- name: Prepare random number set_fact: lab_name: "lab{{ resource_group | hash('md5') | truncate(7, True, '') }}{{ 1000 | random }}" vn_name: "vn{{ resource_group | hash('md5') | truncate(7, True, '') }}{{ 1000 | random }}" run_once: yes - name: Create instance of Lab -- check mode azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" location: eastus storage_type: standard premium_data_disks: no check_mode: yes register: output - name: Check if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Create instance of Lab azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" location: eastus storage_type: standard premium_data_disks: no register: output - name: Check if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Create again instance of Lab azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" location: eastus storage_type: standard premium_data_disks: no register: output - name: Assert the state has not changed assert: that: - output.changed == false - name: Update lab - premium_data_disks azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" location: eastus storage_type: standard premium_data_disks: yes register: output - name: Assert the change was registered assert: that: - output.changed - name: Create instance of DebTest Labs virtual network azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualnetwork: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}" location: eastus description: My DevTest Lab register: output - name: Assert the change was registered assert: that: - output.changed - name: Update instance of DebTest Labs virtual network with same parameters azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualnetwork: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}" location: eastus description: My DevTest Lab register: output - name: Assert that nothing was changed assert: that: - output.changed == false - name: Update instance of DebTest Labs virtual network with changed description azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualnetwork: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}" location: eastus description: My DevTest Lab Updated register: output - name: Assert that nothing was changed assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete instance of Lab -- check mode azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" state: absent name: "{{ lab_name }}" check_mode: yes register: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported in check mode assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete instance of Lab azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" state: absent register: output - name: Assert the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete unexisting instance of Lab azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}unexisting" state: absent register: output - name: Assert thes state has not changed assert: that: - output.changed == false