"""Sanity test for proper import exception handling.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os import re from lib.sanity import ( SanityMultipleVersion, SanityMessage, SanityFailure, SanitySuccess, SanitySkipped, ) from lib.util import ( SubprocessError, run_command, intercept_command, remove_tree, ) from lib.ansible_util import ( ansible_environment, ) from lib.executor import ( generate_pip_install, ) from lib.config import ( SanityConfig, ) class ImportTest(SanityMultipleVersion): """Sanity test for proper import exception handling.""" def test(self, args, targets, python_version): """ :type args: SanityConfig :type targets: SanityTargets :type python_version: str :rtype: SanityResult """ with open('test/sanity/import/skip.txt', 'r') as skip_fd: skip_paths = skip_fd.read().splitlines() skip_paths_set = set(skip_paths) paths = sorted( i.path for i in targets.include if os.path.splitext(i.path)[1] == '.py' and (i.path.startswith('lib/ansible/modules/') or i.path.startswith('lib/ansible/module_utils/')) and i.path not in skip_paths_set ) if not paths: return SanitySkipped(self.name, python_version=python_version) env = ansible_environment(args, color=False) # create a clean virtual environment to minimize the available imports beyond the python standard library virtual_environment_path = os.path.abspath('test/runner/.tox/minimal-py%s' % python_version.replace('.', '')) virtual_environment_bin = os.path.join(virtual_environment_path, 'bin') remove_tree(virtual_environment_path) cmd = ['virtualenv', virtual_environment_path, '--python', 'python%s' % python_version, '--no-setuptools', '--no-wheel'] if not args.coverage: cmd.append('--no-pip') run_command(args, cmd, capture=True) # add the importer to our virtual environment so it can be accessed through the coverage injector importer_path = os.path.join(virtual_environment_bin, 'importer.py') if not args.explain: os.symlink(os.path.abspath('test/runner/importer.py'), importer_path) # activate the virtual environment env['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (virtual_environment_bin, env['PATH']) env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.abspath('test/runner/import/lib') # make sure coverage is available in the virtual environment if needed if args.coverage: run_command(args, generate_pip_install('pip', 'sanity.import', packages=['coverage']), env=env) run_command(args, ['pip', 'uninstall', '--disable-pip-version-check', '-y', 'pip'], env=env) cmd = ['importer.py'] + paths results = [] try: stdout, stderr = intercept_command(args, cmd, target_name=self.name, env=env, capture=True, python_version=python_version, path=env['PATH']) if stdout or stderr: raise SubprocessError(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) except SubprocessError as ex: if ex.status != 10 or ex.stderr or not ex.stdout: raise pattern = r'^(?P[^:]*):(?P[0-9]+):(?P[0-9]+): (?P.*)$' results = [re.search(pattern, line).groupdict() for line in ex.stdout.splitlines()] results = [SanityMessage( message=r['message'], path=r['path'], line=int(r['line']), column=int(r['column']), ) for r in results] results = [result for result in results if result.path not in skip_paths] if results: return SanityFailure(self.name, messages=results, python_version=python_version) return SanitySuccess(self.name, python_version=python_version)