"""Connection abstraction for interacting with test hosts.""" from __future__ import annotations import abc import shlex import tempfile import typing as t from .io import ( read_text_file, ) from .config import ( EnvironmentConfig, ) from .util import ( Display, OutputStream, SubprocessError, retry, ) from .util_common import ( run_command, ) from .docker_util import ( DockerInspect, docker_exec, docker_inspect, docker_network_disconnect, ) from .ssh import ( SshConnectionDetail, ) from .become import ( Become, ) class Connection(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for connecting to a host.""" @abc.abstractmethod def run(self, command: t.List[str], capture: bool, interactive: bool = False, data: t.Optional[str] = None, stdin: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, output_stream: t.Optional[OutputStream] = None, ) -> t.Tuple[t.Optional[str], t.Optional[str]]: """Run the specified command and return the result.""" def extract_archive(self, chdir: str, src: t.IO[bytes], ): """Extract the given archive file stream in the specified directory.""" tar_cmd = ['tar', 'oxzf', '-', '-C', chdir] retry(lambda: self.run(tar_cmd, stdin=src, capture=True)) def create_archive(self, chdir: str, name: str, dst: t.IO[bytes], exclude: t.Optional[str] = None, ): """Create the specified archive file stream from the specified directory, including the given name and optionally excluding the given name.""" tar_cmd = ['tar', 'cf', '-', '-C', chdir] gzip_cmd = ['gzip'] if exclude: tar_cmd += ['--exclude', exclude] tar_cmd.append(name) # Using gzip to compress the archive allows this to work on all POSIX systems we support. commands = [tar_cmd, gzip_cmd] sh_cmd = ['sh', '-c', ' | '.join(shlex.join(command) for command in commands)] retry(lambda: self.run(sh_cmd, stdout=dst, capture=True)) class LocalConnection(Connection): """Connect to localhost.""" def __init__(self, args: EnvironmentConfig) -> None: self.args = args def run(self, command: t.List[str], capture: bool, interactive: bool = False, data: t.Optional[str] = None, stdin: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, output_stream: t.Optional[OutputStream] = None, ) -> t.Tuple[t.Optional[str], t.Optional[str]]: """Run the specified command and return the result.""" return run_command( args=self.args, cmd=command, capture=capture, data=data, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, interactive=interactive, output_stream=output_stream, ) class SshConnection(Connection): """Connect to a host using SSH.""" def __init__(self, args: EnvironmentConfig, settings: SshConnectionDetail, become: t.Optional[Become] = None) -> None: self.args = args self.settings = settings self.become = become self.options = ['-i', settings.identity_file] ssh_options = dict( BatchMode='yes', StrictHostKeyChecking='no', UserKnownHostsFile='/dev/null', ServerAliveInterval=15, ServerAliveCountMax=4, ) for ssh_option in sorted(ssh_options): self.options.extend(['-o', f'{ssh_option}={ssh_options[ssh_option]}']) def run(self, command: t.List[str], capture: bool, interactive: bool = False, data: t.Optional[str] = None, stdin: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, output_stream: t.Optional[OutputStream] = None, ) -> t.Tuple[t.Optional[str], t.Optional[str]]: """Run the specified command and return the result.""" options = list(self.options) if self.become: command = self.become.prepare_command(command) options.append('-q') if interactive: options.append('-tt') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='ansible-test-ssh-debug-', suffix='.log') as ssh_logfile: options.extend(['-vvv', '-E', ssh_logfile.name]) if self.settings.port: options.extend(['-p', str(self.settings.port)]) options.append(f'{self.settings.user}@{self.settings.host}') options.append(shlex.join(command)) def error_callback(ex: SubprocessError) -> None: """Error handler.""" self.capture_log_details(ssh_logfile.name, ex) return run_command( args=self.args, cmd=['ssh'] + options, capture=capture, data=data, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, interactive=interactive, output_stream=output_stream, error_callback=error_callback, ) @staticmethod def capture_log_details(path: str, ex: SubprocessError) -> None: """Read the specified SSH debug log and add relevant details to the provided exception.""" if ex.status != 255: return markers = [ 'debug1: Connection Established', 'debug1: Authentication successful', 'debug1: Entering interactive session', 'debug1: Sending command', 'debug2: PTY allocation request accepted', 'debug2: exec request accepted', ] file_contents = read_text_file(path) messages = [] for line in reversed(file_contents.splitlines()): messages.append(line) if any(line.startswith(marker) for marker in markers): break message = '\n'.join(reversed(messages)) ex.message += '>>> SSH Debug Output\n' ex.message += '%s%s\n' % (message.strip(), Display.clear) class DockerConnection(Connection): """Connect to a host using Docker.""" def __init__(self, args: EnvironmentConfig, container_id: str, user: t.Optional[str] = None) -> None: self.args = args self.container_id = container_id self.user: t.Optional[str] = user def run(self, command: t.List[str], capture: bool, interactive: bool = False, data: t.Optional[str] = None, stdin: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, output_stream: t.Optional[OutputStream] = None, ) -> t.Tuple[t.Optional[str], t.Optional[str]]: """Run the specified command and return the result.""" options = [] if self.user: options.extend(['--user', self.user]) if interactive: options.append('-it') return docker_exec( args=self.args, container_id=self.container_id, cmd=command, options=options, capture=capture, data=data, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, interactive=interactive, output_stream=output_stream, ) def inspect(self) -> DockerInspect: """Inspect the container and return a DockerInspect instance with the results.""" return docker_inspect(self.args, self.container_id) def disconnect_network(self, network: str) -> None: """Disconnect the container from the specified network.""" docker_network_disconnect(self.args, self.container_id, network)