from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import pytest import re import sys from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionRef def test_import_from_collection(monkeypatch): collection_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'collections') collection_path = os.path.join(collection_root, 'ansible_collections/my_namespace/my_collection/plugins/module_utils/') # the trace we're expecting to be generated when running the code below: # answer = question() expected_trace_log = [ (collection_path, 5, 'call'), (collection_path, 6, 'line'), (collection_path, 6, 'return'), ] # define the collection root before any ansible code has been loaded # otherwise config will have already been loaded and changing the environment will have no effect monkeypatch.setenv('ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS', collection_root) from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionLoader # zap the singleton collection loader instance if it exists AnsibleCollectionLoader._Singleton__instance = None for index in [idx for idx, obj in enumerate(sys.meta_path) if isinstance(obj, AnsibleCollectionLoader)]: # replace any existing collection loaders that may exist # since these were loaded during unit test collection # they will not have the correct configuration sys.meta_path[index] = AnsibleCollectionLoader() # make sure the collection loader is installed # this will be a no-op if the collection loader is already installed # which will depend on whether or not any tests being run imported ansible.plugins.loader during unit test collection from ansible.plugins.loader import _configure_collection_loader _configure_collection_loader() # currently redundant, the import above already calls this from ansible_collections.my_namespace.my_collection.plugins.module_utils.my_util import question original_trace_function = sys.gettrace() trace_log = [] if original_trace_function: # enable tracing while preserving the existing trace function (coverage) def my_trace_function(frame, event, arg): trace_log.append((frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, event)) # the original trace function expects to have itself set as the trace function sys.settrace(original_trace_function) # call the original trace function original_trace_function(frame, event, arg) # restore our trace function sys.settrace(my_trace_function) return my_trace_function else: # no existing trace function, so our trace function is much simpler def my_trace_function(frame, event, arg): trace_log.append((frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, event)) return my_trace_function sys.settrace(my_trace_function) try: # run a minimal amount of code while the trace is running # adding more code here, including use of a context manager, will add more to our trace answer = question() finally: sys.settrace(original_trace_function) # make sure 'import ... as ...' works on builtin synthetic collections # the following import is not supported (it tries to find module_utils in ansible.plugins) # import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils as c1 import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action as c2 import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins as c3 import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin as c4 import ansible_collections.ansible as c5 import ansible_collections as c6 # make sure 'import ...' works on builtin synthetic collections import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action assert ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action == c3.action == c2 import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins assert ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins == c4.plugins == c3 import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin assert ansible_collections.ansible.builtin == c5.builtin == c4 import ansible_collections.ansible assert ansible_collections.ansible == c6.ansible == c5 import ansible_collections assert ansible_collections == c6 # make sure 'from ... import ...' works on builtin synthetic collections from ansible_collections.ansible import builtin from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin import plugins assert builtin.plugins == plugins from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins import action from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action import command assert action.command == command from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils import basic from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule assert basic.AnsibleModule == AnsibleModule # make sure relative imports work from collections code # these require __package__ to be set correctly import ansible_collections.my_namespace.my_collection.plugins.module_utils.my_other_util import ansible_collections.my_namespace.my_collection.plugins.action.my_action # verify that code loaded from a collection does not inherit __future__ statements from the collection loader if sys.version_info[0] == 2: # if the collection code inherits the division future feature from the collection loader this will fail assert answer == 1 else: assert answer == 1.5 # verify that the filename and line number reported by the trace is correct # this makes sure that collection loading preserves file paths and line numbers assert trace_log == expected_trace_log @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'ref,ref_type,expected_collection,expected_subdirs,expected_resource,expected_python_pkg_name', [ ('ns.coll.myaction', 'action', 'ns.coll', '', 'myaction', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.action'), ('ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.myaction', 'action', 'ns.coll', 'subdir1.subdir2', 'myaction', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.action.subdir1.subdir2'), ('ns.coll.myrole', 'role', 'ns.coll', '', 'myrole', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.myrole'), ('ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.myrole', 'role', 'ns.coll', 'subdir1.subdir2', 'myrole', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.subdir1.subdir2.myrole'), ]) def test_fqcr_parsing_valid(ref, ref_type, expected_collection, expected_subdirs, expected_resource, expected_python_pkg_name): assert AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type) r = AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type) assert r.collection == expected_collection assert r.subdirs == expected_subdirs assert r.resource == expected_resource assert r.n_python_package_name == expected_python_pkg_name r = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type) assert r.collection == expected_collection assert r.subdirs == expected_subdirs assert r.resource == expected_resource assert r.n_python_package_name == expected_python_pkg_name @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'ref,ref_type,expected_error_type,expected_error_expression', [ ('no_dots_at_all_action', 'action', ValueError, 'is not a valid collection reference'), ('no_nscoll.myaction', 'action', ValueError, 'is not a valid collection reference'), ('ns.coll.myaction', 'bogus', ValueError, 'invalid collection ref_type'), ]) def test_fqcr_parsing_invalid(ref, ref_type, expected_error_type, expected_error_expression): assert not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type) with pytest.raises(expected_error_type) as curerr: AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type) assert, str(curerr.value)) r = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type) assert r is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'name,subdirs,resource,ref_type,python_pkg_name', [ ('ns.coll', None, 'res', 'doc_fragments', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.doc_fragments'), ('ns.coll', 'subdir1', 'res', 'doc_fragments', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.doc_fragments.subdir1'), ('ns.coll', 'subdir1.subdir2', 'res', 'action', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.action.subdir1.subdir2'), ]) def test_collectionref_components_valid(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type, python_pkg_name): x = AnsibleCollectionRef(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type) assert x.collection == name if subdirs: assert x.subdirs == subdirs else: assert x.subdirs == '' assert x.resource == resource assert x.ref_type == ref_type assert x.n_python_package_name == python_pkg_name @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'name,subdirs,resource,ref_type,expected_error_type,expected_error_expression', [ ('bad_ns', '', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid collection name'), ('ns.coll.', '', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid collection name'), ('ns.coll', 'badsubdir#', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid subdirs entry'), ('ns.coll', 'badsubdir.', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid subdirs entry'), ('ns.coll', '.badsubdir', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid subdirs entry'), ('ns.coll', '', 'resource', 'bogus', ValueError, 'invalid collection ref_type'), ]) def test_collectionref_components_invalid(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type, expected_error_type, expected_error_expression): with pytest.raises(expected_error_type) as curerr: AnsibleCollectionRef(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type) assert, str(curerr.value))