"""Access Ansible Core CI remote services.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import tempfile import time from .util import ( SubprocessError, ApplicationError, cmd_quote, display, ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, ) from .util_common import ( intercept_command, get_network_settings, run_command, ) from .core_ci import ( AnsibleCoreCI, ) from .ansible_util import ( ansible_environment, ) from .config import ( ShellConfig, ) from .payload import ( create_payload, ) class ManageWindowsCI: """Manage access to a Windows instance provided by Ansible Core CI.""" def __init__(self, core_ci): """ :type core_ci: AnsibleCoreCI """ self.core_ci = core_ci self.ssh_args = ['-i', self.core_ci.ssh_key.key] ssh_options = dict( BatchMode='yes', StrictHostKeyChecking='no', UserKnownHostsFile='/dev/null', ServerAliveInterval=15, ServerAliveCountMax=4, ) for ssh_option in sorted(ssh_options): self.ssh_args += ['-o', '%s=%s' % (ssh_option, ssh_options[ssh_option])] def setup(self, python_version): """Used in delegate_remote to setup the host, no action is required for Windows. :type python_version: str """ def wait(self): """Wait for instance to respond to ansible ping.""" extra_vars = [ 'ansible_connection=winrm', 'ansible_host=%s' % self.core_ci.connection.hostname, 'ansible_user=%s' % self.core_ci.connection.username, 'ansible_password=%s' % self.core_ci.connection.password, 'ansible_port=%s' % self.core_ci.connection.port, 'ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation=ignore', ] name = 'windows_%s' % self.core_ci.version env = ansible_environment(self.core_ci.args) cmd = ['ansible', '-m', 'ansible.windows.win_ping', '-i', '%s,' % name, name, '-e', ' '.join(extra_vars)] for dummy in range(1, 120): try: intercept_command(self.core_ci.args, cmd, 'ping', env=env, disable_coverage=True) return except SubprocessError: time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Timeout waiting for %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.core_ci.platform, self.core_ci.version, self.core_ci.instance_id)) def download(self, remote, local): """ :type remote: str :type local: str """ self.scp('%s@%s:%s' % (self.core_ci.connection.username, self.core_ci.connection.hostname, remote), local) def upload(self, local, remote): """ :type local: str :type remote: str """ self.scp(local, '%s@%s:%s' % (self.core_ci.connection.username, self.core_ci.connection.hostname, remote)) def ssh(self, command, options=None, force_pty=True): """ :type command: str | list[str] :type options: list[str] | None :type force_pty: bool """ if not options: options = [] if force_pty: options.append('-tt') if isinstance(command, list): command = ' '.join(cmd_quote(c) for c in command) run_command(self.core_ci.args, ['ssh', '-q'] + self.ssh_args + options + ['-p', '22', '%s@%s' % (self.core_ci.connection.username, self.core_ci.connection.hostname)] + [command]) def scp(self, src, dst): """ :type src: str :type dst: str """ for dummy in range(1, 10): try: run_command(self.core_ci.args, ['scp'] + self.ssh_args + ['-P', '22', '-q', '-r', src, dst]) return except SubprocessError: time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Failed transfer: %s -> %s' % (src, dst)) class ManageNetworkCI: """Manage access to a network instance provided by Ansible Core CI.""" def __init__(self, core_ci): """ :type core_ci: AnsibleCoreCI """ self.core_ci = core_ci def wait(self): """Wait for instance to respond to ansible ping.""" settings = get_network_settings(self.core_ci.args, self.core_ci.platform, self.core_ci.version) extra_vars = [ 'ansible_host=%s' % self.core_ci.connection.hostname, 'ansible_port=%s' % self.core_ci.connection.port, 'ansible_ssh_private_key_file=%s' % self.core_ci.ssh_key.key, ] + [ '%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value in settings.inventory_vars.items() ] name = '%s-%s' % (self.core_ci.platform, self.core_ci.version.replace('.', '-')) env = ansible_environment(self.core_ci.args) cmd = [ 'ansible', '-m', '%s%s_command' % (settings.collection + '.' if settings.collection else '', self.core_ci.platform), '-a', 'commands=?', '-u', self.core_ci.connection.username, '-i', '%s,' % name, '-e', ' '.join(extra_vars), name, ] for dummy in range(1, 90): try: intercept_command(self.core_ci.args, cmd, 'ping', env=env, disable_coverage=True) return except SubprocessError: time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Timeout waiting for %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.core_ci.platform, self.core_ci.version, self.core_ci.instance_id)) class ManagePosixCI: """Manage access to a POSIX instance provided by Ansible Core CI.""" def __init__(self, core_ci): """ :type core_ci: AnsibleCoreCI """ self.core_ci = core_ci self.ssh_args = ['-i', self.core_ci.ssh_key.key] ssh_options = dict( BatchMode='yes', StrictHostKeyChecking='no', UserKnownHostsFile='/dev/null', ServerAliveInterval=15, ServerAliveCountMax=4, ) for ssh_option in sorted(ssh_options): self.ssh_args += ['-o', '%s=%s' % (ssh_option, ssh_options[ssh_option])] self.become = None if self.core_ci.platform == 'freebsd': self.become = ['su', '-l', 'root', '-c'] elif self.core_ci.platform == 'macos': self.become = ['sudo', '-in', 'PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH', 'sh', '-c'] elif self.core_ci.platform == 'osx': self.become = ['sudo', '-in', 'PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH'] elif self.core_ci.platform == 'rhel': self.become = ['sudo', '-in', 'bash', '-c'] elif self.core_ci.platform in ['aix', 'ibmi']: self.become = [] if self.become is None: raise NotImplementedError('provider %s has not been implemented' % self.core_ci.provider) def setup(self, python_version): """Start instance and wait for it to become ready and respond to an ansible ping. :type python_version: str :rtype: str """ pwd = self.wait() display.info('Remote working directory: %s' % pwd, verbosity=1) if isinstance(self.core_ci.args, ShellConfig): if self.core_ci.args.raw: return pwd self.configure(python_version) self.upload_source() return pwd def wait(self): # type: () -> str """Wait for instance to respond to SSH.""" for dummy in range(1, 90): try: stdout = self.ssh('pwd', capture=True)[0] if self.core_ci.args.explain: return '/pwd' pwd = stdout.strip().splitlines()[-1] if not pwd.startswith('/'): raise Exception('Unexpected current working directory "%s" from "pwd" command output:\n%s' % (pwd, stdout)) return pwd except SubprocessError: time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Timeout waiting for %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.core_ci.platform, self.core_ci.version, self.core_ci.instance_id)) def configure(self, python_version): """Configure remote host for testing. :type python_version: str """ self.upload(os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'setup', 'remote.sh'), '/tmp') self.ssh('chmod +x /tmp/remote.sh && /tmp/remote.sh %s %s' % (self.core_ci.platform, python_version)) def upload_source(self): """Upload and extract source.""" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='ansible-source-', suffix='.tgz') as local_source_fd: remote_source_dir = '/tmp' remote_source_path = os.path.join(remote_source_dir, os.path.basename(local_source_fd.name)) create_payload(self.core_ci.args, local_source_fd.name) self.upload(local_source_fd.name, remote_source_dir) # AIX does not provide the GNU tar version, leading to parameters # being different and -z not being recognized. This pattern works # with both versions of tar. self.ssh( 'rm -rf ~/ansible ~/ansible_collections && cd ~/ && gunzip --stdout %s | tar oxf - && rm %s' % (remote_source_path, remote_source_path) ) def download(self, remote, local): """ :type remote: str :type local: str """ self.scp('%s@%s:%s' % (self.core_ci.connection.username, self.core_ci.connection.hostname, remote), local) def upload(self, local, remote): """ :type local: str :type remote: str """ self.scp(local, '%s@%s:%s' % (self.core_ci.connection.username, self.core_ci.connection.hostname, remote)) def ssh(self, command, options=None, capture=False): """ :type command: str | list[str] :type options: list[str] | None :type capture: bool :rtype: str | None, str | None """ if not options: options = [] if isinstance(command, list): command = ' '.join(cmd_quote(c) for c in command) command = cmd_quote(command) if self.become else command return run_command(self.core_ci.args, ['ssh', '-tt', '-q'] + self.ssh_args + options + ['-p', str(self.core_ci.connection.port), '%s@%s' % (self.core_ci.connection.username, self.core_ci.connection.hostname)] + self.become + [command], capture=capture) def scp(self, src, dst): """ :type src: str :type dst: str """ for dummy in range(1, 10): try: run_command(self.core_ci.args, ['scp'] + self.ssh_args + ['-P', str(self.core_ci.connection.port), '-q', '-r', src, dst]) return except SubprocessError: time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Failed transfer: %s -> %s' % (src, dst))