--- # these are extra tests for psrp that aren't covered under test/integration/targets/connection/* - name: test out psrp specific tests hosts: windows serial: 1 gather_facts: no tasks: - name: reboot the host ansible.windows.win_reboot: - name: test complex objects in raw output # until PyYAML is upgraded to 4.x we need to use the \U escape for a unicode codepoint # and enclose in a quote to it translates the \U raw: " [PSCustomObject]@{string = 'string'}; [PSCustomObject]@{unicode = 'poo - \U0001F4A9'}; [PSCustomObject]@{integer = 1}; [PSCustomObject]@{list = @(1, 2)}; Get-Service -Name winrm; Write-Output -InputObject 'string - \U0001F4A9';" register: raw_out - name: assert complex objects in raw output assert: that: - raw_out.stdout_lines|count == 6 - "raw_out.stdout_lines[0] == 'string: string'" - "raw_out.stdout_lines[1] == 'unicode: poo - \U0001F4A9'" - "raw_out.stdout_lines[2] == 'integer: 1'" - "raw_out.stdout_lines[3] == \"list: [1, 2]\"" - raw_out.stdout_lines[4] == "winrm" - raw_out.stdout_lines[5] == "string - \U0001F4A9" - name: test out become with psrp win_whoami: register: whoami_out become: yes become_method: runas become_user: SYSTEM - name: assert test out become with psrp assert: that: - whoami_out.account.sid == "S-1-5-18" - name: test out async with psrp win_shell: Start-Sleep -Seconds 2; Write-Output abc async: 10 poll: 1 register: async_out - name: assert est out async with psrp assert: that: - async_out.stdout_lines == ["abc"] - name: Output unicode characters from Powershell using PSRP win_command: "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Command \"Write-Host '\U0001F4A9'\"" register: command_unicode_output - name: Assert unicode output assert: that: - command_unicode_output is changed - command_unicode_output.rc == 0 - "command_unicode_output.stdout == '\U0001F4A9\n'" - command_unicode_output.stderr == '' - name: Output unicode characters from Powershell using PSRP win_shell: "Write-Host '\U0001F4A9'" register: shell_unicode_output - name: Assert unicode output assert: that: - shell_unicode_output is changed - shell_unicode_output.rc == 0 - "shell_unicode_output.stdout == '\U0001F4A9\n'" - shell_unicode_output.stderr == '' - name: copy empty file win_copy: src: empty.txt dest: C:\Windows\TEMP\empty.txt register: copy_empty - name: get result of copy empty file win_stat: path: C:\Windows\TEMP\empty.txt get_checksum: yes register: copy_empty_actual - name: assert copy empty file assert: that: - copy_empty.checksum == 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' - copy_empty_actual.stat.checksum == 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' - copy_empty_actual.stat.size == 0 - block: - name: fetch empty file fetch: src: C:\Windows\TEMP\empty.txt dest: /tmp/empty.txt flat: yes register: fetch_empty - name: get result of fetch empty file stat: path: /tmp/empty.txt get_checksum: yes register: fetch_empty_actual delegate_to: localhost - name: assert fetch empty file assert: that: - fetch_empty.checksum == 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' - fetch_empty_actual.stat.checksum == 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' - fetch_empty_actual.stat.size == 0 always: - name: remove tmp file file: path: /tmp/empty.txt state: absent delegate_to: localhost