"""Delegate test execution to another environment.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import re import sys import tempfile from . import types as t from .io import ( make_dirs, ) from .executor import ( SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS, HTTPTESTER_HOSTS, create_shell_command, run_httptester, start_httptester, get_python_interpreter, get_python_version, ) from .config import ( TestConfig, EnvironmentConfig, IntegrationConfig, WindowsIntegrationConfig, NetworkIntegrationConfig, ShellConfig, SanityConfig, UnitsConfig, ) from .core_ci import ( AnsibleCoreCI, ) from .manage_ci import ( ManagePosixCI, ManageWindowsCI, ) from .util import ( ApplicationError, common_environment, display, ANSIBLE_BIN_PATH, ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, ANSIBLE_LIB_ROOT, ANSIBLE_TEST_ROOT, tempdir, ) from .util_common import ( run_command, ResultType, create_interpreter_wrapper, get_docker_completion, get_remote_completion, ) from .docker_util import ( docker_exec, docker_get, docker_pull, docker_put, docker_rm, docker_run, docker_available, docker_network_disconnect, get_docker_networks, ) from .cloud import ( get_cloud_providers, ) from .target import ( IntegrationTarget, ) from .data import ( data_context, ) from .payload import ( create_payload, ) from .venv import ( create_virtual_environment, ) from .ci import ( get_ci_provider, ) def check_delegation_args(args): """ :type args: CommonConfig """ if not isinstance(args, EnvironmentConfig): return if args.docker: get_python_version(args, get_docker_completion(), args.docker_raw) elif args.remote: get_python_version(args, get_remote_completion(), args.remote) def delegate(args, exclude, require, integration_targets): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type exclude: list[str] :type require: list[str] :type integration_targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] :rtype: bool """ if isinstance(args, TestConfig): args.metadata.ci_provider = get_ci_provider().code make_dirs(ResultType.TMP.path) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='metadata-', suffix='.json', dir=ResultType.TMP.path) as metadata_fd: args.metadata_path = os.path.join(ResultType.TMP.relative_path, os.path.basename(metadata_fd.name)) args.metadata.to_file(args.metadata_path) try: return delegate_command(args, exclude, require, integration_targets) finally: args.metadata_path = None else: return delegate_command(args, exclude, require, integration_targets) def delegate_command(args, exclude, require, integration_targets): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type exclude: list[str] :type require: list[str] :type integration_targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] :rtype: bool """ if args.venv: delegate_venv(args, exclude, require, integration_targets) return True if args.docker: delegate_docker(args, exclude, require, integration_targets) return True if args.remote: delegate_remote(args, exclude, require, integration_targets) return True return False def delegate_venv(args, # type: EnvironmentConfig exclude, # type: t.List[str] require, # type: t.List[str] integration_targets, # type: t.Tuple[IntegrationTarget, ...] ): # type: (...) -> None """Delegate ansible-test execution to a virtual environment using venv or virtualenv.""" if args.python: versions = (args.python_version,) else: versions = SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS if args.httptester: needs_httptester = sorted(target.name for target in integration_targets if 'needs/httptester/' in target.aliases) if needs_httptester: display.warning('Use --docker or --remote to enable httptester for tests marked "needs/httptester": %s' % ', '.join(needs_httptester)) if args.venv_system_site_packages: suffix = '-ssp' else: suffix = '' venvs = dict((version, os.path.join(ResultType.TMP.path, 'delegation', 'python%s%s' % (version, suffix))) for version in versions) venvs = dict((version, path) for version, path in venvs.items() if create_virtual_environment(args, version, path, args.venv_system_site_packages)) if not venvs: raise ApplicationError('No usable virtual environment support found.') options = { '--venv': 0, '--venv-system-site-packages': 0, } with tempdir() as inject_path: for version, path in venvs.items(): create_interpreter_wrapper(os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'python'), os.path.join(inject_path, 'python%s' % version)) python_interpreter = os.path.join(inject_path, 'python%s' % args.python_version) cmd = generate_command(args, python_interpreter, ANSIBLE_BIN_PATH, data_context().content.root, options, exclude, require) if isinstance(args, TestConfig): if args.coverage and not args.coverage_label: cmd += ['--coverage-label', 'venv'] env = common_environment() with tempdir() as library_path: # expose ansible and ansible_test to the virtual environment (only required when running from an install) os.symlink(ANSIBLE_LIB_ROOT, os.path.join(library_path, 'ansible')) os.symlink(ANSIBLE_TEST_ROOT, os.path.join(library_path, 'ansible_test')) env.update( PATH=inject_path + os.path.pathsep + env['PATH'], PYTHONPATH=library_path, ) run_command(args, cmd, env=env) def delegate_docker(args, exclude, require, integration_targets): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type exclude: list[str] :type require: list[str] :type integration_targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] """ test_image = args.docker privileged = args.docker_privileged if isinstance(args, ShellConfig): use_httptester = args.httptester else: use_httptester = args.httptester and any('needs/httptester/' in target.aliases for target in integration_targets) if use_httptester: docker_pull(args, args.httptester) docker_pull(args, test_image) httptester_id = None test_id = None success = False options = { '--docker': 1, '--docker-privileged': 0, '--docker-util': 1, } python_interpreter = get_python_interpreter(args, get_docker_completion(), args.docker_raw) pwd = '/root' ansible_root = os.path.join(pwd, 'ansible') if data_context().content.collection: content_root = os.path.join(pwd, data_context().content.collection.directory) else: content_root = ansible_root remote_results_root = os.path.join(content_root, data_context().content.results_path) cmd = generate_command(args, python_interpreter, os.path.join(ansible_root, 'bin'), content_root, options, exclude, require) if isinstance(args, TestConfig): if args.coverage and not args.coverage_label: image_label = args.docker_raw image_label = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '-', image_label) cmd += ['--coverage-label', 'docker-%s' % image_label] if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig): if not args.allow_destructive: cmd.append('--allow-destructive') cmd_options = [] if isinstance(args, ShellConfig) or (isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig) and args.debug_strategy): cmd_options.append('-it') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='ansible-source-', suffix='.tgz') as local_source_fd: try: create_payload(args, local_source_fd.name) if use_httptester: httptester_id = run_httptester(args) else: httptester_id = None test_options = [ '--detach', '--volume', '/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro', '--privileged=%s' % str(privileged).lower(), ] if args.docker_memory: test_options.extend([ '--memory=%d' % args.docker_memory, '--memory-swap=%d' % args.docker_memory, ]) docker_socket = '/var/run/docker.sock' if args.docker_seccomp != 'default': test_options += ['--security-opt', 'seccomp=%s' % args.docker_seccomp] if os.path.exists(docker_socket): test_options += ['--volume', '%s:%s' % (docker_socket, docker_socket)] if httptester_id: test_options += ['--env', 'HTTPTESTER=1'] for host in HTTPTESTER_HOSTS: test_options += ['--link', '%s:%s' % (httptester_id, host)] if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig): cloud_platforms = get_cloud_providers(args) for cloud_platform in cloud_platforms: test_options += cloud_platform.get_docker_run_options() test_id = docker_run(args, test_image, options=test_options)[0] if args.explain: test_id = 'test_id' else: test_id = test_id.strip() # write temporary files to /root since /tmp isn't ready immediately on container start docker_put(args, test_id, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'setup', 'docker.sh'), '/root/docker.sh') docker_exec(args, test_id, ['/bin/bash', '/root/docker.sh']) docker_put(args, test_id, local_source_fd.name, '/root/test.tgz') docker_exec(args, test_id, ['tar', 'oxzf', '/root/test.tgz', '-C', '/root']) # docker images are only expected to have a single python version available if isinstance(args, UnitsConfig) and not args.python: cmd += ['--python', 'default'] # run unit tests unprivileged to prevent stray writes to the source tree # also disconnect from the network once requirements have been installed if isinstance(args, UnitsConfig): writable_dirs = [ os.path.join(content_root, ResultType.JUNIT.relative_path), os.path.join(content_root, ResultType.COVERAGE.relative_path), ] docker_exec(args, test_id, ['mkdir', '-p'] + writable_dirs) docker_exec(args, test_id, ['chmod', '777'] + writable_dirs) docker_exec(args, test_id, ['chmod', '755', '/root']) docker_exec(args, test_id, ['chmod', '644', os.path.join(content_root, args.metadata_path)]) docker_exec(args, test_id, ['useradd', 'pytest', '--create-home']) docker_exec(args, test_id, cmd + ['--requirements-mode', 'only'], options=cmd_options) networks = get_docker_networks(args, test_id) if networks is not None: for network in networks: docker_network_disconnect(args, test_id, network) else: display.warning('Network disconnection is not supported (this is normal under podman). ' 'Tests will not be isolated from the network. Network-related tests may misbehave.') cmd += ['--requirements-mode', 'skip'] cmd_options += ['--user', 'pytest'] try: docker_exec(args, test_id, cmd, options=cmd_options) # docker_exec will throw SubprocessError if not successful # If we make it here, all the prep work earlier and the docker_exec line above were all successful. success = True finally: local_test_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(data_context().content.root, data_context().content.results_path)) remote_test_root = os.path.dirname(remote_results_root) remote_results_name = os.path.basename(remote_results_root) remote_temp_file = os.path.join('/root', remote_results_name + '.tgz') make_dirs(local_test_root) # make sure directory exists for collections which have no tests with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='ansible-result-', suffix='.tgz') as local_result_fd: docker_exec(args, test_id, ['tar', 'czf', remote_temp_file, '--exclude', ResultType.TMP.name, '-C', remote_test_root, remote_results_name]) docker_get(args, test_id, remote_temp_file, local_result_fd.name) run_command(args, ['tar', 'oxzf', local_result_fd.name, '-C', local_test_root]) finally: if httptester_id: docker_rm(args, httptester_id) if test_id: if args.docker_terminate == 'always' or (args.docker_terminate == 'success' and success): docker_rm(args, test_id) def delegate_remote(args, exclude, require, integration_targets): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type exclude: list[str] :type require: list[str] :type integration_targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] """ remote = args.parsed_remote core_ci = AnsibleCoreCI(args, remote.platform, remote.version, stage=args.remote_stage, provider=args.remote_provider, arch=remote.arch) success = False raw = False if isinstance(args, ShellConfig): use_httptester = args.httptester raw = args.raw else: use_httptester = args.httptester and any('needs/httptester/' in target.aliases for target in integration_targets) if use_httptester and not docker_available(): display.warning('Assuming --disable-httptester since `docker` is not available.') use_httptester = False httptester_id = None ssh_options = [] content_root = None try: core_ci.start() if use_httptester: httptester_id, ssh_options = start_httptester(args) core_ci.wait() python_version = get_python_version(args, get_remote_completion(), args.remote) if remote.platform == 'windows': # Windows doesn't need the ansible-test fluff, just run the SSH command manage = ManageWindowsCI(core_ci) manage.setup(python_version) cmd = ['powershell.exe'] elif raw: manage = ManagePosixCI(core_ci) manage.setup(python_version) cmd = create_shell_command(['bash']) else: manage = ManagePosixCI(core_ci) pwd = manage.setup(python_version) options = { '--remote': 1, } python_interpreter = get_python_interpreter(args, get_remote_completion(), args.remote) ansible_root = os.path.join(pwd, 'ansible') if data_context().content.collection: content_root = os.path.join(pwd, data_context().content.collection.directory) else: content_root = ansible_root cmd = generate_command(args, python_interpreter, os.path.join(ansible_root, 'bin'), content_root, options, exclude, require) if httptester_id: cmd += ['--inject-httptester'] if isinstance(args, TestConfig): if args.coverage and not args.coverage_label: cmd += ['--coverage-label', 'remote-%s-%s' % (remote.platform, remote.version)] if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig): if not args.allow_destructive: cmd.append('--allow-destructive') # remote instances are only expected to have a single python version available if isinstance(args, UnitsConfig) and not args.python: cmd += ['--python', 'default'] if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig): cloud_platforms = get_cloud_providers(args) for cloud_platform in cloud_platforms: ssh_options += cloud_platform.get_remote_ssh_options() try: manage.ssh(cmd, ssh_options) success = True finally: download = False if remote.platform != 'windows': download = True if isinstance(args, ShellConfig): if args.raw: download = False if download and content_root: local_test_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(data_context().content.root, data_context().content.results_path)) remote_results_root = os.path.join(content_root, data_context().content.results_path) remote_results_name = os.path.basename(remote_results_root) remote_temp_path = os.path.join('/tmp', remote_results_name) # AIX cp and GNU cp provide different options, no way could be found to have a common # pattern and achieve the same goal cp_opts = '-hr' if remote.platform in ['aix', 'ibmi'] else '-a' manage.ssh('rm -rf {0} && mkdir {0} && cp {1} {2}/* {0}/ && chmod -R a+r {0}'.format(remote_temp_path, cp_opts, remote_results_root)) manage.download(remote_temp_path, local_test_root) finally: if args.remote_terminate == 'always' or (args.remote_terminate == 'success' and success): core_ci.stop() if httptester_id: docker_rm(args, httptester_id) def generate_command(args, python_interpreter, ansible_bin_path, content_root, options, exclude, require): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type python_interpreter: str | None :type ansible_bin_path: str :type content_root: str :type options: dict[str, int] :type exclude: list[str] :type require: list[str] :rtype: list[str] """ options['--color'] = 1 cmd = [os.path.join(ansible_bin_path, 'ansible-test')] if python_interpreter: cmd = [python_interpreter] + cmd # Force the encoding used during delegation. # This is only needed because ansible-test relies on Python's file system encoding. # Environments that do not have the locale configured are thus unable to work with unicode file paths. # Examples include FreeBSD and some Linux containers. env_vars = dict( LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8', ANSIBLE_TEST_CONTENT_ROOT=content_root, ) env_args = ['%s=%s' % (key, env_vars[key]) for key in sorted(env_vars)] cmd = ['/usr/bin/env'] + env_args + cmd cmd += list(filter_options(args, sys.argv[1:], options, exclude, require)) cmd += ['--color', 'yes' if args.color else 'no'] if args.requirements: cmd += ['--requirements'] if isinstance(args, ShellConfig): cmd = create_shell_command(cmd) elif isinstance(args, SanityConfig): base_branch = args.base_branch or get_ci_provider().get_base_branch() if base_branch: cmd += ['--base-branch', base_branch] return cmd def filter_options(args, argv, options, exclude, require): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type argv: list[str] :type options: dict[str, int] :type exclude: list[str] :type require: list[str] :rtype: collections.Iterable[str] """ options = options.copy() options['--requirements'] = 0 options['--truncate'] = 1 options['--redact'] = 0 options['--no-redact'] = 0 if isinstance(args, TestConfig): options.update({ '--changed': 0, '--tracked': 0, '--untracked': 0, '--ignore-committed': 0, '--ignore-staged': 0, '--ignore-unstaged': 0, '--changed-from': 1, '--changed-path': 1, '--metadata': 1, '--exclude': 1, '--require': 1, }) elif isinstance(args, SanityConfig): options.update({ '--base-branch': 1, }) if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig): options.update({ '--no-temp-unicode': 0, '--no-pip-check': 0, }) if isinstance(args, (NetworkIntegrationConfig, WindowsIntegrationConfig)): options.update({ '--inventory': 1, }) remaining = 0 for arg in argv: if not arg.startswith('-') and remaining: remaining -= 1 continue remaining = 0 parts = arg.split('=', 1) key = parts[0] if key in options: remaining = options[key] - len(parts) + 1 continue yield arg for arg in args.delegate_args: yield arg for target in exclude: yield '--exclude' yield target for target in require: yield '--require' yield target if isinstance(args, TestConfig): if args.metadata_path: yield '--metadata' yield args.metadata_path yield '--truncate' yield '%d' % args.truncate if args.redact: yield '--redact' else: yield '--no-redact' if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig): if args.no_temp_unicode: yield '--no-temp-unicode' if not args.pip_check: yield '--no-pip-check'