--- - debug: msg="START netconf/netconf.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}" - name: Ensure netconf is enabled junos_netconf: state: present register: result - name: idempotent tests junos_netconf: state: present register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" ################################### - name: wait for netconf server to come up pause: seconds: 10 - name: Ensure we can communicate over netconf junos_command: rpcs: get-software-information provider: "{{ netconf }}" connection: netconf # Disable netconf - name: Disable netconf junos_netconf: state: absent register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == true" - name: idempotent tests junos_netconf: state: absent register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - name: wait for persistent socket to timeout pause: seconds: 120 - name: Ensure we can NOT talk via netconf junos_command: rpcs: get-software-information provider: "{{ netconf }}" register: result connection: netconf ignore_errors: true - assert: that: - "result.failed == true" - name: re-enable netconf junos_netconf: state: present register: result - debug: msg="END netconf/netconfg.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}"