#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2014, Ramon de la Fuente # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = """ module: slack short_description: Send Slack notifications description: - The M(slack) module sends notifications to U(http://slack.com) via the Incoming WebHook integration version_added: 1.6 author: '"Ramon de la Fuente (@ramondelafuente)" ' options: domain: description: - Slack (sub)domain for your environment without protocol. (i.e. C(future500.slack.com)) In 1.8 and beyond, this is deprecated and may be ignored. See token documentation for information. required: false token: description: - Slack integration token. This authenticates you to the slack service. Prior to 1.8, a token looked like C(3Ffe373sfhRE6y42Fg3rvf4GlK). In 1.8 and above, ansible adapts to the new slack API where tokens look like C(G922VJP24/D921DW937/3Ffe373sfhRE6y42Fg3rvf4GlK). If tokens are in the new format then slack will ignore any value of domain. If the token is in the old format the domain is required. Ansible has no control of when slack will get rid of the old API. When slack does that the old format will stop working. required: true msg: description: - Message to send. required: true channel: description: - Channel to send the message to. If absent, the message goes to the channel selected for the I(token). required: false username: description: - This is the sender of the message. required: false default: ansible icon_url: description: - Url for the message sender's icon (default C(http://www.ansible.com/favicon.ico)) required: false icon_emoji: description: - Emoji for the message sender. See Slack documentation for options. (if I(icon_emoji) is set, I(icon_url) will not be used) required: false link_names: description: - Automatically create links for channels and usernames in I(msg). required: false default: 1 choices: - 1 - 0 parse: description: - Setting for the message parser at Slack required: false choices: - 'full' - 'none' validate_certs: description: - If C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. required: false default: 'yes' choices: - 'yes' - 'no' color: version_added: 2.0 description: - Allow text to use default colors - use the default of 'normal' to not send a custom color bar at the start of the message required: false default: 'normal' choices: - 'normal' - 'good' - 'warning' - 'danger' """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: Send notification message via Slack local_action: module: slack domain: future500.slack.com token: thetokengeneratedbyslack msg: "{{ inventory_hostname }} completed" - name: Send notification message via Slack all options local_action: module: slack domain: future500.slack.com token: thetokengeneratedbyslack msg: "{{ inventory_hostname }} completed" channel: "#ansible" username: "Ansible on {{ inventory_hostname }}" icon_url: "http://www.example.com/some-image-file.png" link_names: 0 parse: 'none' - name: insert a color bar in front of the message for visibility purposes and use the default webhook icon and name configured in Slack slack: domain: future500.slack.com token: thetokengeneratedbyslack msg: "{{ inventory_hostname }} is alive!" color: good username: "" icon_url: "" """ OLD_SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK = 'https://%s/services/hooks/incoming-webhook?token=%s' SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/%s' def build_payload_for_slack(module, text, channel, username, icon_url, icon_emoji, link_names, parse, color): if color == 'normal': payload = dict(text=text) else: payload = dict(attachments=[dict(text=text, color=color)]) if channel is not None: if (channel[0] == '#') or (channel[0] == '@'): payload['channel'] = channel else: payload['channel'] = '#'+channel if username is not None: payload['username'] = username if icon_emoji is not None: payload['icon_emoji'] = icon_emoji else: payload['icon_url'] = icon_url if link_names is not None: payload['link_names'] = link_names if parse is not None: payload['parse'] = parse payload="payload=" + module.jsonify(payload) return payload def do_notify_slack(module, domain, token, payload): if token.count('/') >= 2: # New style token slack_incoming_webhook = SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK % (token) else: if not domain: module.fail_json(msg="Slack has updated its webhook API. You need to specify a token of the form XXXX/YYYY/ZZZZ in your playbook") slack_incoming_webhook = OLD_SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK % (domain, token) response, info = fetch_url(module, slack_incoming_webhook, data=payload) if info['status'] != 200: obscured_incoming_webhook = SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK % ('[obscured]') module.fail_json(msg=" failed to send %s to %s: %s" % (payload, obscured_incoming_webhook, info['msg'])) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( domain = dict(type='str', required=False, default=None), token = dict(type='str', required=True), msg = dict(type='str', required=True), channel = dict(type='str', default=None), username = dict(type='str', default='Ansible'), icon_url = dict(type='str', default='http://www.ansible.com/favicon.ico'), icon_emoji = dict(type='str', default=None), link_names = dict(type='int', default=1, choices=[0,1]), parse = dict(type='str', default=None, choices=['none', 'full']), validate_certs = dict(default='yes', type='bool'), color = dict(type='str', default='normal', choices=['normal', 'good', 'warning', 'danger']) ) ) domain = module.params['domain'] token = module.params['token'] text = module.params['msg'] channel = module.params['channel'] username = module.params['username'] icon_url = module.params['icon_url'] icon_emoji = module.params['icon_emoji'] link_names = module.params['link_names'] parse = module.params['parse'] color = module.params['color'] payload = build_payload_for_slack(module, text, channel, username, icon_url, icon_emoji, link_names, parse, color) do_notify_slack(module, domain, token, payload) module.exit_json(msg="OK") # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.urls import * main()