# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2023 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import annotations DOCUMENTATION = """ module: dnf5 author: Ansible Core Team description: - Installs, upgrade, removes, and lists packages and groups with the I(dnf5) package manager. - "WARNING: The I(dnf5) package manager is still under development and not all features that the existing M(ansible.builtin.dnf) module provides are implemented in M(ansible.builtin.dnf5), please consult specific options for more information." short_description: Manages packages with the I(dnf5) package manager options: name: description: - "A package name or package specifier with version, like C(name-1.0). When using state=latest, this can be '*' which means run: dnf -y update. You can also pass a url or a local path to an rpm file. To operate on several packages this can accept a comma separated string of packages or a list of packages." - Comparison operators for package version are valid here C(>), C(<), C(>=), C(<=). Example - C(name >= 1.0). Spaces around the operator are required. - You can also pass an absolute path for a binary which is provided by the package to install. See examples for more information. aliases: - pkg type: list elements: str default: [] list: description: - Various (non-idempotent) commands for usage with C(/usr/bin/ansible) and I(not) playbooks. Use M(ansible.builtin.package_facts) instead of the O(list) argument as a best practice. type: str state: description: - Whether to install (V(present), V(latest)), or remove (V(absent)) a package. - Default is V(None), however in effect the default action is V(present) unless the V(autoremove) option is enabled for this module, then V(absent) is inferred. choices: ['absent', 'present', 'installed', 'removed', 'latest'] type: str enablerepo: description: - I(Repoid) of repositories to enable for the install/update operation. These repos will not persist beyond the transaction. When specifying multiple repos, separate them with a ",". type: list elements: str default: [] disablerepo: description: - I(Repoid) of repositories to disable for the install/update operation. These repos will not persist beyond the transaction. When specifying multiple repos, separate them with a ",". type: list elements: str default: [] conf_file: description: - The remote dnf configuration file to use for the transaction. type: str disable_gpg_check: description: - Whether to disable the GPG checking of signatures of packages being installed. Has an effect only if O(state) is V(present) or V(latest). - This setting affects packages installed from a repository as well as "local" packages installed from the filesystem or a URL. type: bool default: 'no' installroot: description: - Specifies an alternative installroot, relative to which all packages will be installed. default: "/" type: str releasever: description: - Specifies an alternative release from which all packages will be installed. type: str autoremove: description: - If V(true), removes all "leaf" packages from the system that were originally installed as dependencies of user-installed packages but which are no longer required by any such package. Should be used alone or when O(state) is V(absent) type: bool default: "no" exclude: description: - Package name(s) to exclude when state=present, or latest. This can be a list or a comma separated string. type: list elements: str default: [] skip_broken: description: - Skip all unavailable packages or packages with broken dependencies without raising an error. Equivalent to passing the --skip-broken option. type: bool default: "no" update_cache: description: - Force dnf to check if cache is out of date and redownload if needed. Has an effect only if O(state) is V(present) or V(latest). type: bool default: "no" aliases: [ expire-cache ] update_only: description: - When using latest, only update installed packages. Do not install packages. - Has an effect only if O(state) is V(latest) default: "no" type: bool security: description: - If set to V(true), and O(state=latest) then only installs updates that have been marked security related. - Note that, similar to C(dnf upgrade-minimal), this filter applies to dependencies as well. type: bool default: "no" bugfix: description: - If set to V(true), and O(state=latest) then only installs updates that have been marked bugfix related. - Note that, similar to C(dnf upgrade-minimal), this filter applies to dependencies as well. default: "no" type: bool enable_plugin: description: - This is currently a no-op as dnf5 itself does not implement this feature. - I(Plugin) name to enable for the install/update operation. The enabled plugin will not persist beyond the transaction. type: list elements: str default: [] disable_plugin: description: - This is currently a no-op as dnf5 itself does not implement this feature. - I(Plugin) name to disable for the install/update operation. The disabled plugins will not persist beyond the transaction. type: list default: [] elements: str disable_excludes: description: - Disable the excludes defined in DNF config files. - If set to V(all), disables all excludes. - If set to V(main), disable excludes defined in [main] in dnf.conf. - If set to V(repoid), disable excludes defined for given repo id. type: str validate_certs: description: - This is effectively a no-op in the dnf5 module as dnf5 itself handles downloading a https url as the source of the rpm, but is an accepted parameter for feature parity/compatibility with the M(ansible.builtin.dnf) module. type: bool default: "yes" sslverify: description: - Disables SSL validation of the repository server for this transaction. - This should be set to V(false) if one of the configured repositories is using an untrusted or self-signed certificate. type: bool default: "yes" allow_downgrade: description: - Specify if the named package and version is allowed to downgrade a maybe already installed higher version of that package. Note that setting allow_downgrade=True can make this module behave in a non-idempotent way. The task could end up with a set of packages that does not match the complete list of specified packages to install (because dependencies between the downgraded package and others can cause changes to the packages which were in the earlier transaction). type: bool default: "no" install_repoquery: description: - This is effectively a no-op in DNF as it is not needed with DNF. - This option is deprecated and will be removed in ansible-core 2.20. type: bool default: "yes" download_only: description: - Only download the packages, do not install them. default: "no" type: bool lock_timeout: description: - This is currently a no-op as dnf5 does not provide an option to configure it. - Amount of time to wait for the dnf lockfile to be freed. required: false default: 30 type: int install_weak_deps: description: - Will also install all packages linked by a weak dependency relation. type: bool default: "yes" download_dir: description: - Specifies an alternate directory to store packages. - Has an effect only if O(download_only) is specified. type: str allowerasing: description: - If V(true) it allows erasing of installed packages to resolve dependencies. required: false type: bool default: "no" nobest: description: - This is the opposite of the O(best) option kept for backwards compatibility. - Since ansible-core 2.17 the default value is set by the operating system distribution. required: false type: bool best: description: - When set to V(true), either use a package with the highest version available or fail. - When set to V(false), if the latest version cannot be installed go with the lower version. - Default is set by the operating system distribution. required: false type: bool version_added: "2.17" cacheonly: description: - Tells dnf to run entirely from system cache; does not download or update metadata. type: bool default: "no" extends_documentation_fragment: - action_common_attributes - action_common_attributes.flow attributes: action: details: dnf5 has 2 action plugins that use it under the hood, M(ansible.builtin.dnf) and M(ansible.builtin.package). support: partial async: support: none bypass_host_loop: support: none check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: full platform: platforms: rhel requirements: - "python3-libdnf5" version_added: 2.15 """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: Install the latest version of Apache ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: httpd state: latest - name: Install Apache >= 2.4 ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: httpd >= 2.4 state: present - name: Install the latest version of Apache and MariaDB ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: - httpd - mariadb-server state: latest - name: Remove the Apache package ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: httpd state: absent - name: Install the latest version of Apache from the testing repo ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: httpd enablerepo: testing state: present - name: Upgrade all packages ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: "*" state: latest - name: Update the webserver, depending on which is installed on the system. Do not install the other one ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: - httpd - nginx state: latest update_only: yes - name: Install the nginx rpm from a remote repo ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: 'http://nginx.org/packages/centos/6/noarch/RPMS/nginx-release-centos-6-0.el6.ngx.noarch.rpm' state: present - name: Install nginx rpm from a local file ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: /usr/local/src/nginx-release-centos-6-0.el6.ngx.noarch.rpm state: present - name: Install Package based upon the file it provides ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: /usr/bin/cowsay state: present - name: Install the 'Development tools' package group ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: '@Development tools' state: present - name: Autoremove unneeded packages installed as dependencies ansible.builtin.dnf5: autoremove: yes - name: Uninstall httpd but keep its dependencies ansible.builtin.dnf5: name: httpd state: absent autoremove: no """ RETURN = """ msg: description: Additional information about the result returned: always type: str sample: "Nothing to do" results: description: A list of the dnf transaction results returned: success type: list sample: ["Installed: lsof-4.94.0-4.fc37.x86_64"] failures: description: A list of the dnf transaction failures returned: failure type: list sample: ["Argument 'lsof' matches only excluded packages."] rc: description: For compatibility, 0 for success, 1 for failure returned: always type: int sample: 0 """ import os import sys from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.common.locale import get_best_parsable_locale from ansible.module_utils.common.respawn import has_respawned, probe_interpreters_for_module, respawn_module from ansible.module_utils.yumdnf import YumDnf, yumdnf_argument_spec libdnf5 = None def is_installed(base, spec): settings = libdnf5.base.ResolveSpecSettings() query = libdnf5.rpm.PackageQuery(base) query.filter_installed() match, nevra = query.resolve_pkg_spec(spec, settings, True) return match def is_newer_version_installed(base, spec): # FIXME investigate whether this function can be replaced by dnf5's allow_downgrade option if "/" in spec: spec = spec.split("/")[-1] if spec.endswith(".rpm"): spec = spec[:-4] try: spec_nevra = next(iter(libdnf5.rpm.Nevra.parse(spec))) except (RuntimeError, StopIteration): return False spec_version = spec_nevra.get_version() if not spec_version: return False installed = libdnf5.rpm.PackageQuery(base) installed.filter_installed() installed.filter_name([spec_nevra.get_name()]) installed.filter_latest_evr() try: installed_package = list(installed)[-1] except IndexError: return False target = libdnf5.rpm.PackageQuery(base) target.filter_name([spec_nevra.get_name()]) target.filter_version([spec_version]) spec_release = spec_nevra.get_release() if spec_release: target.filter_release([spec_release]) spec_epoch = spec_nevra.get_epoch() if spec_epoch: target.filter_epoch([spec_epoch]) target.filter_latest_evr() try: target_package = list(target)[-1] except IndexError: return False # FIXME https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf5/issues/1104 return libdnf5.rpm.rpmvercmp(installed_package.get_evr(), target_package.get_evr()) == 1 def package_to_dict(package): return { "nevra": package.get_nevra(), "envra": package.get_nevra(), # dnf module compat "name": package.get_name(), "arch": package.get_arch(), "epoch": str(package.get_epoch()), "release": package.get_release(), "version": package.get_version(), "repo": package.get_repo_id(), "yumstate": "installed" if package.is_installed() else "available", } def get_unneeded_pkgs(base): query = libdnf5.rpm.PackageQuery(base) query.filter_installed() query.filter_unneeded() yield from query class Dnf5Module(YumDnf): def __init__(self, module): super(Dnf5Module, self).__init__(module) self._ensure_dnf() self.pkg_mgr_name = "dnf5" def _ensure_dnf(self): locale = get_best_parsable_locale(self.module) os.environ["LC_ALL"] = os.environ["LC_MESSAGES"] = locale os.environ["LANGUAGE"] = os.environ["LANG"] = locale global libdnf5 has_dnf = True try: import libdnf5 # type: ignore[import] except ImportError: has_dnf = False if has_dnf: return system_interpreters = [ "/usr/libexec/platform-python", "/usr/bin/python3", "/usr/bin/python", ] if not has_respawned(): # probe well-known system Python locations for accessible bindings, favoring py3 interpreter = probe_interpreters_for_module(system_interpreters, "libdnf5") if interpreter: # respawn under the interpreter where the bindings should be found respawn_module(interpreter) # end of the line for this module, the process will exit here once the respawned module completes # done all we can do, something is just broken (auto-install isn't useful anymore with respawn, so it was removed) self.module.fail_json( msg="Could not import the libdnf5 python module using {0} ({1}). " "Please install python3-libdnf5 package or ensure you have specified the " "correct ansible_python_interpreter. (attempted {2})".format( sys.executable, sys.version.replace("\n", ""), system_interpreters ), failures=[], ) def run(self): if not self.list and not self.download_only and os.geteuid() != 0: self.module.fail_json( msg="This command has to be run under the root user.", failures=[], rc=1, ) if self.enable_plugin or self.disable_plugin: self.module.fail_json( msg="enable_plugin and disable_plugin options are not yet implemented in DNF5", failures=[], rc=1, ) base = libdnf5.base.Base() conf = base.get_config() if self.conf_file: conf.config_file_path = self.conf_file try: base.load_config() except RuntimeError as e: self.module.fail_json( msg=str(e), conf_file=self.conf_file, failures=[], rc=1, ) if self.releasever is not None: variables = base.get_vars() variables.set("releasever", self.releasever) if self.exclude: conf.excludepkgs = self.exclude if self.disable_excludes: if self.disable_excludes == "all": self.disable_excludes = "*" conf.disable_excludes = self.disable_excludes conf.skip_broken = self.skip_broken # best and nobest are mutually exclusive if self.nobest is not None: conf.best = not self.nobest elif self.best is not None: conf.best = self.best conf.install_weak_deps = self.install_weak_deps conf.gpgcheck = not self.disable_gpg_check conf.localpkg_gpgcheck = not self.disable_gpg_check conf.sslverify = self.sslverify conf.clean_requirements_on_remove = self.autoremove conf.installroot = self.installroot conf.use_host_config = True # needed for installroot conf.cacheonly = "all" if self.cacheonly else "none" if self.download_dir: conf.destdir = self.download_dir base.setup() log_router = base.get_logger() global_logger = libdnf5.logger.GlobalLogger() global_logger.set(log_router.get(), libdnf5.logger.Logger.Level_DEBUG) # FIXME hardcoding the filename does not seem right, should libdnf5 expose the default file name? logger = libdnf5.logger.create_file_logger(base, "dnf5.log") log_router.add_logger(logger) if self.update_cache: repo_query = libdnf5.repo.RepoQuery(base) repo_query.filter_type(libdnf5.repo.Repo.Type_AVAILABLE) for repo in repo_query: repo_dir = repo.get_cachedir() if os.path.exists(repo_dir): repo_cache = libdnf5.repo.RepoCache(base, repo_dir) repo_cache.write_attribute(libdnf5.repo.RepoCache.ATTRIBUTE_EXPIRED) sack = base.get_repo_sack() sack.create_repos_from_system_configuration() repo_query = libdnf5.repo.RepoQuery(base) if self.disablerepo: repo_query.filter_id(self.disablerepo, libdnf5.common.QueryCmp_IGLOB) for repo in repo_query: repo.disable() if self.enablerepo: repo_query.filter_id(self.enablerepo, libdnf5.common.QueryCmp_IGLOB) for repo in repo_query: repo.enable() try: sack.load_repos() except AttributeError: # dnf5 < sack.update_and_load_enabled_repos(True) if self.update_cache and not self.names and not self.list: self.module.exit_json( msg="Cache updated", changed=False, results=[], rc=0 ) if self.list: command = self.list if command == "updates": command = "upgrades" if command in {"installed", "upgrades", "available"}: query = libdnf5.rpm.PackageQuery(base) getattr(query, "filter_{}".format(command))() results = [package_to_dict(package) for package in query] elif command in {"repos", "repositories"}: query = libdnf5.repo.RepoQuery(base) query.filter_enabled(True) results = [{"repoid": repo.get_id(), "state": "enabled"} for repo in query] else: resolve_spec_settings = libdnf5.base.ResolveSpecSettings() query = libdnf5.rpm.PackageQuery(base) query.resolve_pkg_spec(command, resolve_spec_settings, True) results = [package_to_dict(package) for package in query] self.module.exit_json(msg="", results=results, rc=0) settings = libdnf5.base.GoalJobSettings() try: settings.set_group_with_name(True) except AttributeError: # dnf5 < settings.group_with_name = True if self.bugfix or self.security: advisory_query = libdnf5.advisory.AdvisoryQuery(base) types = [] if self.bugfix: types.append("bugfix") if self.security: types.append("security") advisory_query.filter_type(types) settings.set_advisory_filter(advisory_query) goal = libdnf5.base.Goal(base) results = [] if self.names == ["*"] and self.state == "latest": goal.add_rpm_upgrade(settings) elif self.state in {"install", "present", "latest"}: upgrade = self.state == "latest" for spec in self.names: if is_newer_version_installed(base, spec): if self.allow_downgrade: goal.add_install(spec, settings) elif is_installed(base, spec): if upgrade: goal.add_upgrade(spec, settings) else: if self.update_only: results.append("Packages providing {} not installed due to update_only specified".format(spec)) else: goal.add_install(spec, settings) elif self.state in {"absent", "removed"}: for spec in self.names: try: goal.add_remove(spec, settings) except RuntimeError as e: self.module.fail_json(msg=str(e), failures=[], rc=1) if self.autoremove: for pkg in get_unneeded_pkgs(base): goal.add_rpm_remove(pkg, settings) goal.set_allow_erasing(self.allowerasing) try: transaction = goal.resolve() except RuntimeError as e: self.module.fail_json(msg=str(e), failures=[], rc=1) if transaction.get_problems(): failures = [] for log_event in transaction.get_resolve_logs(): if log_event.get_problem() == libdnf5.base.GoalProblem_NOT_FOUND and self.state in {"install", "present", "latest"}: # NOTE dnf module compat failures.append("No package {} available.".format(log_event.get_spec())) else: failures.append(log_event.to_string()) if transaction.get_problems() & libdnf5.base.GoalProblem_SOLVER_ERROR != 0: msg = "Depsolve Error occurred" else: msg = "Failed to install some of the specified packages" self.module.fail_json( msg=msg, failures=failures, rc=1, ) # NOTE dnf module compat actions_compat_map = { "Install": "Installed", "Remove": "Removed", "Replace": "Installed", "Upgrade": "Installed", "Replaced": "Removed", } changed = bool(transaction.get_transaction_packages()) for pkg in transaction.get_transaction_packages(): if self.download_only: action = "Downloaded" else: action = libdnf5.base.transaction.transaction_item_action_to_string(pkg.get_action()) results.append("{}: {}".format(actions_compat_map.get(action, action), pkg.get_package().get_nevra())) msg = "" if self.module.check_mode: if results: msg = "Check mode: No changes made, but would have if not in check mode" else: transaction.download() if not self.download_only: transaction.set_description("ansible dnf5 module") result = transaction.run() if result == libdnf5.base.Transaction.TransactionRunResult_ERROR_GPG_CHECK: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to validate GPG signatures: {}".format(",".join(transaction.get_gpg_signature_problems())), failures=[], rc=1, ) elif result != libdnf5.base.Transaction.TransactionRunResult_SUCCESS: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to install some of the specified packages", failures=["{}: {}".format(transaction.transaction_result_to_string(result), log) for log in transaction.get_transaction_problems()], rc=1, ) if not msg and not results: msg = "Nothing to do" self.module.exit_json( results=results, changed=changed, msg=msg, rc=0, ) def main(): Dnf5Module(AnsibleModule(**yumdnf_argument_spec)).run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()