# Test downloading a file before unarchiving it - name: create our unarchive destination file: path: '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/test-unarchive-tar-gz' state: directory - name: Install packages to make TLS connections work on CentOS 6 pip: name: - urllib3==1.10.2 - ndg_httpsclient==0.4.4 - pyOpenSSL==16.2.0 state: present when: - ansible_facts.distribution == 'CentOS' - not ansible_facts.python.has_sslcontext - name: unarchive a tar from an URL unarchive: src: "https://releases.ansible.com/ansible/ansible-latest.tar.gz" dest: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-tar-gz" mode: "0700" remote_src: yes register: unarchive13 - name: Test that unarchive succeeded assert: that: - "unarchive13.changed == true" - name: remove our tar.gz unarchive destination file: path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-tar-gz' state: absent