = exclusive_groups[exclusive] else: command_parser = func_parser if option_name := arguments.pop("name", None): arguments.update(dest=name) else: option_name = f"--{name.replace('_', '-')}" command_parser.add_argument(option_name, **arguments) try: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import argcomplete except ImportError: pass else: argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) self.parsed_arguments = parser.parse_args() try: self.run(self.parsed_arguments.func) except ApplicationError as ex: display.fatal(ex) sys.exit(1) def _run(self, func: C, **kwargs) -> None: """Run the specified command, using any provided internal args.""" signature = inspect.signature(func) func_args = {name: getattr(self.parsed_arguments, name) for name in signature.parameters if hasattr(self.parsed_arguments, name)} func_args.update({name: value for name, value in kwargs.items() if name in signature.parameters}) printable_args = ", ".join(f"{name}={repr(value)}" for name, value in func_args.items()) label = f"{self._format_command_name(func)}({printable_args})" display.show(f"==> {label}", color=Display.BLUE) try: func(**func_args) except BaseException: display.show(f"!!! {label}", color=Display.RED) raise display.show(f"<== {label}", color=Display.BLUE) @staticmethod def _format_command_name(func: C) -> str: """Return the friendly name of the given command.""" return func.__name__.replace("_", "-") display = Display() # endregion # region Data Classes @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class GitHubRelease: """Details required to create a GitHub release.""" user: str repo: str tag: str target: str title: str body: str pre_release: bool @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class PullRequest: """Details required to create a pull request.""" upstream_user: str upstream_repo: str upstream_branch: str user: str repo: str branch: str title: str body: str @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Remote: """Details about a git remote.""" name: str user: str repo: str @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Remotes: """Details about git removes.""" fork: Remote upstream: Remote @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class GitState: """Details about the state of the git repository.""" remotes: Remotes branch: str | None commit: str @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class ReleaseArtifact: """Information about a release artifact on PyPI.""" package_type: str package_label: str url: str size: int digest: str digest_algorithm: str @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class ReleaseAnnouncement: """Contents of a release announcement.""" subject: str body: str # endregion # region Utilities SCRIPT_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve() CHECKOUT_DIR = SCRIPT_DIR.parent ANSIBLE_LIB_DIR = CHECKOUT_DIR / "lib" ANSIBLE_DIR = ANSIBLE_LIB_DIR / "ansible" ANSIBLE_BIN_DIR = CHECKOUT_DIR / "bin" ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE = ANSIBLE_DIR / "release.py" ANSIBLE_REQUIREMENTS_FILE = CHECKOUT_DIR / "requirements.txt" DIST_DIR = CHECKOUT_DIR / "dist" VENV_DIR = DIST_DIR / ".venv" / "release" CHANGELOGS_DIR = CHECKOUT_DIR / "changelogs" CHANGELOGS_FRAGMENTS_DIR = CHANGELOGS_DIR / "fragments" ANSIBLE_VERSION_PATTERN = re.compile("^__version__ = '(?P.*)'$", re.MULTILINE) ANSIBLE_VERSION_FORMAT = "__version__ = '{version}'" DIGEST_ALGORITHM = "sha256" # These endpoint names match those defined as defaults in twine. # See: https://github.com/pypa/twine/blob/9c2c0a1c535155931c3d879359330cb836950c6a/twine/utils.py#L82-L85 PYPI_ENDPOINTS = dict( pypi="https://pypi.org/pypi", testpypi="https://test.pypi.org/pypi", ) PIP_ENV = dict( PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV="yes", PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK="yes", ) class VersionMode(enum.Enum): """How to handle the ansible-core version.""" DEFAULT = enum.auto() """Do not allow development versions. Do not allow post release versions.""" STRIP_POST = enum.auto() """Do not allow development versions. Strip the post release from the version if present.""" REQUIRE_POST = enum.auto() """Do not allow development versions. Require a post release version.""" REQUIRE_DEV_POST = enum.auto() """Require a development or post release version.""" ALLOW_DEV_POST = enum.auto() """Allow development and post release versions.""" def apply(self, version: Version) -> Version: """Apply the mode to the given version and return the result.""" original_version = version release_component_count = 3 if len(version.release) != release_component_count: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} contains {version.release} release components instead of {release_component_count}.") if version.epoch: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} contains an epoch component: {version.epoch}") if version.local is not None: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} contains a local component: {version.local}") if version.is_devrelease and version.is_postrelease: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is a development and post release version.") if self == VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST: return version if self == VersionMode.REQUIRE_DEV_POST: if not version.is_devrelease and not version.is_postrelease: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is not a development or post release version.") return version if version.is_devrelease: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is a development release: {version.dev}") if self == VersionMode.STRIP_POST: if version.is_postrelease: version = Version(str(version).removesuffix(f".post{version.post}")) display.warning(f"Using version {version} by stripping the post release suffix from version {original_version}.") return version if self == VersionMode.REQUIRE_POST: if not version.is_postrelease: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is not a post release version.") return version if version.is_postrelease: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is a post release.") if self == VersionMode.DEFAULT: return version raise NotImplementedError(self) def git(*args: t.Any, capture_output: bool = False) -> CompletedProcess: """Run the specified git command.""" return run("git", *args, env=None, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR, capture_output=capture_output) def get_commit(rev: str | None = None) -> str: """Return the commit associated with the given rev, or HEAD if no rev is given.""" try: return git("rev-parse", "--quiet", "--verify", "--end-of-options", f"{rev or 'HEAD'}^{{commit}}", capture_output=True).stdout.strip() except CalledProcessError as ex: if ex.status == 1 and not ex.stdout and not ex.stderr: raise ApplicationError(f"Could not find commit: {rev}") from None raise def prepare_pull_request(version: Version, branch: str, title: str, add: t.Iterable[pathlib.Path | str], allow_stale: bool) -> PullRequest: """Return pull request parameters using the provided details.""" git_state = get_git_state(version, allow_stale) if not git("status", "--porcelain", "--untracked-files=no", capture_output=True).stdout.strip(): raise ApplicationError("There are no changes to commit. Did you skip a step?") upstream_branch = get_upstream_branch(version) body = create_pull_request_body(title) git("checkout", "-b", branch) git("add", *add) git("commit", "-m", title) git("push", "--set-upstream", git_state.remotes.fork.name, branch) git("checkout", git_state.branch or git_state.commit) git("branch", "-d", branch) pr = PullRequest( upstream_user=git_state.remotes.upstream.user, upstream_repo=git_state.remotes.upstream.repo, upstream_branch=upstream_branch, user=git_state.remotes.fork.user, repo=git_state.remotes.fork.repo, branch=branch, title=title, body=body, ) return pr def create_github_release(release: GitHubRelease) -> None: """Open a browser tab for creating the given GitHub release.""" # See: https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/automation-for-release-forms-with-query-parameters params = dict( tag=release.tag, target=release.target, title=release.title, body=release.body, prerelease=1 if release.pre_release else 0, ) query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(params) url = f"https://github.com/{release.user}/{release.repo}/releases/new?{query_string}" display.show("Opening release creation page in new tab using default browser ...") webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) def create_pull_request(pr: PullRequest) -> None: """Open a browser tab for creating the given pull request.""" # See: https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/using-query-parameters-to-create-a-pull-request # noqa params = dict( quick_pull=1, title=pr.title, body=pr.body, ) query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(params) url = f"https://github.com/{pr.upstream_user}/{pr.upstream_repo}/compare/{pr.upstream_branch}...{pr.user}:{pr.repo}:{pr.branch}?{query_string}" display.show("Opening pull request in new tab using default browser ...") webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) def create_pull_request_body(title: str) -> str: """Return a simple pull request body created from the given title.""" body = f""" ##### SUMMARY {title} ##### ISSUE TYPE Feature Pull Request ##### COMPONENT NAME ansible """ return body.lstrip() def get_remote(name: str, push: bool) -> Remote: """Return details about the specified remote.""" remote_url = git("remote", "get-url", *(["--push"] if push else []), name, capture_output=True).stdout.strip() remote_match = re.search(r"[@/]github[.]com[:/](?P[^/]+)/(?P[^.]+)(?:[.]git)?$", remote_url) if not remote_match: raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to identify the user and repo in the '{name}' remote: {remote_url}") remote = Remote( name=name, user=remote_match.group("user"), repo=remote_match.group("repo"), ) return remote @functools.cache def get_remotes() -> Remotes: """Return details about the remotes we need to use.""" # assume the devel branch has its upstream remote pointing to the user's fork fork_remote_name = git("branch", "--list", "devel", "--format=%(upstream:remotename)", capture_output=True).stdout.strip() if not fork_remote_name: raise ApplicationError("Could not determine the remote for your fork of Ansible.") display.show(f"Detected '{fork_remote_name}' as the remote for your fork of Ansible.") # assume there is only one ansible org remote, which would allow release testing using another repo in the same org without special configuration all_remotes = git("remote", "-v", capture_output=True).stdout.strip().splitlines() ansible_remote_names = set(line.split()[0] for line in all_remotes if re.search(r"[@/]github[.]com[:/]ansible/", line)) if not ansible_remote_names: raise ApplicationError(f"Could not determine the remote which '{fork_remote_name}' was forked from.") if len(ansible_remote_names) > 1: raise ApplicationError(f"Found multiple candidates for the remote from which '{fork_remote_name}' was forked from: {', '.join(ansible_remote_names)}") upstream_remote_name = ansible_remote_names.pop() display.show(f"Detected '{upstream_remote_name}' as the remote from which '{fork_remote_name}' was forked from.") if fork_remote_name == upstream_remote_name: raise ApplicationError("The remote for your fork of Ansible cannot be the same as the remote from which it was forked.") remotes = Remotes( fork=get_remote(fork_remote_name, push=True), upstream=get_remote(upstream_remote_name, push=False), ) return remotes def get_upstream_branch(version: Version) -> str: """Return the upstream branch name for the given version.""" return f"stable-{version.major}.{version.minor}" def get_git_state(version: Version, allow_stale: bool) -> GitState: """Return information about the current state of the git repository.""" remotes = get_remotes() upstream_branch = get_upstream_branch(version) git("fetch", remotes.upstream.name, upstream_branch) upstream_ref = f"{remotes.upstream.name}/{upstream_branch}" upstream_commit = get_commit(upstream_ref) commit = get_commit() if commit != upstream_commit: with suppress_when(allow_stale): raise ApplicationError(f"The current commit ({commit}) does not match {upstream_ref} ({upstream_commit}).") branch = git("branch", "--show-current", capture_output=True).stdout.strip() or None state = GitState( remotes=remotes, branch=branch, commit=commit, ) return state @functools.cache def ensure_venv() -> dict[str, str]: """Ensure the release venv is ready and return the env vars needed to use it.""" # TODO: consider freezing the ansible and release requirements along with their dependencies ansible_requirements = ANSIBLE_REQUIREMENTS_FILE.read_text() release_requirements = """ build twine """ requirements_file = CHECKOUT_DIR / "test/sanity/code-smell/package-data.requirements.txt" requirements_content = requirements_file.read_text() requirements_content += ansible_requirements requirements_content += release_requirements requirements_hash = hashlib.sha256(requirements_content.encode()).hexdigest()[:8] python_version = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])) venv_dir = VENV_DIR / python_version / requirements_hash venv_bin_dir = venv_dir / "bin" venv_requirements_file = venv_dir / "requirements.txt" venv_marker_file = venv_dir / "marker.txt" env = os.environ.copy() env.pop("PYTHONPATH", None) # avoid interference from ansible being injected into the environment env.update( PATH=os.pathsep.join((str(venv_bin_dir), env["PATH"])), ) if not venv_marker_file.exists(): display.show(f"Creating a Python {python_version} virtual environment ({requirements_hash}) ...") if venv_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(venv_dir) venv.create(venv_dir, with_pip=True) venv_requirements_file.write_text(requirements_content) run("pip", "install", "-r", venv_requirements_file, env=env | PIP_ENV, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR) venv_marker_file.touch() return env def get_ansible_version(version: str | None = None, /, commit: str | None = None, mode: VersionMode = VersionMode.DEFAULT) -> Version: """Parse and return the current ansible-core version, the provided version or the version from the provided commit.""" if version and commit: raise ValueError("Specify only one of: version, commit") if version: source = "" else: if commit: current = git("show", f"{commit}:{ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE.relative_to(CHECKOUT_DIR)}", capture_output=True).stdout else: current = ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE.read_text() if not (match := ANSIBLE_VERSION_PATTERN.search(current)): raise RuntimeError("Failed to get the ansible-core version.") version = match.group("version") source = f" in '{ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE}'" try: parsed_version = Version(version) except InvalidVersion: raise ApplicationError(f"Invalid version{source}: {version}") from None parsed_version = mode.apply(parsed_version) return parsed_version def get_next_version(version: Version, /, final: bool = False, pre: str | None = None, mode: VersionMode = VersionMode.DEFAULT) -> Version: """Return the next version after the specified version.""" # TODO: consider using development versions instead of post versions after a release is published pre = pre or "" micro = version.micro if version.is_devrelease: # The next version of a development release is the same version without the development component. if final: pre = "" elif not pre and version.pre is not None: pre = f"{version.pre[0]}{version.pre[1]}" elif version.is_postrelease: # The next version of a post release is the next pre-release *or* micro release component. if final: pre = "" elif not pre and version.pre is not None: pre = f"{version.pre[0]}{version.pre[1] + 1}" if version.pre is None: micro = version.micro + 1 else: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is not a development or post release version.") version = f"{version.major}.{version.minor}.{micro}{pre}" return get_ansible_version(version, mode=mode) def check_ansible_version(current_version: Version, requested_version: Version) -> None: """Verify the requested version is valid for the current version.""" if requested_version.release[:2] != current_version.release[:2]: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {requested_version} does not match the major and minor portion of the current version: {current_version}") if requested_version < current_version: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {requested_version} is older than the current version: {current_version}") # TODO: consider additional checks to avoid mistakes when incrementing the release version def set_ansible_version(current_version: Version, requested_version: Version) -> None: """Set the current ansible-core version.""" check_ansible_version(current_version, requested_version) if requested_version == current_version: return display.show(f"Updating version {current_version} to {requested_version} ...") current = ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE.read_text() updated = ANSIBLE_VERSION_PATTERN.sub(ANSIBLE_VERSION_FORMAT.format(version=requested_version), current) if current == updated: raise RuntimeError("Failed to set the ansible-core version.") ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE.write_text(updated) def create_reproducible_sdist(original_path: pathlib.Path, output_path: pathlib.Path, mtime: int) -> None: """Read the specified sdist and write out a new copy with uniform file metadata at the specified location.""" with tarfile.open(original_path) as original_archive: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: tar_file = pathlib.Path(temp_dir) / "sdist.tar" with tarfile.open(tar_file, mode="w") as tar_archive: for original_info in original_archive.getmembers(): # type: tarfile.TarInfo tar_archive.addfile(create_reproducible_tar_info(original_info, mtime), original_archive.extractfile(original_info)) with tar_file.open("rb") as tar_archive: with gzip.GzipFile(output_path, "wb", mtime=mtime) as output_archive: shutil.copyfileobj(tar_archive, output_archive) def create_reproducible_tar_info(original: tarfile.TarInfo, mtime: int) -> tarfile.TarInfo: """Return a copy of the given TarInfo with uniform file metadata.""" sanitized = tarfile.TarInfo() sanitized.name = original.name sanitized.size = original.size sanitized.mtime = mtime sanitized.mode = (original.mode & ~(stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)) | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWUSR sanitized.type = original.type sanitized.linkname = original.linkname sanitized.uid = 0 sanitized.gid = 0 sanitized.uname = "root" sanitized.gname = "root" if original.mode & (stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH): sanitized.mode |= stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH return sanitized def test_built_artifact(path: pathlib.Path) -> None: """Test the specified built artifact by installing it in a venv and running some basic commands.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir_name: temp_dir = pathlib.Path(temp_dir_name) venv_dir = temp_dir / "venv" venv_bin_dir = venv_dir / "bin" venv.create(venv_dir, with_pip=True) env = os.environ.copy() env.pop("PYTHONPATH", None) # avoid interference from ansible being injected into the environment env.update( PATH=os.pathsep.join((str(venv_bin_dir), env["PATH"])), ) run("pip", "install", path, env=env | PIP_ENV, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR) run("ansible", "--version", env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR) run("ansible-test", "--version", env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR) def get_sdist_path(version: Version, dist_dir: pathlib.Path = DIST_DIR) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the path to the sdist file.""" return dist_dir / f"ansible-core-{version}.tar.gz" def get_wheel_path(version: Version, dist_dir: pathlib.Path = DIST_DIR) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the path to the wheel file.""" return dist_dir / f"ansible_core-{version}-py3-none-any.whl" def calculate_digest(path: pathlib.Path) -> str: """Return the digest for the specified file.""" # TODO: use hashlib.file_digest once Python 3.11 is the minimum supported version return hashlib.new(DIGEST_ALGORITHM, path.read_bytes()).hexdigest() @functools.cache def get_release_artifact_details(repository: str, version: Version, validate: bool) -> list[ReleaseArtifact]: """Return information about the release artifacts hosted on PyPI.""" endpoint = PYPI_ENDPOINTS[repository] url = f"{endpoint}/ansible-core/{version}/json" opener = urllib.request.build_opener() response: http.client.HTTPResponse try: with opener.open(url) as response: data = json.load(response) except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: if ex.status == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND: raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} not found on PyPI.") from None raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get {version} from PyPI: {ex}") from ex artifacts = [describe_release_artifact(version, item, validate) for item in data["urls"]] expected_artifact_types = {"bdist_wheel", "sdist"} found_artifact_types = set(artifact.package_type for artifact in artifacts) if found_artifact_types != expected_artifact_types: raise RuntimeError(f"Expected {expected_artifact_types} artifact types, but found {found_artifact_types} instead.") return artifacts def describe_release_artifact(version: Version, item: dict[str, t.Any], validate: bool) -> ReleaseArtifact: """Return release artifact details extracted from the given PyPI data.""" package_type = item["packagetype"] # The artifact URL is documented as stable, so is safe to put in release notes and announcements. # See: https://github.com/pypi/warehouse/blame/c95be4a1055f4b36a8852715eb80318c81fc00ca/docs/api-reference/integration-guide.rst#L86-L90 url = item["url"] pypi_size = item["size"] pypi_digest = item["digests"][DIGEST_ALGORITHM] if package_type == "bdist_wheel": local_artifact_file = get_wheel_path(version) package_label = "Built Distribution" elif package_type == "sdist": local_artifact_file = get_sdist_path(version) package_label = "Source Distribution" else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Package type '{package_type}' is not supported.") if validate: try: local_size = local_artifact_file.stat().st_size local_digest = calculate_digest(local_artifact_file) except FileNotFoundError: raise ApplicationError(f"Missing local artifact: {local_artifact_file.relative_to(CHECKOUT_DIR)}") from None if local_size != pypi_size: raise ApplicationError(f"The {version} local {package_type} size {local_size} does not match the PyPI size {pypi_size}.") if local_digest != pypi_digest: raise ApplicationError(f"The {version} local {package_type} digest '{local_digest}' does not match the PyPI digest '{pypi_digest}'.") return ReleaseArtifact( package_type=package_type, package_label=package_label, url=url, size=pypi_size, digest=pypi_digest, digest_algorithm=DIGEST_ALGORITHM.upper(), ) def get_next_release_date(start: datetime.date, step: int, after: datetime.date) -> datetime.date: """Return the next release date.""" if start > after: raise ValueError(f"{start=} is greater than {after=}") current_delta = after - start release_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=(math.floor(current_delta.days / step) + 1) * step) release = start + release_delta return release def create_template_environment() -> jinja2.Environment: """Create and return a jinja2 environment.""" env = jinja2.Environment() env.filters.update( basename=os.path.basename, ) return env def create_github_release_notes(upstream: Remote, repository: str, version: Version, validate: bool) -> str: """Create and return GitHub release notes.""" env = create_template_environment() template = env.from_string(GITHUB_RELEASE_NOTES_TEMPLATE) variables = dict( version=version, releases=get_release_artifact_details(repository, version, validate), changelog=f"https://github.com/{upstream.user}/{upstream.repo}/blob/v{version}/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v{version.major}.{version.minor}.rst", ) release_notes = template.render(**variables).strip() return release_notes def create_release_announcement(upstream: Remote, repository: str, version: Version, validate: bool) -> ReleaseAnnouncement: """Create and return a release announcement message.""" env = create_template_environment() subject_template = env.from_string(RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE) body_template = env.from_string(RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_BODY_TEMPLATE) today = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).date() variables = dict( version=version, info=dict( name="ansible-core", short=f"{version.major}.{version.minor}", releases=get_release_artifact_details(repository, version, validate), ), next_rc=get_next_release_date(datetime.date(2021, 8, 9), 28, today), next_ga=get_next_release_date(datetime.date(2021, 8, 16), 28, today), rc=version.pre and version.pre[0] == "rc", beta=version.pre and version.pre[0] == "b", alpha=version.pre and version.pre[0] == "a", major=version.micro == 0, upstream=upstream, ) if version.pre and version.pre[0] in ("a", "b"): display.warning("The release announcement template does not populate the date for the next release.") subject = subject_template.render(**variables).strip() body = body_template.render(**variables).strip() message = ReleaseAnnouncement( subject=subject, body=body, ) return message # endregion # region Templates FINAL_RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_RECIPIENTS = [ "ansible-announce@googlegroups.com", "ansible-project@googlegroups.com", "ansible-devel@googlegroups.com", ] PRE_RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_RECIPIENTS = [ "ansible-devel@googlegroups.com", ] GITHUB_RELEASE_NOTES_TEMPLATE = """ # Changelog See the [full changelog]({{ changelog }}) for the changes included in this release. # Release Artifacts {%- for release in releases %} * {{ release.package_label }}: [{{ release.url|basename }}]({{ release.url }}) - {{ release.size }} bytes * {{ release.digest }} ({{ release.digest_algorithm }}) {%- endfor %} """ # These release templates were adapted from sivel's release announcement script. # See: https://gist.github.com/sivel/937bc2862a9677d8db875f3b10744d8c RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE = """ New release{% if rc %} candidate{% elif beta %} beta{% elif alpha %} alpha{% endif %}: {{ info.name }} {{ version }} """ # NOTE: Gmail will automatically wrap the plain text version when sending. # There's no need to perform wrapping ahead of time for normal sentences. # However, lines with special formatting should be kept short to avoid unwanted wrapping. RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_BODY_TEMPLATE = """ Hi all- we're happy to announce the{{ " " }} {%- if rc -%} following release candidate {%- elif beta -%} beta release of {%- elif alpha -%} alpha release of {%- else -%} general release of {%- endif -%}: {{ info.name }} {{ version }} How to get it ------------- $ python3 -m pip install --user {{ info.name }}=={{ version }} The release artifacts can be found here: {% for release in info.releases %} # {{ release.package_label }}: {{ release.size }} bytes # {{ release.digest_algorithm }}: {{ release.digest }} {{ release.url }} {%- endfor %} What's new ---------- {% if major %} This release is a major release. {%- else -%} This release is a maintenance release containing numerous bugfixes. {% endif %} The full changelog can be found here: https://github.com/{{ upstream.user }}/{{ upstream.repo }}/blob/v{{ version }}/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v{{ info.short }}.rst Schedule for future releases ---------------------------- {% if rc %} The release candidate will become a general availability release on {{ next_ga.strftime('%-d %B %Y') }}. {% elif beta %} Subject to the need for additional beta releases, the first release candidate is scheduled for X. {% elif alpha %} Subject to the need for additional alpha releases, the first release beta is scheduled for X. {% else %} The next release candidate is planned to be released on {{ next_rc.strftime('%-d %B %Y') }}. The next general availability release will be one week after. {% endif %} Porting help ------------ If you discover any errors or if any of your working playbooks break when you upgrade, please use the following link to report the regression: https://github.com/{{ upstream.user }}/{{ upstream.repo }}/issues/new/choose In your issue, be sure to mention the version that works and the one that doesn't. Thanks! """ # endregion # region Commands command = CommandFramework( repository=dict(metavar="REPO", choices=tuple(PYPI_ENDPOINTS), default="pypi", help="PyPI repository to use: %(choices)s [%(default)s]"), version=dict(exclusive="version", help="version to set"), pre=dict(exclusive="version", help="increment version to the specified pre-release (aN, bN, rcN)"), final=dict(exclusive="version", action="store_true", help="increment version to the next final release"), commit=dict(help="commit to tag"), mailto=dict(name="--no-mailto", action="store_false", help="write announcement to console instead of using a mailto: link"), validate=dict(name="--no-validate", action="store_false", help="disable validation of PyPI artifacts against local ones"), prompt=dict(name="--no-prompt", action="store_false", help="disable interactive prompt before publishing with twine"), allow_tag=dict(action="store_true", help="allow an existing release tag (for testing)"), allow_stale=dict(action="store_true", help="allow a stale checkout (for testing)"), allow_dirty=dict(action="store_true", help="allow untracked files and files with changes (for testing)"), ) @command def instructions() -> None: """Show instructions for the release process.""" message = """ Releases must be performed using an up-to-date checkout of a fork of the Ansible repository. 1. Make sure your checkout is up-to-date. 2. Run the `prepare` command [1], then: a. Submit the PR opened in the browser. b. Wait for CI to pass. c. Merge the PR. 3. Update your checkout to include the commit from the PR which was just merged. 4. Run the `complete` command [2], then: a. Submit the GitHub release opened in the browser. b. Submit the PR opened in the browser. c. Send the release announcement opened in your browser. d. Wait for CI to pass. e. Merge the PR. [1] Use the `--final`, `--pre` or `--version` option for control over the version. [2] During the `publish` step, `twine` may prompt for credentials. """ display.show(message.strip()) @command def show_version(final: bool = False, pre: str | None = None) -> None: """Show the current and next ansible-core version.""" current_version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST) display.show(f"Current version: {current_version}") try: next_version = get_next_version(current_version, final=final, pre=pre) except ApplicationError as ex: display.show(f" Next version: Unknown - {ex}") else: display.show(f" Next version: {next_version}") check_ansible_version(current_version, next_version) @command def check_state(allow_stale: bool = False) -> None: """Verify the git repository is in a usable state for creating a pull request.""" get_git_state(get_ansible_version(), allow_stale) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def prepare(final: bool = False, pre: str | None = None, version: str | None = None) -> None: """Prepare a release.""" command.run( update_version, check_state, generate_summary, generate_changelog, create_release_pr, ) @command def update_version(final: bool = False, pre: str | None = None, version: str | None = None) -> None: """Update the version embedded in the source code.""" current_version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.REQUIRE_DEV_POST) if version: requested_version = get_ansible_version(version) else: requested_version = get_next_version(current_version, final=final, pre=pre) set_ansible_version(current_version, requested_version) @command def generate_summary() -> None: """Generate a summary changelog fragment for this release.""" version = get_ansible_version() release_date = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") summary_path = CHANGELOGS_FRAGMENTS_DIR / f"{version}_summary.yaml" major_minor = f"{version.major}.{version.minor}" content = f""" release_summary: | | Release Date: {release_date} | `Porting Guide `__ """ summary_path.write_text(content.lstrip()) @command def generate_changelog() -> None: """Generate the changelog and validate the results.""" env = ensure_venv() env.update( PATH=os.pathsep.join((str(ANSIBLE_BIN_DIR), env["PATH"])), PYTHONPATH=ANSIBLE_LIB_DIR, ) # TODO: consider switching back to the original changelog generator instead of using antsibull-changelog run("antsibull-changelog", "release", "-vv", "--use-ansible-doc", env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR) run("antsibull-changelog", "generate", "-vv", "--use-ansible-doc", env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR) run("ansible-test", "sanity", CHANGELOGS_DIR, ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE, env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR) @command def create_release_pr(allow_stale: bool = False) -> None: """Create a branch and open a browser tab for creating a release pull request.""" version = get_ansible_version() pr = prepare_pull_request( version=version, branch=f"release-{version}-{secrets.token_hex(4)}", title=f"New release v{version}", add=( CHANGELOGS_DIR, ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE, ), allow_stale=allow_stale, ) create_pull_request(pr) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def complete(repository: str, mailto: bool = True, allow_dirty: bool = False) -> None: """Complete a release after the prepared changes have been merged.""" command.run( check_state, build, test, publish, tag_release, post_version, create_post_pr, release_announcement, ) @command def build(allow_dirty: bool = False) -> None: """Build the sdist and wheel.""" version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST) env = ensure_venv() dirty = git("status", "--porcelain", "--untracked-files=all", capture_output=True).stdout.strip().splitlines() if dirty: with suppress_when(allow_dirty): raise ApplicationError(f"There are {len(dirty)} files which are untracked and/or have changes, which will be omitted from the build.") sdist_file = get_sdist_path(version) wheel_file = get_wheel_path(version) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=DIST_DIR, prefix=f"build-{version}-", suffix=".tmp") as temp_dir_name: temp_dir = pathlib.Path(temp_dir_name) dist_dir = temp_dir / "dist" commit_time = int(git("show", "-s", "--format=%ct", capture_output=True).stdout) env.update( SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=str(commit_time), ) git("worktree", "add", "-d", temp_dir) try: run("python", "-m", "build", env=env, cwd=temp_dir) create_reproducible_sdist(get_sdist_path(version, dist_dir), sdist_file, commit_time) get_wheel_path(version, dist_dir).rename(wheel_file) finally: git("worktree", "remove", temp_dir) @command def test() -> None: """Test the sdist and wheel.""" command.run( test_sdist, test_wheel, ) @command def test_sdist() -> None: """Test the sdist.""" version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST) sdist_file = get_sdist_path(version) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir_name: temp_dir = pathlib.Path(temp_dir_name) with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: try: sdist = stack.enter_context(tarfile.open(sdist_file)) except FileNotFoundError: raise ApplicationError(f"Missing sdist: {sdist_file.relative_to(CHECKOUT_DIR)}") from None sdist.extractall(temp_dir) pyc_glob = "*.pyc*" pyc_files = sorted(path.relative_to(temp_dir) for path in temp_dir.rglob(pyc_glob)) if pyc_files: raise ApplicationError(f"Found {len(pyc_files)} '{pyc_glob}' file(s): {', '.join(map(str, pyc_files))}") test_built_artifact(sdist_file) @command def test_wheel() -> None: """Test the wheel.""" version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST) wheel_file = get_wheel_path(version) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir_name: temp_dir = pathlib.Path(temp_dir_name) with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: try: wheel = stack.enter_context(zipfile.ZipFile(wheel_file)) except FileNotFoundError: raise ApplicationError(f"Missing wheel for version {version}: {wheel_file}") from None wheel.extractall(temp_dir) test_built_artifact(wheel_file) @command def publish(repository: str, prompt: bool = True) -> None: """Publish to PyPI.""" version = get_ansible_version() sdist_file = get_sdist_path(version) wheel_file = get_wheel_path(version) env = ensure_venv() if prompt: try: while input(f"Do you want to publish {version} to the '{repository}' repository?\nEnter the repository name to confirm: ") != repository: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: display.show("") raise ApplicationError("Publishing was aborted by the user.") from None run("twine", "upload", "-r", repository, sdist_file, wheel_file, env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR) @command def tag_release(repository: str, commit: str | None = None, validate: bool = True, allow_tag: bool = False) -> None: """Create a GitHub release using the current or specified commit.""" upstream = get_remotes().upstream if commit: git("fetch", upstream.name) # fetch upstream to make sure the commit can be found commit = get_commit(commit) version = get_ansible_version(commit=commit) tag = f"v{version}" if upstream_tag := git("ls-remote", "--tags", upstream.name, tag, capture_output=True).stdout.strip(): with suppress_when(allow_tag): raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} has already been tagged: {upstream_tag}") upstream_branch = get_upstream_branch(version) upstream_refs = git("branch", "-r", "--format=%(refname)", "--contains", commit, capture_output=True).stdout.strip().splitlines() upstream_ref = f"refs/remotes/{upstream.name}/{upstream_branch}" if upstream_ref not in upstream_refs: raise ApplicationError(f"Commit {upstream_ref} not found. Found {len(upstream_refs)} upstream ref(s): {', '.join(upstream_refs)}") body = create_github_release_notes(upstream, repository, version, validate) release = GitHubRelease( user=upstream.user, repo=upstream.repo, target=commit, tag=tag, title=tag, body=body, pre_release=version.pre is not None, ) create_github_release(release) @command def post_version() -> None: """Set the post release version.""" current_version = get_ansible_version() requested_version = get_ansible_version(f"{current_version}.post0", mode=VersionMode.REQUIRE_POST) set_ansible_version(current_version, requested_version) @command def create_post_pr(allow_stale: bool = False) -> None: """Create a branch and open a browser tab for creating a post release pull request.""" version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.REQUIRE_POST) pr = prepare_pull_request( version=version, branch=f"release-{version}-{secrets.token_hex(4)}", title=f"Update Ansible release version to v{version}.", add=(ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE,), allow_stale=allow_stale, ) create_pull_request(pr) @command def release_announcement(repository: str, version: str | None = None, mailto: bool = True, validate: bool = True) -> None: """Generate a release announcement for the current or specified version.""" parsed_version = get_ansible_version(version, mode=VersionMode.STRIP_POST) upstream = get_remotes().upstream message = create_release_announcement(upstream, repository, parsed_version, validate) recipient_list = PRE_RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_RECIPIENTS if parsed_version.is_prerelease else FINAL_RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_RECIPIENTS recipients = ", ".join(recipient_list) if mailto: to = urllib.parse.quote(recipients) params = dict( subject=message.subject, body=message.body, ) query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(params) url = f"mailto:{to}?{query_string}" display.show("Opening email client through default web browser ...") webbrowser.open(url) else: print(f"TO: {recipients}") print(f"SUBJECT: {message.subject}") print() print(message.body) # endregion if __name__ == "__main__": command.main()