"""Sanity test using PSScriptAnalyzer.""" from __future__ import annotations import json import os import re import typing as t from . import ( SanityVersionNeutral, SanityMessage, SanityFailure, SanitySuccess, SanitySkipped, SanityTargets, SANITY_ROOT, ) from ...test import ( TestResult, ) from ...target import ( TestTarget, ) from ...util import ( SubprocessError, find_executable, ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, ) from ...util_common import ( run_command, ) from ...config import ( SanityConfig, ) from ...data import ( data_context, ) class PslintTest(SanityVersionNeutral): """Sanity test using PSScriptAnalyzer.""" @property def error_code(self) -> t.Optional[str]: """Error code for ansible-test matching the format used by the underlying test program, or None if the program does not use error codes.""" return 'AnsibleTest' def filter_targets(self, targets: t.List[TestTarget]) -> t.List[TestTarget]: """Return the given list of test targets, filtered to include only those relevant for the test.""" return [target for target in targets if os.path.splitext(target.path)[1] in ('.ps1', '.psm1', '.psd1')] def test(self, args: SanityConfig, targets: SanityTargets) -> TestResult: settings = self.load_processor(args) paths = [target.path for target in targets.include] if not find_executable('pwsh', required='warning'): return SanitySkipped(self.name) cmds = [] if args.controller.is_managed or args.requirements: cmds.append(['pwsh', os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'requirements', 'sanity.pslint.ps1')]) cmds.append(['pwsh', os.path.join(SANITY_ROOT, 'pslint', 'pslint.ps1')] + paths) stdout = '' for cmd in cmds: try: stdout, stderr = run_command(args, cmd, capture=True) status = 0 except SubprocessError as ex: stdout = ex.stdout stderr = ex.stderr status = ex.status if stderr: raise SubprocessError(cmd=cmd, status=status, stderr=stderr, stdout=stdout) if args.explain: return SanitySuccess(self.name) severity = [ 'Information', 'Warning', 'Error', 'ParseError', ] cwd = data_context().content.root + '/' # replace unicode smart quotes and ellipsis with ascii versions stdout = re.sub('[\u2018\u2019]', "'", stdout) stdout = re.sub('[\u201c\u201d]', '"', stdout) stdout = re.sub('[\u2026]', '...', stdout) messages = json.loads(stdout) errors = [SanityMessage( code=m['RuleName'], message=m['Message'], path=m['ScriptPath'].replace(cwd, ''), line=m['Line'] or 0, column=m['Column'] or 0, level=severity[m['Severity']], ) for m in messages] errors = settings.process_errors(errors, paths) if errors: return SanityFailure(self.name, messages=errors) return SanitySuccess(self.name)