Sanity Tests ยป no-illegal-filenames =================================== Files and directories should not contain illegal characters or names so that Ansible can be checked out on any Operating System. Illegal Characters ------------------ The following characters are not allowed to be used in any part of the file or directory name; * ``<`` * ``>`` * ``:`` * ``"`` * ``/`` * ``\`` * ``|`` * ``?`` * ``*`` * Any characters whose integer representations are in the range from 0 through to 31 like ``\n`` The following characters are not allowed to be used as the last character of a file or directory; * ``.`` * ``" "`` (just the space character) Illegal Names ------------- The following names are not allowed to be used as the name of a file or directory excluding the extension; * ``CON`` * ``PRN`` * ``AUX`` * ``NUL`` * ``COM1`` * ``COM2`` * ``COM3`` * ``COM4`` * ``COM5`` * ``COM6`` * ``COM7`` * ``COM8`` * ``COM9`` * ``LPT1`` * ``LPT2`` * ``LPT3`` * ``LPT4`` * ``LPT5`` * ``LPT6`` * ``LPT7`` * ``LPT8`` * ``LPT9`` For example, the file ``folder/COM1``, ``folder/COM1.txt`` are illegal but ``folder/COM1-file`` or ``folder/COM1-file.txt`` is allowed.