"""Configuration for the test hosts requested by the user.""" from __future__ import annotations import abc import dataclasses import enum import os import pickle import sys import typing as t from .constants import ( SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS, ) from .io import ( open_binary_file, ) from .completion import ( CompletionConfig, docker_completion, DockerCompletionConfig, InventoryCompletionConfig, network_completion, NetworkRemoteCompletionConfig, PosixCompletionConfig, PosixRemoteCompletionConfig, PosixSshCompletionConfig, remote_completion, RemoteCompletionConfig, windows_completion, WindowsRemoteCompletionConfig, filter_completion, ) from .util import ( find_python, get_available_python_versions, str_to_version, version_to_str, Architecture, ) @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class OriginCompletionConfig(PosixCompletionConfig): """Pseudo completion config for the origin.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='origin') @property def supported_pythons(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of the supported Python versions.""" current_version = version_to_str(sys.version_info[:2]) versions = [version for version in SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS if version == current_version] + \ [version for version in SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS if version != current_version] return versions def get_python_path(self, version: str) -> str: """Return the path of the requested Python version.""" version = find_python(version) return version @property def is_default(self): """True if the completion entry is only used for defaults, otherwise False.""" return False @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class HostContext: """Context used when getting and applying defaults for host configurations.""" controller_config: t.Optional['PosixConfig'] @property def controller(self) -> bool: """True if the context is for the controller, otherwise False.""" return not self.controller_config @dataclasses.dataclass class HostConfig(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for host configuration.""" @abc.abstractmethod def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> CompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" @abc.abstractmethod def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: CompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" @property def is_managed(self) -> bool: """ True if the host is a managed instance, otherwise False. Managed instances are used exclusively by ansible-test and can safely have destructive operations performed without explicit permission from the user. """ return False @dataclasses.dataclass class PythonConfig(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Configuration for Python.""" version: t.Optional[str] = None path: t.Optional[str] = None @property def tuple(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Return the Python version as a tuple.""" return str_to_version(self.version) @property def major_version(self) -> int: """Return the Python major version.""" return self.tuple[0] def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: PosixCompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" if self.version in (None, 'default'): self.version = defaults.get_default_python(context.controller) if self.path: if self.path.endswith('/'): self.path = os.path.join(self.path, f'python{self.version}') # FUTURE: If the host is origin, the python path could be validated here. else: self.path = defaults.get_python_path(self.version) @property @abc.abstractmethod def is_managed(self) -> bool: """ True if this Python is a managed instance, otherwise False. Managed instances are used exclusively by ansible-test and can safely have requirements installed without explicit permission from the user. """ @dataclasses.dataclass class NativePythonConfig(PythonConfig): """Configuration for native Python.""" @property def is_managed(self) -> bool: """ True if this Python is a managed instance, otherwise False. Managed instances are used exclusively by ansible-test and can safely have requirements installed without explicit permission from the user. """ return False @dataclasses.dataclass class VirtualPythonConfig(PythonConfig): """Configuration for Python in a virtual environment.""" system_site_packages: t.Optional[bool] = None def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: PosixCompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" super().apply_defaults(context, defaults) if self.system_site_packages is None: self.system_site_packages = False @property def is_managed(self) -> bool: """ True if this Python is a managed instance, otherwise False. Managed instances are used exclusively by ansible-test and can safely have requirements installed without explicit permission from the user. """ return True @dataclasses.dataclass class PosixConfig(HostConfig, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for POSIX host configuration.""" python: t.Optional[PythonConfig] = None @property @abc.abstractmethod def have_root(self) -> bool: """True if root is available, otherwise False.""" @abc.abstractmethod def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> PosixCompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: CompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" assert isinstance(defaults, PosixCompletionConfig) super().apply_defaults(context, defaults) self.python = self.python or NativePythonConfig() self.python.apply_defaults(context, defaults) @dataclasses.dataclass class ControllerHostConfig(PosixConfig, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for host configurations which support the controller.""" @abc.abstractmethod def get_default_targets(self, context: HostContext) -> list[ControllerConfig]: """Return the default targets for this host config.""" @dataclasses.dataclass class RemoteConfig(HostConfig, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for remote host configuration.""" name: t.Optional[str] = None provider: t.Optional[str] = None arch: t.Optional[str] = None @property def platform(self) -> str: """The name of the platform.""" return self.name.partition('/')[0] @property def version(self) -> str: """The version of the platform.""" return self.name.partition('/')[2] def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: CompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" assert isinstance(defaults, RemoteCompletionConfig) super().apply_defaults(context, defaults) if self.provider == 'default': self.provider = None self.provider = self.provider or defaults.provider or 'aws' self.arch = self.arch or defaults.arch or Architecture.X86_64 @property def is_managed(self) -> bool: """ True if this host is a managed instance, otherwise False. Managed instances are used exclusively by ansible-test and can safely have destructive operations performed without explicit permission from the user. """ return True @dataclasses.dataclass class PosixSshConfig(PosixConfig): """Configuration for a POSIX SSH host.""" user: t.Optional[str] = None host: t.Optional[str] = None port: t.Optional[int] = None def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> PosixSshCompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" return PosixSshCompletionConfig( user=self.user, host=self.host, ) @property def have_root(self) -> bool: """True if root is available, otherwise False.""" return self.user == 'root' @dataclasses.dataclass class InventoryConfig(HostConfig): """Configuration using inventory.""" path: t.Optional[str] = None def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> InventoryCompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" return InventoryCompletionConfig() def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: CompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" assert isinstance(defaults, InventoryCompletionConfig) @dataclasses.dataclass class DockerConfig(ControllerHostConfig, PosixConfig): """Configuration for a docker host.""" name: t.Optional[str] = None image: t.Optional[str] = None memory: t.Optional[int] = None privileged: t.Optional[bool] = None seccomp: t.Optional[str] = None def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> DockerCompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" return filter_completion(docker_completion()).get(self.name) or DockerCompletionConfig( name=self.name, image=self.name, placeholder=True, ) def get_default_targets(self, context: HostContext) -> list[ControllerConfig]: """Return the default targets for this host config.""" if self.name in filter_completion(docker_completion()): defaults = self.get_defaults(context) pythons = {version: defaults.get_python_path(version) for version in defaults.supported_pythons} else: pythons = {context.controller_config.python.version: context.controller_config.python.path} return [ControllerConfig(python=NativePythonConfig(version=version, path=path)) for version, path in pythons.items()] def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: CompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" assert isinstance(defaults, DockerCompletionConfig) super().apply_defaults(context, defaults) self.name = defaults.name self.image = defaults.image if self.seccomp is None: self.seccomp = defaults.seccomp if self.privileged is None: self.privileged = False @property def is_managed(self) -> bool: """ True if this host is a managed instance, otherwise False. Managed instances are used exclusively by ansible-test and can safely have destructive operations performed without explicit permission from the user. """ return True @property def have_root(self) -> bool: """True if root is available, otherwise False.""" return True @dataclasses.dataclass class PosixRemoteConfig(RemoteConfig, ControllerHostConfig, PosixConfig): """Configuration for a POSIX remote host.""" become: t.Optional[str] = None def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> PosixRemoteCompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg # see: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/7434 return filter_completion(remote_completion()).get(self.name) or remote_completion().get(self.platform) or PosixRemoteCompletionConfig( name=self.name, placeholder=True, ) def get_default_targets(self, context: HostContext) -> list[ControllerConfig]: """Return the default targets for this host config.""" if self.name in filter_completion(remote_completion()): defaults = self.get_defaults(context) pythons = {version: defaults.get_python_path(version) for version in defaults.supported_pythons} else: pythons = {context.controller_config.python.version: context.controller_config.python.path} return [ControllerConfig(python=NativePythonConfig(version=version, path=path)) for version, path in pythons.items()] def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: CompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" assert isinstance(defaults, PosixRemoteCompletionConfig) super().apply_defaults(context, defaults) self.become = self.become or defaults.become @property def have_root(self) -> bool: """True if root is available, otherwise False.""" return True @dataclasses.dataclass class WindowsConfig(HostConfig, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for Windows host configuration.""" @dataclasses.dataclass class WindowsRemoteConfig(RemoteConfig, WindowsConfig): """Configuration for a remote Windows host.""" def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> WindowsRemoteCompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" return filter_completion(windows_completion()).get(self.name) or windows_completion().get(self.platform) @dataclasses.dataclass class WindowsInventoryConfig(InventoryConfig, WindowsConfig): """Configuration for Windows hosts using inventory.""" @dataclasses.dataclass class NetworkConfig(HostConfig, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for network host configuration.""" @dataclasses.dataclass class NetworkRemoteConfig(RemoteConfig, NetworkConfig): """Configuration for a remote network host.""" collection: t.Optional[str] = None connection: t.Optional[str] = None def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> NetworkRemoteCompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" return filter_completion(network_completion()).get(self.name) or NetworkRemoteCompletionConfig( name=self.name, placeholder=True, ) def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: CompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" assert isinstance(defaults, NetworkRemoteCompletionConfig) super().apply_defaults(context, defaults) self.collection = self.collection or defaults.collection self.connection = self.connection or defaults.connection @dataclasses.dataclass class NetworkInventoryConfig(InventoryConfig, NetworkConfig): """Configuration for network hosts using inventory.""" @dataclasses.dataclass class OriginConfig(ControllerHostConfig, PosixConfig): """Configuration for the origin host.""" def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> OriginCompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" return OriginCompletionConfig() def get_default_targets(self, context: HostContext) -> list[ControllerConfig]: """Return the default targets for this host config.""" return [ControllerConfig(python=NativePythonConfig(version=version, path=path)) for version, path in get_available_python_versions().items()] @property def have_root(self) -> bool: """True if root is available, otherwise False.""" return os.getuid() == 0 @dataclasses.dataclass class ControllerConfig(PosixConfig): """Configuration for the controller host.""" controller: t.Optional[PosixConfig] = None def get_defaults(self, context: HostContext) -> PosixCompletionConfig: """Return the default settings.""" return context.controller_config.get_defaults(context) def apply_defaults(self, context: HostContext, defaults: CompletionConfig) -> None: """Apply default settings.""" assert isinstance(defaults, PosixCompletionConfig) self.controller = context.controller_config if not self.python and not defaults.supported_pythons: # The user did not specify a target Python and supported Pythons are unknown, so use the controller Python specified by the user instead. self.python = context.controller_config.python super().apply_defaults(context, defaults) @property def is_managed(self) -> bool: """ True if the host is a managed instance, otherwise False. Managed instances are used exclusively by ansible-test and can safely have destructive operations performed without explicit permission from the user. """ return self.controller.is_managed @property def have_root(self) -> bool: """True if root is available, otherwise False.""" return self.controller.have_root class FallbackReason(enum.Enum): """Reason fallback was performed.""" ENVIRONMENT = enum.auto() PYTHON = enum.auto() @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class FallbackDetail: """Details about controller fallback behavior.""" reason: FallbackReason message: str @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class HostSettings: """Host settings for the controller and targets.""" controller: ControllerHostConfig targets: list[HostConfig] skipped_python_versions: list[str] filtered_args: list[str] controller_fallback: t.Optional[FallbackDetail] def serialize(self, path: str) -> None: """Serialize the host settings to the given path.""" with open_binary_file(path, 'wb') as settings_file: pickle.dump(self, settings_file) @staticmethod def deserialize(path: str) -> HostSettings: """Deserialize host settings from the path.""" with open_binary_file(path) as settings_file: return pickle.load(settings_file) def apply_defaults(self): """Apply defaults to the host settings.""" context = HostContext(controller_config=None) self.controller.apply_defaults(context, self.controller.get_defaults(context)) for target in self.targets: context = HostContext(controller_config=self.controller) target.apply_defaults(context, target.get_defaults(context))