"""Context information for the current invocation of ansible-test.""" from __future__ import annotations import dataclasses import os import typing as t from .util import ( ApplicationError, import_plugins, is_subdir, is_valid_identifier, ANSIBLE_LIB_ROOT, ANSIBLE_TEST_ROOT, ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT, display, cache, ) from .provider import ( find_path_provider, get_path_provider_classes, ProviderNotFoundForPath, ) from .provider.source import ( SourceProvider, ) from .provider.source.unversioned import ( UnversionedSource, ) from .provider.source.installed import ( InstalledSource, ) from .provider.source.unsupported import ( UnsupportedSource, ) from .provider.layout import ( ContentLayout, LayoutProvider, ) from .provider.layout.unsupported import ( UnsupportedLayout, ) class DataContext: """Data context providing details about the current execution environment for ansible-test.""" def __init__(self): content_path = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_TEST_CONTENT_ROOT') current_path = os.getcwd() layout_providers = get_path_provider_classes(LayoutProvider) source_providers = get_path_provider_classes(SourceProvider) self.__layout_providers = layout_providers self.__source_providers = source_providers self.__ansible_source = None # type: t.Optional[t.Tuple[t.Tuple[str, str], ...]] self.payload_callbacks = [] # type: t.List[t.Callable[[t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]], None]] if content_path: content = self.__create_content_layout(layout_providers, source_providers, content_path, False) elif ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT and is_subdir(current_path, ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT): content = self.__create_content_layout(layout_providers, source_providers, ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT, False) else: content = self.__create_content_layout(layout_providers, source_providers, current_path, True) self.content = content # type: ContentLayout def create_collection_layouts(self): # type: () -> t.List[ContentLayout] """ Return a list of collection layouts, one for each collection in the same collection root as the current collection layout. An empty list is returned if the current content layout is not a collection layout. """ layout = self.content collection = layout.collection if not collection: return [] root_path = os.path.join(collection.root, 'ansible_collections') display.info('Scanning collection root: %s' % root_path, verbosity=1) namespace_names = sorted(name for name in os.listdir(root_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root_path, name))) collections = [] for namespace_name in namespace_names: namespace_path = os.path.join(root_path, namespace_name) collection_names = sorted(name for name in os.listdir(namespace_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(namespace_path, name))) for collection_name in collection_names: collection_path = os.path.join(namespace_path, collection_name) if collection_path == os.path.join(collection.root, collection.directory): collection_layout = layout else: collection_layout = self.__create_content_layout(self.__layout_providers, self.__source_providers, collection_path, False) file_count = len(collection_layout.all_files()) if not file_count: continue display.info('Including collection: %s (%d files)' % (collection_layout.collection.full_name, file_count), verbosity=1) collections.append(collection_layout) return collections @staticmethod def __create_content_layout(layout_providers, # type: t.List[t.Type[LayoutProvider]] source_providers, # type: t.List[t.Type[SourceProvider]] root, # type: str walk, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> ContentLayout """Create a content layout using the given providers and root path.""" try: layout_provider = find_path_provider(LayoutProvider, layout_providers, root, walk) except ProviderNotFoundForPath: layout_provider = UnsupportedLayout(root) try: # Begin the search for the source provider at the layout provider root. # This intentionally ignores version control within subdirectories of the layout root, a condition which was previously an error. # Doing so allows support for older git versions for which it is difficult to distinguish between a super project and a sub project. # It also provides a better user experience, since the solution for the user would effectively be the same -- to remove the nested version control. if isinstance(layout_provider, UnsupportedLayout): source_provider = UnsupportedSource(layout_provider.root) # type: SourceProvider else: source_provider = find_path_provider(SourceProvider, source_providers, layout_provider.root, walk) except ProviderNotFoundForPath: source_provider = UnversionedSource(layout_provider.root) layout = layout_provider.create(layout_provider.root, source_provider.get_paths(layout_provider.root)) return layout def __create_ansible_source(self): """Return a tuple of Ansible source files with both absolute and relative paths.""" if not ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT: sources = [] source_provider = InstalledSource(ANSIBLE_LIB_ROOT) sources.extend((os.path.join(source_provider.root, path), os.path.join('lib', 'ansible', path)) for path in source_provider.get_paths(source_provider.root)) source_provider = InstalledSource(ANSIBLE_TEST_ROOT) sources.extend((os.path.join(source_provider.root, path), os.path.join('test', 'lib', 'ansible_test', path)) for path in source_provider.get_paths(source_provider.root)) return tuple(sources) if self.content.is_ansible: return tuple((os.path.join(self.content.root, path), path) for path in self.content.all_files()) try: source_provider = find_path_provider(SourceProvider, self.__source_providers, ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT, False) except ProviderNotFoundForPath: source_provider = UnversionedSource(ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT) return tuple((os.path.join(source_provider.root, path), path) for path in source_provider.get_paths(source_provider.root)) @property def ansible_source(self): # type: () -> t.Tuple[t.Tuple[str, str], ...] """Return a tuple of Ansible source files with both absolute and relative paths.""" if not self.__ansible_source: self.__ansible_source = self.__create_ansible_source() return self.__ansible_source def register_payload_callback(self, callback): # type: (t.Callable[[t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]], None]) -> None """Register the given payload callback.""" self.payload_callbacks.append(callback) def check_layout(self) -> None: """Report an error if the layout is unsupported.""" if self.content.unsupported: raise ApplicationError(self.explain_working_directory()) def explain_working_directory(self) -> str: """Return a message explaining the working directory requirements.""" blocks = [ 'The current working directory must be within the source tree being tested.', '', ] if ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT: blocks.append(f'Testing Ansible: {ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT}/') blocks.append('') cwd = os.getcwd() blocks.append('Testing an Ansible collection: {...}/ansible_collections/{namespace}/{collection}/') blocks.append('Example #1: community.general -> ~/code/ansible_collections/community/general/') blocks.append('Example #2: ansible.util -> ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/util/') blocks.append('') blocks.append(f'Current working directory: {cwd}/') if os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(cwd)) == 'ansible_collections': blocks.append(f'Expected parent directory: {os.path.dirname(cwd)}/{{namespace}}/{{collection}}/') elif os.path.basename(cwd) == 'ansible_collections': blocks.append(f'Expected parent directory: {cwd}/{{namespace}}/{{collection}}/') elif 'ansible_collections' not in cwd.split(os.path.sep): blocks.append('No "ansible_collections" parent directory was found.') if self.content.collection: if not is_valid_identifier(self.content.collection.namespace): blocks.append(f'The namespace "{self.content.collection.namespace}" is an invalid identifier or a reserved keyword.') if not is_valid_identifier(self.content.collection.name): blocks.append(f'The name "{self.content.collection.name}" is an invalid identifier or a reserved keyword.') message = '\n'.join(blocks) return message @cache def data_context(): # type: () -> DataContext """Initialize provider plugins.""" provider_types = ( 'layout', 'source', ) for provider_type in provider_types: import_plugins('provider/%s' % provider_type) context = DataContext() return context @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class PluginInfo: """Information about an Ansible plugin.""" plugin_type: str name: str paths: t.List[str] @cache def content_plugins(): """ Analyze content. The primary purpose of this analysis is to facilitate mapping of integration tests to the plugin(s) they are intended to test. """ plugins = {} # type: t.Dict[str, t.Dict[str, PluginInfo]] for plugin_type, plugin_directory in data_context().content.plugin_paths.items(): plugin_paths = sorted(data_context().content.walk_files(plugin_directory)) plugin_directory_offset = len(plugin_directory.split(os.path.sep)) plugin_files = {} for plugin_path in plugin_paths: plugin_filename = os.path.basename(plugin_path) plugin_parts = plugin_path.split(os.path.sep)[plugin_directory_offset:-1] if plugin_filename == '__init__.py': if plugin_type != 'module_utils': continue else: plugin_name = os.path.splitext(plugin_filename)[0] if data_context().content.is_ansible and plugin_type == 'modules': plugin_name = plugin_name.lstrip('_') plugin_parts.append(plugin_name) plugin_name = '.'.join(plugin_parts) plugin_files.setdefault(plugin_name, []).append(plugin_filename) plugins[plugin_type] = {plugin_name: PluginInfo( plugin_type=plugin_type, name=plugin_name, paths=paths, ) for plugin_name, paths in plugin_files.items()} return plugins