#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2018, Micah Hunsberger (@mhunsber) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # this is a windows documentation stub. actual code lives in the .ps1 # file of the same name ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: win_hosts version_added: '2.8' short_description: Manages hosts file entries on Windows. description: - Manages hosts file entries on Windows. - Maps IPv4 or IPv6 addresses to canonical names. - Adds, removes, or sets cname records for ip and hostname pairs. - Modifies %windir%\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts. options: state: description: - Whether the entry should be present or absent. - If only I(canonical_name) is provided when C(state=absent), then all hosts entries with the canonical name of I(canonical_name) will be removed. - If only I(ip_address) is provided when C(state=absent), then all hosts entries with the ip address of I(ip_address) will be removed. - If I(ip_address) and I(canonical_name) are both omitted when C(state=absent), then all hosts entries will be removed. choices: - absent - present default: present type: str canonical_name: description: - A canonical name for the host entry. - required for C(state=present). type: str ip_address: description: - The ip address for the host entry. - Can be either IPv4 (A record) or IPv6 (AAAA record). - Required for C(state=present). type: str aliases: description: - A list of additional names (cname records) for the host entry. - Only applicable when C(state=present). type: list action: choices: - add - remove - set description: - Controls the behavior of I(aliases). - Only applicable when C(state=present). - If C(add), each alias in I(aliases) will be added to the host entry. - If C(set), each alias in I(aliases) will be added to the host entry, and other aliases will be removed from the entry. default: set type: str author: - Micah Hunsberger (@mhunsber) notes: - Each canonical name can only be mapped to one IPv4 and one IPv6 address. If I(canonical_name) is provided with C(state=present) and is found to be mapped to another IP address that is the same type as, but unique from I(ip_address), then I(canonical_name) and all I(aliases) will be removed from the entry and added to an entry with the provided IP address. - Each alias can only be mapped to one canonical name. If I(aliases) is provided with C(state=present) and an alias is found to be mapped to another canonical name, then the alias will be removed from the entry and either added to or removed from (depending on I(action)) an entry with the provided canonical name. seealso: - module: win_template - module: win_file - module: win_copy ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Add as an A record for localhost win_hosts: state: present canonical_name: localhost ip_address: - name: Add ::1 as an AAAA record for localhost win_hosts: state: present canonical_name: localhost ip_address: '::1' - name: Remove 'bar' and 'zed' from the list of aliases for foo ( win_hosts: state: present canoncial_name: foo ip_address: action: remove aliases: - bar - zed - name: Remove hosts entries with canonical name 'bar' win_hosts: state: absent canonical_name: bar - name: Remove from the list of hosts win_hosts: state: absent ip_address: - name: Ensure all name resolution is handled by DNS win_hosts: state: absent ''' RETURN = r''' '''