# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2015 Cristian van Ee # Copyright 2015 Igor Gnatenko # Copyright 2018 Adam Miller # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import annotations DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: dnf version_added: 1.9 short_description: Manages packages with the I(dnf) package manager description: - Installs, upgrade, removes, and lists packages and groups with the I(dnf) package manager. options: use_backend: description: - By default, this module will select the backend based on the C(ansible_pkg_mgr) fact. default: "auto" choices: [ auto, yum, yum4, dnf4, dnf5 ] type: str version_added: 2.15 name: description: - "A package name or package specifier with version, like C(name-1.0). When using state=latest, this can be '*' which means run: dnf -y update. You can also pass a url or a local path to an rpm file. To operate on several packages this can accept a comma separated string of packages or a list of packages." - Comparison operators for package version are valid here C(>), C(<), C(>=), C(<=). Example - C(name >= 1.0). Spaces around the operator are required. - You can also pass an absolute path for a binary which is provided by the package to install. See examples for more information. aliases: - pkg type: list elements: str default: [] list: description: - Various (non-idempotent) commands for usage with C(/usr/bin/ansible) and I(not) playbooks. Use M(ansible.builtin.package_facts) instead of the O(list) argument as a best practice. type: str state: description: - Whether to install (V(present), V(latest)), or remove (V(absent)) a package. - Default is V(None), however in effect the default action is V(present) unless the O(autoremove) option is enabled for this module, then V(absent) is inferred. choices: ['absent', 'present', 'installed', 'removed', 'latest'] type: str enablerepo: description: - I(Repoid) of repositories to enable for the install/update operation. These repos will not persist beyond the transaction. When specifying multiple repos, separate them with a ",". type: list elements: str default: [] disablerepo: description: - I(Repoid) of repositories to disable for the install/update operation. These repos will not persist beyond the transaction. When specifying multiple repos, separate them with a ",". type: list elements: str default: [] conf_file: description: - The remote dnf configuration file to use for the transaction. type: str disable_gpg_check: description: - Whether to disable the GPG checking of signatures of packages being installed. Has an effect only if O(state) is V(present) or V(latest). - This setting affects packages installed from a repository as well as "local" packages installed from the filesystem or a URL. type: bool default: 'no' installroot: description: - Specifies an alternative installroot, relative to which all packages will be installed. version_added: "2.3" default: "/" type: str releasever: description: - Specifies an alternative release from which all packages will be installed. version_added: "2.6" type: str autoremove: description: - If V(true), removes all "leaf" packages from the system that were originally installed as dependencies of user-installed packages but which are no longer required by any such package. Should be used alone or when O(state) is V(absent) type: bool default: "no" version_added: "2.4" exclude: description: - Package name(s) to exclude when state=present, or latest. This can be a list or a comma separated string. version_added: "2.7" type: list elements: str default: [] skip_broken: description: - Skip all unavailable packages or packages with broken dependencies without raising an error. Equivalent to passing the --skip-broken option. type: bool default: "no" version_added: "2.7" update_cache: description: - Force dnf to check if cache is out of date and redownload if needed. Has an effect only if O(state) is V(present) or V(latest). type: bool default: "no" aliases: [ expire-cache ] version_added: "2.7" update_only: description: - When using latest, only update installed packages. Do not install packages. - Has an effect only if O(state) is V(latest) default: "no" type: bool version_added: "2.7" security: description: - If set to V(true), and O(state=latest) then only installs updates that have been marked security related. - Note that, similar to C(dnf upgrade-minimal), this filter applies to dependencies as well. type: bool default: "no" version_added: "2.7" bugfix: description: - If set to V(true), and O(state=latest) then only installs updates that have been marked bugfix related. - Note that, similar to C(dnf upgrade-minimal), this filter applies to dependencies as well. default: "no" type: bool version_added: "2.7" enable_plugin: description: - I(Plugin) name to enable for the install/update operation. The enabled plugin will not persist beyond the transaction. version_added: "2.7" type: list elements: str default: [] disable_plugin: description: - I(Plugin) name to disable for the install/update operation. The disabled plugins will not persist beyond the transaction. version_added: "2.7" type: list default: [] elements: str disable_excludes: description: - Disable the excludes defined in DNF config files. - If set to V(all), disables all excludes. - If set to V(main), disable excludes defined in [main] in dnf.conf. - If set to V(repoid), disable excludes defined for given repo id. version_added: "2.7" type: str validate_certs: description: - This only applies if using a https url as the source of the rpm. e.g. for localinstall. If set to V(false), the SSL certificates will not be validated. - This should only set to V(false) used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates as it avoids verifying the source site. type: bool default: "yes" version_added: "2.7" sslverify: description: - Disables SSL validation of the repository server for this transaction. - This should be set to V(false) if one of the configured repositories is using an untrusted or self-signed certificate. type: bool default: "yes" version_added: "2.13" allow_downgrade: description: - Specify if the named package and version is allowed to downgrade a maybe already installed higher version of that package. Note that setting allow_downgrade=True can make this module behave in a non-idempotent way. The task could end up with a set of packages that does not match the complete list of specified packages to install (because dependencies between the downgraded package and others can cause changes to the packages which were in the earlier transaction). type: bool default: "no" version_added: "2.7" install_repoquery: description: - This is effectively a no-op in DNF as it is not needed with DNF. - This option is deprecated and will be removed in ansible-core 2.20. type: bool default: "yes" version_added: "2.7" download_only: description: - Only download the packages, do not install them. default: "no" type: bool version_added: "2.7" lock_timeout: description: - Amount of time to wait for the dnf lockfile to be freed. required: false default: 30 type: int version_added: "2.8" install_weak_deps: description: - Will also install all packages linked by a weak dependency relation. type: bool default: "yes" version_added: "2.8" download_dir: description: - Specifies an alternate directory to store packages. - Has an effect only if O(download_only) is specified. type: str version_added: "2.8" allowerasing: description: - If V(true) it allows erasing of installed packages to resolve dependencies. required: false type: bool default: "no" version_added: "2.10" nobest: description: - This is the opposite of the O(best) option kept for backwards compatibility. - Since ansible-core 2.17 the default value is set by the operating system distribution. required: false type: bool version_added: "2.11" best: description: - When set to V(true), either use a package with the highest version available or fail. - When set to V(false), if the latest version cannot be installed go with the lower version. - Default is set by the operating system distribution. required: false type: bool version_added: "2.17" cacheonly: description: - Tells dnf to run entirely from system cache; does not download or update metadata. type: bool default: "no" version_added: "2.12" extends_documentation_fragment: - action_common_attributes - action_common_attributes.flow attributes: action: details: dnf has 2 action plugins that use it under the hood, M(ansible.builtin.dnf) and M(ansible.builtin.package). support: partial async: support: none bypass_host_loop: support: none check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: full platform: platforms: rhel notes: - When used with a C(loop:) each package will be processed individually, it is much more efficient to pass the list directly to the I(name) option. - Group removal doesn't work if the group was installed with Ansible because upstream dnf's API doesn't properly mark groups as installed, therefore upon removal the module is unable to detect that the group is installed (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1620324) requirements: - python3-dnf - for the autoremove option you need dnf >= 2.0.1" author: - Igor Gnatenko (@ignatenkobrain) - Cristian van Ee (@DJMuggs) - Berend De Schouwer (@berenddeschouwer) - Adam Miller (@maxamillion) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Install the latest version of Apache ansible.builtin.dnf: name: httpd state: latest - name: Install Apache >= 2.4 ansible.builtin.dnf: name: httpd >= 2.4 state: present - name: Install the latest version of Apache and MariaDB ansible.builtin.dnf: name: - httpd - mariadb-server state: latest - name: Remove the Apache package ansible.builtin.dnf: name: httpd state: absent - name: Install the latest version of Apache from the testing repo ansible.builtin.dnf: name: httpd enablerepo: testing state: present - name: Upgrade all packages ansible.builtin.dnf: name: "*" state: latest - name: Update the webserver, depending on which is installed on the system. Do not install the other one ansible.builtin.dnf: name: - httpd - nginx state: latest update_only: yes - name: Install the nginx rpm from a remote repo ansible.builtin.dnf: name: 'http://nginx.org/packages/centos/6/noarch/RPMS/nginx-release-centos-6-0.el6.ngx.noarch.rpm' state: present - name: Install nginx rpm from a local file ansible.builtin.dnf: name: /usr/local/src/nginx-release-centos-6-0.el6.ngx.noarch.rpm state: present - name: Install Package based upon the file it provides ansible.builtin.dnf: name: /usr/bin/cowsay state: present - name: Install the 'Development tools' package group ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '@Development tools' state: present - name: Autoremove unneeded packages installed as dependencies ansible.builtin.dnf: autoremove: yes - name: Uninstall httpd but keep its dependencies ansible.builtin.dnf: name: httpd state: absent autoremove: no - name: Install a modularity appstream with defined stream and profile ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '@postgresql:9.6/client' state: present - name: Install a modularity appstream with defined stream ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '@postgresql:9.6' state: present - name: Install a modularity appstream with defined profile ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '@postgresql/client' state: present ''' import os import sys from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_file from ansible.module_utils.compat.version import LooseVersion from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.common.locale import get_best_parsable_locale from ansible.module_utils.common.respawn import has_respawned, probe_interpreters_for_module, respawn_module from ansible.module_utils.yumdnf import YumDnf, yumdnf_argument_spec # NOTE dnf Python bindings import is postponed, see DnfModule._ensure_dnf(), # because we need AnsibleModule object to use get_best_parsable_locale() # to set proper locale before importing dnf to be able to scrape # the output in some cases (FIXME?). dnf = None class DnfModule(YumDnf): """ DNF Ansible module back-end implementation """ def __init__(self, module): # This populates instance vars for all argument spec params super(DnfModule, self).__init__(module) self._ensure_dnf() self.pkg_mgr_name = "dnf" try: self.with_modules = dnf.base.WITH_MODULES except AttributeError: self.with_modules = False def _sanitize_dnf_error_msg_install(self, spec, error): """ For unhandled dnf.exceptions.Error scenarios, there are certain error messages we want to filter in an install scenario. Do that here. """ if ( to_text("no package matched") in to_text(error) or to_text("No match for argument:") in to_text(error) ): return "No package {0} available.".format(spec) return error def _sanitize_dnf_error_msg_remove(self, spec, error): """ For unhandled dnf.exceptions.Error scenarios, there are certain error messages we want to ignore in a removal scenario as known benign failures. Do that here. """ if ( 'no package matched' in to_native(error) or 'No match for argument:' in to_native(error) ): return (False, "{0} is not installed".format(spec)) # Return value is tuple of: # ("Is this actually a failure?", "Error Message") return (True, error) def _package_dict(self, package): """Return a dictionary of information for the package.""" # NOTE: This no longer contains the 'dnfstate' field because it is # already known based on the query type. result = { 'name': package.name, 'arch': package.arch, 'epoch': str(package.epoch), 'release': package.release, 'version': package.version, 'repo': package.repoid} # envra format for backwards compat result['envra'] = '{epoch}:{name}-{version}-{release}.{arch}'.format(**result) # keep nevra key for backwards compat as it was previously # defined with a value in envra format result['nevra'] = result['envra'] if package.installtime == 0: result['yumstate'] = 'available' else: result['yumstate'] = 'installed' return result def _ensure_dnf(self): locale = get_best_parsable_locale(self.module) os.environ['LC_ALL'] = os.environ['LC_MESSAGES'] = locale os.environ['LANGUAGE'] = os.environ['LANG'] = locale global dnf try: import dnf import dnf.const import dnf.exceptions import dnf.package import dnf.subject import dnf.util HAS_DNF = True except ImportError: HAS_DNF = False if HAS_DNF: return system_interpreters = ['/usr/libexec/platform-python', '/usr/bin/python3', '/usr/bin/python'] if not has_respawned(): # probe well-known system Python locations for accessible bindings, favoring py3 interpreter = probe_interpreters_for_module(system_interpreters, 'dnf') if interpreter: # respawn under the interpreter where the bindings should be found respawn_module(interpreter) # end of the line for this module, the process will exit here once the respawned module completes # done all we can do, something is just broken (auto-install isn't useful anymore with respawn, so it was removed) self.module.fail_json( msg="Could not import the dnf python module using {0} ({1}). " "Please install `python3-dnf` package or ensure you have specified the " "correct ansible_python_interpreter. (attempted {2})" .format(sys.executable, sys.version.replace('\n', ''), system_interpreters), results=[] ) def _configure_base(self, base, conf_file, disable_gpg_check, installroot='/', sslverify=True): """Configure the dnf Base object.""" conf = base.conf # Change the configuration file path if provided, this must be done before conf.read() is called if conf_file: # Fail if we can't read the configuration file. if not os.access(conf_file, os.R_OK): self.module.fail_json( msg="cannot read configuration file", conf_file=conf_file, results=[], ) else: conf.config_file_path = conf_file # Read the configuration file conf.read() # Turn off debug messages in the output conf.debuglevel = 0 # Set whether to check gpg signatures conf.gpgcheck = not disable_gpg_check conf.localpkg_gpgcheck = not disable_gpg_check # Don't prompt for user confirmations conf.assumeyes = True # Set certificate validation conf.sslverify = sslverify # Set installroot conf.installroot = installroot # Load substitutions from the filesystem conf.substitutions.update_from_etc(installroot) # Handle different DNF versions immutable mutable datatypes and # dnf v1/v2/v3 # # In DNF < 3.0 are lists, and modifying them works # In DNF >= 3.0 < 3.6 are lists, but modifying them doesn't work # In DNF >= 3.6 have been turned into tuples, to communicate that modifying them doesn't work # # https://www.happyassassin.net/2018/06/27/adams-debugging-adventures-the-immutable-mutable-object/ # # Set excludes if self.exclude: _excludes = list(conf.exclude) _excludes.extend(self.exclude) conf.exclude = _excludes # Set disable_excludes if self.disable_excludes: _disable_excludes = list(conf.disable_excludes) if self.disable_excludes not in _disable_excludes: _disable_excludes.append(self.disable_excludes) conf.disable_excludes = _disable_excludes # Set releasever if self.releasever is not None: conf.substitutions['releasever'] = self.releasever if conf.substitutions.get('releasever') is None: self.module.warn( 'Unable to detect release version (use "releasever" option to specify release version)' ) # values of conf.substitutions are expected to be strings # setting this to an empty string instead of None appears to mimic the DNF CLI behavior conf.substitutions['releasever'] = '' # Honor installroot for dnf directories # This will also perform variable substitutions in the paths for opt in ('cachedir', 'logdir', 'persistdir'): conf.prepend_installroot(opt) # Set skip_broken (in dnf this is strict=0) if self.skip_broken: conf.strict = 0 # best and nobest are mutually exclusive if self.nobest is not None: conf.best = not self.nobest elif self.best is not None: conf.best = self.best if self.download_only: conf.downloadonly = True if self.download_dir: conf.destdir = self.download_dir if self.cacheonly: conf.cacheonly = True # Default in dnf upstream is true conf.clean_requirements_on_remove = self.autoremove # Default in dnf (and module default) is True conf.install_weak_deps = self.install_weak_deps def _specify_repositories(self, base, disablerepo, enablerepo): """Enable and disable repositories matching the provided patterns.""" base.read_all_repos() repos = base.repos # Disable repositories for repo_pattern in disablerepo: if repo_pattern: for repo in repos.get_matching(repo_pattern): repo.disable() # Enable repositories for repo_pattern in enablerepo: if repo_pattern: for repo in repos.get_matching(repo_pattern): repo.enable() for repo in base.repos.iter_enabled(): if self.disable_gpg_check: repo.gpgcheck = False repo.repo_gpgcheck = False def _base(self, conf_file, disable_gpg_check, disablerepo, enablerepo, installroot, sslverify): """Return a fully configured dnf Base object.""" base = dnf.Base() self._configure_base(base, conf_file, disable_gpg_check, installroot, sslverify) try: # this method has been supported in dnf-4.2.17-6 or later # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1788212 base.setup_loggers() except AttributeError: pass try: base.init_plugins(set(self.disable_plugin), set(self.enable_plugin)) base.pre_configure_plugins() except AttributeError: pass # older versions of dnf didn't require this and don't have these methods self._specify_repositories(base, disablerepo, enablerepo) try: base.configure_plugins() except AttributeError: pass # older versions of dnf didn't require this and don't have these methods try: if self.update_cache: try: base.update_cache() except dnf.exceptions.RepoError as e: self.module.fail_json( msg="{0}".format(to_text(e)), results=[], rc=1 ) base.fill_sack(load_system_repo='auto') except dnf.exceptions.RepoError as e: self.module.fail_json( msg="{0}".format(to_text(e)), results=[], rc=1 ) add_security_filters = getattr(base, "add_security_filters", None) if callable(add_security_filters): filters = {} if self.bugfix: filters.setdefault('types', []).append('bugfix') if self.security: filters.setdefault('types', []).append('security') if filters: add_security_filters('eq', **filters) else: filters = [] if self.bugfix: key = {'advisory_type__eq': 'bugfix'} filters.append(base.sack.query().upgrades().filter(**key)) if self.security: key = {'advisory_type__eq': 'security'} filters.append(base.sack.query().upgrades().filter(**key)) if filters: base._update_security_filters = filters return base def list_items(self, command): """List package info based on the command.""" # Rename updates to upgrades if command == 'updates': command = 'upgrades' # Return the corresponding packages if command in ['installed', 'upgrades', 'available']: results = [ self._package_dict(package) for package in getattr(self.base.sack.query(), command)()] # Return the enabled repository ids elif command in ['repos', 'repositories']: results = [ {'repoid': repo.id, 'state': 'enabled'} for repo in self.base.repos.iter_enabled()] # Return any matching packages else: packages = dnf.subject.Subject(command).get_best_query(self.base.sack) results = [self._package_dict(package) for package in packages] self.module.exit_json(msg="", results=results) def _is_installed(self, pkg): return bool( dnf.subject.Subject(pkg).get_best_query(sack=self.base.sack).installed().run() ) def _is_newer_version_installed(self, pkg_name): try: if isinstance(pkg_name, dnf.package.Package): available = pkg_name else: available = sorted( dnf.subject.Subject(pkg_name).get_best_query(sack=self.base.sack).available().run() )[-1] installed = sorted(self.base.sack.query().installed().filter(name=available.name).run())[-1] except IndexError: return False return installed > available def _mark_package_install(self, pkg_spec, upgrade=False): """Mark the package for install.""" is_newer_version_installed = self._is_newer_version_installed(pkg_spec) is_installed = self._is_installed(pkg_spec) msg = '' try: if is_newer_version_installed: if self.allow_downgrade: # dnf only does allow_downgrade, we have to handle this ourselves # because it allows a possibility for non-idempotent transactions # on a system's package set (pending the yum repo has many old # NVRs indexed) if upgrade: if is_installed: # Case 1 # TODO: Is this case reachable? # # _is_installed() demands a name (*not* NVR) or else is always False # (wildcards are treated literally). # # Meanwhile, _is_newer_version_installed() demands something versioned # or else is always false. # # I fail to see how they can both be true at the same time for any # given pkg_spec. -re self.base.upgrade(pkg_spec) else: # Case 2 self.base.install(pkg_spec, strict=self.base.conf.strict) else: # Case 3 self.base.install(pkg_spec, strict=self.base.conf.strict) else: # Case 4, Nothing to do, report back pass elif is_installed: # A potentially older (or same) version is installed if upgrade: # Case 5 self.base.upgrade(pkg_spec) else: # Case 6, Nothing to do, report back pass else: # Case 7, The package is not installed, simply install it self.base.install(pkg_spec, strict=self.base.conf.strict) except dnf.exceptions.MarkingError as e: msg = "No package {0} available.".format(pkg_spec) if self.base.conf.strict: return { 'failed': True, 'msg': msg, 'failure': " ".join((pkg_spec, to_native(e))), 'rc': 1, "results": [] } except dnf.exceptions.DepsolveError as e: return { 'failed': True, 'msg': "Depsolve Error occurred for package {0}.".format(pkg_spec), 'failure': " ".join((pkg_spec, to_native(e))), 'rc': 1, "results": [] } except dnf.exceptions.Error as e: if to_text("already installed") in to_text(e): return {'failed': False, 'msg': '', 'failure': ''} else: return { 'failed': True, 'msg': "Unknown Error occurred for package {0}.".format(pkg_spec), 'failure': " ".join((pkg_spec, to_native(e))), 'rc': 1, "results": [] } return {'failed': False, 'msg': msg, 'failure': '', 'rc': 0} def _parse_spec_group_file(self): pkg_specs, grp_specs, module_specs, filenames = [], [], [], [] already_loaded_comps = False # Only load this if necessary, it's slow for name in self.names: if '://' in name: name = fetch_file(self.module, name) filenames.append(name) elif name.endswith(".rpm"): filenames.append(name) elif name.startswith('/'): # dnf install /usr/bin/vi installed = self.base.sack.query().filter(provides=name, file=name).installed().run() if installed: pkg_specs.append(installed[0].name) # should be only one? elif not self.update_only: # not installed, pass the filename for dnf to process pkg_specs.append(name) elif name.startswith("@") or ('/' in name): if not already_loaded_comps: self.base.read_comps() already_loaded_comps = True grp_env_mdl_candidate = name[1:].strip() if self.with_modules: mdl = self.module_base._get_modules(grp_env_mdl_candidate) if mdl[0]: module_specs.append(grp_env_mdl_candidate) else: grp_specs.append(grp_env_mdl_candidate) else: grp_specs.append(grp_env_mdl_candidate) else: pkg_specs.append(name) return pkg_specs, grp_specs, module_specs, filenames def _update_only(self, pkgs): not_installed = [] for pkg in pkgs: if self._is_installed( self._package_dict(pkg)["nevra"] if isinstance(pkg, dnf.package.Package) else pkg ): try: if isinstance(pkg, dnf.package.Package): self.base.package_upgrade(pkg) else: self.base.upgrade(pkg) except Exception as e: self.module.fail_json( msg="Error occurred attempting update_only operation: {0}".format(to_native(e)), results=[], rc=1, ) else: not_installed.append(pkg) return not_installed def _install_remote_rpms(self, filenames): if int(dnf.__version__.split(".")[0]) >= 2: pkgs = list(sorted(self.base.add_remote_rpms(list(filenames)), reverse=True)) else: pkgs = [] try: for filename in filenames: pkgs.append(self.base.add_remote_rpm(filename)) except IOError as e: if to_text("Can not load RPM file") in to_text(e): self.module.fail_json( msg="Error occurred attempting remote rpm install of package: {0}. {1}".format(filename, to_native(e)), results=[], rc=1, ) if self.update_only: self._update_only(pkgs) else: for pkg in pkgs: try: if self._is_newer_version_installed(pkg): if self.allow_downgrade: self.base.package_install(pkg, strict=self.base.conf.strict) else: self.base.package_install(pkg, strict=self.base.conf.strict) except Exception as e: self.module.fail_json( msg="Error occurred attempting remote rpm operation: {0}".format(to_native(e)), results=[], rc=1, ) def _is_module_installed(self, module_spec): if self.with_modules: module_spec = module_spec.strip() module_list, nsv = self.module_base._get_modules(module_spec) enabled_streams = self.base._moduleContainer.getEnabledStream(nsv.name) if enabled_streams: if nsv.stream: if nsv.stream in enabled_streams: return True # The provided stream was found else: return False # The provided stream was not found else: return True # No stream provided, but module found return False # seems like a sane default def ensure(self): response = { 'msg': "", 'changed': False, 'results': [], 'rc': 0 } # Accumulate failures. Package management modules install what they can # and fail with a message about what they can't. failure_response = { 'msg': "", 'failures': [], 'results': [], 'rc': 1 } # Autoremove is called alone # Jump to remove path where base.autoremove() is run if not self.names and self.autoremove: self.names = [] self.state = 'absent' if self.names == ['*'] and self.state == 'latest': try: self.base.upgrade_all() except dnf.exceptions.DepsolveError as e: failure_response['msg'] = "Depsolve Error occurred attempting to upgrade all packages" self.module.fail_json(**failure_response) else: pkg_specs, group_specs, module_specs, filenames = self._parse_spec_group_file() pkg_specs = [p.strip() for p in pkg_specs] filenames = [f.strip() for f in filenames] groups = [] environments = [] for group_spec in (g.strip() for g in group_specs): group = self.base.comps.group_by_pattern(group_spec) if group: groups.append(group.id) else: environment = self.base.comps.environment_by_pattern(group_spec) if environment: environments.append(environment.id) else: self.module.fail_json( msg="No group {0} available.".format(group_spec), results=[], ) if self.state in ['installed', 'present']: # Install files. self._install_remote_rpms(filenames) for filename in filenames: response['results'].append("Installed {0}".format(filename)) # Install modules if module_specs and self.with_modules: for module in module_specs: try: if not self._is_module_installed(module): response['results'].append("Module {0} installed.".format(module)) self.module_base.install([module]) self.module_base.enable([module]) except dnf.exceptions.MarkingErrors as e: failure_response['failures'].append(' '.join((module, to_native(e)))) # Install groups. for group in groups: try: group_pkg_count_installed = self.base.group_install(group, dnf.const.GROUP_PACKAGE_TYPES) if group_pkg_count_installed == 0: response['results'].append("Group {0} already installed.".format(group)) else: response['results'].append("Group {0} installed.".format(group)) except dnf.exceptions.DepsolveError as e: failure_response['msg'] = "Depsolve Error occurred attempting to install group: {0}".format(group) self.module.fail_json(**failure_response) except dnf.exceptions.Error as e: # In dnf 2.0 if all the mandatory packages in a group do # not install, an error is raised. We want to capture # this but still install as much as possible. failure_response['failures'].append(" ".join((group, to_native(e)))) for environment in environments: try: self.base.environment_install(environment, dnf.const.GROUP_PACKAGE_TYPES) except dnf.exceptions.DepsolveError as e: failure_response['msg'] = "Depsolve Error occurred attempting to install environment: {0}".format(environment) self.module.fail_json(**failure_response) except dnf.exceptions.Error as e: failure_response['failures'].append(" ".join((environment, to_native(e)))) if module_specs and not self.with_modules: # This means that the group or env wasn't found in comps self.module.fail_json( msg="No group {0} available.".format(module_specs[0]), results=[], ) # Install packages. if self.update_only: not_installed = self._update_only(pkg_specs) for spec in not_installed: response['results'].append("Packages providing %s not installed due to update_only specified" % spec) else: for pkg_spec in pkg_specs: install_result = self._mark_package_install(pkg_spec) if install_result['failed']: if install_result['msg']: failure_response['msg'] += install_result['msg'] failure_response['failures'].append(self._sanitize_dnf_error_msg_install(pkg_spec, install_result['failure'])) else: if install_result['msg']: response['results'].append(install_result['msg']) elif self.state == 'latest': # "latest" is same as "installed" for filenames. self._install_remote_rpms(filenames) for filename in filenames: response['results'].append("Installed {0}".format(filename)) # Upgrade modules if module_specs and self.with_modules: for module in module_specs: try: if self._is_module_installed(module): response['results'].append("Module {0} upgraded.".format(module)) self.module_base.upgrade([module]) except dnf.exceptions.MarkingErrors as e: failure_response['failures'].append(' '.join((module, to_native(e)))) for group in groups: try: try: self.base.group_upgrade(group) response['results'].append("Group {0} upgraded.".format(group)) except dnf.exceptions.CompsError: if not self.update_only: # If not already installed, try to install. group_pkg_count_installed = self.base.group_install(group, dnf.const.GROUP_PACKAGE_TYPES) if group_pkg_count_installed == 0: response['results'].append("Group {0} already installed.".format(group)) else: response['results'].append("Group {0} installed.".format(group)) except dnf.exceptions.Error as e: failure_response['failures'].append(" ".join((group, to_native(e)))) for environment in environments: try: try: self.base.environment_upgrade(environment) except dnf.exceptions.CompsError: # If not already installed, try to install. self.base.environment_install(environment, dnf.const.GROUP_PACKAGE_TYPES) except dnf.exceptions.DepsolveError as e: failure_response['msg'] = "Depsolve Error occurred attempting to install environment: {0}".format(environment) except dnf.exceptions.Error as e: failure_response['failures'].append(" ".join((environment, to_native(e)))) if self.update_only: not_installed = self._update_only(pkg_specs) for spec in not_installed: response['results'].append("Packages providing %s not installed due to update_only specified" % spec) else: for pkg_spec in pkg_specs: install_result = self._mark_package_install(pkg_spec, upgrade=True) if install_result['failed']: if install_result['msg']: failure_response['msg'] += install_result['msg'] failure_response['failures'].append(self._sanitize_dnf_error_msg_install(pkg_spec, install_result['failure'])) else: if install_result['msg']: response['results'].append(install_result['msg']) else: # state == absent if filenames: self.module.fail_json( msg="Cannot remove paths -- please specify package name.", results=[], ) # Remove modules if module_specs and self.with_modules: for module in module_specs: try: if self._is_module_installed(module): response['results'].append("Module {0} removed.".format(module)) self.module_base.remove([module]) self.module_base.disable([module]) self.module_base.reset([module]) except dnf.exceptions.MarkingErrors as e: failure_response['failures'].append(' '.join((module, to_native(e)))) for group in groups: try: self.base.group_remove(group) except dnf.exceptions.CompsError: # Group is already uninstalled. pass except AttributeError: # Group either isn't installed or wasn't marked installed at install time # because of DNF bug # # This is necessary until the upstream dnf API bug is fixed where installing # a group via the dnf API doesn't actually mark the group as installed # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1620324 pass for environment in environments: try: self.base.environment_remove(environment) except dnf.exceptions.CompsError: # Environment is already uninstalled. pass installed = self.base.sack.query().installed() for pkg_spec in pkg_specs: # short-circuit installed check for wildcard matching if '*' in pkg_spec: try: self.base.remove(pkg_spec) except dnf.exceptions.MarkingError as e: is_failure, handled_remove_error = self._sanitize_dnf_error_msg_remove(pkg_spec, to_native(e)) if is_failure: failure_response['failures'].append('{0} - {1}'.format(pkg_spec, to_native(e))) else: response['results'].append(handled_remove_error) continue installed_pkg = dnf.subject.Subject(pkg_spec).get_best_query( sack=self.base.sack).installed().run() for pkg in installed_pkg: self.base.remove(str(pkg)) # Like the dnf CLI we want to allow recursive removal of dependent # packages self.allowerasing = True if self.autoremove: self.base.autoremove() try: # NOTE for people who go down the rabbit hole of figuring out why # resolve() throws DepsolveError here on dep conflict, but not when # called from the CLI: It's controlled by conf.best. When best is # set, Hawkey will fail the goal, and resolve() in dnf.base.Base # will throw. Otherwise if it's not set, the update (install) will # be (almost silently) removed from the goal, and Hawkey will report # success. Note that in this case, similar to the CLI, skip_broken # does nothing to help here, so we don't take it into account at # all. if not self.base.resolve(allow_erasing=self.allowerasing): if failure_response['failures']: failure_response['msg'] = 'Failed to install some of the specified packages' self.module.fail_json(**failure_response) response['msg'] = "Nothing to do" self.module.exit_json(**response) else: response['changed'] = True # If packages got installed/removed, add them to the results. # We do this early so we can use it for both check_mode and not. if self.download_only: install_action = 'Downloaded' else: install_action = 'Installed' for package in self.base.transaction.install_set: response['results'].append("{0}: {1}".format(install_action, package)) for package in self.base.transaction.remove_set: response['results'].append("Removed: {0}".format(package)) if failure_response['failures']: failure_response['msg'] = 'Failed to install some of the specified packages' self.module.fail_json(**failure_response) if self.module.check_mode: response['msg'] = "Check mode: No changes made, but would have if not in check mode" self.module.exit_json(**response) try: if self.download_only and self.download_dir and self.base.conf.destdir: dnf.util.ensure_dir(self.base.conf.destdir) self.base.repos.all().pkgdir = self.base.conf.destdir self.base.download_packages(self.base.transaction.install_set) except dnf.exceptions.DownloadError as e: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to download packages: {0}".format(to_text(e)), results=[], ) # Validate GPG. This is NOT done in dnf.Base (it's done in the # upstream CLI subclass of dnf.Base) if not self.disable_gpg_check: for package in self.base.transaction.install_set: fail = False gpgres, gpgerr = self.base._sig_check_pkg(package) if gpgres == 0: # validated successfully continue elif gpgres == 1: # validation failed, install cert? try: self.base._get_key_for_package(package) except dnf.exceptions.Error as e: fail = True else: # fatal error fail = True if fail: msg = 'Failed to validate GPG signature for {0}: {1}'.format(package, gpgerr) self.module.fail_json(msg) if self.download_only: # No further work left to do, and the results were already updated above. # Just return them. self.module.exit_json(**response) else: tid = self.base.do_transaction() if tid is not None: transaction = self.base.history.old([tid])[0] if transaction.return_code: failure_response['failures'].append(transaction.output()) if failure_response['failures']: failure_response['msg'] = 'Failed to install some of the specified packages' self.module.fail_json(**failure_response) self.module.exit_json(**response) except dnf.exceptions.DepsolveError as e: failure_response['msg'] = "Depsolve Error occurred: {0}".format(to_native(e)) self.module.fail_json(**failure_response) except dnf.exceptions.Error as e: if to_text("already installed") in to_text(e): response['changed'] = False response['results'].append("Package already installed: {0}".format(to_native(e))) self.module.exit_json(**response) else: failure_response['msg'] = "Unknown Error occurred: {0}".format(to_native(e)) self.module.fail_json(**failure_response) def run(self): """The main function.""" # Check if autoremove is called correctly if self.autoremove: if LooseVersion(dnf.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.0.1'): self.module.fail_json( msg="Autoremove requires dnf>=2.0.1. Current dnf version is %s" % dnf.__version__, results=[], ) # Check if download_dir is called correctly if self.download_dir: if LooseVersion(dnf.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.6.2'): self.module.fail_json( msg="download_dir requires dnf>=2.6.2. Current dnf version is %s" % dnf.__version__, results=[], ) if self.update_cache and not self.names and not self.list: self.base = self._base( self.conf_file, self.disable_gpg_check, self.disablerepo, self.enablerepo, self.installroot, self.sslverify ) self.module.exit_json( msg="Cache updated", changed=False, results=[], rc=0 ) # Set state as installed by default # This is not set in AnsibleModule() because the following shouldn't happen # - dnf: autoremove=yes state=installed if self.state is None: self.state = 'installed' if self.list: self.base = self._base( self.conf_file, self.disable_gpg_check, self.disablerepo, self.enablerepo, self.installroot, self.sslverify ) self.list_items(self.list) else: # Note: base takes a long time to run so we want to check for failure # before running it. if not self.download_only and not dnf.util.am_i_root(): self.module.fail_json( msg="This command has to be run under the root user.", results=[], ) self.base = self._base( self.conf_file, self.disable_gpg_check, self.disablerepo, self.enablerepo, self.installroot, self.sslverify ) if self.with_modules: self.module_base = dnf.module.module_base.ModuleBase(self.base) try: self.ensure() finally: self.base.close() def main(): # state=installed name=pkgspec # state=removed name=pkgspec # state=latest name=pkgspec # # informational commands: # list=installed # list=updates # list=available # list=repos # list=pkgspec yumdnf_argument_spec['argument_spec']['use_backend'] = dict(default='auto', choices=['auto', 'yum', 'yum4', 'dnf4', 'dnf5']) module = AnsibleModule( **yumdnf_argument_spec ) module_implementation = DnfModule(module) try: module_implementation.run() except dnf.exceptions.RepoError as de: module.fail_json( msg="Failed to synchronize repodata: {0}".format(to_native(de)), rc=1, results=[], changed=False ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()