.. _patterns: The Inventory File, Patterns, and Groups ======================================== How to select hosts you wish to manage .. seealso:: :doc:`examples` Examples of basic commands :doc:`playbooks` Learning ansible's configuration management language .. _inventoryformat: Inventory File Format +++++++++++++++++++++ Ansible works against multiple systems in your infrastructure at the same time. It does this by selecting portions of systems listed in Ansible's inventory file, which defaults to /etc/ansible/hosts, and looks like this:: mail.example.com [webservers] foo.example.com bar.example.com [dbservers] one.example.com two.example.com three.example.com The things in brackets are group names, you don't have to have them, but they are useful. Selecting Targets +++++++++++++++++ These patterns target all hosts in the inventory file:: all * Basically 'all' is an alias for '*'. It is also possible to address a specific host or hosts:: one.example.com one.example.com:two.example.com 192.168.1.* The following patterns address one or more groups, which are denoted with the aforementioned bracket headers in the inventory file:: webservers webservers:dbservers Individual host names (or IPs), but not groups, can also be referenced using wildcards:: *.example.com *.com It's also ok to mix wildcard patterns and groups at the same time:: one*.com:dbservers .. note:: It is not possible to target a host not in the inventory file. This is a safety feature. Easy enough. Now see :doc:`examples` and then :doc:`playbooks` for how to do things to selected hosts.