- hosts: testhost tasks: # basic test of FQ module lookup and that we got the right one (user-dir hosted) - name: exec FQ module in a user-dir testns collection testns.testcoll.testmodule: register: testmodule_out # verifies that distributed collection subpackages are visible under a multi-location namespace (testns exists in user and sys locations) - name: exec FQ module in a sys-dir testns collection testns.coll_in_sys.systestmodule: register: systestmodule_out # verifies that content-adjacent collections were automatically added to the installed content roots - name: exec FQ module from content-adjacent collection testns.content_adj.contentadjmodule: register: contentadjmodule_out # content should only be loaded from the first visible instance of a collection - name: attempt to look up FQ module in a masked collection testns.testcoll.plugin_lookup: type: module name: testns.testcoll.maskedmodule register: maskedmodule_out # module with a granular module_utils import (from (this collection).module_utils.leaf import thingtocall) - name: exec module with granular module utils import from this collection testns.testcoll.uses_leaf_mu_granular_import: register: granular_out # module with a granular nested module_utils import (from (this collection).module_utils.base import thingtocall, # where base imports secondary from the same collection's module_utils) - name: exec module with nested module utils from this collection testns.testcoll.uses_base_mu_granular_nested_import: register: granular_nested_out # module with a flat module_utils import (import (this collection).module_utils.leaf) - name: exec module with flat module_utils import from this collection testns.testcoll.uses_leaf_mu_flat_import: register: flat_out # FIXME: this one doesn't work yet # module with a full-module module_utils import using 'from' (from (this collection).module_utils import leaf) - name: exec module with full-module module_utils import using 'from' from this collection testns.testcoll.uses_leaf_mu_module_import_from: ignore_errors: true register: from_out - assert: that: - testmodule_out.source == 'user' - systestmodule_out.source == 'sys' - contentadjmodule_out.source == 'content_adj' - not maskedmodule_out.plugin_path - granular_out.mu_result == 'thingtocall in leaf' - granular_nested_out.mu_result == 'thingtocall in base called thingtocall in secondary' - flat_out.mu_result == 'thingtocall in leaf' - from_out is failed # FIXME: switch back once this import is fixed --> from_out.mu_result == 'thingtocall in leaf' - name: exercise filters/tests/lookups assert: that: - "'data' | testns.testcoll.testfilter == 'data_from_userdir'" - "'from_user' is testns.testcoll.testtest" - lookup('testns.testcoll.mylookup') == 'lookup_from_user_dir' # ensure that the synthetic ansible.builtin collection limits to builtin plugins, that ansible.legacy loads overrides # from legacy plugin dirs, and that a same-named plugin loaded from a real collection is not masked by the others - hosts: testhost tasks: - name: test unqualified ping from library dir ping: register: unqualified_ping_out - name: test legacy-qualified ping from library dir ansible.legacy.ping: register: legacy_ping_out - name: test builtin ping ansible.builtin.ping: register: builtin_ping_out - name: test collection-based ping testns.testcoll.ping: register: collection_ping_out - assert: that: - unqualified_ping_out.source == 'legacy_library_dir' - legacy_ping_out.source == 'legacy_library_dir' - builtin_ping_out.ping == 'pong' - collection_ping_out.source == 'user' # verify the default value for the collections list is empty - hosts: testhost tasks: - name: sample default collections value testns.testcoll.plugin_lookup: register: coll_default_out - assert: that: # in original release, collections defaults to empty, which is mostly equivalent to ansible.legacy - not coll_default_out.collection_list # ensure that inheritance/masking works as expected, that the proper default values are injected when missing, # and that the order is preserved if one of the magic values is explicitly specified - name: verify collections keyword play/block/task inheritance and magic values hosts: testhost collections: - bogus.fromplay tasks: - name: sample play collections value testns.testcoll.plugin_lookup: register: coll_play_out - name: collections override block-level collections: - bogus.fromblock block: - name: sample block collections value testns.testcoll.plugin_lookup: register: coll_block_out - name: sample task collections value collections: - bogus.fromtask testns.testcoll.plugin_lookup: register: coll_task_out - name: sample task with explicit core collections: - ansible.builtin - bogus.fromtaskexplicitcore testns.testcoll.plugin_lookup: register: coll_task_core - name: sample task with explicit legacy collections: - ansible.legacy - bogus.fromtaskexplicitlegacy testns.testcoll.plugin_lookup: register: coll_task_legacy - assert: that: # ensure that parent value inheritance is masked properly by explicit setting - coll_play_out.collection_list == ['bogus.fromplay', 'ansible.legacy'] - coll_block_out.collection_list == ['bogus.fromblock', 'ansible.legacy'] - coll_task_out.collection_list == ['bogus.fromtask', 'ansible.legacy'] - coll_task_core.collection_list == ['ansible.builtin', 'bogus.fromtaskexplicitcore'] - coll_task_legacy.collection_list == ['ansible.legacy', 'bogus.fromtaskexplicitlegacy'] - name: verify unqualified plugin resolution behavior hosts: testhost collections: - testns.testcoll - testns.coll_in_sys - testns.contentadj tasks: # basic test of unqualified module lookup and that we got the right one (user-dir hosted, there's another copy of # this one in the same-named collection in sys dir that should be masked - name: exec unqualified module in a user-dir testns collection testmodule: register: testmodule_out # use another collection to verify that we're looking in all collections listed on the play - name: exec unqualified module in a sys-dir testns collection systestmodule: register: systestmodule_out # ensure we're looking up actions properly - name: unqualified action test plugin_lookup: register: pluginlookup_out - assert: that: - testmodule_out.source == 'user' - systestmodule_out.source == 'sys' - pluginlookup_out.collection_list == ['testns.testcoll', 'testns.coll_in_sys', 'testns.contentadj', 'ansible.legacy'] # FIXME: this won't work until collections list gets passed through task templar # - name: exercise unqualified filters/tests/lookups # assert: # that: # - "'data' | testfilter == 'data_from_userdir'" # - "'from_user' is testtest" # - lookup('mylookup') == 'lookup_from_user_dir' # test keyword-static execution of a FQ collection-backed role - name: verify collection-backed role execution (keyword static) hosts: testhost collections: # set to ansible.builtin only to ensure that roles function properly without inheriting the play's collections config - ansible.builtin vars: test_role_input: keyword static roles: - role: testns.testcoll.testrole tasks: - name: ensure role executed assert: that: - test_role_output.msg == test_role_input # test dynamic execution of a FQ collection-backed role - name: verify collection-backed role execution (dynamic) hosts: testhost collections: # set to ansible.builtin only to ensure that roles function properly without inheriting the play's collections config - ansible.builtin vars: test_role_input: dynamic tasks: - include_role: name: testns.testcoll.testrole - name: ensure role executed assert: that: - test_role_output.msg == test_role_input # test task-static execution of a FQ collection-backed role - name: verify collection-backed role execution (task static) hosts: testhost collections: - ansible.builtin vars: test_role_input: task static tasks: - import_role: name: testns.testcoll.testrole - name: ensure role executed assert: that: - test_role_output.msg == test_role_input # test a legacy playbook-adjacent role, ensure that play collections config is not inherited - name: verify legacy playbook-adjacent role behavior hosts: testhost collections: - bogus.bogus vars: test_role_input: legacy playbook-adjacent roles: - testrole # FIXME: this should technically work to look up a playbook-adjacent role # - ansible.legacy.testrole tasks: - name: ensure role executed assert: that: - test_role_output.msg == test_role_input - name: test a collection-hosted connection plugin against a host from a collection-hosted inventory plugin hosts: dynamic_host_a vars: ansible_connection: testns.testcoll.localconn ansible_localconn_connectionvar: from_play tasks: - raw: echo 'hello world' register: connection_out - assert: that: - connection_out.stdout == "localconn ran echo 'hello world'" # ensure that the connection var we overrode above made it into the running config - connection_out.stderr == "connectionvar is from_play" - hosts: testhost tasks: - assert: that: - hostvars['dynamic_host_a'] is defined - hostvars['dynamic_host_a'].connection_out.stdout == "localconn ran echo 'hello world'"