#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # this is a windows documentation stub, actual code lives in the .ps1 # file of the same name ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: win_security_policy version_added: '2.4' short_description: Change local security policy settings description: - Allows you to set the local security policies that are configured by SecEdit.exe. options: section: description: - The ini section the key exists in. - If the section does not exist then the module will return an error. - Example sections to use are 'Account Policies', 'Local Policies', 'Event Log', 'Restricted Groups', 'System Services', 'Registry' and 'File System' - If wanting to edit the C(Privilege Rights) section, use the M(win_user_right) module instead. type: str required: yes key: description: - The ini key of the section or policy name to modify. - The module will return an error if this key is invalid. type: str required: yes value: description: - The value for the ini key or policy name. - If the key takes in a boolean value then 0 = False and 1 = True. type: str required: yes notes: - This module uses the SecEdit.exe tool to configure the values, more details of the areas and keys that can be configured can be found here U(https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb742512.aspx). - If you are in a domain environment these policies may be set by a GPO policy, this module can temporarily change these values but the GPO will override it if the value differs. - You can also run C(SecEdit.exe /export /cfg C:\temp\output.ini) to view the current policies set on your system. - When assigning user rights, use the M(win_user_right) module instead. seealso: - module: win_user_right author: - Jordan Borean (@jborean93) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Change the guest account name win_security_policy: section: System Access key: NewGuestName value: Guest Account - name: Set the maximum password age win_security_policy: section: System Access key: MaximumPasswordAge value: 15 - name: Do not store passwords using reversible encryption win_security_policy: section: System Access key: ClearTextPassword value: 0 - name: Enable system events win_security_policy: section: Event Audit key: AuditSystemEvents value: 1 ''' RETURN = r''' rc: description: The return code after a failure when running SecEdit.exe. returned: failure with secedit calls type: int sample: -1 stdout: description: The output of the STDOUT buffer after a failure when running SecEdit.exe. returned: failure with secedit calls type: str sample: check log for error details stderr: description: The output of the STDERR buffer after a failure when running SecEdit.exe. returned: failure with secedit calls type: str sample: failed to import security policy import_log: description: The log of the SecEdit.exe /configure job that configured the local policies. This is used for debugging purposes on failures. returned: secedit.exe /import run and change occurred type: str sample: Completed 6 percent (0/15) \tProcess Privilege Rights area. key: description: The key in the section passed to the module to modify. returned: success type: str sample: NewGuestName section: description: The section passed to the module to modify. returned: success type: str sample: System Access value: description: The value passed to the module to modify to. returned: success type: str sample: Guest Account '''