.. _filter_plugins: Filter plugins ============== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Filter plugins manipulate data. With the right filter you can extract a particular value, transform data types and formats, perform mathematical calculations, split and concatenate strings, insert dates and times, and do much more. Ansible leverages the :ref:`standard filters ` shipped with Jinja2 and adds some specialized filter plugins. You can :ref:`create custom Ansible filters as plugins `. .. _enabling_filter: Enabling filter plugins ----------------------- You can add a custom filter plugin by dropping it into a ``filter_plugins`` directory adjacent to your play, inside a role, or by putting it in one of the filter plugin directory sources configured in :ref:`ansible.cfg `. .. _using_filter: Using filter plugins -------------------- For information on using filter plugins, see :ref:`playbooks_filters`. .. seealso:: :ref:`about_playbooks` An introduction to playbooks :ref:`inventory_plugins` Inventory plugins :ref:`callback_plugins` Callback plugins :ref:`test_plugins` Test plugins :ref:`lookup_plugins` Lookup plugins `User Mailing List `_ Have a question? Stop by the google group! `irc.libera.chat `_ #ansible IRC chat channel