.. _collection_release_without_branches: Releasing collections without release branches =============================================== Since no release branches are used, this section does not distinguish between releasing a major, minor, or patch version. .. contents:: :local: Release planning and announcement ---------------------------------- #. Examine the collection to determine if there are merged changes to release. #. According to the changes made, choose an appropriate release version number. Keep in mind that the collections must follow the `semantic versioning `_ rules. See :ref:`collection_versioning_and_deprecation` for details. #. Announce your intention to release the collection in a corresponding pinned release issue or community pinboard of the collection and in the ``community`` :ref:`Matrix/IRC channel `. Creating the release branch ---------------------------- 1. Ensure you are in a default branch in your local fork. We use ``main`` in the following examples. .. code:: bash git status git checkout main # if needed 2. Update your local fork: .. code:: bash git pull --rebase upstream main 3. Checkout a new release branch from the default branch: .. code:: bash git checkout -b release_branch 4. Ensure the ``galaxy.yml`` contains the correct release version number. Generating the changelog ------------------------- 1. Add a changelog fragment ``changelogs/fragments/X.Y.Z.yml`` with content: .. code:: yaml release_summary: |- Write some text here that should appear as the release summary for this version. The format is reStructuredText, but not a list as for regular changelog fragments. This text will be inserted into the changelog. For example: .. code:: yaml release_summary: |- This is the minor release of the ``community.mysql`` collection. This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection that have been made after the previous release. 2. If the content was recently moved from another collection (for example, migrating a module from one collection to another), ensure you have all related changelog fragments in the ``changelogs/fragments`` directory. If not, copy them previously. 3. Run ``antsibull-changelog release --reload-plugins`` . This package should previously be installed with ``pip install antsibull-changelog``. 4. Verify that the ``CHANGELOG.rst`` looks as expected. 5. Commit and push changes to the ``CHANGELOG.rst`` and ``changelogs/changelog.yaml``, and potentially deleted/archived fragments to the ``origin`` repository's ``release_branch``. .. code:: bash git commit -a -m "Release VERSION commit" git push origin release_branch 6. Create a pull request in the collection repository. If CI tests pass, merge it. 7. Checkout the default branch and pull the changes: .. code:: bash git checkout main git pull --rebase upstream main Publish the collection ----------------------------------- 1. Add an annotated tag to the release commit with the collection version. Pushing this tag to the ``upstream`` repository will make Zuul publish the collection on `Ansible Galaxy `_. .. code:: bash git tag -n # see current tags and their comments git tag -a NEW_VERSION -m "comment here" # the comment can be, for example, "community.postgresql: 1.2.0" git push upstream NEW_VERSION 2. Wait until the new version is published on the collection's `Ansible Galaxy `_ page. It will appear in a list of tarballs available to download. 3. Update the version in the ``galaxy.yml`` file to the next **expected** version. Add, commit, and push to the ``upstream``'s default branch. 4. Add a GitHub release for the new tag. Title should be the version and content ``See https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.xxx/blob/main/CHANGELOG.rst for all changes``. 5. Announce the release through the `Bullhorn Newsletter issue `_. 6. Announce the release in the pinned release issue/community pinboard of the collection mentioned in step 3 and in the ``community`` :ref:`Matrix/IRC channel `.