#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This module is also sponsored by E.T.A.I. (www.etai.fr) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: vmware_guest short_description: Manages virtual machines in vCenter description: > This module can be used to create new virtual machines from templates or other virtual machines, manage power state of virtual machine such as power on, power off, suspend, shutdown, reboot, restart etc., modify various virtual machine components like network, disk, customization etc., rename a virtual machine and remove a virtual machine with associated components. version_added: '2.2' author: - Loic Blot (@nerzhul) - Philippe Dellaert (@pdellaert) - Abhijeet Kasurde (@Akasurde) requirements: - python >= 2.6 - PyVmomi notes: - Please make sure that the user used for M(vmware_guest) has the correct level of privileges. - For example, following is the list of minimum privileges required by users to create virtual machines. - " DataStore > Allocate Space" - " Virtual Machine > Configuration > Add New Disk" - " Virtual Machine > Configuration > Add or Remove Device" - " Virtual Machine > Inventory > Create New" - " Network > Assign Network" - " Resource > Assign Virtual Machine to Resource Pool" - "Module may require additional privileges as well, which may be required for gathering facts - e.g. ESXi configurations." - Tested on vSphere 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 and 6.7. - Use SCSI disks instead of IDE when you want to expand online disks by specifying a SCSI controller. - Uses SysPrep for Windows VM (depends on 'guest_id' parameter match 'win') with PyVmomi. - In order to change the VM's parameters (e.g. number of CPUs), the VM must be powered off unless the hot-add support is enabled and the C(state=present) must be used to apply the changes. - "For additional information please visit Ansible VMware community wiki - U(https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/VMware)." options: state: description: - Specify the state the virtual machine should be in. - 'If C(state) is set to C(present) and virtual machine exists, ensure the virtual machine configurations conforms to task arguments.' - 'If C(state) is set to C(absent) and virtual machine exists, then the specified virtual machine is removed with its associated components.' - 'If C(state) is set to one of the following C(poweredon), C(poweredoff), C(present), C(restarted), C(suspended) and virtual machine does not exists, then virtual machine is deployed with given parameters.' - 'If C(state) is set to C(poweredon) and virtual machine exists with powerstate other than powered on, then the specified virtual machine is powered on.' - 'If C(state) is set to C(poweredoff) and virtual machine exists with powerstate other than powered off, then the specified virtual machine is powered off.' - 'If C(state) is set to C(restarted) and virtual machine exists, then the virtual machine is restarted.' - 'If C(state) is set to C(suspended) and virtual machine exists, then the virtual machine is set to suspended mode.' - 'If C(state) is set to C(shutdownguest) and virtual machine exists, then the virtual machine is shutdown.' - 'If C(state) is set to C(rebootguest) and virtual machine exists, then the virtual machine is rebooted.' default: present choices: [ present, absent, poweredon, poweredoff, restarted, suspended, shutdownguest, rebootguest ] name: description: - Name of the virtual machine to work with. - Virtual machine names in vCenter are not necessarily unique, which may be problematic, see C(name_match). - 'If multiple virtual machines with same name exists, then C(folder) is required parameter to identify uniqueness of the virtual machine.' - This parameter is required, if C(state) is set to C(poweredon), C(poweredoff), C(present), C(restarted), C(suspended) and virtual machine does not exists. - This parameter is case sensitive. required: yes name_match: description: - If multiple virtual machines matching the name, use the first or last found. default: 'first' choices: [ first, last ] uuid: description: - UUID of the virtual machine to manage if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. - This is required if C(name) is not supplied. - If virtual machine does not exists, then this parameter is ignored. - Please note that a supplied UUID will be ignored on virtual machine creation, as VMware creates the UUID internally. use_instance_uuid: description: - Whether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. default: no type: bool version_added: '2.8' template: description: - Template or existing virtual machine used to create new virtual machine. - If this value is not set, virtual machine is created without using a template. - If the virtual machine already exists, this parameter will be ignored. - This parameter is case sensitive. - You can also specify template or VM UUID for identifying source. version_added 2.8. Use C(hw_product_uuid) from M(vmware_guest_facts) as UUID value. - From version 2.8 onwards, absolute path to virtual machine or template can be used. aliases: [ 'template_src' ] is_template: description: - Flag the instance as a template. - This will mark the given virtual machine as template. default: 'no' type: bool version_added: '2.3' folder: description: - Destination folder, absolute path to find an existing guest or create the new guest. - The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter. - This parameter is case sensitive. - This parameter is required, while deploying new virtual machine. version_added 2.5. - 'If multiple machines are found with same name, this parameter is used to identify uniqueness of the virtual machine. version_added 2.5' - 'Examples:' - ' folder: /ha-datacenter/vm' - ' folder: ha-datacenter/vm' - ' folder: /datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1' - ' folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1' - ' folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2' hardware: description: - Manage virtual machine's hardware attributes. - All parameters case sensitive. - 'Valid attributes are:' - ' - C(hotadd_cpu) (boolean): Allow virtual CPUs to be added while the virtual machine is running.' - ' - C(hotremove_cpu) (boolean): Allow virtual CPUs to be removed while the virtual machine is running. version_added: 2.5' - ' - C(hotadd_memory) (boolean): Allow memory to be added while the virtual machine is running.' - ' - C(memory_mb) (integer): Amount of memory in MB.' - ' - C(nested_virt) (bool): Enable nested virtualization. version_added: 2.5' - ' - C(num_cpus) (integer): Number of CPUs.' - ' - C(num_cpu_cores_per_socket) (integer): Number of Cores Per Socket.' - " C(num_cpus) must be a multiple of C(num_cpu_cores_per_socket). For example to create a VM with 2 sockets of 4 cores, specify C(num_cpus): 8 and C(num_cpu_cores_per_socket): 4" - ' - C(scsi) (string): Valid values are C(buslogic), C(lsilogic), C(lsilogicsas) and C(paravirtual) (default).' - " - C(memory_reservation_lock) (boolean): If set true, memory resource reservation for the virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory size. version_added: 2.5" - ' - C(max_connections) (integer): Maximum number of active remote display connections for the virtual machines. version_added: 2.5.' - ' - C(mem_limit) (integer): The memory utilization of a virtual machine will not exceed this limit. Unit is MB. version_added: 2.5' - ' - C(mem_reservation) (integer): The amount of memory resource that is guaranteed available to the virtual machine. Unit is MB. C(memory_reservation) is alias to this. version_added: 2.5' - ' - C(cpu_limit) (integer): The CPU utilization of a virtual machine will not exceed this limit. Unit is MHz. version_added: 2.5' - ' - C(cpu_reservation) (integer): The amount of CPU resource that is guaranteed available to the virtual machine. Unit is MHz. version_added: 2.5' - ' - C(version) (integer): The Virtual machine hardware versions. Default is 10 (ESXi 5.5 and onwards). If value specified as C(latest), version is set to the most current virtual hardware supported on the host. C(latest) is added in version 2.10. Please check VMware documentation for correct virtual machine hardware version. Incorrect hardware version may lead to failure in deployment. If hardware version is already equal to the given version then no action is taken. version_added: 2.6' - ' - C(boot_firmware) (string): Choose which firmware should be used to boot the virtual machine. Allowed values are "bios" and "efi". version_added: 2.7' - ' - C(virt_based_security) (bool): Enable Virtualization Based Security feature for Windows 10. (Support from Virtual machine hardware version 14, Guest OS Windows 10 64 bit, Windows Server 2016)' guest_id: description: - Set the guest ID. - This parameter is case sensitive. - 'Examples:' - " virtual machine with RHEL7 64 bit, will be 'rhel7_64Guest'" - " virtual machine with CentOS 64 bit, will be 'centos64Guest'" - " virtual machine with Ubuntu 64 bit, will be 'ubuntu64Guest'" - This field is required when creating a virtual machine, not required when creating from the template. - > Valid values are referenced here: U(https://code.vmware.com/apis/358/doc/vim.vm.GuestOsDescriptor.GuestOsIdentifier.html) version_added: '2.3' disk: description: - A list of disks to add. - This parameter is case sensitive. - Shrinking disks is not supported. - Removing existing disks of the virtual machine is not supported. - 'Valid attributes are:' - ' - C(size_[tb,gb,mb,kb]) (integer): Disk storage size in specified unit.' - ' - C(type) (string): Valid values are:' - ' - C(thin) thin disk' - ' - C(eagerzeroedthick) eagerzeroedthick disk, added in version 2.5' - ' Default: C(None) thick disk, no eagerzero.' - ' - C(datastore) (string): The name of datastore which will be used for the disk. If C(autoselect_datastore) is set to True, then will select the less used datastore whose name contains this "disk.datastore" string.' - ' - C(filename) (string): Existing disk image to be used. Filename must already exist on the datastore.' - ' Specify filename string in C([datastore_name] path/to/file.vmdk) format. Added in version 2.8.' - ' - C(autoselect_datastore) (bool): select the less used datastore. "disk.datastore" and "disk.autoselect_datastore" will not be used if C(datastore) is specified outside this C(disk) configuration.' - ' - C(disk_mode) (string): Type of disk mode. Added in version 2.6' - ' - Available options are :' - ' - C(persistent): Changes are immediately and permanently written to the virtual disk. This is default.' - ' - C(independent_persistent): Same as persistent, but not affected by snapshots.' - ' - C(independent_nonpersistent): Changes to virtual disk are made to a redo log and discarded at power off, but not affected by snapshots.' cdrom: description: - A CD-ROM configuration for the virtual machine. - Or a list of CD-ROMs configuration for the virtual machine. Added in version 2.9. - 'Parameters C(controller_type), C(controller_number), C(unit_number), C(state) are added for a list of CD-ROMs configuration support.' - 'Valid attributes are:' - ' - C(type) (string): The type of CD-ROM, valid options are C(none), C(client) or C(iso). With C(none) the CD-ROM will be disconnected but present.' - ' - C(iso_path) (string): The datastore path to the ISO file to use, in the form of C([datastore1] path/to/file.iso). Required if type is set C(iso).' - ' - C(controller_type) (string): Default value is C(ide). Only C(ide) controller type for CD-ROM is supported for now, will add SATA controller type in the future.' - ' - C(controller_number) (int): For C(ide) controller, valid value is 0 or 1.' - ' - C(unit_number) (int): For CD-ROM device attach to C(ide) controller, valid value is 0 or 1. C(controller_number) and C(unit_number) are mandatory attributes.' - ' - C(state) (string): Valid value is C(present) or C(absent). Default is C(present). If set to C(absent), then the specified CD-ROM will be removed. For C(ide) controller, hot-add or hot-remove CD-ROM is not supported.' version_added: '2.5' resource_pool: description: - Use the given resource pool for virtual machine operation. - This parameter is case sensitive. - Resource pool should be child of the selected host parent. version_added: '2.3' wait_for_ip_address: description: - Wait until vCenter detects an IP address for the virtual machine. - This requires vmware-tools (vmtoolsd) to properly work after creation. - "vmware-tools needs to be installed on the given virtual machine in order to work with this parameter." default: 'no' type: bool wait_for_ip_address_timeout: description: - Define a timeout (in seconds) for the wait_for_ip_address parameter. default: '300' type: int version_added: '2.10' wait_for_customization_timeout: description: - Define a timeout (in seconds) for the wait_for_customization parameter. - Be careful when setting this value since the time guest customization took may differ among guest OSes. default: '3600' type: int version_added: '2.10' wait_for_customization: description: - Wait until vCenter detects all guest customizations as successfully completed. - When enabled, the VM will automatically be powered on. - "If vCenter does not detect guest customization start or succeed, failed events after time C(wait_for_customization_timeout) parameter specified, warning message will be printed and task result is fail." default: 'no' type: bool version_added: '2.8' state_change_timeout: description: - If the C(state) is set to C(shutdownguest), by default the module will return immediately after sending the shutdown signal. - If this argument is set to a positive integer, the module will instead wait for the virtual machine to reach the poweredoff state. - The value sets a timeout in seconds for the module to wait for the state change. default: 0 version_added: '2.6' snapshot_src: description: - Name of the existing snapshot to use to create a clone of a virtual machine. - This parameter is case sensitive. - While creating linked clone using C(linked_clone) parameter, this parameter is required. version_added: '2.4' linked_clone: description: - Whether to create a linked clone from the snapshot specified. - If specified, then C(snapshot_src) is required parameter. default: 'no' type: bool version_added: '2.4' force: description: - Ignore warnings and complete the actions. - This parameter is useful while removing virtual machine which is powered on state. - 'This module reflects the VMware vCenter API and UI workflow, as such, in some cases the `force` flag will be mandatory to perform the action to ensure you are certain the action has to be taken, no matter what the consequence. This is specifically the case for removing a powered on the virtual machine when C(state) is set to C(absent).' default: 'no' type: bool delete_from_inventory: description: - Whether to delete Virtual machine from inventory or delete from disk. default: False type: bool version_added: '2.10' datacenter: description: - Destination datacenter for the deploy operation. - This parameter is case sensitive. default: ha-datacenter cluster: description: - The cluster name where the virtual machine will run. - This is a required parameter, if C(esxi_hostname) is not set. - C(esxi_hostname) and C(cluster) are mutually exclusive parameters. - This parameter is case sensitive. version_added: '2.3' esxi_hostname: description: - The ESXi hostname where the virtual machine will run. - This is a required parameter, if C(cluster) is not set. - C(esxi_hostname) and C(cluster) are mutually exclusive parameters. - This parameter is case sensitive. annotation: description: - A note or annotation to include in the virtual machine. version_added: '2.3' customvalues: description: - Define a list of custom values to set on virtual machine. - A custom value object takes two fields C(key) and C(value). - Incorrect key and values will be ignored. version_added: '2.3' networks: description: - A list of networks (in the order of the NICs). - Removing NICs is not allowed, while reconfiguring the virtual machine. - All parameters and VMware object names are case sensitive. - 'One of the below parameters is required per entry:' - ' - C(name) (string): Name of the portgroup or distributed virtual portgroup for this interface. When specifying distributed virtual portgroup make sure given C(esxi_hostname) or C(cluster) is associated with it.' - ' - C(vlan) (integer): VLAN number for this interface.' - 'Optional parameters per entry (used for virtual hardware):' - ' - C(device_type) (string): Virtual network device (one of C(e1000), C(e1000e), C(pcnet32), C(vmxnet2), C(vmxnet3) (default), C(sriov)).' - ' - C(mac) (string): Customize MAC address.' - ' - C(dvswitch_name) (string): Name of the distributed vSwitch. This value is required if multiple distributed portgroups exists with the same name. version_added 2.7' - ' - C(start_connected) (bool): Indicates that virtual network adapter starts with associated virtual machine powers on. version_added: 2.5' - 'Optional parameters per entry (used for OS customization):' - ' - C(type) (string): Type of IP assignment (either C(dhcp) or C(static)). C(dhcp) is default.' - ' - C(ip) (string): Static IP address (implies C(type: static)).' - ' - C(netmask) (string): Static netmask required for C(ip).' - ' - C(gateway) (string): Static gateway.' - ' - C(dns_servers) (string): DNS servers for this network interface (Windows).' - ' - C(domain) (string): Domain name for this network interface (Windows).' - ' - C(wake_on_lan) (bool): Indicates if wake-on-LAN is enabled on this virtual network adapter. version_added: 2.5' - ' - C(allow_guest_control) (bool): Enables guest control over whether the connectable device is connected. version_added: 2.5' version_added: '2.3' customization: description: - Parameters for OS customization when cloning from the template or the virtual machine, or apply to the existing virtual machine directly. - Not all operating systems are supported for customization with respective vCenter version, please check VMware documentation for respective OS customization. - For supported customization operating system matrix, (see U(http://partnerweb.vmware.com/programs/guestOS/guest-os-customization-matrix.pdf)) - All parameters and VMware object names are case sensitive. - Linux based OSes requires Perl package to be installed for OS customizations. - 'Common parameters (Linux/Windows):' - ' - C(existing_vm) (bool): If set to C(True), do OS customization on the specified virtual machine directly. If set to C(False) or not specified, do OS customization when cloning from the template or the virtual machine. version_added: 2.8' - ' - C(dns_servers) (list): List of DNS servers to configure.' - ' - C(dns_suffix) (list): List of domain suffixes, also known as DNS search path (default: C(domain) parameter).' - ' - C(domain) (string): DNS domain name to use.' - ' - C(hostname) (string): Computer hostname (default: shorted C(name) parameter). Allowed characters are alphanumeric (uppercase and lowercase) and minus, rest of the characters are dropped as per RFC 952.' - 'Parameters related to Linux customization:' - ' - C(timezone) (string): Timezone (See List of supported time zones for different vSphere versions in Linux/Unix systems (2145518) U(https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2145518)). version_added: 2.9' - ' - C(hwclockUTC) (bool): Specifies whether the hardware clock is in UTC or local time. True when the hardware clock is in UTC, False when the hardware clock is in local time. version_added: 2.9' - 'Parameters related to Windows customization:' - ' - C(autologon) (bool): Auto logon after virtual machine customization (default: False).' - ' - C(autologoncount) (int): Number of autologon after reboot (default: 1).' - ' - C(domainadmin) (string): User used to join in AD domain (mandatory with C(joindomain)).' - ' - C(domainadminpassword) (string): Password used to join in AD domain (mandatory with C(joindomain)).' - ' - C(fullname) (string): Server owner name (default: Administrator).' - ' - C(joindomain) (string): AD domain to join (Not compatible with C(joinworkgroup)).' - ' - C(joinworkgroup) (string): Workgroup to join (Not compatible with C(joindomain), default: WORKGROUP).' - ' - C(orgname) (string): Organisation name (default: ACME).' - ' - C(password) (string): Local administrator password.' - ' - C(productid) (string): Product ID.' - ' - C(runonce) (list): List of commands to run at first user logon.' - ' - C(timezone) (int): Timezone (See U(https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms912391.aspx)).' version_added: '2.3' vapp_properties: description: - A list of vApp properties. - 'For full list of attributes and types refer to:' - 'U(https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/6b586ed2-655c-49d9-9029-bc416323cb22/ fa0b429a-a695-4c11-b7d2-2cbc284049dc/doc/vim.vApp.PropertyInfo.html)' - 'Basic attributes are:' - ' - C(id) (string): Property id - required.' - ' - C(value) (string): Property value.' - ' - C(type) (string): Value type, string type by default.' - ' - C(operation): C(remove): This attribute is required only when removing properties.' version_added: '2.6' customization_spec: description: - Unique name identifying the requested customization specification. - This parameter is case sensitive. - If set, then overrides C(customization) parameter values. version_added: '2.6' datastore: description: - Specify datastore or datastore cluster to provision virtual machine. - 'This parameter takes precedence over "disk.datastore" parameter.' - 'This parameter can be used to override datastore or datastore cluster setting of the virtual machine when deployed from the template.' - Please see example for more usage. version_added: '2.7' convert: description: - Specify convert disk type while cloning template or virtual machine. choices: [ thin, thick, eagerzeroedthick ] version_added: '2.8' extends_documentation_fragment: vmware.documentation ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Create a virtual machine on given ESXi hostname vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no folder: /DC1/vm/ name: test_vm_0001 state: poweredon guest_id: centos64Guest # This is hostname of particular ESXi server on which user wants VM to be deployed esxi_hostname: "{{ esxi_hostname }}" disk: - size_gb: 10 type: thin datastore: datastore1 hardware: memory_mb: 512 num_cpus: 4 scsi: paravirtual networks: - name: VM Network mac: aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14 ip: netmask: device_type: vmxnet3 wait_for_ip_address: yes wait_for_ip_address_timeout: 600 delegate_to: localhost register: deploy_vm - name: Create a virtual machine from a template vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no folder: /testvms name: testvm_2 state: poweredon template: template_el7 disk: - size_gb: 10 type: thin datastore: g73_datastore # Add another disk from an existing VMDK - filename: "[datastore1] testvms/testvm_2_1/testvm_2_1.vmdk" hardware: memory_mb: 512 num_cpus: 6 num_cpu_cores_per_socket: 3 scsi: paravirtual memory_reservation_lock: True mem_limit: 8096 mem_reservation: 4096 cpu_limit: 8096 cpu_reservation: 4096 max_connections: 5 hotadd_cpu: True hotremove_cpu: True hotadd_memory: False version: 12 # Hardware version of virtual machine boot_firmware: "efi" cdrom: type: iso iso_path: "[datastore1] livecd.iso" networks: - name: VM Network mac: aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14 wait_for_ip_address: yes delegate_to: localhost register: deploy - name: Clone a virtual machine from Windows template and customize vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no datacenter: datacenter1 cluster: cluster name: testvm-2 template: template_windows networks: - name: VM Network ip: netmask: gateway: mac: aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14 domain: my_domain dns_servers: - - - vlan: 1234 type: dhcp customization: autologon: yes dns_servers: - - domain: my_domain password: new_vm_password runonce: - powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File C:\Windows\Temp\ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -ForceNewSSLCert -EnableCredSSP delegate_to: localhost - name: Clone a virtual machine from Linux template and customize vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no datacenter: "{{ datacenter }}" state: present folder: /DC1/vm template: "{{ template }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" cluster: DC1_C1 networks: - name: VM Network ip: netmask: wait_for_ip_address: True customization: domain: "{{ guest_domain }}" dns_servers: - - dns_suffix: - example.com - example2.com delegate_to: localhost - name: Rename a virtual machine (requires the virtual machine's uuid) vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no uuid: "{{ vm_uuid }}" name: new_name state: present delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove a virtual machine by uuid vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no uuid: "{{ vm_uuid }}" state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove a virtual machine from inventory vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no name: vm_name delete_from_inventory: True state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: Manipulate vApp properties vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no name: vm_name state: present vapp_properties: - id: remoteIP category: Backup label: Backup server IP type: string value: - id: old_property operation: remove delegate_to: localhost - name: Set powerstate of a virtual machine to poweroff by using UUID vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no uuid: "{{ vm_uuid }}" state: poweredoff delegate_to: localhost - name: Deploy a virtual machine in a datastore different from the datastore of the template vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" state: present template: "{{ template_name }}" # Here datastore can be different which holds template datastore: "{{ virtual_machine_datastore }}" hardware: memory_mb: 512 num_cpus: 2 scsi: paravirtual delegate_to: localhost - name: Create a diskless VM vmware_guest: validate_certs: False hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" datacenter: "{{ dc1 }}" state: poweredoff cluster: "{{ ccr1 }}" name: diskless_vm folder: /Asia-Datacenter1/vm guest_id: centos64Guest datastore: "{{ ds1 }}" hardware: memory_mb: 1024 num_cpus: 2 num_cpu_cores_per_socket: 1 ''' RETURN = r''' instance: description: metadata about the new virtual machine returned: always type: dict sample: None ''' import re import time import string HAS_PYVMOMI = False try: from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl, VmomiSupport HAS_PYVMOMI = True except ImportError: pass from random import randint from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.common.network import is_mac from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_native from ansible.module_utils.vmware import (find_obj, gather_vm_facts, get_all_objs, compile_folder_path_for_object, serialize_spec, vmware_argument_spec, set_vm_power_state, PyVmomi, find_dvs_by_name, find_dvspg_by_name, wait_for_vm_ip, wait_for_task, TaskError, quote_obj_name) def list_or_dict(value): if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict): return value else: raise ValueError("'%s' is not valid, valid type is 'list' or 'dict'." % value) class PyVmomiDeviceHelper(object): """ This class is a helper to create easily VMware Objects for PyVmomiHelper """ def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.next_disk_unit_number = 0 self.scsi_device_type = { 'lsilogic': vim.vm.device.VirtualLsiLogicController, 'paravirtual': vim.vm.device.ParaVirtualSCSIController, 'buslogic': vim.vm.device.VirtualBusLogicController, 'lsilogicsas': vim.vm.device.VirtualLsiLogicSASController, } def create_scsi_controller(self, scsi_type): scsi_ctl = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() scsi_ctl.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add scsi_device = self.scsi_device_type.get(scsi_type, vim.vm.device.ParaVirtualSCSIController) scsi_ctl.device = scsi_device() scsi_ctl.device.busNumber = 0 # While creating a new SCSI controller, temporary key value # should be unique negative integers scsi_ctl.device.key = -randint(1000, 9999) scsi_ctl.device.hotAddRemove = True scsi_ctl.device.sharedBus = 'noSharing' scsi_ctl.device.scsiCtlrUnitNumber = 7 return scsi_ctl def is_scsi_controller(self, device): return isinstance(device, tuple(self.scsi_device_type.values())) @staticmethod def create_ide_controller(bus_number=0): ide_ctl = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() ide_ctl.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add ide_ctl.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualIDEController() ide_ctl.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() # While creating a new IDE controller, temporary key value # should be unique negative integers ide_ctl.device.key = -randint(200, 299) ide_ctl.device.busNumber = bus_number return ide_ctl @staticmethod def create_cdrom(ide_device, cdrom_type, iso_path=None, unit_number=0): cdrom_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() cdrom_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add cdrom_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom() cdrom_spec.device.controllerKey = ide_device.key cdrom_spec.device.key = -randint(3000, 3999) cdrom_spec.device.unitNumber = unit_number cdrom_spec.device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo() cdrom_spec.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = True cdrom_spec.device.connectable.startConnected = (cdrom_type != "none") if cdrom_type in ["none", "client"]: cdrom_spec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.RemotePassthroughBackingInfo() elif cdrom_type == "iso": cdrom_spec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.IsoBackingInfo(fileName=iso_path) return cdrom_spec @staticmethod def is_equal_cdrom(vm_obj, cdrom_device, cdrom_type, iso_path): if cdrom_type == "none": return (isinstance(cdrom_device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.RemotePassthroughBackingInfo) and cdrom_device.connectable.allowGuestControl and not cdrom_device.connectable.startConnected and (vm_obj.runtime.powerState != vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn or not cdrom_device.connectable.connected)) elif cdrom_type == "client": return (isinstance(cdrom_device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.RemotePassthroughBackingInfo) and cdrom_device.connectable.allowGuestControl and cdrom_device.connectable.startConnected and (vm_obj.runtime.powerState != vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn or cdrom_device.connectable.connected)) elif cdrom_type == "iso": return (isinstance(cdrom_device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.IsoBackingInfo) and cdrom_device.backing.fileName == iso_path and cdrom_device.connectable.allowGuestControl and cdrom_device.connectable.startConnected and (vm_obj.runtime.powerState != vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn or cdrom_device.connectable.connected)) @staticmethod def update_cdrom_config(vm_obj, cdrom_spec, cdrom_device, iso_path=None): # Updating an existing CD-ROM if cdrom_spec["type"] in ["client", "none"]: cdrom_device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.RemotePassthroughBackingInfo() elif cdrom_spec["type"] == "iso" and iso_path is not None: cdrom_device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.IsoBackingInfo(fileName=iso_path) cdrom_device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo() cdrom_device.connectable.allowGuestControl = True cdrom_device.connectable.startConnected = (cdrom_spec["type"] != "none") if vm_obj and vm_obj.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn: cdrom_device.connectable.connected = (cdrom_spec["type"] != "none") def remove_cdrom(self, cdrom_device): cdrom_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() cdrom_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.remove cdrom_spec.device = cdrom_device return cdrom_spec def create_scsi_disk(self, scsi_ctl, disk_index=None): diskspec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() diskspec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add diskspec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk() diskspec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk.FlatVer2BackingInfo() diskspec.device.controllerKey = scsi_ctl.device.key if self.next_disk_unit_number == 7: raise AssertionError() if disk_index == 7: raise AssertionError() """ Configure disk unit number. """ if disk_index is not None: diskspec.device.unitNumber = disk_index self.next_disk_unit_number = disk_index + 1 else: diskspec.device.unitNumber = self.next_disk_unit_number self.next_disk_unit_number += 1 # unit number 7 is reserved to SCSI controller, increase next index if self.next_disk_unit_number == 7: self.next_disk_unit_number += 1 return diskspec def get_device(self, device_type, name): nic_dict = dict(pcnet32=vim.vm.device.VirtualPCNet32(), vmxnet2=vim.vm.device.VirtualVmxnet2(), vmxnet3=vim.vm.device.VirtualVmxnet3(), e1000=vim.vm.device.VirtualE1000(), e1000e=vim.vm.device.VirtualE1000e(), sriov=vim.vm.device.VirtualSriovEthernetCard(), ) if device_type in nic_dict: return nic_dict[device_type] else: self.module.fail_json(msg='Invalid device_type "%s"' ' for network "%s"' % (device_type, name)) def create_nic(self, device_type, device_label, device_infos): nic = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() nic.device = self.get_device(device_type, device_infos['name']) nic.device.wakeOnLanEnabled = bool(device_infos.get('wake_on_lan', True)) nic.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() nic.device.deviceInfo.label = device_label nic.device.deviceInfo.summary = device_infos['name'] nic.device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo() nic.device.connectable.startConnected = bool(device_infos.get('start_connected', True)) nic.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = bool(device_infos.get('allow_guest_control', True)) nic.device.connectable.connected = True if 'mac' in device_infos and is_mac(device_infos['mac']): nic.device.addressType = 'manual' nic.device.macAddress = device_infos['mac'] else: nic.device.addressType = 'generated' return nic def integer_value(self, input_value, name): """ Function to return int value for given input, else return error Args: input_value: Input value to retrieve int value from name: Name of the Input value (used to build error message) Returns: (int) if integer value can be obtained, otherwise will send a error message. """ if isinstance(input_value, int): return input_value elif isinstance(input_value, str) and input_value.isdigit(): return int(input_value) else: self.module.fail_json(msg='"%s" attribute should be an' ' integer value.' % name) class PyVmomiCache(object): """ This class caches references to objects which are requested multiples times but not modified """ def __init__(self, content, dc_name=None): self.content = content self.dc_name = dc_name self.networks = {} self.clusters = {} self.esx_hosts = {} self.parent_datacenters = {} def find_obj(self, content, types, name, confine_to_datacenter=True): """ Wrapper around find_obj to set datacenter context """ result = find_obj(content, types, name) if result and confine_to_datacenter: if to_text(self.get_parent_datacenter(result).name) != to_text(self.dc_name): result = None objects = self.get_all_objs(content, types, confine_to_datacenter=True) for obj in objects: if name is None or to_text(obj.name) == to_text(name): return obj return result def get_all_objs(self, content, types, confine_to_datacenter=True): """ Wrapper around get_all_objs to set datacenter context """ objects = get_all_objs(content, types) if confine_to_datacenter: if hasattr(objects, 'items'): # resource pools come back as a dictionary # make a copy for k, v in tuple(objects.items()): parent_dc = self.get_parent_datacenter(k) if parent_dc.name != self.dc_name: del objects[k] else: # everything else should be a list objects = [x for x in objects if self.get_parent_datacenter(x).name == self.dc_name] return objects def get_network(self, network): network = quote_obj_name(network) if network not in self.networks: self.networks[network] = self.find_obj(self.content, [vim.Network], network) return self.networks[network] def get_cluster(self, cluster): if cluster not in self.clusters: self.clusters[cluster] = self.find_obj(self.content, [vim.ClusterComputeResource], cluster) return self.clusters[cluster] def get_esx_host(self, host): if host not in self.esx_hosts: self.esx_hosts[host] = self.find_obj(self.content, [vim.HostSystem], host) return self.esx_hosts[host] def get_parent_datacenter(self, obj): """ Walk the parent tree to find the objects datacenter """ if isinstance(obj, vim.Datacenter): return obj if obj in self.parent_datacenters: return self.parent_datacenters[obj] datacenter = None while True: if not hasattr(obj, 'parent'): break obj = obj.parent if isinstance(obj, vim.Datacenter): datacenter = obj break self.parent_datacenters[obj] = datacenter return datacenter class PyVmomiHelper(PyVmomi): def __init__(self, module): super(PyVmomiHelper, self).__init__(module) self.device_helper = PyVmomiDeviceHelper(self.module) self.configspec = None self.relospec = None self.change_detected = False # a change was detected and needs to be applied through reconfiguration self.change_applied = False # a change was applied meaning at least one task succeeded self.customspec = None self.cache = PyVmomiCache(self.content, dc_name=self.params['datacenter']) def gather_facts(self, vm): return gather_vm_facts(self.content, vm) def remove_vm(self, vm, delete_from_inventory=False): # https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/converter-sdk/conv60_apireference/vim.ManagedEntity.html#destroy if vm.summary.runtime.powerState.lower() == 'poweredon': self.module.fail_json(msg="Virtual machine %s found in 'powered on' state, " "please use 'force' parameter to remove or poweroff VM " "and try removing VM again." % vm.name) # Delete VM from Inventory if delete_from_inventory: try: vm.UnregisterVM() except (vim.fault.TaskInProgress, vmodl.RuntimeFault) as e: return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': e.msg, 'op': 'UnregisterVM'} self.change_applied = True return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': False} # Delete VM from Disk task = vm.Destroy() self.wait_for_task(task) if task.info.state == 'error': return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'op': 'destroy'} else: return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': False} def configure_guestid(self, vm_obj, vm_creation=False): # guest_id is not required when using templates if self.params['template']: return # guest_id is only mandatory on VM creation if vm_creation and self.params['guest_id'] is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="guest_id attribute is mandatory for VM creation") if self.params['guest_id'] and \ (vm_obj is None or self.params['guest_id'].lower() != vm_obj.summary.config.guestId.lower()): self.change_detected = True self.configspec.guestId = self.params['guest_id'] def configure_resource_alloc_info(self, vm_obj): """ Function to configure resource allocation information about virtual machine :param vm_obj: VM object in case of reconfigure, None in case of deploy :return: None """ rai_change_detected = False memory_allocation = vim.ResourceAllocationInfo() cpu_allocation = vim.ResourceAllocationInfo() if 'hardware' in self.params: if 'mem_limit' in self.params['hardware']: mem_limit = None try: mem_limit = int(self.params['hardware'].get('mem_limit')) except ValueError: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.mem_limit attribute should be an integer value.") memory_allocation.limit = mem_limit if vm_obj is None or memory_allocation.limit != vm_obj.config.memoryAllocation.limit: rai_change_detected = True if 'mem_reservation' in self.params['hardware'] or 'memory_reservation' in self.params['hardware']: mem_reservation = self.params['hardware'].get('mem_reservation') if mem_reservation is None: mem_reservation = self.params['hardware'].get('memory_reservation') try: mem_reservation = int(mem_reservation) except ValueError: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.mem_reservation or hardware.memory_reservation should be an integer value.") memory_allocation.reservation = mem_reservation if vm_obj is None or \ memory_allocation.reservation != vm_obj.config.memoryAllocation.reservation: rai_change_detected = True if 'cpu_limit' in self.params['hardware']: cpu_limit = None try: cpu_limit = int(self.params['hardware'].get('cpu_limit')) except ValueError: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.cpu_limit attribute should be an integer value.") cpu_allocation.limit = cpu_limit if vm_obj is None or cpu_allocation.limit != vm_obj.config.cpuAllocation.limit: rai_change_detected = True if 'cpu_reservation' in self.params['hardware']: cpu_reservation = None try: cpu_reservation = int(self.params['hardware'].get('cpu_reservation')) except ValueError: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.cpu_reservation should be an integer value.") cpu_allocation.reservation = cpu_reservation if vm_obj is None or \ cpu_allocation.reservation != vm_obj.config.cpuAllocation.reservation: rai_change_detected = True if rai_change_detected: self.configspec.memoryAllocation = memory_allocation self.configspec.cpuAllocation = cpu_allocation self.change_detected = True def configure_cpu_and_memory(self, vm_obj, vm_creation=False): # set cpu/memory/etc if 'hardware' in self.params: if 'num_cpus' in self.params['hardware']: try: num_cpus = int(self.params['hardware']['num_cpus']) except ValueError: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.num_cpus attribute should be an integer value.") # check VM power state and cpu hot-add/hot-remove state before re-config VM if vm_obj and vm_obj.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn: if not vm_obj.config.cpuHotRemoveEnabled and num_cpus < vm_obj.config.hardware.numCPU: self.module.fail_json(msg="Configured cpu number is less than the cpu number of the VM, " "cpuHotRemove is not enabled") if not vm_obj.config.cpuHotAddEnabled and num_cpus > vm_obj.config.hardware.numCPU: self.module.fail_json(msg="Configured cpu number is more than the cpu number of the VM, " "cpuHotAdd is not enabled") if 'num_cpu_cores_per_socket' in self.params['hardware']: try: num_cpu_cores_per_socket = int(self.params['hardware']['num_cpu_cores_per_socket']) except ValueError: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.num_cpu_cores_per_socket attribute " "should be an integer value.") if num_cpus % num_cpu_cores_per_socket != 0: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.num_cpus attribute should be a multiple " "of hardware.num_cpu_cores_per_socket") self.configspec.numCoresPerSocket = num_cpu_cores_per_socket if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.numCoresPerSocket != vm_obj.config.hardware.numCoresPerSocket: self.change_detected = True self.configspec.numCPUs = num_cpus if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.numCPUs != vm_obj.config.hardware.numCPU: self.change_detected = True # num_cpu is mandatory for VM creation elif vm_creation and not self.params['template']: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.num_cpus attribute is mandatory for VM creation") if 'memory_mb' in self.params['hardware']: try: memory_mb = int(self.params['hardware']['memory_mb']) except ValueError: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to parse hardware.memory_mb value." " Please refer the documentation and provide" " correct value.") # check VM power state and memory hotadd state before re-config VM if vm_obj and vm_obj.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn: if vm_obj.config.memoryHotAddEnabled and memory_mb < vm_obj.config.hardware.memoryMB: self.module.fail_json(msg="Configured memory is less than memory size of the VM, " "operation is not supported") elif not vm_obj.config.memoryHotAddEnabled and memory_mb != vm_obj.config.hardware.memoryMB: self.module.fail_json(msg="memoryHotAdd is not enabled") self.configspec.memoryMB = memory_mb if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.memoryMB != vm_obj.config.hardware.memoryMB: self.change_detected = True # memory_mb is mandatory for VM creation elif vm_creation and not self.params['template']: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.memory_mb attribute is mandatory for VM creation") if 'hotadd_memory' in self.params['hardware']: if vm_obj and vm_obj.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn and \ vm_obj.config.memoryHotAddEnabled != bool(self.params['hardware']['hotadd_memory']): self.module.fail_json(msg="Configure hotadd memory operation is not supported when VM is power on") self.configspec.memoryHotAddEnabled = bool(self.params['hardware']['hotadd_memory']) if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.memoryHotAddEnabled != vm_obj.config.memoryHotAddEnabled: self.change_detected = True if 'hotadd_cpu' in self.params['hardware']: if vm_obj and vm_obj.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn and \ vm_obj.config.cpuHotAddEnabled != bool(self.params['hardware']['hotadd_cpu']): self.module.fail_json(msg="Configure hotadd cpu operation is not supported when VM is power on") self.configspec.cpuHotAddEnabled = bool(self.params['hardware']['hotadd_cpu']) if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.cpuHotAddEnabled != vm_obj.config.cpuHotAddEnabled: self.change_detected = True if 'hotremove_cpu' in self.params['hardware']: if vm_obj and vm_obj.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn and \ vm_obj.config.cpuHotRemoveEnabled != bool(self.params['hardware']['hotremove_cpu']): self.module.fail_json(msg="Configure hotremove cpu operation is not supported when VM is power on") self.configspec.cpuHotRemoveEnabled = bool(self.params['hardware']['hotremove_cpu']) if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.cpuHotRemoveEnabled != vm_obj.config.cpuHotRemoveEnabled: self.change_detected = True if 'memory_reservation_lock' in self.params['hardware']: self.configspec.memoryReservationLockedToMax = bool(self.params['hardware']['memory_reservation_lock']) if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.memoryReservationLockedToMax != vm_obj.config.memoryReservationLockedToMax: self.change_detected = True if 'boot_firmware' in self.params['hardware']: # boot firmware re-config can cause boot issue if vm_obj is not None: return boot_firmware = self.params['hardware']['boot_firmware'].lower() if boot_firmware not in ('bios', 'efi'): self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.boot_firmware value is invalid [%s]." " Need one of ['bios', 'efi']." % boot_firmware) self.configspec.firmware = boot_firmware self.change_detected = True def sanitize_cdrom_params(self): # cdroms {'ide': [{num: 0, cdrom: []}, {}], 'sata': [{num: 0, cdrom: []}, {}, ...]} cdroms = {'ide': [], 'sata': []} expected_cdrom_spec = self.params.get('cdrom') if expected_cdrom_spec: for cdrom_spec in expected_cdrom_spec: cdrom_spec['controller_type'] = cdrom_spec.get('controller_type', 'ide').lower() if cdrom_spec['controller_type'] not in ['ide', 'sata']: self.module.fail_json(msg="Invalid cdrom.controller_type: %s, valid value is 'ide' or 'sata'." % cdrom_spec['controller_type']) cdrom_spec['state'] = cdrom_spec.get('state', 'present').lower() if cdrom_spec['state'] not in ['present', 'absent']: self.module.fail_json(msg="Invalid cdrom.state: %s, valid value is 'present', 'absent'." % cdrom_spec['state']) if cdrom_spec['state'] == 'present': if 'type' in cdrom_spec and cdrom_spec.get('type') not in ['none', 'client', 'iso']: self.module.fail_json(msg="Invalid cdrom.type: %s, valid value is 'none', 'client' or 'iso'." % cdrom_spec.get('type')) if cdrom_spec.get('type') == 'iso' and not cdrom_spec.get('iso_path'): self.module.fail_json(msg="cdrom.iso_path is mandatory when cdrom.type is set to iso.") if cdrom_spec['controller_type'] == 'ide' and \ (cdrom_spec.get('controller_number') not in [0, 1] or cdrom_spec.get('unit_number') not in [0, 1]): self.module.fail_json(msg="Invalid cdrom.controller_number: %s or cdrom.unit_number: %s, valid" " values are 0 or 1 for IDE controller." % (cdrom_spec.get('controller_number'), cdrom_spec.get('unit_number'))) if cdrom_spec['controller_type'] == 'sata' and \ (cdrom_spec.get('controller_number') not in range(0, 4) or cdrom_spec.get('unit_number') not in range(0, 30)): self.module.fail_json(msg="Invalid cdrom.controller_number: %s or cdrom.unit_number: %s," " valid controller_number value is 0-3, valid unit_number is 0-29" " for SATA controller." % (cdrom_spec.get('controller_number'), cdrom_spec.get('unit_number'))) ctl_exist = False for exist_spec in cdroms.get(cdrom_spec['controller_type']): if exist_spec['num'] == cdrom_spec['controller_number']: ctl_exist = True exist_spec['cdrom'].append(cdrom_spec) break if not ctl_exist: cdroms.get(cdrom_spec['controller_type']).append({'num': cdrom_spec['controller_number'], 'cdrom': [cdrom_spec]}) return cdroms def configure_cdrom(self, vm_obj): # Configure the VM CD-ROM if self.params.get('cdrom'): if vm_obj and vm_obj.config.template: # Changing CD-ROM settings on a template is not supported return if isinstance(self.params.get('cdrom'), dict): self.configure_cdrom_dict(vm_obj) elif isinstance(self.params.get('cdrom'), list): self.configure_cdrom_list(vm_obj) def configure_cdrom_dict(self, vm_obj): if self.params["cdrom"].get('type') not in ['none', 'client', 'iso']: self.module.fail_json(msg="cdrom.type is mandatory. Options are 'none', 'client', and 'iso'.") if self.params["cdrom"]['type'] == 'iso' and not self.params["cdrom"].get('iso_path'): self.module.fail_json(msg="cdrom.iso_path is mandatory when cdrom.type is set to iso.") cdrom_spec = None cdrom_devices = self.get_vm_cdrom_devices(vm=vm_obj) iso_path = self.params["cdrom"].get("iso_path") if len(cdrom_devices) == 0: # Creating new CD-ROM ide_devices = self.get_vm_ide_devices(vm=vm_obj) if len(ide_devices) == 0: # Creating new IDE device ide_ctl = self.device_helper.create_ide_controller() ide_device = ide_ctl.device self.change_detected = True self.configspec.deviceChange.append(ide_ctl) else: ide_device = ide_devices[0] if len(ide_device.device) > 3: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.cdrom specified for a VM or template which already has 4" " IDE devices of which none are a cdrom") cdrom_spec = self.device_helper.create_cdrom(ide_device=ide_device, cdrom_type=self.params["cdrom"]["type"], iso_path=iso_path) if vm_obj and vm_obj.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn: cdrom_spec.device.connectable.connected = (self.params["cdrom"]["type"] != "none") elif not self.device_helper.is_equal_cdrom(vm_obj=vm_obj, cdrom_device=cdrom_devices[0], cdrom_type=self.params["cdrom"]["type"], iso_path=iso_path): self.device_helper.update_cdrom_config(vm_obj, self.params["cdrom"], cdrom_devices[0], iso_path=iso_path) cdrom_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() cdrom_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit cdrom_spec.device = cdrom_devices[0] if cdrom_spec: self.change_detected = True self.configspec.deviceChange.append(cdrom_spec) def configure_cdrom_list(self, vm_obj): configured_cdroms = self.sanitize_cdrom_params() cdrom_devices = self.get_vm_cdrom_devices(vm=vm_obj) # configure IDE CD-ROMs if configured_cdroms['ide']: ide_devices = self.get_vm_ide_devices(vm=vm_obj) for expected_cdrom_spec in configured_cdroms['ide']: ide_device = None for device in ide_devices: if device.busNumber == expected_cdrom_spec['num']: ide_device = device break # if not find the matched ide controller or no existing ide controller if not ide_device: ide_ctl = self.device_helper.create_ide_controller(bus_number=expected_cdrom_spec['num']) ide_device = ide_ctl.device self.change_detected = True self.configspec.deviceChange.append(ide_ctl) for cdrom in expected_cdrom_spec['cdrom']: cdrom_device = None iso_path = cdrom.get('iso_path') unit_number = cdrom.get('unit_number') for target_cdrom in cdrom_devices: if target_cdrom.controllerKey == ide_device.key and target_cdrom.unitNumber == unit_number: cdrom_device = target_cdrom break # create new CD-ROM if not cdrom_device and cdrom.get('state') != 'absent': if vm_obj and vm_obj.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn: self.module.fail_json(msg='CD-ROM attach to IDE controller not support hot-add.') if len(ide_device.device) == 2: self.module.fail_json(msg='Maximum number of CD-ROMs attached to IDE controller is 2.') cdrom_spec = self.device_helper.create_cdrom(ide_device=ide_device, cdrom_type=cdrom['type'], iso_path=iso_path, unit_number=unit_number) self.change_detected = True self.configspec.deviceChange.append(cdrom_spec) # re-configure CD-ROM elif cdrom_device and cdrom.get('state') != 'absent' and \ not self.device_helper.is_equal_cdrom(vm_obj=vm_obj, cdrom_device=cdrom_device, cdrom_type=cdrom['type'], iso_path=iso_path): self.device_helper.update_cdrom_config(vm_obj, cdrom, cdrom_device, iso_path=iso_path) cdrom_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() cdrom_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit cdrom_spec.device = cdrom_device self.change_detected = True self.configspec.deviceChange.append(cdrom_spec) # delete CD-ROM elif cdrom_device and cdrom.get('state') == 'absent': if vm_obj and vm_obj.runtime.powerState != vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOff: self.module.fail_json(msg='CD-ROM attach to IDE controller not support hot-remove.') cdrom_spec = self.device_helper.remove_cdrom(cdrom_device) self.change_detected = True self.configspec.deviceChange.append(cdrom_spec) # configure SATA CD-ROMs is not supported yet if configured_cdroms['sata']: pass def configure_hardware_params(self, vm_obj): """ Function to configure hardware related configuration of virtual machine Args: vm_obj: virtual machine object """ if 'hardware' in self.params: if 'max_connections' in self.params['hardware']: # maxMksConnections == max_connections self.configspec.maxMksConnections = int(self.params['hardware']['max_connections']) if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.maxMksConnections != vm_obj.config.maxMksConnections: self.change_detected = True if 'nested_virt' in self.params['hardware']: self.configspec.nestedHVEnabled = bool(self.params['hardware']['nested_virt']) if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.nestedHVEnabled != bool(vm_obj.config.nestedHVEnabled): self.change_detected = True if 'version' in self.params['hardware']: hw_version_check_failed = False temp_version = self.params['hardware'].get('version', 10) if isinstance(temp_version, str) and temp_version.lower() == 'latest': # Check is to make sure vm_obj is not of type template if vm_obj and not vm_obj.config.template: try: task = vm_obj.UpgradeVM_Task() self.wait_for_task(task) if task.info.state == 'error': return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'op': 'upgrade'} except vim.fault.AlreadyUpgraded: # Don't fail if VM is already upgraded. pass else: try: temp_version = int(temp_version) except ValueError: hw_version_check_failed = True if temp_version not in range(3, 16): hw_version_check_failed = True if hw_version_check_failed: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to set hardware.version '%s' value as valid" " values range from 3 (ESX 2.x) to 14 (ESXi 6.5 and greater)." % temp_version) # Hardware version is denoted as "vmx-10" version = "vmx-%02d" % temp_version self.configspec.version = version if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.version != vm_obj.config.version: self.change_detected = True # Check is to make sure vm_obj is not of type template if vm_obj and not vm_obj.config.template: # VM exists and we need to update the hardware version current_version = vm_obj.config.version # current_version = "vmx-10" version_digit = int(current_version.split("-", 1)[-1]) if temp_version < version_digit: self.module.fail_json(msg="Current hardware version '%d' which is greater than the specified" " version '%d'. Downgrading hardware version is" " not supported. Please specify version greater" " than the current version." % (version_digit, temp_version)) new_version = "vmx-%02d" % temp_version try: task = vm_obj.UpgradeVM_Task(new_version) self.wait_for_task(task) if task.info.state == 'error': return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'op': 'upgrade'} except vim.fault.AlreadyUpgraded: # Don't fail if VM is already upgraded. pass if 'virt_based_security' in self.params['hardware']: host_version = self.select_host().summary.config.product.version if int(host_version.split('.')[0]) < 6 or (int(host_version.split('.')[0]) == 6 and int(host_version.split('.')[1]) < 7): self.module.fail_json(msg="ESXi version %s not support VBS." % host_version) guest_ids = ['windows9_64Guest', 'windows9Server64Guest'] if vm_obj is None: guestid = self.configspec.guestId else: guestid = vm_obj.summary.config.guestId if guestid not in guest_ids: self.module.fail_json(msg="Guest '%s' not support VBS." % guestid) if (vm_obj is None and int(self.configspec.version.split('-')[1]) >= 14) or \ (vm_obj and int(vm_obj.config.version.split('-')[1]) >= 14 and (vm_obj.runtime.powerState == vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOff)): self.configspec.flags = vim.vm.FlagInfo() self.configspec.flags.vbsEnabled = bool(self.params['hardware']['virt_based_security']) if bool(self.params['hardware']['virt_based_security']): self.configspec.flags.vvtdEnabled = True self.configspec.nestedHVEnabled = True if (vm_obj is None and self.configspec.firmware == 'efi') or \ (vm_obj and vm_obj.config.firmware == 'efi'): self.configspec.bootOptions = vim.vm.BootOptions() self.configspec.bootOptions.efiSecureBootEnabled = True else: self.module.fail_json(msg="Not support VBS when firmware is BIOS.") if vm_obj is None or self.configspec.flags.vbsEnabled != vm_obj.config.flags.vbsEnabled: self.change_detected = True def get_device_by_type(self, vm=None, type=None): device_list = [] if vm is None or type is None: return device_list for device in vm.config.hardware.device: if isinstance(device, type): device_list.append(device) return device_list def get_vm_cdrom_devices(self, vm=None): return self.get_device_by_type(vm=vm, type=vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom) def get_vm_ide_devices(self, vm=None): return self.get_device_by_type(vm=vm, type=vim.vm.device.VirtualIDEController) def get_vm_network_interfaces(self, vm=None): device_list = [] if vm is None: return device_list nw_device_types = (vim.vm.device.VirtualPCNet32, vim.vm.device.VirtualVmxnet2, vim.vm.device.VirtualVmxnet3, vim.vm.device.VirtualE1000, vim.vm.device.VirtualE1000e, vim.vm.device.VirtualSriovEthernetCard) for device in vm.config.hardware.device: if isinstance(device, nw_device_types): device_list.append(device) return device_list def sanitize_network_params(self): """ Sanitize user provided network provided params Returns: A sanitized list of network params, else fails """ network_devices = list() # Clean up user data here for network in self.params['networks']: if 'name' not in network and 'vlan' not in network: self.module.fail_json(msg="Please specify at least a network name or" " a VLAN name under VM network list.") if 'name' in network and self.cache.get_network(network['name']) is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Network '%(name)s' does not exist." % network) elif 'vlan' in network: dvps = self.cache.get_all_objs(self.content, [vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup]) for dvp in dvps: if hasattr(dvp.config.defaultPortConfig, 'vlan') and \ isinstance(dvp.config.defaultPortConfig.vlan.vlanId, int) and \ str(dvp.config.defaultPortConfig.vlan.vlanId) == str(network['vlan']): network['name'] = dvp.config.name break if 'dvswitch_name' in network and \ dvp.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.name == network['dvswitch_name'] and \ dvp.config.name == network['vlan']: network['name'] = dvp.config.name break if dvp.config.name == network['vlan']: network['name'] = dvp.config.name break else: self.module.fail_json(msg="VLAN '%(vlan)s' does not exist." % network) if 'type' in network: if network['type'] not in ['dhcp', 'static']: self.module.fail_json(msg="Network type '%(type)s' is not a valid parameter." " Valid parameters are ['dhcp', 'static']." % network) if network['type'] != 'static' and ('ip' in network or 'netmask' in network): self.module.fail_json(msg='Static IP information provided for network "%(name)s",' ' but "type" is set to "%(type)s".' % network) else: # Type is optional parameter, if user provided IP or Subnet assume # network type as 'static' if 'ip' in network or 'netmask' in network: network['type'] = 'static' else: # User wants network type as 'dhcp' network['type'] = 'dhcp' if network.get('type') == 'static': if 'ip' in network and 'netmask' not in network: self.module.fail_json(msg="'netmask' is required if 'ip' is" " specified under VM network list.") if 'ip' not in network and 'netmask' in network: self.module.fail_json(msg="'ip' is required if 'netmask' is" " specified under VM network list.") validate_device_types = ['pcnet32', 'vmxnet2', 'vmxnet3', 'e1000', 'e1000e', 'sriov'] if 'device_type' in network and network['device_type'] not in validate_device_types: self.module.fail_json(msg="Device type specified '%s' is not valid." " Please specify correct device" " type from ['%s']." % (network['device_type'], "', '".join(validate_device_types))) if 'mac' in network and not is_mac(network['mac']): self.module.fail_json(msg="Device MAC address '%s' is invalid." " Please provide correct MAC address." % network['mac']) network_devices.append(network) return network_devices def configure_network(self, vm_obj): # Ignore empty networks, this permits to keep networks when deploying a template/cloning a VM if len(self.params['networks']) == 0: return network_devices = self.sanitize_network_params() # List current device for Clone or Idempotency current_net_devices = self.get_vm_network_interfaces(vm=vm_obj) if len(network_devices) < len(current_net_devices): self.module.fail_json(msg="Given network device list is lesser than current VM device list (%d < %d). " "Removing interfaces is not allowed" % (len(network_devices), len(current_net_devices))) for key in range(0, len(network_devices)): nic_change_detected = False network_name = network_devices[key]['name'] if key < len(current_net_devices) and (vm_obj or self.params['template']): # We are editing existing network devices, this is either when # are cloning from VM or Template nic = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() nic.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit nic.device = current_net_devices[key] if ('wake_on_lan' in network_devices[key] and nic.device.wakeOnLanEnabled != network_devices[key].get('wake_on_lan')): nic.device.wakeOnLanEnabled = network_devices[key].get('wake_on_lan') nic_change_detected = True if ('start_connected' in network_devices[key] and nic.device.connectable.startConnected != network_devices[key].get('start_connected')): nic.device.connectable.startConnected = network_devices[key].get('start_connected') nic_change_detected = True if ('allow_guest_control' in network_devices[key] and nic.device.connectable.allowGuestControl != network_devices[key].get('allow_guest_control')): nic.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = network_devices[key].get('allow_guest_control') nic_change_detected = True if nic.device.deviceInfo.summary != network_name: nic.device.deviceInfo.summary = network_name nic_change_detected = True if 'device_type' in network_devices[key]: device = self.device_helper.get_device(network_devices[key]['device_type'], network_name) device_class = type(device) if not isinstance(nic.device, device_class): self.module.fail_json(msg="Changing the device type is not possible when interface is already present. " "The failing device type is %s" % network_devices[key]['device_type']) # Changing mac address has no effect when editing interface if 'mac' in network_devices[key] and nic.device.macAddress != current_net_devices[key].macAddress: self.module.fail_json(msg="Changing MAC address has not effect when interface is already present. " "The failing new MAC address is %s" % nic.device.macAddress) else: # Default device type is vmxnet3, VMware best practice device_type = network_devices[key].get('device_type', 'vmxnet3') nic = self.device_helper.create_nic(device_type, 'Network Adapter %s' % (key + 1), network_devices[key]) nic.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add nic_change_detected = True if hasattr(self.cache.get_network(network_name), 'portKeys'): # VDS switch pg_obj = None if 'dvswitch_name' in network_devices[key]: dvs_name = network_devices[key]['dvswitch_name'] dvs_obj = find_dvs_by_name(self.content, dvs_name) if dvs_obj is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Unable to find distributed virtual switch %s" % dvs_name) pg_obj = find_dvspg_by_name(dvs_obj, network_name) if pg_obj is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Unable to find distributed port group %s" % network_name) else: pg_obj = self.cache.find_obj(self.content, [vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup], network_name) # TODO: (akasurde) There is no way to find association between resource pool and distributed virtual portgroup # For now, check if we are able to find distributed virtual switch if not pg_obj.config.distributedVirtualSwitch: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find distributed virtual switch which is associated with" " distributed virtual portgroup '%s'. Make sure hostsystem is associated with" " the given distributed virtual portgroup. Also, check if user has correct" " permission to access distributed virtual switch in the given portgroup." % pg_obj.name) if (nic.device.backing and (not hasattr(nic.device.backing, 'port') or (nic.device.backing.port.portgroupKey != pg_obj.key or nic.device.backing.port.switchUuid != pg_obj.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.uuid))): nic_change_detected = True dvs_port_connection = vim.dvs.PortConnection() dvs_port_connection.portgroupKey = pg_obj.key # If user specifies distributed port group without associating to the hostsystem on which # virtual machine is going to be deployed then we get error. We can infer that there is no # association between given distributed port group and host system. host_system = self.params.get('esxi_hostname') if host_system and host_system not in [host.config.host.name for host in pg_obj.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.config.host]: self.module.fail_json(msg="It seems that host system '%s' is not associated with distributed" " virtual portgroup '%s'. Please make sure host system is associated" " with given distributed virtual portgroup" % (host_system, pg_obj.name)) dvs_port_connection.switchUuid = pg_obj.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.uuid nic.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.DistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo() nic.device.backing.port = dvs_port_connection elif isinstance(self.cache.get_network(network_name), vim.OpaqueNetwork): # NSX-T Logical Switch nic.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.OpaqueNetworkBackingInfo() network_id = self.cache.get_network(network_name).summary.opaqueNetworkId nic.device.backing.opaqueNetworkType = 'nsx.LogicalSwitch' nic.device.backing.opaqueNetworkId = network_id nic.device.deviceInfo.summary = 'nsx.LogicalSwitch: %s' % network_id nic_change_detected = True else: # vSwitch if not isinstance(nic.device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.NetworkBackingInfo): nic.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.NetworkBackingInfo() nic_change_detected = True net_obj = self.cache.get_network(network_name) if nic.device.backing.network != net_obj: nic.device.backing.network = net_obj nic_change_detected = True if nic.device.backing.deviceName != network_name: nic.device.backing.deviceName = network_name nic_change_detected = True if nic_change_detected: # Change to fix the issue found while configuring opaque network # VMs cloned from a template with opaque network will get disconnected # Replacing deprecated config parameter with relocation Spec if isinstance(self.cache.get_network(network_name), vim.OpaqueNetwork): self.relospec.deviceChange.append(nic) else: self.configspec.deviceChange.append(nic) self.change_detected = True def configure_vapp_properties(self, vm_obj): if len(self.params['vapp_properties']) == 0: return for x in self.params['vapp_properties']: if not x.get('id'): self.module.fail_json(msg="id is required to set vApp property") new_vmconfig_spec = vim.vApp.VmConfigSpec() if vm_obj: # VM exists # This is primarily for vcsim/integration tests, unset vAppConfig was not seen on my deployments orig_spec = vm_obj.config.vAppConfig if vm_obj.config.vAppConfig else new_vmconfig_spec vapp_properties_current = dict((x.id, x) for x in orig_spec.property) vapp_properties_to_change = dict((x['id'], x) for x in self.params['vapp_properties']) # each property must have a unique key # init key counter with max value + 1 all_keys = [x.key for x in orig_spec.property] new_property_index = max(all_keys) + 1 if all_keys else 0 for property_id, property_spec in vapp_properties_to_change.items(): is_property_changed = False new_vapp_property_spec = vim.vApp.PropertySpec() if property_id in vapp_properties_current: if property_spec.get('operation') == 'remove': new_vapp_property_spec.operation = 'remove' new_vapp_property_spec.removeKey = vapp_properties_current[property_id].key is_property_changed = True else: # this is 'edit' branch new_vapp_property_spec.operation = 'edit' new_vapp_property_spec.info = vapp_properties_current[property_id] try: for property_name, property_value in property_spec.items(): if property_name == 'operation': # operation is not an info object property # if set to anything other than 'remove' we don't fail continue # Updating attributes only if needed if getattr(new_vapp_property_spec.info, property_name) != property_value: setattr(new_vapp_property_spec.info, property_name, property_value) is_property_changed = True except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to set vApp property field='%s' and value='%s'. Error: %s" % (property_name, property_value, to_text(e)) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) else: if property_spec.get('operation') == 'remove': # attempt to delete non-existent property continue # this is add new property branch new_vapp_property_spec.operation = 'add' property_info = vim.vApp.PropertyInfo() property_info.classId = property_spec.get('classId') property_info.instanceId = property_spec.get('instanceId') property_info.id = property_spec.get('id') property_info.category = property_spec.get('category') property_info.label = property_spec.get('label') property_info.type = property_spec.get('type', 'string') property_info.userConfigurable = property_spec.get('userConfigurable', True) property_info.defaultValue = property_spec.get('defaultValue') property_info.value = property_spec.get('value', '') property_info.description = property_spec.get('description') new_vapp_property_spec.info = property_info new_vapp_property_spec.info.key = new_property_index new_property_index += 1 is_property_changed = True if is_property_changed: new_vmconfig_spec.property.append(new_vapp_property_spec) else: # New VM all_keys = [x.key for x in new_vmconfig_spec.property] new_property_index = max(all_keys) + 1 if all_keys else 0 vapp_properties_to_change = dict((x['id'], x) for x in self.params['vapp_properties']) is_property_changed = False for property_id, property_spec in vapp_properties_to_change.items(): new_vapp_property_spec = vim.vApp.PropertySpec() # this is add new property branch new_vapp_property_spec.operation = 'add' property_info = vim.vApp.PropertyInfo() property_info.classId = property_spec.get('classId') property_info.instanceId = property_spec.get('instanceId') property_info.id = property_spec.get('id') property_info.category = property_spec.get('category') property_info.label = property_spec.get('label') property_info.type = property_spec.get('type', 'string') property_info.userConfigurable = property_spec.get('userConfigurable', True) property_info.defaultValue = property_spec.get('defaultValue') property_info.value = property_spec.get('value', '') property_info.description = property_spec.get('description') new_vapp_property_spec.info = property_info new_vapp_property_spec.info.key = new_property_index new_property_index += 1 is_property_changed = True if is_property_changed: new_vmconfig_spec.property.append(new_vapp_property_spec) if new_vmconfig_spec.property: self.configspec.vAppConfig = new_vmconfig_spec self.change_detected = True def customize_customvalues(self, vm_obj, config_spec): if len(self.params['customvalues']) == 0: return vm_custom_spec = config_spec vm_custom_spec.extraConfig = [] changed = False facts = self.gather_facts(vm_obj) for kv in self.params['customvalues']: if 'key' not in kv or 'value' not in kv: self.module.exit_json(msg="customvalues items required both 'key' and 'value' fields.") # If kv is not kv fetched from facts, change it if kv['key'] not in facts['customvalues'] or facts['customvalues'][kv['key']] != kv['value']: option = vim.option.OptionValue() option.key = kv['key'] option.value = kv['value'] vm_custom_spec.extraConfig.append(option) changed = True if changed: self.change_detected = True def customize_vm(self, vm_obj): # User specified customization specification custom_spec_name = self.params.get('customization_spec') if custom_spec_name: cc_mgr = self.content.customizationSpecManager if cc_mgr.DoesCustomizationSpecExist(name=custom_spec_name): temp_spec = cc_mgr.GetCustomizationSpec(name=custom_spec_name) self.customspec = temp_spec.spec return else: self.module.fail_json(msg="Unable to find customization specification" " '%s' in given configuration." % custom_spec_name) # Network settings adaptermaps = [] for network in self.params['networks']: guest_map = vim.vm.customization.AdapterMapping() guest_map.adapter = vim.vm.customization.IPSettings() if 'ip' in network and 'netmask' in network: guest_map.adapter.ip = vim.vm.customization.FixedIp() guest_map.adapter.ip.ipAddress = str(network['ip']) guest_map.adapter.subnetMask = str(network['netmask']) elif 'type' in network and network['type'] == 'dhcp': guest_map.adapter.ip = vim.vm.customization.DhcpIpGenerator() if 'gateway' in network: guest_map.adapter.gateway = network['gateway'] # On Windows, DNS domain and DNS servers can be set by network interface # https://pubs.vmware.com/vi3/sdk/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.customization.IPSettings.html if 'domain' in network: guest_map.adapter.dnsDomain = network['domain'] elif 'domain' in self.params['customization']: guest_map.adapter.dnsDomain = self.params['customization']['domain'] if 'dns_servers' in network: guest_map.adapter.dnsServerList = network['dns_servers'] elif 'dns_servers' in self.params['customization']: guest_map.adapter.dnsServerList = self.params['customization']['dns_servers'] adaptermaps.append(guest_map) # Global DNS settings globalip = vim.vm.customization.GlobalIPSettings() if 'dns_servers' in self.params['customization']: globalip.dnsServerList = self.params['customization']['dns_servers'] # TODO: Maybe list the different domains from the interfaces here by default ? if 'dns_suffix' in self.params['customization']: dns_suffix = self.params['customization']['dns_suffix'] if isinstance(dns_suffix, list): globalip.dnsSuffixList = " ".join(dns_suffix) else: globalip.dnsSuffixList = dns_suffix elif 'domain' in self.params['customization']: globalip.dnsSuffixList = self.params['customization']['domain'] if self.params['guest_id']: guest_id = self.params['guest_id'] else: guest_id = vm_obj.summary.config.guestId # For windows guest OS, use SysPrep # https://pubs.vmware.com/vi3/sdk/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.customization.Sysprep.html#field_detail if 'win' in guest_id: ident = vim.vm.customization.Sysprep() ident.userData = vim.vm.customization.UserData() # Setting hostName, orgName and fullName is mandatory, so we set some default when missing ident.userData.computerName = vim.vm.customization.FixedName() # computer name will be truncated to 15 characters if using VM name default_name = self.params['name'].replace(' ', '') punctuation = string.punctuation.replace('-', '') default_name = ''.join([c for c in default_name if c not in punctuation]) ident.userData.computerName.name = str(self.params['customization'].get('hostname', default_name[0:15])) ident.userData.fullName = str(self.params['customization'].get('fullname', 'Administrator')) ident.userData.orgName = str(self.params['customization'].get('orgname', 'ACME')) if 'productid' in self.params['customization']: ident.userData.productId = str(self.params['customization']['productid']) ident.guiUnattended = vim.vm.customization.GuiUnattended() if 'autologon' in self.params['customization']: ident.guiUnattended.autoLogon = self.params['customization']['autologon'] ident.guiUnattended.autoLogonCount = self.params['customization'].get('autologoncount', 1) if 'timezone' in self.params['customization']: # Check if timezone value is a int before proceeding. ident.guiUnattended.timeZone = self.device_helper.integer_value( self.params['customization']['timezone'], 'customization.timezone') ident.identification = vim.vm.customization.Identification() if self.params['customization'].get('password', '') != '': ident.guiUnattended.password = vim.vm.customization.Password() ident.guiUnattended.password.value = str(self.params['customization']['password']) ident.guiUnattended.password.plainText = True if 'joindomain' in self.params['customization']: if 'domainadmin' not in self.params['customization'] or 'domainadminpassword' not in self.params['customization']: self.module.fail_json(msg="'domainadmin' and 'domainadminpassword' entries are mandatory in 'customization' section to use " "joindomain feature") ident.identification.domainAdmin = str(self.params['customization']['domainadmin']) ident.identification.joinDomain = str(self.params['customization']['joindomain']) ident.identification.domainAdminPassword = vim.vm.customization.Password() ident.identification.domainAdminPassword.value = str(self.params['customization']['domainadminpassword']) ident.identification.domainAdminPassword.plainText = True elif 'joinworkgroup' in self.params['customization']: ident.identification.joinWorkgroup = str(self.params['customization']['joinworkgroup']) if 'runonce' in self.params['customization']: ident.guiRunOnce = vim.vm.customization.GuiRunOnce() ident.guiRunOnce.commandList = self.params['customization']['runonce'] else: # FIXME: We have no clue whether this non-Windows OS is actually Linux, hence it might fail! # For Linux guest OS, use LinuxPrep # https://pubs.vmware.com/vi3/sdk/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.customization.LinuxPrep.html ident = vim.vm.customization.LinuxPrep() # TODO: Maybe add domain from interface if missing ? if 'domain' in self.params['customization']: ident.domain = str(self.params['customization']['domain']) ident.hostName = vim.vm.customization.FixedName() hostname = str(self.params['customization'].get('hostname', self.params['name'].split('.')[0])) # Remove all characters except alphanumeric and minus which is allowed by RFC 952 valid_hostname = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]", "", hostname) ident.hostName.name = valid_hostname # List of supported time zones for different vSphere versions in Linux/Unix systems # https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2145518 if 'timezone' in self.params['customization']: ident.timeZone = str(self.params['customization']['timezone']) if 'hwclockUTC' in self.params['customization']: ident.hwClockUTC = self.params['customization']['hwclockUTC'] self.customspec = vim.vm.customization.Specification() self.customspec.nicSettingMap = adaptermaps self.customspec.globalIPSettings = globalip self.customspec.identity = ident def get_vm_scsi_controller(self, vm_obj): # If vm_obj doesn't exist there is no SCSI controller to find if vm_obj is None: return None for device in vm_obj.config.hardware.device: if self.device_helper.is_scsi_controller(device): scsi_ctl = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() scsi_ctl.device = device return scsi_ctl return None def get_configured_disk_size(self, expected_disk_spec): # what size is it? if [x for x in expected_disk_spec.keys() if x.startswith('size_') or x == 'size']: # size, size_tb, size_gb, size_mb, size_kb if 'size' in expected_disk_spec: size_regex = re.compile(r'(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([tgmkTGMK][bB])') disk_size_m = size_regex.match(expected_disk_spec['size']) try: if disk_size_m: expected = disk_size_m.group(1) unit = disk_size_m.group(2) else: raise ValueError if re.match(r'\d+\.\d+', expected): # We found float value in string, let's typecast it expected = float(expected) else: # We found int value in string, let's typecast it expected = int(expected) if not expected or not unit: raise ValueError except (TypeError, ValueError, NameError): # Common failure self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to parse disk size please review value" " provided using documentation.") else: param = [x for x in expected_disk_spec.keys() if x.startswith('size_')][0] unit = param.split('_')[-1].lower() expected = [x[1] for x in expected_disk_spec.items() if x[0].startswith('size_')][0] expected = int(expected) disk_units = dict(tb=3, gb=2, mb=1, kb=0) if unit in disk_units: unit = unit.lower() return expected * (1024 ** disk_units[unit]) else: self.module.fail_json(msg="%s is not a supported unit for disk size." " Supported units are ['%s']." % (unit, "', '".join(disk_units.keys()))) # No size found but disk, fail self.module.fail_json( msg="No size, size_kb, size_mb, size_gb or size_tb attribute found into disk configuration") def add_existing_vmdk(self, vm_obj, expected_disk_spec, diskspec, scsi_ctl): """ Adds vmdk file described by expected_disk_spec['filename'], retrieves the file information and adds the correct spec to self.configspec.deviceChange. """ filename = expected_disk_spec['filename'] # If this is a new disk, or the disk file names are different if (vm_obj and diskspec.device.backing.fileName != filename) or vm_obj is None: diskspec.device.backing.fileName = filename diskspec.device.key = -1 self.change_detected = True self.configspec.deviceChange.append(diskspec) def configure_disks(self, vm_obj): # Ignore empty disk list, this permits to keep disks when deploying a template/cloning a VM if len(self.params['disk']) == 0: return scsi_ctl = self.get_vm_scsi_controller(vm_obj) # Create scsi controller only if we are deploying a new VM, not a template or reconfiguring if vm_obj is None or scsi_ctl is None: scsi_ctl = self.device_helper.create_scsi_controller(self.get_scsi_type()) self.change_detected = True self.configspec.deviceChange.append(scsi_ctl) disks = [x for x in vm_obj.config.hardware.device if isinstance(x, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk)] \ if vm_obj is not None else None if disks is not None and self.params.get('disk') and len(self.params.get('disk')) < len(disks): self.module.fail_json(msg="Provided disks configuration has less disks than " "the target object (%d vs %d)" % (len(self.params.get('disk')), len(disks))) disk_index = 0 for expected_disk_spec in self.params.get('disk'): disk_modified = False # If we are manipulating and existing objects which has disks and disk_index is in disks if vm_obj is not None and disks is not None and disk_index < len(disks): diskspec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() # set the operation to edit so that it knows to keep other settings diskspec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit diskspec.device = disks[disk_index] else: diskspec = self.device_helper.create_scsi_disk(scsi_ctl, disk_index) disk_modified = True # increment index for next disk search disk_index += 1 # index 7 is reserved to SCSI controller if disk_index == 7: disk_index += 1 if 'disk_mode' in expected_disk_spec: disk_mode = expected_disk_spec.get('disk_mode', 'persistent').lower() valid_disk_mode = ['persistent', 'independent_persistent', 'independent_nonpersistent'] if disk_mode not in valid_disk_mode: self.module.fail_json(msg="disk_mode specified is not valid." " Should be one of ['%s']" % "', '".join(valid_disk_mode)) if (vm_obj and diskspec.device.backing.diskMode != disk_mode) or (vm_obj is None): diskspec.device.backing.diskMode = disk_mode disk_modified = True else: diskspec.device.backing.diskMode = "persistent" # is it thin? if 'type' in expected_disk_spec: disk_type = expected_disk_spec.get('type', '').lower() if disk_type == 'thin': diskspec.device.backing.thinProvisioned = True elif disk_type == 'eagerzeroedthick': diskspec.device.backing.eagerlyScrub = True if 'filename' in expected_disk_spec and expected_disk_spec['filename'] is not None: self.add_existing_vmdk(vm_obj, expected_disk_spec, diskspec, scsi_ctl) continue elif vm_obj is None or self.params['template']: # We are creating new VM or from Template # Only create virtual device if not backed by vmdk in original template if diskspec.device.backing.fileName == '': diskspec.fileOperation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.FileOperation.create # which datastore? if expected_disk_spec.get('datastore'): # TODO: This is already handled by the relocation spec, # but it needs to eventually be handled for all the # other disks defined pass kb = self.get_configured_disk_size(expected_disk_spec) # VMware doesn't allow to reduce disk sizes if kb < diskspec.device.capacityInKB: self.module.fail_json( msg="Given disk size is smaller than found (%d < %d). Reducing disks is not allowed." % (kb, diskspec.device.capacityInKB)) if kb != diskspec.device.capacityInKB or disk_modified: diskspec.device.capacityInKB = kb self.configspec.deviceChange.append(diskspec) self.change_detected = True def select_host(self): hostsystem = self.cache.get_esx_host(self.params['esxi_hostname']) if not hostsystem: self.module.fail_json(msg='Failed to find ESX host "%(esxi_hostname)s"' % self.params) if hostsystem.runtime.connectionState != 'connected' or hostsystem.runtime.inMaintenanceMode: self.module.fail_json(msg='ESXi "%(esxi_hostname)s" is in invalid state or in maintenance mode.' % self.params) return hostsystem def autoselect_datastore(self): datastore = None datastores = self.cache.get_all_objs(self.content, [vim.Datastore]) if datastores is None or len(datastores) == 0: self.module.fail_json(msg="Unable to find a datastore list when autoselecting") datastore_freespace = 0 for ds in datastores: if not self.is_datastore_valid(datastore_obj=ds): continue if ds.summary.freeSpace > datastore_freespace: datastore = ds datastore_freespace = ds.summary.freeSpace return datastore def get_recommended_datastore(self, datastore_cluster_obj=None): """ Function to return Storage DRS recommended datastore from datastore cluster Args: datastore_cluster_obj: datastore cluster managed object Returns: Name of recommended datastore from the given datastore cluster """ if datastore_cluster_obj is None: return None # Check if Datastore Cluster provided by user is SDRS ready sdrs_status = datastore_cluster_obj.podStorageDrsEntry.storageDrsConfig.podConfig.enabled if sdrs_status: # We can get storage recommendation only if SDRS is enabled on given datastorage cluster pod_sel_spec = vim.storageDrs.PodSelectionSpec() pod_sel_spec.storagePod = datastore_cluster_obj storage_spec = vim.storageDrs.StoragePlacementSpec() storage_spec.podSelectionSpec = pod_sel_spec storage_spec.type = 'create' try: rec = self.content.storageResourceManager.RecommendDatastores(storageSpec=storage_spec) rec_action = rec.recommendations[0].action[0] return rec_action.destination.name except Exception: # There is some error so we fall back to general workflow pass datastore = None datastore_freespace = 0 for ds in datastore_cluster_obj.childEntity: if isinstance(ds, vim.Datastore) and ds.summary.freeSpace > datastore_freespace: # If datastore field is provided, filter destination datastores if not self.is_datastore_valid(datastore_obj=ds): continue datastore = ds datastore_freespace = ds.summary.freeSpace if datastore: return datastore.name return None def select_datastore(self, vm_obj=None): datastore = None datastore_name = None if len(self.params['disk']) != 0: # TODO: really use the datastore for newly created disks if 'autoselect_datastore' in self.params['disk'][0] and self.params['disk'][0]['autoselect_datastore']: datastores = [] if self.params['cluster']: cluster = self.find_cluster_by_name(self.params['cluster'], self.content) for host in cluster.host: for mi in host.configManager.storageSystem.fileSystemVolumeInfo.mountInfo: if mi.volume.type == "VMFS": datastores.append(self.cache.find_obj(self.content, [vim.Datastore], mi.volume.name)) elif self.params['esxi_hostname']: host = self.find_hostsystem_by_name(self.params['esxi_hostname']) for mi in host.configManager.storageSystem.fileSystemVolumeInfo.mountInfo: if mi.volume.type == "VMFS": datastores.append(self.cache.find_obj(self.content, [vim.Datastore], mi.volume.name)) else: datastores = self.cache.get_all_objs(self.content, [vim.Datastore]) datastores = [x for x in datastores if self.cache.get_parent_datacenter(x).name == self.params['datacenter']] datastore_freespace = 0 for ds in datastores: if not self.is_datastore_valid(datastore_obj=ds): continue if (ds.summary.freeSpace > datastore_freespace) or (ds.summary.freeSpace == datastore_freespace and not datastore): # If datastore field is provided, filter destination datastores if 'datastore' in self.params['disk'][0] and \ isinstance(self.params['disk'][0]['datastore'], str) and \ ds.name.find(self.params['disk'][0]['datastore']) < 0: continue datastore = ds datastore_name = datastore.name datastore_freespace = ds.summary.freeSpace elif 'datastore' in self.params['disk'][0]: datastore_name = self.params['disk'][0]['datastore'] # Check if user has provided datastore cluster first datastore_cluster = self.cache.find_obj(self.content, [vim.StoragePod], datastore_name) if datastore_cluster: # If user specified datastore cluster so get recommended datastore datastore_name = self.get_recommended_datastore(datastore_cluster_obj=datastore_cluster) # Check if get_recommended_datastore or user specified datastore exists or not datastore = self.cache.find_obj(self.content, [vim.Datastore], datastore_name) else: self.module.fail_json(msg="Either datastore or autoselect_datastore should be provided to select datastore") if not datastore and self.params['template']: # use the template's existing DS disks = [x for x in vm_obj.config.hardware.device if isinstance(x, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk)] if disks: datastore = disks[0].backing.datastore datastore_name = datastore.name # validation if datastore: dc = self.cache.get_parent_datacenter(datastore) if dc.name != self.params['datacenter']: datastore = self.autoselect_datastore() datastore_name = datastore.name if not datastore: if len(self.params['disk']) != 0 or self.params['template'] is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Unable to find the datastore with given parameters." " This could mean, %s is a non-existent virtual machine and module tried to" " deploy it as new virtual machine with no disk. Please specify disks parameter" " or specify template to clone from." % self.params['name']) self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find a matching datastore") return datastore, datastore_name def obj_has_parent(self, obj, parent): if obj is None and parent is None: raise AssertionError() current_parent = obj while True: if current_parent.name == parent.name: return True # Check if we have reached till root folder moid = current_parent._moId if moid in ['group-d1', 'ha-folder-root']: return False current_parent = current_parent.parent if current_parent is None: return False def get_scsi_type(self): disk_controller_type = "paravirtual" # set cpu/memory/etc if 'hardware' in self.params: if 'scsi' in self.params['hardware']: if self.params['hardware']['scsi'] in ['buslogic', 'paravirtual', 'lsilogic', 'lsilogicsas']: disk_controller_type = self.params['hardware']['scsi'] else: self.module.fail_json(msg="hardware.scsi attribute should be 'paravirtual' or 'lsilogic'") return disk_controller_type def find_folder(self, searchpath): """ Walk inventory objects one position of the searchpath at a time """ # split the searchpath so we can iterate through it paths = [x.replace('/', '') for x in searchpath.split('/')] paths_total = len(paths) - 1 position = 0 # recursive walk while looking for next element in searchpath root = self.content.rootFolder while root and position <= paths_total: change = False if hasattr(root, 'childEntity'): for child in root.childEntity: if child.name == paths[position]: root = child position += 1 change = True break elif isinstance(root, vim.Datacenter): if hasattr(root, 'vmFolder'): if root.vmFolder.name == paths[position]: root = root.vmFolder position += 1 change = True else: root = None if not change: root = None return root def get_resource_pool(self, cluster=None, host=None, resource_pool=None): """ Get a resource pool, filter on cluster, esxi_hostname or resource_pool if given """ cluster_name = cluster or self.params.get('cluster', None) host_name = host or self.params.get('esxi_hostname', None) resource_pool_name = resource_pool or self.params.get('resource_pool', None) # get the datacenter object datacenter = find_obj(self.content, [vim.Datacenter], self.params['datacenter']) if not datacenter: self.module.fail_json(msg='Unable to find datacenter "%s"' % self.params['datacenter']) # if cluster is given, get the cluster object if cluster_name: cluster = find_obj(self.content, [vim.ComputeResource], cluster_name, folder=datacenter) if not cluster: self.module.fail_json(msg='Unable to find cluster "%s"' % cluster_name) # if host is given, get the cluster object using the host elif host_name: host = find_obj(self.content, [vim.HostSystem], host_name, folder=datacenter) if not host: self.module.fail_json(msg='Unable to find host "%s"' % host_name) cluster = host.parent else: cluster = None # get resource pools limiting search to cluster or datacenter resource_pool = find_obj(self.content, [vim.ResourcePool], resource_pool_name, folder=cluster or datacenter) if not resource_pool: if resource_pool_name: self.module.fail_json(msg='Unable to find resource_pool "%s"' % resource_pool_name) else: self.module.fail_json(msg='Unable to find resource pool, need esxi_hostname, resource_pool, or cluster') return resource_pool def deploy_vm(self): # https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi-community-samples/blob/master/samples/clone_vm.py # https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk25pubs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.CloneSpec.html # https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk25pubs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.ConfigSpec.html # https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk41pubs/ApiReference/vim.vm.RelocateSpec.html # FIXME: # - static IPs self.folder = self.params.get('folder', None) if self.folder is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Folder is required parameter while deploying new virtual machine") # Prepend / if it was missing from the folder path, also strip trailing slashes if not self.folder.startswith('/'): self.folder = '/%(folder)s' % self.params self.folder = self.folder.rstrip('/') datacenter = self.cache.find_obj(self.content, [vim.Datacenter], self.params['datacenter']) if datacenter is None: self.module.fail_json(msg='No datacenter named %(datacenter)s was found' % self.params) dcpath = compile_folder_path_for_object(datacenter) # Nested folder does not have trailing / if not dcpath.endswith('/'): dcpath += '/' # Check for full path first in case it was already supplied if (self.folder.startswith(dcpath + self.params['datacenter'] + '/vm') or self.folder.startswith(dcpath + '/' + self.params['datacenter'] + '/vm')): fullpath = self.folder elif self.folder.startswith('/vm/') or self.folder == '/vm': fullpath = "%s%s%s" % (dcpath, self.params['datacenter'], self.folder) elif self.folder.startswith('/'): fullpath = "%s%s/vm%s" % (dcpath, self.params['datacenter'], self.folder) else: fullpath = "%s%s/vm/%s" % (dcpath, self.params['datacenter'], self.folder) f_obj = self.content.searchIndex.FindByInventoryPath(fullpath) # abort if no strategy was successful if f_obj is None: # Add some debugging values in failure. details = { 'datacenter': datacenter.name, 'datacenter_path': dcpath, 'folder': self.folder, 'full_search_path': fullpath, } self.module.fail_json(msg='No folder %s matched in the search path : %s' % (self.folder, fullpath), details=details) destfolder = f_obj if self.params['template']: vm_obj = self.get_vm_or_template(template_name=self.params['template']) if vm_obj is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Could not find a template named %(template)s" % self.params) else: vm_obj = None # always get a resource_pool resource_pool = self.get_resource_pool() # set the destination datastore for VM & disks if self.params['datastore']: # Give precedence to datastore value provided by user # User may want to deploy VM to specific datastore. datastore_name = self.params['datastore'] # Check if user has provided datastore cluster first datastore_cluster = self.cache.find_obj(self.content, [vim.StoragePod], datastore_name) if datastore_cluster: # If user specified datastore cluster so get recommended datastore datastore_name = self.get_recommended_datastore(datastore_cluster_obj=datastore_cluster) # Check if get_recommended_datastore or user specified datastore exists or not datastore = self.cache.find_obj(self.content, [vim.Datastore], datastore_name) else: (datastore, datastore_name) = self.select_datastore(vm_obj) self.configspec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() self.configspec.deviceChange = [] # create the relocation spec self.relospec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec() self.relospec.deviceChange = [] self.configure_guestid(vm_obj=vm_obj, vm_creation=True) self.configure_cpu_and_memory(vm_obj=vm_obj, vm_creation=True) self.configure_hardware_params(vm_obj=vm_obj) self.configure_resource_alloc_info(vm_obj=vm_obj) self.configure_vapp_properties(vm_obj=vm_obj) self.configure_disks(vm_obj=vm_obj) self.configure_network(vm_obj=vm_obj) self.configure_cdrom(vm_obj=vm_obj) # Find if we need network customizations (find keys in dictionary that requires customizations) network_changes = False for nw in self.params['networks']: for key in nw: # We don't need customizations for these keys if key == 'type' and nw['type'] == 'dhcp': network_changes = True break if key not in ('device_type', 'mac', 'name', 'vlan', 'type', 'start_connected', 'dvswitch_name'): network_changes = True break if len(self.params['customization']) > 0 or network_changes or self.params.get('customization_spec') is not None: self.customize_vm(vm_obj=vm_obj) clonespec = None clone_method = None try: if self.params['template']: # Only select specific host when ESXi hostname is provided if self.params['esxi_hostname']: self.relospec.host = self.select_host() self.relospec.datastore = datastore # Convert disk present in template if is set if self.params['convert']: for device in vm_obj.config.hardware.device: if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk): disk_locator = vim.vm.RelocateSpec.DiskLocator() disk_locator.diskBackingInfo = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk.FlatVer2BackingInfo() if self.params['convert'] in ['thin']: disk_locator.diskBackingInfo.thinProvisioned = True if self.params['convert'] in ['eagerzeroedthick']: disk_locator.diskBackingInfo.eagerlyScrub = True if self.params['convert'] in ['thick']: disk_locator.diskBackingInfo.diskMode = "persistent" disk_locator.diskId = device.key disk_locator.datastore = datastore self.relospec.disk.append(disk_locator) # https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk41pubs/ApiReference/vim.vm.RelocateSpec.html # > pool: For a clone operation from a template to a virtual machine, this argument is required. self.relospec.pool = resource_pool linked_clone = self.params.get('linked_clone') snapshot_src = self.params.get('snapshot_src', None) if linked_clone: if snapshot_src is not None: self.relospec.diskMoveType = vim.vm.RelocateSpec.DiskMoveOptions.createNewChildDiskBacking else: self.module.fail_json(msg="Parameter 'linked_src' and 'snapshot_src' are" " required together for linked clone operation.") clonespec = vim.vm.CloneSpec(template=self.params['is_template'], location=self.relospec) if self.customspec: clonespec.customization = self.customspec if snapshot_src is not None: if vm_obj.snapshot is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="No snapshots present for virtual machine or template [%(template)s]" % self.params) snapshot = self.get_snapshots_by_name_recursively(snapshots=vm_obj.snapshot.rootSnapshotList, snapname=snapshot_src) if len(snapshot) != 1: self.module.fail_json(msg='virtual machine "%(template)s" does not contain' ' snapshot named "%(snapshot_src)s"' % self.params) clonespec.snapshot = snapshot[0].snapshot clonespec.config = self.configspec clone_method = 'Clone' try: task = vm_obj.Clone(folder=destfolder, name=self.params['name'], spec=clonespec) except vim.fault.NoPermission as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to clone virtual machine %s to folder %s " "due to permission issue: %s" % (self.params['name'], destfolder, to_native(e.msg))) self.change_detected = True else: # ConfigSpec require name for VM creation self.configspec.name = self.params['name'] self.configspec.files = vim.vm.FileInfo(logDirectory=None, snapshotDirectory=None, suspendDirectory=None, vmPathName="[" + datastore_name + "]") clone_method = 'CreateVM_Task' try: task = destfolder.CreateVM_Task(config=self.configspec, pool=resource_pool) except vmodl.fault.InvalidRequest as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to create virtual machine due to invalid configuration " "parameter %s" % to_native(e.msg)) except vim.fault.RestrictedVersion as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to create virtual machine due to " "product versioning restrictions: %s" % to_native(e.msg)) self.change_detected = True self.wait_for_task(task) except TypeError as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="TypeError was returned, please ensure to give correct inputs. %s" % to_text(e)) if task.info.state == 'error': # https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2021361 # https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2173 # provide these to the user for debugging clonespec_json = serialize_spec(clonespec) configspec_json = serialize_spec(self.configspec) kwargs = { 'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'clonespec': clonespec_json, 'configspec': configspec_json, 'clone_method': clone_method } return kwargs else: # set annotation vm = task.info.result if self.params['annotation']: annotation_spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() annotation_spec.annotation = str(self.params['annotation']) task = vm.ReconfigVM_Task(annotation_spec) self.wait_for_task(task) if task.info.state == 'error': return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'op': 'annotation'} if self.params['customvalues']: vm_custom_spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() self.customize_customvalues(vm_obj=vm, config_spec=vm_custom_spec) task = vm.ReconfigVM_Task(vm_custom_spec) self.wait_for_task(task) if task.info.state == 'error': return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'op': 'customvalues'} if self.params['wait_for_ip_address'] or self.params['wait_for_customization'] or self.params['state'] in ['poweredon', 'restarted']: set_vm_power_state(self.content, vm, 'poweredon', force=False) if self.params['wait_for_ip_address']: wait_for_vm_ip(self.content, vm, self.params['wait_for_ip_address_timeout']) if self.params['wait_for_customization']: is_customization_ok = self.wait_for_customization(vm=vm, timeout=self.params['wait_for_customization_timeout']) if not is_customization_ok: vm_facts = self.gather_facts(vm) return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'instance': vm_facts, 'op': 'customization'} vm_facts = self.gather_facts(vm) return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': False, 'instance': vm_facts} def get_snapshots_by_name_recursively(self, snapshots, snapname): snap_obj = [] for snapshot in snapshots: if snapshot.name == snapname: snap_obj.append(snapshot) else: snap_obj = snap_obj + self.get_snapshots_by_name_recursively(snapshot.childSnapshotList, snapname) return snap_obj def reconfigure_vm(self): self.configspec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() self.configspec.deviceChange = [] # create the relocation spec self.relospec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec() self.relospec.deviceChange = [] self.configure_guestid(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj) self.configure_cpu_and_memory(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj) self.configure_hardware_params(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj) self.configure_disks(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj) self.configure_network(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj) self.configure_cdrom(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj) self.customize_customvalues(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj, config_spec=self.configspec) self.configure_resource_alloc_info(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj) self.configure_vapp_properties(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj) if self.params['annotation'] and self.current_vm_obj.config.annotation != self.params['annotation']: self.configspec.annotation = str(self.params['annotation']) self.change_detected = True if self.params['resource_pool']: self.relospec.pool = self.get_resource_pool() if self.relospec.pool != self.current_vm_obj.resourcePool: task = self.current_vm_obj.RelocateVM_Task(spec=self.relospec) self.wait_for_task(task) if task.info.state == 'error': return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'op': 'relocate'} # Only send VMware task if we see a modification if self.change_detected: task = None try: task = self.current_vm_obj.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=self.configspec) except vim.fault.RestrictedVersion as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to reconfigure virtual machine due to" " product versioning restrictions: %s" % to_native(e.msg)) self.wait_for_task(task) if task.info.state == 'error': return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'op': 'reconfig'} # Rename VM if self.params['uuid'] and self.params['name'] and self.params['name'] != self.current_vm_obj.config.name: task = self.current_vm_obj.Rename_Task(self.params['name']) self.wait_for_task(task) if task.info.state == 'error': return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'op': 'rename'} # Mark VM as Template if self.params['is_template'] and not self.current_vm_obj.config.template: try: self.current_vm_obj.MarkAsTemplate() self.change_applied = True except vmodl.fault.NotSupported as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to mark virtual machine [%s] " "as template: %s" % (self.params['name'], e.msg)) # Mark Template as VM elif not self.params['is_template'] and self.current_vm_obj.config.template: resource_pool = self.get_resource_pool() kwargs = dict(pool=resource_pool) if self.params.get('esxi_hostname', None): host_system_obj = self.select_host() kwargs.update(host=host_system_obj) try: self.current_vm_obj.MarkAsVirtualMachine(**kwargs) self.change_applied = True except vim.fault.InvalidState as invalid_state: self.module.fail_json(msg="Virtual machine is not marked" " as template : %s" % to_native(invalid_state.msg)) except vim.fault.InvalidDatastore as invalid_ds: self.module.fail_json(msg="Converting template to virtual machine" " operation cannot be performed on the" " target datastores: %s" % to_native(invalid_ds.msg)) except vim.fault.CannotAccessVmComponent as cannot_access: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to convert template to virtual machine" " as operation unable access virtual machine" " component: %s" % to_native(cannot_access.msg)) except vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument as invalid_argument: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to convert template to virtual machine" " due to : %s" % to_native(invalid_argument.msg)) except Exception as generic_exc: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to convert template to virtual machine" " due to generic error : %s" % to_native(generic_exc)) # Automatically update VMware UUID when converting template to VM. # This avoids an interactive prompt during VM startup. uuid_action = [x for x in self.current_vm_obj.config.extraConfig if x.key == "uuid.action"] if not uuid_action: uuid_action_opt = vim.option.OptionValue() uuid_action_opt.key = "uuid.action" uuid_action_opt.value = "create" self.configspec.extraConfig.append(uuid_action_opt) self.change_detected = True # add customize existing VM after VM re-configure if 'existing_vm' in self.params['customization'] and self.params['customization']['existing_vm']: if self.current_vm_obj.config.template: self.module.fail_json(msg="VM is template, not support guest OS customization.") if self.current_vm_obj.runtime.powerState != vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOff: self.module.fail_json(msg="VM is not in poweroff state, can not do guest OS customization.") cus_result = self.customize_exist_vm() if cus_result['failed']: return cus_result vm_facts = self.gather_facts(self.current_vm_obj) return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': False, 'instance': vm_facts} def customize_exist_vm(self): task = None # Find if we need network customizations (find keys in dictionary that requires customizations) network_changes = False for nw in self.params['networks']: for key in nw: # We don't need customizations for these keys if key not in ('device_type', 'mac', 'name', 'vlan', 'type', 'start_connected', 'dvswitch_name'): network_changes = True break if len(self.params['customization']) > 1 or network_changes or self.params.get('customization_spec'): self.customize_vm(vm_obj=self.current_vm_obj) try: task = self.current_vm_obj.CustomizeVM_Task(self.customspec) except vim.fault.CustomizationFault as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to customization virtual machine due to CustomizationFault: %s" % to_native(e.msg)) except vim.fault.RuntimeFault as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="failed to customization virtual machine due to RuntimeFault: %s" % to_native(e.msg)) except Exception as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="failed to customization virtual machine due to fault: %s" % to_native(e.msg)) self.wait_for_task(task) if task.info.state == 'error': return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': task.info.error.msg, 'op': 'customize_exist'} if self.params['wait_for_customization']: set_vm_power_state(self.content, self.current_vm_obj, 'poweredon', force=False) is_customization_ok = self.wait_for_customization(vm=self.current_vm_obj, timeout=self.params['wait_for_customization_timeout']) if not is_customization_ok: return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': True, 'msg': 'Wait for customization failed due to timeout', 'op': 'wait_for_customize_exist'} return {'changed': self.change_applied, 'failed': False} def wait_for_task(self, task, poll_interval=1): """ Wait for a VMware task to complete. Terminal states are 'error' and 'success'. Inputs: - task: the task to wait for - poll_interval: polling interval to check the task, in seconds Modifies: - self.change_applied """ # https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk25pubs/ReferenceGuide/vim.Task.html # https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk25pubs/ReferenceGuide/vim.TaskInfo.html # https://github.com/virtdevninja/pyvmomi-community-samples/blob/master/samples/tools/tasks.py while task.info.state not in ['error', 'success']: time.sleep(poll_interval) self.change_applied = self.change_applied or task.info.state == 'success' def get_vm_events(self, vm, eventTypeIdList): byEntity = vim.event.EventFilterSpec.ByEntity(entity=vm, recursion="self") filterSpec = vim.event.EventFilterSpec(entity=byEntity, eventTypeId=eventTypeIdList) eventManager = self.content.eventManager return eventManager.QueryEvent(filterSpec) def wait_for_customization(self, vm, timeout=3600, sleep=10): poll = int(timeout // sleep) thispoll = 0 while thispoll <= poll: eventStarted = self.get_vm_events(vm, ['CustomizationStartedEvent']) if len(eventStarted): thispoll = 0 while thispoll <= poll: eventsFinishedResult = self.get_vm_events(vm, ['CustomizationSucceeded', 'CustomizationFailed']) if len(eventsFinishedResult): if not isinstance(eventsFinishedResult[0], vim.event.CustomizationSucceeded): self.module.warn("Customization failed with error {%s}:{%s}" % (eventsFinishedResult[0]._wsdlName, eventsFinishedResult[0].fullFormattedMessage)) return False else: return True else: time.sleep(sleep) thispoll += 1 if len(eventsFinishedResult) == 0: self.module.warn('Waiting for customization result event timed out.') return False else: time.sleep(sleep) thispoll += 1 if len(eventStarted): self.module.warn('Waiting for customization result event timed out.') else: self.module.warn('Waiting for customization start event timed out.') return False def main(): argument_spec = vmware_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'poweredoff', 'poweredon', 'present', 'rebootguest', 'restarted', 'shutdownguest', 'suspended']), template=dict(type='str', aliases=['template_src']), is_template=dict(type='bool', default=False), annotation=dict(type='str', aliases=['notes']), customvalues=dict(type='list', default=[]), name=dict(type='str'), name_match=dict(type='str', choices=['first', 'last'], default='first'), uuid=dict(type='str'), use_instance_uuid=dict(type='bool', default=False), folder=dict(type='str'), guest_id=dict(type='str'), disk=dict(type='list', default=[]), cdrom=dict(type=list_or_dict, default=[]), hardware=dict(type='dict', default={}), force=dict(type='bool', default=False), datacenter=dict(type='str', default='ha-datacenter'), esxi_hostname=dict(type='str'), cluster=dict(type='str'), wait_for_ip_address=dict(type='bool', default=False), wait_for_ip_address_timeout=dict(type='int', default=300), state_change_timeout=dict(type='int', default=0), snapshot_src=dict(type='str'), linked_clone=dict(type='bool', default=False), networks=dict(type='list', default=[]), resource_pool=dict(type='str'), customization=dict(type='dict', default={}, no_log=True), customization_spec=dict(type='str', default=None), wait_for_customization=dict(type='bool', default=False), wait_for_customization_timeout=dict(type='int', default=3600), vapp_properties=dict(type='list', default=[]), datastore=dict(type='str'), convert=dict(type='str', choices=['thin', 'thick', 'eagerzeroedthick']), delete_from_inventory=dict(type='bool', default=False), ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, mutually_exclusive=[ ['cluster', 'esxi_hostname'], ], required_one_of=[ ['name', 'uuid'], ], ) result = {'failed': False, 'changed': False} pyv = PyVmomiHelper(module) # Check if the VM exists before continuing vm = pyv.get_vm() # VM already exists if vm: if module.params['state'] == 'absent': # destroy it if module.check_mode: result.update( vm_name=vm.name, changed=True, current_powerstate=vm.summary.runtime.powerState.lower(), desired_operation='remove_vm', ) module.exit_json(**result) if module.params['force']: # has to be poweredoff first set_vm_power_state(pyv.content, vm, 'poweredoff', module.params['force']) result = pyv.remove_vm(vm, module.params['delete_from_inventory']) elif module.params['state'] == 'present': if module.check_mode: result.update( vm_name=vm.name, changed=True, desired_operation='reconfigure_vm', ) module.exit_json(**result) result = pyv.reconfigure_vm() elif module.params['state'] in ['poweredon', 'poweredoff', 'restarted', 'suspended', 'shutdownguest', 'rebootguest']: if module.check_mode: result.update( vm_name=vm.name, changed=True, current_powerstate=vm.summary.runtime.powerState.lower(), desired_operation='set_vm_power_state', ) module.exit_json(**result) # set powerstate tmp_result = set_vm_power_state(pyv.content, vm, module.params['state'], module.params['force'], module.params['state_change_timeout']) if tmp_result['changed']: result["changed"] = True if module.params['state'] in ['poweredon', 'restarted', 'rebootguest'] and module.params['wait_for_ip_address']: wait_result = wait_for_vm_ip(pyv.content, vm, module.params['wait_for_ip_address_timeout']) if not wait_result: module.fail_json(msg='Waiting for IP address timed out') tmp_result['instance'] = wait_result if not tmp_result["failed"]: result["failed"] = False result['instance'] = tmp_result['instance'] if tmp_result["failed"]: result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = tmp_result["msg"] else: # This should not happen raise AssertionError() # VM doesn't exist else: if module.params['state'] in ['poweredon', 'poweredoff', 'present', 'restarted', 'suspended']: if module.check_mode: result.update( changed=True, desired_operation='deploy_vm', ) module.exit_json(**result) result = pyv.deploy_vm() if result['failed']: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to create a virtual machine : %s' % result['msg']) if result['failed']: module.fail_json(**result) else: module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()